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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[COUNTRY] Country
[Q1] What is your role in the family?
[Q2] How many children do you have in your care?
[Q3] Which of the following sentences best describe your family composition?
[Q4_1] How are your child/ren cared for during weekdays? I care for my small (under school age) child/children at home.
[Q4_2] How are your child/ren cared for during weekdays? My child/children attend childcare / early childhood education.
[Q4_3] How are your child/ren cared for during weekdays? My child/children go to primary school (ISCED 1).
[Q4_4] How are your child/ren cared for during weekdays? My child/children go to lower secondary school (ISCED 2).
[Q4_5] How are your child/ren cared for during weekdays? My child/children go to upper secondary school (ISCED 3).
[Q4_6] How are your child/ren cared for during weekdays? My child/children have already finished school.
[Q4_1_UK] How are your child/children cared for during weekdays? (Child 1, United Kingdom)
[Q4_2_UK] How are your child/children cared for during weekdays? (Child 2, United Kingdom)
[Q4_3_UK] How are your child/children cared for during weekdays? (Child 3, United Kingdom)
[Q4_4_UK] How are your child/children cared for during weekdays? (Child 4, United Kingdom)
[Q4_5_UK] How are your child/children cared for during weekdays? (Child 5, United Kingdom)
[Q5] What is your highest achieved education level?
[Q6] What is your country of birth?
[Q6_1] What was your initial reason for moving to the country of inquiry?
[Q7] What is your native language?
[Q7_1] Please, mark the sentence that best describe your [local language] skills:
[Q8] Which languages do you use at home?
[Q9_1_1] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak the local language with my friends.
[Q9_1_2] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak my native language with my friends.
[Q9_1_3] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak different languages with my friends.
[Q9_2_1] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak the local language with neighbours.
[Q9_2_2] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak my native language with neighbours.
[Q9_2_3] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak different languages with neighbours.
[Q9_3_1] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak the local language with teachers.
[Q9_3_2] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak my native language with teachers.
[Q9_3_3] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak different languages with teachers.
[Q9_3_4] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I need translation and/or interpretation in communication with teachers.
[Q9_4_1] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak the local language when dealing with public services.
[Q9_4_2] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak my native language when dealing with public services.
[Q9_4_3] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I speak different languages when dealing with public services.
[Q9_4_4] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: I need translation and/or interpretation in communication with teachers and when dealing with other public services.
[Q9_1] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: (Poland, United Kingdom)
[Q9_2] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: (Poland, United Kingdom)
[Q9_3] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: (Poland, United Kingdom)
[Q9_4] Please mark the choices that best describe your language use in different situations: (Poland, United Kingdom)
[Q10_1] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? My children like going to school.
[Q10_2] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? My children have good relations to their classmates.
[Q10_3] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? My children enjoy learning new things.
[Q10_4] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? My children have good skills for schoolwork.
[Q10_5] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? My children can manage school tasks as well as other children do.
[Q10_6] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? The school tasks at home are easy for them.
[Q10_7] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? They can find a solution to each problem.
[Q10_8] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? If they are confronted with something new, they know how to deal with it.
[Q10_1_PL] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? My children like going to school. (Poland)
[Q10_2_PL] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? My children have good relations to their classmates. (Poland)
[Q10_3_PL] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? My children enjoy learning new things. (Poland)
[Q10_4_PL] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? My children have good skills for schoolwork. (Poland)
[Q10_5_PL] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? My children can manage school tasks as well as other children do. (Poland)
[Q10_6_PL] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? The school tasks at home are easy for them. (Poland)
[Q10_7_PL] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? They can find a solution to each problem. (Poland)
[Q10_8_PL] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning your children's schoolwork? If they are confronted with something new, they know how to deal with it. (Poland)
[Q11_1] Please mark whether your children have encountered the following situations, and how often: New situations and surroundings, that they are not familiar with (e.g., changing to a new class/school; moving to a new country or community)
[Q11_2] Please mark whether your children have encountered the following situations, and how often: Trouble in school
[Q11_3] Please mark whether your children have encountered the following situations, and how often: Troubles with making their point of view understood or expressing opinions when their classmates or teachers disagree
[Q11_1_2] Mark whether your children have encountered the following situations, and how often: New situations and surroundings, that they are not familiar with (e.g., changing to a new class; moving to a new country) (2nd child, Germany)
[Q11_2_2] Please mark whether your children have encountered the following situations, and how often: Trouble in school (Second child, Germany)
[Q11_3_2] Please mark whether your children have encountered the following situations, and how often: Troubles with making their point of view understood or expressing opinions when their classmates or teachers disagree (2nd child, Germany)
[Q12] Have you been able to support your children in these situations?
[Q12_2_GE] Have you been able to support your children in these situations? (Second child, Germany)
[Q13_1] Who else provided help or collaborated with you in these situations? Your spouse/partner
[Q13_2] Who else provided help or collaborated with you in these situations? Your parents
[Q13_3] Who else provided help or collaborated with you in these situations? Other family members
[Q13_4] Who else provided help or collaborated with you in these situations? Teacher/s
[Q13_5] Who else provided help or collaborated with you in these situations? Friend/s
[Q13_6] Who else provided help or collaborated with you in these situations? Social worker
[Q13_7] Who else provided help or collaborated with you in these situations? Neighbour
[Q13_8] Who else provided help or collaborated with you in these situations? Someone else, who?
[Q13_9] Who else provided help or collaborated with you in these situations? You didn't get any help
[Q13_UK] Who else provided help or collaborated with you in these situations? (United Kingdom)
[Q14] What is the main communication channel you use with teachers?
[Q14_1] What is the main communication channel you use with teachers? A designated web portal for parent-school communication. (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q14_2] What is the main communication channel you use with teachers? Written messages or notebook carried by children. (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q14_3] What is the main communication channel you use with teachers? Face to face meetings with teacher/s. (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q14_4] What is the main communication channel you use with teachers? Messages by phone or social media apps. (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q14_5] What is the main communication channel you use with teachers? General meetings or festivities at school. (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q14_6] What is the main communication channel you use with teachers? I rely on other parents/mediator, that I can informally contact. (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q14_7] What is the main communication channel you use with teachers? Other, which? (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q15] How satisfied are you with teacher-parent communication, in general? The communication works...
[Q16] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication?
[Q16_1] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication? Lack of proper communication channels. (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q16_2] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication? Lack of common language skills. (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q16_3] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication? Lack of school interest. (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q16_4] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication? Your own work load. (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q16_5] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication? Teacher's limited resources and capacities. (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q16_6] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication? Other, which? (Multiple choice, Sweden, Poland)
[Q17_1] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences describing living together in our society? [Country] would be a better place, if members of different groups kept their own way of life alive.
[Q17_2] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences describing living together in our society? People who come to [country], should change their way of life to be more like "us"
[Q17_3] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences? If the members of different groups want to maintain their own culture, they should keep it to themselves, and not bother other people in this country.
[Q17_4] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences describing living together in our society? It would be good to see, if all the groups in [country] retain their cultures.
[Q17_5] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences describing living together in our society? A society, which has a variety of groups, is more able to tackle new problems as they occur.
[Q17_6] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences describing living together in our society? It is best for [country] if all immigrants forget their cultural background as soon as possible.
[Q17_7] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences describing living together in our society? Mingling different cultures would be the best way of managing differences.
[Q17_8] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences describing living together in our society? Cultural influences and personal expressions always mingle.
[Q17_9] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences describing living together in our society? Culture is not important to explain people's personal behavior.
[Q17_11] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences describing living together in our society? Having many different cultural groups in [country] makes it difficult to solve problems.