Select variable
[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[COUNTRY] Country of inquiry
[Q1] What is your gender?
[Q2] What is your country of birth?
[Q3_1] What is the country of birth of your parents? Country of birth of my mother:
[Q3_2] What is the country of birth of your parents? Country of birth of my father:
[Q4] How many years you have worked in social work, social services? (aggregated)
[Q5_1] What is your current field of social work expertise focused on children and young people? If you work in several areas, please mark as many choices as needed: Social work with families with small children
[Q5_2] What is your current field of social work expertise focused on children and young people? If you work in several areas, please mark as many choices as needed: Social work with families with teenagers
[Q5_3] What is your current field of social work expertise focused on children and young people? If you work in several areas, please mark as many choices as needed: Refugee resettlement
[Q5_4] What is your current field of social work expertise focused on children and young people? If you work in several areas, please mark as many choices as needed: Social work with clients with special needs
[Q5_5] What is your current field of social work expertise focused on children and young people? If you work in several areas, please mark as many choices as needed: Child protection
[Q5_6] What is your current field of social work expertise focused on children and young people? If you work in several areas, please mark as many choices as needed: Other
[Q5_7] What is your current field of social work expertise focused on children and young people? If you work in several areas, please mark as many choices as needed: Multiple
[Q6_1] How would you describe your main professional role in social work? I work at a refugee reception centre
[Q6_2] How would you describe your main professional role in social work? I work at municipal/public social service
[Q6_3] How would you describe your main professional role in social work? I work at school
[Q6_4] How would you describe your main professional role in social work? I work in child protection
[Q6_5] How would you describe your main professional role in social work? I work in another field
[Q6_SWE] How would you describe your main professional role in social work? (Sweden)
[Q7] In what sector do you mainly work?
[Q8] What is your educational background? Please choose the appropriate choice describing your formal education in social work.
[Q8_GE] What is your educational background? Please choose the appropriate choice describing your formal education in social work. (Germany)
[Q8_IT] What is your educational background? Please choose the appropriate choice describing your formal education in social work. (Italy)
[Q8_SWE] What is your educational background? (Sweden)
[Q8_1] If you don't have formal education in the field [as practical nurse, social work instructor or a social worker], what is your highest degree?
[Q8_1_IT] If you don't have formal education in the field, what is your highest degree? (Italy)
[Q8_1_UK] What is your highest degree? (United Kingdom)
[Q9] Have you participated in training that included elements of social work in multicultural or multilingual settings?
[Q10_1] What has been your main source of training/experience among social work in multicultural or multilingual settings? Formal education
[Q10_2] What has been your main source of training/experience among social work in multicultural or multilingual settings? Training that was organised by my employer
[Q10_3] What has been your main source of training/experience among social work in multicultural or multilingual settings? My own initiative
[Q11_1] Which languages do you use in your profession (as a social worker)? Please provide estimate of your fluency in that language. The local language
[Q11_2] Which languages do you use in your profession (as a social worker)? Please provide estimate of your fluency in that language. Another language
[Q11_3] Which languages do you use in your profession (as a social worker)? Please provide estimate of your fluency in that language. Another language
[Q11_4_PL] Which languages do you use in your profession (as a social worker) Please provide estimate of your fluency in that language. Another language (Poland)
[Q12_1] How do you apply linguistic resources in social work? Please mark the choice/s that best describe your situation. I use only the local language/languages
[Q12_2] How do you apply linguistic resources in social work? Please mark the choice/s that best describe your situation. I help clients in their native language
[Q12_3] How do you apply linguistic resources in social work? Please mark the choice/s that best describe your situation. I help clients in another (third) language
[Q12_4] How do you apply linguistic resources in social work? Please mark the choice/s that best describe your situation. I allow the clients use translation to their native language when needed (e.g. digital tools, dictionary)
[Q12_5] How do you apply linguistic resources in social work? Please mark the choice/s that best describe your situation. I encourage my clients to use other languages than official local language/languages as working with and for them)
[Q12_6] How do you apply linguistic resources in social work? Please mark the choice/s that best describe your situation. I encourage my clients to use their native language in their daily life
[Q12_7] How do you apply linguistic resources in social work? Please mark the choice/s that best describe your situation. We use several languages at my office/post
[Q12_8] How do you apply linguistic resources in social work? Please mark the choice/s that best describe your situation. I work together with a professional interpreter
[Q13_1] Please estimate the broad percentage of clients who have the following characteristics: Clients whose native language is different from the local language(s) or a dialect of this/these language(s)
[Q13_2] We would like to understand the variety of clients' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of clients who have the following characteristics: Clients with intellectual disabilities
[Q13_3] We would like to understand the variety of clients' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of clients who have the following characteristics: Clients with physical or mental disabilities /illnesses
[Q13_4] We would like to understand the variety of clients' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of clients who have the following characteristics: Clients with social problems
[Q13_5] We would like to understand the variety of clients' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of clients who have the following characteristics: Clients from socio-economically disadvantaged background
[Q13_6] We would like to understand the variety of clients' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of clients who have the following characteristics: Resourceful, skilled individuals
[Q13_7] We would like to understand the variety of clients' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of clients who have the following characteristics: Clients who are immigrants
[Q13_8] We would like to understand the variety of clients' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of clients who have the following characteristics: Clients who are refugees
[Q14_1] How do you rate the support provided for clients in these situations? Clients whose native language is different from the local language(s) or a dialect of this/these language(s)
[Q14_2] How do you rate the support provided for clients in these situations? Clients with intellectual disabilities
[Q14_3] How do you rate the support provided for clients in these situations? Clients with physical or mental disabilities /illnesses
[Q14_4] How do you rate the support provided for clients in these situations? Clients with social problems
[Q14_5] How do you rate the support provided for clients in these situations? Clients from socio-economically disadvantaged background
[Q14_6] How do you rate the support provided for clients in these situations? Resourceful, skilled individuals
[Q14_7] How do you rate the support provided for clients in these situations? Clients who are immigrants
[Q14_8] How do you rate the support provided for clients in these situations? Clients who are refugees
[Q15_1] As a social worker, how often do you do the following? Cope with the situational challenges in work with clients from multicultural background
[Q15_2] As a social worker, how often do you do the following? Adapt my professional orientation to the cultural diversity of clients
[Q15_3] As a social worker, how often do you do the following? Raise awareness for cultural differences amongst clients
[Q15_4] As a social worker, how often do you do the following? Reduce ethnic stereotyping of clients
[Q15_5] As a social worker, how often do you do the following? Cope with the demands that I am facing
[Q15_6] As a social worker, how often do you do the following? Feel overwhelmed in contact with my clients
[Q15_7] As a social worker, how often do you do the following? Experience problems as a challenge rather than a burden, as carrying out my profession as a social worker
[Q16_1] As a social worker, to what extent can you do the following as working with clients, basically children and/or their family member/s? I encourage children to make their opinion clear to adults
[Q16_2] As a social worker, to what extent can you do the following as working with clients? I support children's initiatives (that are not connected to my work duties) and encourage them to realise them
[Q16_3] As a social worker, to what extent can you do the following as working with clients, basically children and/or their family member/s? I allow children to discuss things/questions on their own/autonomously
[Q16_4] As a social worker, to what extent can you do the following as working with clients, basically children and/or their family member/s? If children make autonomous proposals about initiatives/activities, I support and coordinate them
[Q16_5] To what extent can you do the following as working with clients? If children have creative, new ideas about maintaining and reinforcing ability to cope in their daily life, I support and encourage them to implement these ideas
[Q16_6] As a social worker, to what extent can you do the following as working with clients, basically children and/or their family member/s? I allow children to question my thoughts and decisions
[Q16_7] As a social worker, to what extent can you do the following as working with clients, basically children and/or their family member/s? I encourage children to articulate and enforce their interests
[Q16_8] As a social worker, to what extent can you do the following as working with clients? I generally try to enhance children's activities that are not connected to social work practice, but reinforce their ability to cope in every day life
[Q17_1] How satisfied are you, as a social worker, with the below listed aspects? My occupational situation in general
[Q17_2] How satisfied are you, as a social worker, with the below listed aspects? My personal work organization
[Q17_3] How satisfied are you, as a social worker, with the below listed aspects? The performance requirements that I have for my clients
[Q17_4] How satisfied are you, as a social worker, with the below listed aspects? My work with clients in regard to content and working method
[Q17_5] How satisfied are you, as a social worker, with the below listed aspects? My relations to the clients
[Q17_6] How satisfied are you, as a social worker, with the below listed aspects? My relations to the clients' other support network (school, health care etc.)
[Q17_7] How satisfied are you, as a social worker, with the below listed aspects? The collegial support
[Q17_8] How satisfied are you, as a social worker, with the below listed aspects? The superior's support
[Q17_9] How satisfied are you, as a social worker, with the below listed aspects? All in all I am satisfied with my job
[Q18_1] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning living together in [country]? [Country] would be a better place, if members of different groups kept their own way of life alive
[Q18_2] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning living together in [country]? People who come to [country], should change their way of life to be more like 'us'
[Q18_3] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences? If the members of different groups want to maintain their own culture, they should keep it to themselves, and not bother other people in this country
[Q18_4] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning living together in [country]? It would be good to see, if all the groups in [country] retain their cultures
[Q18_5] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning living together in [country]? A society, which has a variety of groups, is more able to tackle new problems as they occur
[Q18_6] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning living together in [country]? It is best for [country] if all immigrants forget their cultural background as soon as possible
[Q18_7] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning living together in [country]? Mingling different cultures would be the best way of managing differences
[Q18_8] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning living together in [country]? Cultural influences and personal expressions always mingle
[Q18_9] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning living together in [country]? Culture is not important to explain people's personal behavior
[Q18_11] How strongly do you agree with the following sentences concerning living together in [country]? Having many different cultural groups in [country] makes it difficult to solve problems
[MIGRBACK] Migration background. Covers both those respondents who have been born outside the country of inquiry, and those respondents whose either of parents have born outside the country of inquiry.