FSD3471 Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden lääkehoidon osaaminen Suomessa ja Baltiassa 2018-2019

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Question text

In this section, your medication competence is assessed by knowledge and medication calculation test and by solving short patient vignettes. Select the answer or statement you think is correct. There is only one correct answer in the multiple choices. You can also choose to answer "I do not know".

Your patient asks your advice on her antimicrobial regimen. She will be attending a friend's party over the weekend and she is having metronidazole antimicrobial drug for an infection. Which of the following would be correct with this medication?


Category labels Value n
there is a risk for the Antabuse reaction with alcohol, and therefore no alcohol should be ingested (correct answer) 1 326
she can have a couple of glasses of wine with dinner but needs to drink moderately 2 19
she can take a couple of days' pause with the antimicrobial drug 3 10
I do not know 4 35
Displayed frequencies are not weighted

Summary statistics

Number of valid cases 390
Maximum 4
Minimum 1
Mean 1.37
Standard deviation .908

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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