FSD3508 Mental Resilience of Finnish People I 2020

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[q1_1] Name up to three things which have been giving you a sense of safety during the COVID-19 crisis? First mention. (Open-ended question)

[q1_1a] Name up to three things which have been giving you a sense of safety during the COVID-19 crisis? First mention. (Variable formed by researcher)

[q1_2] Name up to three things which have been giving you a sense of safety during the COVID-19 crisis? Second mention. (Open-ended question)

[q1_2a] Name up to three things which have been giving you a sense of safety during the COVID-19 crisis? Second mention. (Variable formed by researcher)

[q1_3] Name up to three things which have been giving you a sense of safety during the COVID-19 crisis? Third mention. (Open-ended question)

[q1_3a] Name up to three things which have been giving you a sense of safety during the COVID-19 crisis? Third mention. (Variable formed by researcher)

[q1_4a] Can't say: Name up to three things which have been giving you a sense of safety during the COVID-19 crisis? (Variable formed by researcher)

[q2_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your personal well-being, safety and security. Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: I am regularly in contact with other people

[q2_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your personal well-being, safety and security. Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: I feel part of a community or a group

[q2_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your personal well-being, safety and security. Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: I have friends with whom I can openly discuss my worries

[q2_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your personal well-being, safety and security. Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: People generally feel kindly towards each other despite the crisis

[q2_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your personal well-being, safety and security. Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: If I needed it, I would receive help from the people close to me

[q2_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your personal well-being, safety and security. Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: I trust that I will receive good treatment if I become ill

[q2_7] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your personal well-being, safety and security. Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: I am ready to help those close to me if needed

[q3_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to security and justice in society. Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: People's indifference towards restrictions creates insecurity

[q3_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to security and justice in society. Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: News headlines make me scared

[q3_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to security and justice in society. Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: I am sceptical of all news because of the possibility of fake news

[q4_1] How significant of a role do you think the following have for increasing the feeling of safety and security during the COVID-19 crisis? Finnish government

[q4_2] How significant of a role do you think the following have for increasing the feeling of safety and security during the COVID-19 crisis? The police

[q4_3] How significant of a role do you think the following have for increasing the feeling of safety and security during the COVID-19 crisis? Finnish Defence Forces

[q4_4] How significant of a role do you think the following have for increasing the feeling of safety and security during the COVID-19 crisis? Rescue services

[q4_5] How significant of a role do you think the following have for increasing the feeling of safety and security during the COVID-19 crisis? Health care authorities

[q4_6] How significant of a role do you think the following have for increasing the feeling of safety and security during the COVID-19 crisis? Social services authorities

[q4_7] How significant of a role do you think the following have for increasing the feeling of safety and security during the COVID-19 crisis? Voluntary and civic organisations

[q4_8] How significant of a role do you think the following have for increasing the feeling of safety and security during the COVID-10 crisis? The Church, parishes and other religious communities

[q4_9] How significant of a role do you think the following have for increasing the feeling of safety and security during the COVID-19 crisis? Family and relatives

[q4_10] How significant of a role do you think the following have for increasing the feeling of safety and security during the COVID-19 crisis? Friends and other people close to me

[q5_1] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Concerns about my livelihood

[q5_2] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Concerns about job security

[q5_3] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Concerns about your own health or the health of a person close to you

[q5_4] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Loneliness

[q5_5] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Restrictions on movement

[q5_6] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Restrictions on gatherings

[q5_7] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Concerns about taking care of everyday matters for yourself or for a person close to you (e.g. shopping)

[q5_8] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Concerns about economic recession

[q5_9] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Concerns about society falling into disorder

[q5_10] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Concerns about the studies of children and young people

[q5_11] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Concerns about the increase of domestic violence

[q5_12] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Concerns about your own death or the death of a person close to you

[q5_13] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Concerns about health care staff

[q5_14] To what extent do you feel burdened by the following factors related to the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 5-1: Concerns about the deterioration of people's mental health

[q6_1] How important do you think the following actions of the Evangelic-Lutheran church have been during the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 4-1: The church offers mental and spiritual support to people

[q6_2] How important do you think the following actions of the Evangelic-Lutheran church have been during the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 4-1: Parishes provide food aid

[q6_3] How important do you think the following actions of the Evangelic-Lutheran church have been during the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 4-1: Parishes offer financial support for low-income families

[q6_4] How important do you think the following actions of the Evangelic-Lutheran church have been during the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 4-1: Parishes provide assistance ws to those in isolation (e.g. elderly people)

[q6_5] How important do you think the following actions of the Evangelic-Lutheran church have been during the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 4-1: The church offers prayer meetings and church services online

[q6_6] How important do you think the following actions of the Evangelic-Lutheran church have been during the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 4-1: Church buildings are open for individual pastoral care and quiet time

[q6_7] How important do you think the following actions of the Evangelic-Lutheran church have been during the COVID-19 crisis? Give an estimate on a scale of 4-1: Finland and Finnish people are prayed for at the church

[q7] Do you belong to a church or other religious community?

[q8] How often do you pray?

[q9] Gender

[q10] Region of residence (NUTS3)

[q11] Major region (NUTS2)

[q12] Major region (NUTS2, capital area region separately)

[q13] Statistical grouping of municipalities

[q14] Exact age calculated based on time of birth

[q15] Age (categorised)

[q16] Marital status

[q17] Household composition

[q18] Number of members in the household (including yourself)

[q19] Education

[q20] Personal annual gross income (in euros)

[q21] Household's annual gross income (in euros)

[q22] Which of the following best describes your economic activity or occupational status?

[q23] Next, a list of federations of trade unions in Finland. Are you a member of a trade union that is a member of any of the following federations of trade unions?

[q24] If the parliamentary elections were held now, the representative of which political party or group would you vote for?

[paino] Weighting coefficient

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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