FSD3542 Interviews on Peer Support and Experiential Knowledge in Child and Family Services 2019-2020
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Study title
Interviews on Peer Support and Experiential Knowledge in Child and Family Services 2019-2020
Dataset ID Number
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Data Type
- Malinen, Kaisa (JAMK University of Applied Sciences)
- Moilanen, Johnanna (JAMK University of Applied Sciences)
- Punna, Mari (JAMK University of Applied Sciences)
- Kiili, Johanna (University of Jyväskylä)
- Svenlin, Anu-Riina (University of Jyväskylä)
The dataset consists of interviews with 24 directors and managers who work in child and family services. The interviews charted organisational practices related to peer support and experential knowledge in child and family services. The data were collected as part of the VerKo - Service user involvement and peer support in child and family services project.
The interviews were conducted over the phone, and they explored practices related to peer support and experiential knowledge services and activities in the organisations the interviewees worked in. The interviewees were also asked about managing peer support and experiential knowledge services and activities, and about the kinds of terms and concepts their organisations used in relation to these services. Additionally, the perceived benefits and disadvantages associated with peer support and experiental knowledge services and activities in the interviewees' organisations were investigated.
Background information included the interviewee's supervisory status, number of years worked in current position, number of years worked in managerial positions, type of employer organisation, and employer organisation's area of activity (municipal level, NUTS3 region level, national level). The data were organised into an easy to use HTML version at FSD.
The dataset is only available in Finnish.
associations; experts by experience; family benefits; management; managers; peer support; peer-group relationships; public sector; risk; social services
Topic Classification
- Social sciences (Fields of Science Classification)
- Specific social services: use and availability (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Individual datasetsDistributor
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
The dataset is (D) available only by permission from the data depositor/creator.
Data Collector
- Malinen, Kaisa (JAMK University of Applied Sciences)
- Moilanen, Johanna (JAMK University of Applied Sciences)
- Punna, Mari (JAMK University of Applied Sciences)
- Kiili, Johanna (University of Jyväskylä)
- Finnish Work Environment Fund (180005)
- JAMK University of Applied Sciences
Collection Dates
2019-05 – 2020-09
Geographical Coverage
Analysis/Observation Unit Type
Directors and managers of child and family services
Time Method
Sampling Procedure
Non-probability: Purposive
Interviewees were selected from among directors and managers of child and family services so that the interviewees represented different types of organisations in terms of non-profit organisation/public sector organisation, social services/health services, the size of the organisation, the organisation's client group, and the size of the municipality the organisation operated in.
Collection Mode
Telephone interview
Research Instrument
Interview scheme and/or themes
Other research instrument (Stimulus material)
Data Files
24 files in ODT format. Additionally, the data were organised into an easy to use HTML version and a CSV version.
Data File Language
The data files of this dataset are available in the following languages: Finnish.
Qualitative data are available in their original language only and are not translated.
Data Version
Completeness of Data and Restrictions
To prevent identification of interviewees, the data have been anonymised by the researcher and at FSD. The researcher removed potential identifiers related to the interviewees, organisations, and locations from the data. Changes made by the researcher are marked with [brackets]. Additional anonymisation was performed at FSD according to the researcher's anonymisation guidelines. Changes made at FSD are marked with [[double brackets]].
One of the interviews deposited at FSD as part of the original dataset was removed because according to the researcher it was not possible to anonymise the interview to the required degree.
Citation Requirement
The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.
Bibliographical Citation
Malinen, Kaisa (JAMK University of Applied Sciences) & Moilanen, Johnanna (JAMK University of Applied Sciences) & Punna, Mari (JAMK University of Applied Sciences) & Kiili, Johanna (University of Jyväskylä) & Svenlin, Anu-Riina (University of Jyväskylä): Interviews on Peer Support and Experiential Knowledge in Child and Family Services 2019-2020 [dataset]. Version 1.0 (2021-10-14). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3542
Deposit Requirement
Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.
The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.
Related Materials
Malinen, K., Moilanen, J. & Punna, M. (toim.) (2021). Vertaistuki ja kokemustieto lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa: VerKo-hankkeen loppuraportti. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja.
Related Publications
Anu-Riina Svenlin, Johanna Moilanen & Maritta Itäpuisto (2023). Kokemusasiantuntija- ja vertaistukitoiminnan haasteet ja mahdollisuudet lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa ammattilaisten näkökulmasta. Teoksessa K. Malinen, M. Itäpuisto, J. Moilanen, J. Kiili, & M. Punna (Toim.). Vertaistuki ja kokemukseen perustuva asiantuntijuus lasten ja perheiden voimavarana (s. 77-107). Tampere: Vastapaino.
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