FSD3591 YouGamble 2018: Yhdysvaltojen aineisto

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Question text

(RANDOMID=1 OR RANDOMID=3) How would you react to this message in social media? Please select one of the following options: How likely, based on the given description...

would you find the message interesting?


Category labels Value n
Not at all likely 1 164
2 42
3 43
4 42
5 95
6 53
7 56
8 42
9 24
Very likely 10 46
Displayed frequencies are not weighted

Summary statistics

Number of valid cases 607
Maximum 10
Minimum 1
Mean 4.52
Standard deviation 2.947

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

Creative Commons License
Metadata record is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.