FSD3616 University Student Health and Well-being Survey 2021

Select variable

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[bv1] Age (from register) (categorised)

[bv2] Gender (from register)

[bv3] Respondent's university (from register)

[bv4] Respondent's main field of study (from register) (categorised)

[bv5] Year of commencing present studies (from register)

[bv6] Number of credits gained (during the 1.8. - 31.12.2020 term) (from register) (categorised)

[rg_n] Weight variable: stratum population

[rg_strat] Weight variable: stratum

[w_analys] Weight variable: analysis weight

[w_expans] Weight variable: expansion weight

[k1] Has the coronavirus epidemic or the subsequent restrictive measures affected your studies?

[k2] Has the coronavirus pandemic negatively affected your financial situation?

[k3_1] Have the coronavirus pandemic or the subsequent restrictive measures affected your everyday life? If the list includes things that are not a part of your life at all, select 'Not applicable'. Keeping in touch with friends and relatives

[k3_2] Have the coronavirus pandemic or the subsequent restrictive measures affected your everyday life? If the list includes things that are not a part of your life at all, select 'Not applicable'. Contact with fellow students

[k3_3] Have the coronavirus pandemic or the subsequent restrictive measures affected your everyday life? If the list includes things that are not a part of your life at all, select 'Not applicable'. Feeling lonely

[k3_4] Have the coronavirus pandemic or the subsequent restrictive measures affected your everyday life? If the list includes things that are not a part of your life at all, select 'Not applicable'. Feeling optimistic about the future

[k3_5] Have the coronavirus pandemic or the subsequent restrictive measures affected your everyday life? If the list includes things that are not a part of your life at all, select 'Not applicable'. Substance use

[k3_6] Have the coronavirus pandemic or the subsequent restrictive measures affected your everyday life? If the list includes things that are not a part of your life at all, select 'Not applicable'. Sleeping difficulties, nightmares

[k3_7] Have the coronavirus pandemic or the subsequent restrictive measures affected your everyday life? If the list includes things that are not a part of your life at all, select 'Not applicable'. Workload required for studies

[k4] How would you describe your state of health at present?

[k5] Do you have any long-standing illness or health problem?

[k6] Do you have a health problem that limits you in activities people usually do?

[k7] Have you been limited for at least the past 6 months?

[k8_1] Have you had any of the following illnesses or ailments in the past 12 months? Depression

[k8_2] Have you had any of the following illnesses or ailments in the past 12 months? Anxiety disorder (panic disorder, fear of social situations etc.)

[k8_8] Have you had any of the following illnesses or ailments in the past 12 months? None of the above-mentioned illnesses

[k9] Do you have a diagnosed learning disability or some kind of an illness or injury that affects your learning? Which one?

[k10_1] How tall are you? Men. (cm, please round to the nearest centimetre) (top and bottom-coded by researcher, created at FSD)

[k10_2] How tall are you? Women. (cm, please round to the nearest centimetre) (top and bottom-coded by researcher, created at FSD)

[k11_1] How much do you weigh? Men. (kg, please round to the nearest kilogramme) (top and bottom-coded by researcher, created at FSD)

[k11_2] How much do you weigh? Women. (kg, please round to the nearest kilogramme) (top and bottom-coded by researcher, created at FSD)

[k12] How do you feel about your weight? Do you feel you are:

[k13_1] Next, a few questions about your relationship with your body and food. With each statement, assess whether or not it describes your current situation. Do you ever make yourself sick because you feel uncomfortably full?

[k13_2] Next, a few questions about your relationship with your body and food. With each statement, assess whether or not it describes your current situation. Do you worry you have lost control over how much you eat?

[k13_3] Next, a few questions about your relationship with your body and food. With each statement, assess whether or not it describes your current situation. Have you recently lost more than six kilograms in a three month period?

[k13_4] Next, a few questions about your relationship with your body and food. With each statement, assess whether or not it describes your current situation. Do you believe yourself to be fat when others say you are too thin?

[k13_5] Next, a few questions about your relationship with your body and food. With each statement, assess whether or not it describes your current situation. Would you say that food dominates your life?

[k14_1] Over the past four weeks, how much of the time have you felt... Very nervous

[k14_2] Over the past four weeks, how much of the time have you felt... In such a low mood that nothing could cheer you up

[k14_3] Over the past four weeks, how much of the time have you felt... Calm and peaceful

[k14_4] Over the past four weeks, how much of the time have you felt... Downhearted and sad

[k14_5] Over the past four weeks, how much of the time have you felt... Happy

[k15] Have you recently been able to concentrate on what you're doing?

[k16] Have you recently lost much sleep over worry?

[k17] Have you recently felt that you are playing a useful part in things?

[k18] Have you recently felt capable of making decisions about things?

[k19] Have you recently felt constantly under strain?

[k20] Have you recently felt you couldn't overcome your difficulties?

[k21] Have you recently been able to enjoy your normal day to day activities?

[k22] Have you recently been able to face up to your problems?

[k23] Have you recently been feeling unhappy or depressed?

[k24] Have you recently been losing confidence in yourself?

[k25] Have you recently been thinking of yourself as a worthless person?

[k26] Have you recently been feeling reasonably happy, all things considered?

[k27] Would you consider the current condition of your teeth and the overall health of your mouth to be:

[k28] Have you had toothache or other tooth-related problems in the last 12 months?

[k29] Do you experience pain in your temples, jaw joints, face or jaws at least once a week?

[k30] Do you experience pain when you open your mouth or when you chew at least once a week?

[k31] Do you grit your teeth or bite them together forcefully (when you are not eating)?

[k32] How often do you brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste?

[k33] Do you floss or use other means to clean between your teeth?

[k34_1] How often do you usually use the following products? Coffee or tea with sugar or other drinks containing sugar (juice, soda, hot chocolate)

[k34_2] How often do you usually use the following products? Chocolate or other sweets

[k34_3] How often do you usually use the following products? Chewing gum or xylitol tablets

[k35] Do you usually go to the dentist?

[k36] Do you think you currently need dental treatment?

[k37] Do you find dental treatment to be scary?

[k38] Which health care provider's services have you used the most in the last 12 months?

[k39] If you are a university of applied sciences student, have you used FSHS services during this year?

[k40_1] Why have you used health care services not provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the last 12 months? You may choose one or more options. I have not used other services

[k40_2] Why have you used health care services not provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the last 12 months? I have needed help in a place that doesn't have student health care services

[k40_3] Why have you used health care services not provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the last 12 months? You may choose one or more options. I have needed help outside of regular business hours

[k40_4] Why have you used health care services not provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the last 12 months? You may choose one or more options. I have a doctor-patient relationship elsewhere

[k40_5] Why have you used health care services not provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the last 12 months? You may choose one or more options. The student health care services don't offer the service I need

[k40_6] Why have you used health care services not provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the last 12 months? You may choose one or more options. It has taken too long to get an appointment at student health care services

[k40_7] Why have you used health care services not provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the last 12 months? You may choose one or more options. I haven't been satisfied with the student health care services

[k40_8] Why have you used health care services not provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the last 12 months? You may choose one or more options. I have been unaware of the existence of student health care services

[k40_9] Why have you used health care services not provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the last 12 months? You may choose one or more options. Other reason, please specify:

[k41_1] Do you feel that you have received enough of the following services provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the past 12 months? Mental health services (nurse, GP, psychologist, psychiatrist)

[k41_2] Do you feel that you have received enough of the following services provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the past 12 months? Oral health services (dentist, oral hygienist)

[k41_3] Do you feel that you have received enough of the following services provided by FSHS / municipal student health care services in the past 12 months? Other health care or nursing services (nurse, physician, physiotherapist)

[k42_1] Think back on your experiences with FSHS / municipal student care health services in the past 12 months. How did the following work out in your case? I was able to contact the place of care smoothly

[k42_2] Think back on your experiences with FSHS / municipal student care health services in the past 12 months. How did the following work out in your case? My treatment started quickly enough

[k42_3] Think back on your experiences with FSHS / municipal student care health services in the past 12 months. How did the following work out in your case? I was examined without undue delay (e.g. laboratory tests, X-ray)

[k42_4] Think back on your experiences with FSHS / municipal student care health services in the past 12 months. How did the following work out in your case? My privacy was respected during the examinations and treatments

[k42_5] Think back on your experiences with FSHS / municipal student care health services in the past 12 months. How did the following work out in your case? The treatment was beneficial for me

[k42_6] Think back on your experiences with FSHS / municipal student care health services in the past 12 months. How did the following work out in your case? My problem was handled smoothly and information was passed between professionals

[k43]Do you know any rehabilitation services intended to support your ability to study?

[k44] Do you need any rehabilitation services intended to support your ability to study?

[k45_1] How much exercise do you get in a week in the course of your studies, work, commute, and spare time? Think about the past 12 months. Take all regular, weekly physical exertion into consideration. Hardly any regular weekly exercise

[k45_2] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. Low-intensity aerobic exercise (=doesn't make you sweat or get out of breath, e.g. a leisurely walk)

[k45_2a] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. Low-intensity aerobic exercise (=doesn't make you sweat or get out of breath, e.g. a leisurely walk) (days a week)

[k45_2b] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. Low-intensity aerobic exercise (=doesn't make you sweat or get out of breath, e.g. a leisurely walk) (hours a week)

[k45_2c] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. Low-intensity aerobic exercise (=doesn't make you sweat or get out of breath, e.g. a leisurely walk) (minutes a week)

[k45_2d] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. Low-intensity aerobic exercise (=doesn't make you sweat or get out of breath, e.g. a leisurely walk) (weekly minutes)

[k45_3] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (=makes you sweat a bit or get slightly out of breath, e.g. walking briskly)

[k45_3a] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (=makes you sweat a bit or get slightly out of breath, e.g. a brisk walk) (days a week)

[k45_3b] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (=makes you sweat a bit or get slightly out of breath, e.g. a brisk walk) (hours a week)

[k45_3c] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (=makes you sweat a bit or get slightly out of breath, e.g. a brisk walk) (minutes a week)

[k45_3d] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (=makes you sweat a bit or get slightly out of breath, e.g. a brisk walk) (weekly minutes)

[k45_4] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. High-intensity aerobic exercise (=makes you sweat a lot or get out of breath, e.g. jogging or running)

[k45_4a] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. High-intensity aerobic exercise (=makes you sweat a lot or get out of breath, e.g. jogging or running) (days a week)

[k45_4b] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. High-intensity aerobic exercise (=makes you sweat a lot or get out of breath, e.g. jogging or running) (hours a week)

[k45_4c] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. High-intensity aerobic exercise (=makes you sweat a lot or get out of breath, e.g. jogging or running) (minutes a week)

[k45_4d] How much exercise do you get in a week? Count all regular, weekly physical exertion in the past 12 months. High-intensity aerobic exercise (=makes you sweat a lot or get out of breath, e.g. jogging or running) (weekly minutes)

[k46] On how many days during a typical week do you engage in exercise that maintains or develops muscle tone? E.g. going to a gym, home exercises, fitness classes, ball and racket sports, or physically strenuous household chores. (days a week)

[k47_1] Who is/are the organiser(s) of your physical education activity? You can choose one or more options. I don't participate in physical education activity

[k47_2] Who is/are the organiser(s) of your physical education activity? You can choose one or more options. The university/university of applied sciences, a student union, or a student organisation or association

[k47_3] Who is/are the organiser(s) of your physical education activity? You can choose one or more options. Sports club

[k47_4] Who is/are the organiser(s) of your physical education activity? You can choose one or more options. Commercial physical education services

[k47_5] Who is/are the organiser(s) of your physical education activity? You can choose one or more options. Municipal physical education services

[k47_6] Who is/are the organiser(s) of your physical education activity? You can choose one or more options. I exercise on my own

[k48_1a] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. During the workday in office or equivalent (hours)

[k48_1b] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. During the workday in office or equivalent (minutes)

[k48_1c] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. During the workday at an office or equivalent (total weekly minutes)

[k48_2a] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. At home while watching TV, or using the computer or a smart device (hours)

[k48_2b] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. At home while watching TV, or using the computer or a smart device (minutes)

[k48_2c] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. At home while watching TV, or using the computer or a smart device (total weekly minutes)

[k48_3a] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. During transportation (hours)

[k48_3b] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. During transportation (minutes)

[k48_3c] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. During transportation (total weekly minutes)

[k48_4a] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. Sitting down for other reasons (hours)

[k48_4b] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. Sitting down for other reasons (minutes)

[k48_4c] How many hours per day do you normally sit? Mark 0, if not at all. Sitting down for other reasons (total weekly minutes)

[k49] How many times per week do you usually eat at a student restaurant or purchase a student meal to go?

[k50_1] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) the student restaurant I use is closed due to corona

[k50_2] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) I currently live in a municipality in which student meals are not available

[k50_3] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) I avoid student restaurants due to the coronavirus epidemic

[k50_4] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) I study remotely and don't go to a student restaurant to eat or take a meal to go

[k50_5] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) I am at work and don't go to a student restaurant to eat or take a meal to go

[k50_6] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) the opening hours don't work for me

[k50_7] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) the lines are long or the dining area is restless and noisy

[k50_8] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) the meal is too expensive

[k50_9] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) I don't like the taste of the food

[k50_10] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) I don't think the food is nutritious enough

[k50_11] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) There isn't enough focus on the origin of the ingredients, their impact on the climate, or how ethical they are

[k50_12] I don't eat at a student restaurant or purchase student meals to go because... (You can choose one or more options.) I do not always have company in the restaurant and I do not want to eat alone

[k51] Which of the following options best describes your diet?

[k52_1] On how many days per week do you eat the following meals or snacks? Breakfast

[k52_2] On how many days per week do you eat the following meals or snacks? Lunch

[k52_3] On how many days per week do you eat the following meals or snacks? Afternoon snack

[k52_4] On how many days per week do you eat the following meals or snacks? Dinner

[k52_5] On how many days per week do you eat the following meals or snacks? Evening snack

[k52_6] On how many days per week do you eat the following meals or snacks? Other snacks

[k53] How often have you eaten vegetables (not including potatoes) in the last 7 days?

[k54] How often have you eaten fruit or berries in the last 7 days?

[k55_1] At what time do you usually go to bed? Please answer both parts of the question. On weekdays

[k55_2] At what time do you usually go to bed? Please answer both parts of the question. On weekends

[k56_1] At what time do you usually wake up? Please answer both parts of the question. On weekdays

[k56_2] At what time do you usually wake up? Please answer both parts of the question. On weekends

[k57] Do you feel tired during the day?

[k58_1] Do you use or have you previously used tobacco products? Cigarettes

[k58_2] Do you use or have you previously used tobacco products? Snuff

[k58_3] Do you use or have you previously used tobacco products? Waterpipe (shisha)

[k58_4] Do you use or have you previously used tobacco products? Other tobacco products, what?

[k59_1] Do you use e-cigarettes that contain the following substances? Nicotine

[k59_2] Do you use e-cigarettes that contain the following substances? Tobacco flavours

[k59_3] Do you use e-cigarettes that contain the following substances? Other flavourings

[k59_4] Do you use e-cigarettes that contain the following substances? Some other substance, what?

[k60] Have you drunk alcoholic beverages over the past 12 months?

[k61] How often do you consume beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages? Also include the times when you only had a small amount, e.g. a bottle of medium-strength beer or a sip of wine.

[k62] How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?

[k63] How often have you had six or more drinks on one occasion?

[k64] Have you ever tried or used a drug, medication, or a combination of medications and alcohol to get inebriated?

[k65_1] Have you used at least once in the last 12 months? Cannabis

[k65_2] Have you used at least once in the last 12 months? Ecstasy

[k65_3] Have you used at least once in the last 12 months? Amphetamine or methamphetamine

[k65_4] Have you used at least once in the last 12 months? Cocaine

[k65_5] Have you used at least once in the last 12 months? Other drug, please specify:

[k65_6] Have you used at least once in the last 12 months? Medications and alcohol together

[k65_7] Have you used at least once in the last 12 months? Medications with the intention of getting inebriated, please specify:

[k67_1] Do you think you have a problem with any of the following things? You may choose one or more options. Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or similar)

[k67_2] Do you think you have a problem with any of the following things? You may choose one or more options. Online gaming (e.g. Counter-Strike, PUBG, Candy Crush Saga)

[k67_3] Do you think you have a problem with any of the following things? You may choose one or more options. Online porn

[k67_4] Do you think you have a problem with any of the following things? You may choose one or more options. Shopping online

[k67_5] Do you think you have a problem with any of the following things? You may choose one or more options. I don't have a problem with any of these

[k68_1] How often...do you find it difficult to stop using the internet when you are online?

[k68_2] How often...do others (e.g. partner, friends, parents, children) say you should use the internet less?

[k68_3] How often...are you short on sleep because of the internet?

[k68_4] How often...do you neglect your daily obligations (school, work or family life) because you prefer to go on the internet?

[k68_5] How often...do you go on the internet when you are feeling down?

[k69] Have you gambled in the last 12 months?

[k70] How often have you gambled in the last 12 months?

[k71] In the past 12 months, have you felt that gambling might be a problem for you?

[k72] Which living arrangement best describes yours?

[k73] How well have you managed financially in the past 12 months?

[k74_1] In the past 12 months, have you ever: feared that you will run out of food before you can get money to buy more?

[k74_2] In the past 12 months, have you ever: been unable to buy medicine because you did not have any money?

[k75] Have you taken out any payday loans or consumer loans?

[k76] Do you work alongside your studies during the academic year (not including the summer break)?

[k77] Is your work:

[k78] Do you feel that working alongside your studies:

[k79_1] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Think about this academic year. I couldn't afford to study without working

[k79_2] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Think about this academic year. I work to gain work experience

[k79_3] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Think about this academic year. I work because I need to support someone else (children, spouse, parents etc.) financially

[k79_4] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Think about this academic year. I consider myself a worker first and student second

[k80] Do you feel part of any group related to your studies? (e.g. class, study group, student organization or association, department/unit etc.)

[k81] Do you ever feel lonely?

[k82_1a] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who do you believe truly cares about you, whatever may happen? Spouse, partner

[k82_1b] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who do you believe truly cares about you, whatever may happen? Other next of kin

[k82_1c] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who do you believe truly cares about you, whatever may happen? Close friend

[k82_1d] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who do you believe truly cares about you, whatever may happen? Fellow student

[k82_1e] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who do you believe truly cares about you, whatever may happen? Other person close to you

[k82_1f] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who do you believe truly cares about you, whatever may happen? No one

[k82_2a] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who will provide practical help for you when you need it? Spouse, partner

[k82_2b] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who will provide practical help for you when you need it? Other next of kin

[k82_2c] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who will provide practical help for you when you need it? Close friend

[k82_2d] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who will provide practical help for you when you need it? Fellow student

[k82_2e] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who will provide practical help for you when you need it? Other person close to you

[k82_2f] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. Who will provide practical help for you when you need it? No one

[k82_3a] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. With whom can you share everyday joys and cares? Spouse, partner

[k82_3b] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. With whom can you share everyday joys and cares? Other next of kin

[k82_3c] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. With whom can you share everyday joys and cares? Close friend

[k82_3d] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. With whom can you share everyday joys and cares? Fellow student

[k82_3e] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. With whom can you share everyday joys and cares? Other person close to you

[k82_3f] Estimate how you would expect to receive help from the following when you need help or support. You may choose one or more options on each line. With whom can you share everyday joys and cares? No one

[k83] Are you in a relationship?

[k85_1] What kind of contraception do you use or have used in the last 12 months? Choose also the ones your partner uses. You may choose one or more options. Contraceptive pills (including the mini pill)

[k85_2] What kind of contraception do you use or have used in the last 12 months? Choose also the ones your partner uses. You may choose one or more options. A vaginal ring or a contraceptive patch

[k85_3] What kind of contraception do you use or have used in the last 12 months? Choose also the ones your partner uses. You may choose one or more options. A loop

[k85_4] What kind of contraception do you use or have used in the last 12 months? Choose also the ones your partner uses. You may choose one or more options. Condoms

[k85_5] What kind of contraception do you use or have used in the last 12 months? Choose also the ones your partner uses. You may choose one or more options. Emergency contraception (morning-after pill)

[k85_6] What kind of contraception do you use or have used in the last 12 months? Choose also the ones your partner uses. You may choose one or more options. Some other method of contraception

[k85_7] What kind of contraception do you use or have used in the last 12 months? Choose also the ones your partner uses. You may choose one or more options. None, because I haven't needed to

[k85_8] What kind of contraception do you use or have used in the last 12 months? Choose also the ones your partner uses. You may choose one or more options. None, even though I should have

[k86_1] During your university studies, have you ever felt like another student or a group of students were bullying you?

[k86_2] During your university studies, have you ever felt like a member of staff or a group of staff members were bullying you?

[k86_3] During your university studies, have you ever bullied another student or other students?

[k86_4] During your university studies, have you ever bullied a member of staff or a group of staff members?

[k87] Would you like to have children in the future? When?

[k88_1] How did having a child impact your life? How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? My relationship with my spouse/partner improved

[k88_2] How did having a child impact your life? How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? My financial situation worsened

[k88_3] How did having a child impact your life? How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? It became harder for me to study

[k88_4] How did having a child impact your life? How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? It became harder for me to make progress with my studies

[k88_5] How did having a child impact your life? How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? It became harder for me to finish my studies

[k88_6] How did having a child impact your life? How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? It became harder for me to do things that interest me

[k88_7] How did having a child impact your life? How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Having a child had a positive impact on my relationship and social life

[k88_8] How did having a child impact your life? How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Having a child had a negative impact on the health of myself or my partner

[k89_1] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? We / I already have a suitable number of children

[k89_2] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? The health of myself or my partner

[k89_3] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? My studies not being finished

[k89_4] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? Uncertain job situation

[k89_5] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? I am too young, or I don't feel mature enough

[k89_6] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? Coping as a parent

[k89_7] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? I don't think I'm suitable for parenthood

[k89_8] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? Financial situation

[k89_9] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? Combining studies or work and family life

[k89_10] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? Insufficient social network or loneliness

[k89_11] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? I don't want to commit myself to the care of small children (yet/anymore)

[k89_12] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? Insufficient support from society

[k89_13] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? Worries about climate change and the planet's ecological carrying capacity

[k89_14] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? The situation of my intimate relationship

[k89_15] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? I want to pursue my job/career

[k89_16] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? I don't think Finland is a child-friendly country

[k89_17] How much impact do the following things have on you not wanting to or feeling like you can't have a child at this moment? Other reason

[cov_1] Studying has become at least slightly more difficult (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_2] Financial situation has worsened at least to some extent (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_3] Workload required for studies has increased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_4] Substance use has increased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_5] Optimism about the future has decreased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_6] Sleeping difficulties and nightmares have increased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_7] Contact with fellow students has decreased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_8] Contact with friends and relatives has decreased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_9] Feelings of loneliness have increased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_10] Studying has become at least slightly easier (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_11] Financial situation has worsened a little or not at all (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_12] Workload required for studies has decreased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_13] Substance use has decreased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_14] Optimism about the future has increased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_15] Sleeping difficulties and nightmares have decreased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_16] Contact with fellow students has increased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_17] Contact with friends and relatives has increased (%) (indicator variable)

[cov_18] Feelings of loneliness have decreased (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_1] Report that present state of health is average or worse (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_2] Have a long-term illness or health problem (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_3] Have a health problem that limits them in activities people usually do (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_4] Depression diagnosis (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_5] Anxiety disorder diagnosis (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_6] At risk for eating disorder (SCOFF) (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_7] Prevalence of clinically significant mental health problems (as indicated by scores of 52 or below on the MHI-5) (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_8] Prevalence of clinically significant mental health problems (as indicated by scores of 3 or above on the GHQ-12) (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_9] Have had a toothache or other tooth-related problems in the last 12 months (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_10] Have experienced pain in their temples, jaw joints, face or jaws at least once a week (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_11] Have experienced pain when opening their mouth or chewing at least once a week (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_12] Brush their teeth less frequently than twice a day (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_13] Go to the dentist regularly for a check-up (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_14] Do not currently need dental treatment (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_15] Have not received sufficient oral health services, (%) out of students who needed oral health care services (indicator variable)

[ko_16] Have used long-term contraceptives in the past 12 months (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_17] Have used condoms as a contraceptive in the past 12 months (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_18] Need rehabilitation services to support their ability to study (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_19] Do not feel part of any group related to their studies (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_20] Feel lonely (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_21] Have been bullied by other students occasionally or often (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_22] Have been bullied by members of staff occasionally or often(%) (indicator variable)

[ko_23] Dyslexia diagnosis (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_24] Diagnosed learning disability or some kind of illness or injury that affects learning (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_25] Obese (BMI greater than 30kg/m2) (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_26] Overweight (BMI greater than 25kg/m2) (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_27] Eat breakfast and lunch on every weekday (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_28] Eat vegetables several times a day (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_29] Eat fruits and berries several times day (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_30] Vegetarian or vegan (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_31] Ate at student restaurants 4-7 days a week during the COVID-19 epidemic (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_32] Ate at student restaurants less than once a week during the COVID-19 epidemic (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_33] Ate at student restaurants less than once a week due to remote learning (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_34] Ate at student restaurants less than once a week due to not having company (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_35] Get hardly any regular weekly exercise (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_36] Engage in exercise that increases muscle tone and improves balance at least 2 days a week (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_37] Meet the recommendation for aerobic physical activity (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_38] Meet the recommendation for health-enhancing physical activity (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_39] Do not meet the recommendation for health-enhancing physical activity (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_40] Sit at home while watching TV, or using the computer or a smart device for at least 3 hours per day (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_41] Experience feelings of tiredness 6-7 days a week (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_42] Do not get enough sleep due to internet use often (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_43] Smoke cigarettes daily (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_44] Use snuff daily (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_45] Use tobacco products or e-cigarettes daily (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_46] Use alcohol excessively (AUDIT-C) (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_47] Engage in binge drinking (AUDIT-1K) (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_48] Have used cannabis in the past 12 months (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_49] Have used a drug other than cannabis in the past 12 months (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_50] Have used drugs in the past 12 months (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_51] Have had problems with social media use (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_52] Compulsive internet use (CIUS-5) (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_53] Have gambled in the past 12 months (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_54] Have gambled at least weekly in the past 12 months (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_55] Have experienced their gambling behaviour as a problem in the past 12 months (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_56] Live alone (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_57] Have felt stretched and unsure financially (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_58] Have feared that they would run out of food before they could get money to buy more (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_59] Have been unable to buy medicine because they did not have any money (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_60] Work alongside their studies during the academic year (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_61] Working alongside studies has slowed down studies, (%) out of students who work alongside their studies (indicator variable)

[ko_62] Could not afford to study without working, (%) out of students who work alongside their studies (indicator variable)

[ko_63] Work to gain work experience, (%) out of students who work alongside their studies (indicator variable)

[ko_64] Would like to have children in the future (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_65] Respondent's or their partner's health is a significant obstacle to having children (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_66] Unfinished studies are a significant obstacle to having children (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_67] Coping as a parent is a significant obstacle to having children (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_68] Not wanting to commit to the care of small children is a significant obstacle to having children (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_69] Have mostly used FSHS or student health care services provided by the municipality in the past 12 months (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_70] Have not received sufficient mental health services, (%) out of students who needed mental health services (indicator variable)

[ko_71] Have not received sufficient other health care or nursing services, (%) out of students who needed other health care or nursing services (indicator variable)

[ko_72] Have used health care services by providers other than FSHS or municipal student health care services in the past 12 months because it took too long to get an appointment with student health care services (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_73] Have always been able to contact the place of care smoothly (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_74] Felt that treatment started quickly enough (%) (indicator variable)

[ko_75] Felt that treatment was beneficial (%) (indicator variable)

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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