FSD3645 Finnish Working Life Barometer 2020

Select variable

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[syvu] The respondent's year of birth

[ika] The respondent's age

[ika5] The respondent's age, categorised into five-year age groups

[sukup] The respondent's gender

[tyvo] The respondent's employment status

[lammas] The respondent's status in employment

[sose] The respondent's socio-economic group/occupational status

[lisco_1] The respondent's occupation (Statistics Finland Classification of Occupations 2010, one-digit level)

[ltytyy] Type of the respondent's employer

[toimi] Industry of employment

[tysuhpy] Permanent/fixed-term work contract

[taikao] Full-time or part-time work

[tsuhaika] How long have you been working with your present job contract (years)?

[vuokraty] Is the respondent a temporary agency employee (in main job)?

[vuoro] Does the respondent do shift work (in main job)?

[saanai] Regular working hours per week

[ylipa] Did the respondent work overtime with compensation during the survey week (in main job)?

[ylipato] Did the respondent work overtime without compensation during the survey week (in main job)?

[ylitunn] Paid overtime in main job during the survey week (in hours)

[ylipatot] Unpaid overtime in main job during the survey week (in hours)

[ylitu] Paid overtime in main job per month (based on survey week)

[pylitu] Unpaid overtime in main job per month (based on survey week)

[sivutyo] Does the respondent have additional job(s) in addition to his/her main job (during the survey week)?

[sivutunn] Working hours for the additional job during the survey week

[svuokra] Is the respondent a temporary agency employee (in additional job)?

[k2] Number of people in the workplace

[k3] Has the number of people working in the workplace increased, stayed the same or decreased over the past 12 months?

[k5_9] In your workplace over the past year (12 months): Have any temporary agency employees been used?

[k41a] In your workplace over the past year (12 months): Has the allocation of tasks between employees or different work units been rearranged?

[k41a_1] (Allocation of tasks between employees or different work units has been rearranged) Did the change affect your work:

[k41b] In your workplace over the past year (12 months): Have any new working methods been adopted?

[k41b_1] (New working methods have been adopted) Did the change affect your work:

[k41c] In your workplace over the past year (12 months): Have any new information systems been adopted?

[k41c_1] (New information systems have been adopted) Did the change affect your work:

[k21c_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree: There are too many tasks to carry out at my workplace compared to the number of employees

[k21c_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree: In my workplace, people are well informed and kept up to date about things

[k21c_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree: In my workplace, employees are treated fairly

[k21c_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree: I can be certain that my job is secure

[k26_1] Workplaces use different activities to maintain work capacity. Does your workplace systematically strive to influence: The fitness, health and living habits of employees?

[k26_2] Workplaces use different activities to maintain work capacity. Does your workplace systematically strive to influence: The safety of the working environment

[k26_3] Workplaces use different activities to maintain work capacity. Does your workplace systematically strive to influence: The development of the abilities and skills of employees

[k20b_1] How well does the following describe your workplace: The relations between employees and management are open and confidential

[k20b_2] How well does the following describe your workplace: One can constantly learn new skills

[k20b_3] How well does the following describe your workplace: Supervisors/managers have a constructive attitude to suggestions from employees

[k20b_5] How well does the following describe your workplace: Employees are encouraged to try new things

[k20b_7] How well does the following describe your workplace: The amount of work/workloads are equally divided between employees

[k32a] In your workplace, are there people of other nationalities or ethnic groups who have moved to Finland from elsewhere? (Note: For instance, include immigrants, Russians, Somali, Estonians, but not the Finnish Sami or Roma)

[k33_1] Do you think there is discrimination or unfair treatment in your work organisation based on: Age, particularly against young people

[k33_2] Do you think there is discrimination or unfair treatment in your work organisation based on: Age, particularly against older people

[k33_3] Do you think there is discrimination or unfair treatment in your work organisation based on: Gender, particularly against women

[k33_4] Do you think there is discrimination or unfair treatment in your work organisation based on: Gender, particularly against men

[k33_5] Do you think there is discrimination or unfair treatment in your work organisation based on: The employee having a fixed-term contract

[k33_7] Do you think there is discrimination or unfair treatment in your work organisation based on: The employee working part-time

[k33_6] (IF K32a=YES) Do you think there is discrimination or unfair treatment in your work organisation based on: The fact that the employee is not a Finn by ethnic origin

[k33_8] Do you think there is discrimination or unfair treatment in your work organisation based on: The health of the employee

[k9a_07] Bullying/harassment at work includes exclusion and isolation, unmerited dismissal of work effort, threats, gossip or other pressure. Does any bullying/harassment occur in your workplace, carried out by people from your workplace?

[k9a_07c] Bullying/harassment at work includes exclusion and isolation, unmerited dismissal of work effort, threats, gossip or other pressure. Does any bullying/harassment occur in your workplace, carried out by supervisors/managers?

[k9a_07b] Bullying/harassment at work includes exclusion and isolation, unmerited dismissal of work effort, threats, gossip or other pressure. Does any bullying/harassment occur in your workplace, carried out by clients?

[k9a_09b] Over the past 12 months, have you observed someone in your workplace being subjected to physical violence or the threat of violence from clients?

[k9a_10b] Over the past 12 months, have you personally been subjected to physical violence or the threat of violence from clients?

[k13_1] Are you a member of a trade union or a professional association?

[k13_2] And are you a member of an unemployment fund?

[k22_6] Does your workplace have a flexible working time arrangement where the hours worked in excess of regular hours are noted down and can be used later as free time or hours not done in can be done later?

[k22_8] Can the accrued hours be used to take a full day off?

[k22_10] Can you take care of your personal matters during working hours if necessary (e.g. dealing with banking or official matters):

[k20a_02] Is your work performance and competence systematically evaluated, for instance, in connection with an annual performance appraisal interview/individual development discussion?

[k20a_09] Do you think your pay is incentive?

[k21b_1] Over the past 12 months, have you participated in training, receiving pay from your employer for the training time?

[k21b_2] (IF HAS PARTICIPATED IN TRAINING) For how many working days?

[k52a] In the past 12 months, have you: trained at work with the guidance of a more experienced employee, mentor, or teacher

[k52b] In the past 12 months, have you: trained at work independently without guidance

[k52c] In the past 12 months, have you: trained at work by using online materials

[k53] In the past 12 months, have you: improved your skills and competence so that you could perform new work tasks in the future

[k21b_4] Do you have an opportunity to participate in developing the activities/operations in your current workplace

[k46a] Over the past 12 months, have you: Developed working practices or processes in your work

[k46b] Over the past 12 months, have you: Thought up new or improved products or services in your work

[k47] Do you use social media, such as discussion forums, Facebook, Twitter, blogs or wikis, in your work?

[k48] And do you use digital workspaces or instant messaging software that are used to virtually discuss, share information and collaborate in your work? These include, for example, collaborative workspaces on the internet or intranet.

[k11a_1] How much influence do you have on: What tasks you do in your job

[k11a_2] How much influence do you have on: The pace at which you work

[k11a_3] How much influence do you have on: How work is allocated between people in your workplace

[k11a_4] How much influence do you have on: The physical location of your workspace or where your working space is

[k42e] Do you work in working groups or project groups that include employees from companies or organisations other than your own workplace?

[k42a] How often does your job involve working to tight deadlines or at very high speed?

[k43a] Telework (remote work) refers to paid work that is done outside the physical location of the workplace and has been agreed on with the employer. How often did you telework before the coronavirus pandemic?

[k58a] Did you start teleworking because of the COVID pandemic?

[k58b] (IF K43a = 2,3,4) Have you teleworked more often than before because of the coronavirus pandemic?

[k59] (IF K58a = 1 OR K58b = 1) How satisfied have you been in general with teleworking during the pandemic?

[k43e] Over the past 12 months, have you been contacted about work-related issues outside working hours (e.g. by phone):

[k43g] And over the past 12 months, have you worked overtime without compensation to manage your work tasks:

[k21c_8] To what extent do you agree or disagree: I feel my work is physically very demanding

[k21c_9] To what extent do you agree or disagree: I feel my work is mentally very demanding

[k28a] Thinking about the physical demands of your job, is your work capacity:

[k28b] Thinking about the mental demands of your job, is your work capacity:

[k32] For how many working days have you been absent from work for illness, health problem or disability during the past year (12 months)?

[k55] Stress means a situation where an individual feels tense, restless, nervous or anxious, has trouble sleeping because of issues troubling his or her mind. To what extent are you currently feeling this kind of stress?

[k56a] How often do you feel mentally exhausted at work?

[k56b] How often do you feel that you are uninterested and unenthusiastic at work?

[k56c] How often do you feel that you cannot concentrate properly when working?

[k56d] How often do you feel that you cannot control your feelings at work?

[k60a] Have you been temporarily laid-off because of the coronavirus pandemic?

[k60b] And has your full-time work contract been changed to a part-time contract because of the pandemic or have you been notified about changing to a part-time contract in the future?

[k61] How has the coronavirus pandemic affected your workload in general? Has your workload:

[k22_1] Do you think it possible that during the next year: You will be laid off for at least two weeks

[k22_2] Do you think it possible that during the next year: You will be dismissed from your job/your fixed-term contract will not be renewed

[k23] If you became unemployed now, do you think you would find a job corresponding to your profession and work experience?

[k24] What do you think the general employment situation will be like a year from now? Will it be better, the same as now or worse?

[k25_1] How do you think working life in general is changing in terms of: Meaningfulness of work and people's willingness to work

[k25_4] How do you think working life in general is changing in terms of: Being kept up to date about the goals and future plans of the workplace

[k25_6] How do you think working life in general is changing in terms of: Opportunities to develop one's competence and skills

[k25_7] How do you think working life in general is changing in terms of: Opportunities to influence own status and tasks at work

[k25_8] If you think about the financial situation of your workplace, is it:

[k40] Do you supervise or manage the work of other employees?

[tb_paino] Weighting coefficient

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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