FSD3663 Finnish Views on Mandatory Vaccination Survey 2021
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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[StartDate] Start date and time
[EndDate] End date and time
[Progress] Respondent's progress in completing the questionnaire (%)
[Duration__in_seconds_] Duration of responding (in seconds)
[Finished] Did the respondent complete the questionnaire:
[UserLanguage] Questionnaire language
[Q1_1] How acceptable would you consider mandatory vaccination? Respond using a scale 0-10 where 0 means not at all acceptable and 10 means completely acceptable.
[Q2_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the vaccine described in the introduction? I would get the vaccine even if it wasn't mandatory
[Q2_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the vaccine described in the introduction? I wouldn't get the vaccine even if it was mandatory under the penalty of a fine
[Q3_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding vaccines that are generally used in Finland? Vaccines are safe
[Q3_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding vaccines that are generally used in Finland? Vaccines are a good way to fight against various infectious diseases
[Q4_1] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = can't be too careful, 10 = most people can be trusted), can people be trusted or is it so that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?
[Q5_1] How much do you personally trust the following institutions? Respond using a scale where 0 means do not trust at all and 10 means trust completely. Political parties
[Q5_2] How much do you personally trust the following institutions? Respond using a scale where 0 means do not trust at all and 10 means trust completely. Government
[Q5_3] How much do you personally trust the following institutions? Respond using a scale where 0 means do not trust at all and 10 means trust completely. Parliament
[Q5_4] How much do you personally trust the following institutions? Respond using a scale where 0 means do not trust at all and 10 means trust completely. Government authorities
[Q5_5] How much do you personally trust the following institutions? Respond using a scale where 0 means do not trust at all and 10 means trust completely. Universities and research institutes
[Q5_6] How much do you personally trust the following institutions? Respond using a scale where 0 means do not trust at all and 10 means trust completely. European Union
[Q5_7] How much do you personally trust the following institutions? Respond using a scale where 0 means do not trust at all and 10 means trust completely. Traditional media (newspapers, TV and radio)
[Q5_8] How much do you personally trust the following institutions? Respond using a scale where 0 means do not trust at all and 10 means trust completely. Social media
[Q6] How would you describe your health in general?
[Q7] For personal or other reasons, many people will not get vaccinated against COVID-19. Are you going to get the coronavirus vaccine?
[Q8] And would you say Finns in general are willing to get the coronavirus vaccine?
[Q9] At the beginning of the questionnaire you read a short introductory text that described a fictional virus disease. Which of the following statements was included in the introduction?
[Q10] According to the introduction, what percentage of the population should be vaccinated against the infectious disease to stop its spread?
[Kontrolli] The respondents who only saw the introductory text
[R1K1] To stop the spread of the disease in Finland, at least 70% of the population should be vaccinated. Mandatory vaccination would safeguard the continuation of normal economic activity and prevent unemployment and government debt.
[R1K2] To stop the spread of the disease in Finland, at least 70% of the population should be vaccinated. Mandatory vaccination would safeguard the capacity of the health care system and enable its normal functioning despite the disease.
[R1K3] To stop the spread of the disease, at least 70% of the population should be vaccinated. Mandatory vaccination would ensure citizens' right to health, lessen the need for other restrictions, and enable civil society to operate normally.
[R2K1] To stop the spread of the disease in Finland, at least 90% of the population should be vaccinated. Mandatory vaccination would safeguard the continuation of normal economic activity and prevent unemployment and government debt.
[R2K2] To stop the spread of the disease in Finland, at least 90% of the population should be vaccinated. Mandatory vaccination would safeguard the capacity of the health care system and enable its normal functioning despite the disease.
[R2K3] To stop the spread of the disease, at least 90% of the population should be vaccinated. Mandatory vaccination would ensure citizens' right to health, lessen the need for other restriction, and enable civil society to operate normally.
[Sukupuoli] The respondent's gender
[aidinkieli] The respondent's mother tongue
[PolInterest] How interested are you in politics?
[Children] Are there any children aged under 18 living in your household?
[Region] The respondent's region of residence (NUTS3)
[Kryhmitys] Statistical grouping of municipalities
[AgeGroup] The respondent's age group
[Koulutus] Highest level of education the respondent has attained
[WeightALL] Weight variable
Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format
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