FSD3668 Päätöksentekokoe usean kierroksen yhteisvarantopelistä 2020
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[fsd_li] FSD license CC BY 4.0
[Date] Date of the experimental session YYMMDD_hhmm
[Session] Experiment number (experimental session number)
[Period] Period of the treatment
[Subject] Computer seat at the given session
[Group] Group number within a session
[GroupID] A unique group id number, obtained by concatenating sessions and group numbers
[Profit] Earnings in points from a single round of the experiment
[TotalProfit] Hypothetical earnings from the experiment
[Participate] Is the subject involved in the current round
[RankType] A variable used for calculating rank for each participant
[extractlimit] The maximum (theoretical) limit for extraction, by design 30
[ContributionA] Hypothetical investment into private good, used with the on-screen calculator
[ContributionB] Hypothetical investment into CPR, used with the on-screen calculator
[ContO] Realized investment into CPR by the two other members of the group
[NEndowment] initial endowment in the practice round
[ProfitT] Hypothetical CPR size, used with the calculator
[TotalContribution] Hypothetical CPR contributions
[TC] Hypothetical CPR contributions
[ContributionAR] Realized investment into private good (share of endowment kept to oneself)
[ContributionBR] Realized investment into CPR
[ProfitAR] Hypothetical CPR contributions
[SumC] Realized sum of contributions
[MaxEx] Realized maximum extraction limit
[TimeJatkaCPRAggregationOK] Elapsed time for the cpr decision (in sec)
[CPR0] The produced CPR size (max 60) before the first mover extraction
[Cont1] Contributions to the CPR by 1s mover, respectively
[Cont2] Contributions to the CPR by 2nd mover, respectively
[Cont3] Contributions to the CPR by 3rd mover, respectively
[extract] Extraction amount by the player
[TimeJatkaThe1stExtractorOK] Elapsed time for the 1st extraction decision (in sec)
[extract1] Extraction decision of the 1st mover from the CPR of the group, respectively
[CPR1] The CPR size after the first mover extraction
[TimeJatka2ndExtractorOK] Elapsed time for the 2nd extraction decision (in sec)
[extract2] Extraction decision of the 2nd mover from the CPR of the group, respectively
[CPR2] The CPR size after the first and 2nd mover extraction
[extract3] Extraction decision of the 3rd mover from the CPR of the group, respectively
[CPR3] The final CPR size after everyone has extracted
[TimeJatka3rdExtractorOK] Elapsed time for the 3rd extraction decision (in sec)
Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format
Metadata record is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.