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Charlotte Pennington (2022) Different ontologies, different constructs? Instruments for gaming-related health problems identify different groups of people and measure different problems. Peer Community in Registered Reports.
Billieux, J., & Fournier, L. (2023). Commentary on Karhulahti et al.(2022): addressing ontological diversity in gaming disorder measurement from an item-based psychometric perspective. Addiction Research & Theory, 31(3), 170-173.
Karhulahti, V. M., Adamkovic, M., Vahlo, J., Martoncik, M., Munukka, M., Koskimaa, R., & von Bonsdorff, M. (2023). Reply to Billieux and Fournier (2022): collaborative shortcut to ontological diversity. Addiction Research & Theory, 31(3), 174-177.
Amendola, S. (2023). Commentary on Karhulahti et al.(2022): Exploring gaming disorder from the harmful dysfunction analysis perspective. Addiction Research & Theory, 31(3), 168-169.