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[Q1] How important is the Campus Carry issue to you personally?
[Q2_1] Please share your opinion on Campus Carry law. Do you currently support or oppose guaranteeing the right of faculty, staff, and students to carry concealed handguns on college campuses?
[Q2_2] Please share your opinion on Campus Carry law. During the 2015 legislation, did you support or oppose guaranteeing the right of faculty, staff, and students to carry concealed handguns on college campuses?
[Q3] How do you feel about the presence of concealed handguns on campus?
[Q4_1] Please share your opinion on the following statements. Faculty should be allowed to bring concealed handguns to class.
[Q4_2] Please share your opinion on the following statements. Students should be allowed to bring concealed handguns to class.
[Q4_3] Please share your opinion on the following statements. I feel safe with students carrying permitted concealed handguns in class.
[Q4_4] Please share your opinion on the following statements. The presence of concealed handguns in the classroom creates a chilling effect, limiting discussions on contentious topics.
[Q4_5] Please share your opinion on the following statements. Professors should have the right to make their office a gun-free zone with a sign on the door (rather than giving oral notice only).
[Q4_6] Please share your opinion on the following statements. Activism could overturn Campus Carry law.
[Q4_7] Please share your opinion on the following statements. Campus Carry affects the likelihood of gun violence on campus.
[Q5] Have you received information on Campus Carry policy from the University?
[Q6_1] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. More guns on campus result in less violence
[Q6_2] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. Campus was already statistically safe before Campus Carry
[Q6_3] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. Professors might be afraid to issue bad grades out of fear of violence
[Q6_4] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. An individual should have the right to keep handguns in their dorm room
[Q6_5] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. Guns on campus lead to an increased number of suicides
[Q6_6] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. We should trust adults to behave like adults
[Q7_1] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. Campus Carry increases women's safety
[Q7_2] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. Guns on campus lead to an escalation in violent crime
[Q7_3] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. Guns on campus distract from the learning environment
[Q7_4] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. It is possible a gun might go off by accident
[Q7_5] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. It takes too long for law enforcement/security personnel to respond to a crime situation
[Q7_6] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. The job of defending campuses should be left to professionals
[Q8_1] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. Campus Carry is a good form of self-defense
[Q8_2] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. If someone used a gun in self-defense, they might shoot innocent people
[Q8_3] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. A person carrying a concealed weapon might shoot someone
[Q8_4] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. People should be able to exercise their Second Amendment rights
[Q8_5] Please share your opinion on the following statements on Campus Carry. Training for a 'license to carry' (LTC) in Texas is sufficient for gun safety on campus
[Q9] What was your opinion on the signs around campus opposing Campus Carry?
[Q10_1] In terms of daily life on campus: Have you ever noticed someone carrying a concealed handgun on campus?
[Q10_2] In terms of daily life on campus: Do you know anyone who carries a handgun on campus?
[Q11] How openly can you share your opinions on Campus Carry with others?
[Q12] Do you feel you need to justify your position on Campus Carry?
[Q13] Have you been involved in activism around Campus Carry?
[Q14] Has activism changed your opinion about Campus Carry?
[Q15] How safe do you feel on campus overall?
[Q16] How does Campus Carry affect your feeling of safety?
[Q17_1] Regarding daily life on campus: Do you consciously think about Campus Carry law while on campus?
[Q17_2] Regarding daily life on campus: Do you find yourself thinking about who might be carrying a concealed handgun?
[Q17_3] Regarding daily life on campus: How often do you talk about Campus Carry with other students at the university?
[Q18] Has Campus Carry impacted your daily maneuvering on campus?
[Q21] Regarding vulnerability to violence on campus, which do you think applies?
[Q22_1] What characteristics affect vulnerability to violence on campus the most? (CHOOSE THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT ONES) Being a student
[Q22_2] What characteristics affect vulnerability to violence on campus the most? (CHOOSE THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT ONES) Being faculty
[Q22_3] What characteristics affect vulnerability to violence on campus the most? (CHOOSE THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT ONES) Being staff
[Q22_4] What characteristics affect vulnerability to violence on campus the most? (CHOOSE THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT ONES) Age
[Q22_5] What characteristics affect vulnerability to violence on campus the most? (CHOOSE THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT ONES) Race/ethnicity
[Q22_6] What characteristics affect vulnerability to violence on campus the most? (CHOOSE THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT ONES) Gender assigned at birth
[Q22_7] What characteristics affect vulnerability to violence on campus the most? (CHOOSE THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT ONES) Gender identity
[Q22_8] What characteristics affect vulnerability to violence on campus the most? (CHOOSE THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT ONES) Sexual orientation
[Q22_9] What characteristics affect vulnerability to violence on campus the most? (CHOOSE THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT ONES) Social class
[Q22_10] What characteristics affect vulnerability to violence on campus the most? (CHOOSE THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT ONES) Disability
[Q23_1] Have you ever been a victim of violent crime OFF-CAMPUS? Mass shooting
[Q23_2] Have you ever been a victim of violent crime OFF-CAMPUS? Domestic violence
[Q23_3] Have you ever been a victim of violent crime OFF-CAMPUS? Sexual assault
[Q23_4] Have you ever been a victim of violent crime OFF-CAMPUS? Mugging
[Q23_5] Have you ever been a victim of violent crime OFF-CAMPUS? Assault
[Q23_6] Have you ever been a victim of violent crime OFF-CAMPUS? Robbery
[Q23_7] Have you ever been a victim of violent crime OFF-CAMPUS? Other
[Q24] Have you ever been a victim of violent crime ON CAMPUS?
[Q25] Does the 1966 Tower shooting affect your opinion on Campus Carry?
[Q26_1] In your understanding of Campus Carry, which areas are student 'license-to-carry' (LTC) holders allowed to enter with a concealed handgun? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Classrooms
[Q26_2] In your understanding of Campus Carry, which areas are student 'license-to-carry' (LTC) holders allowed to enter with a concealed handgun? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Dorm rooms
[Q26_3] In your understanding of Campus Carry, which areas are student 'license-to-carry' (LTC) holders allowed to enter with a concealed handgun? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Intercollegiate athletic events
[Q26_4] In your understanding of Campus Carry, which areas are student 'license-to-carry' (LTC) holders allowed to enter with a concealed handgun? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Patient care facilities
[Q26_5] In your understanding of Campus Carry, which areas are student 'license-to-carry' (LTC) holders allowed to enter with a concealed handgun? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Libraries
[Q26_6] In your understanding of Campus Carry, which areas are student 'license-to-carry' (LTC) holders allowed to enter with a concealed handgun? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Bars on campus (Gabriel's, Cactus Cafe)
[Q27] What is your estimate of the number of students who have a license to carry? (Percent)
[Q28_1] In your understanding of Campus Carry law, which of the following signs are legally binding? (INDICATE BY CIRCLING THE IMAGE) VOTE AQUI HERE
[Q28_2] In your understanding of Campus Carry law, which of the following signs are legally binding? (INDICATE BY CIRCLING THE IMAGE) 30.06
[Q28_3] In your understanding of Campus Carry law, which of the following signs are legally binding? (INDICATE BY CIRCLING THE IMAGE) KITTY CAT
[Q28_4] In your understanding of Campus Carry law, which of the following signs are legally binding? (INDICATE BY CIRCLING THE IMAGE) 51 Percent
[Q28_5] In your understanding of Campus Carry law, which of the following signs are legally binding? (INDICATE BY CIRCLING THE IMAGE) NOTICE
[Q28_6] In your understanding of Campus Carry law, which of the following signs are legally binding? (INDICATE BY CIRCLING THE IMAGE) NO GUNS (CIRCLE WITH SLASH)
[Q29] Are you a member of the NRA?
[Q30] Do you believe the Second Amendment should be repealed?
[Q31] Were there firearms in your childhood home?
[Q32] How many firearms do you own?
[Q33_1] Why do you own a firearm? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Hunting
[Q33_2] Why do you own a firearm? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Hobby
[Q33_3] Why do you own a firearm? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Self-protection
[Q33_4] Why do you own a firearm? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Protection of family
[Q33_5] Why do you own a firearm? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Protection of community
[Q33_6] Why do you own a firearm? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Exercising my Second Amendment rights
[Q33_7] Why do you own a firearm? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Other, please specify
[Q34] Do you possess a license to carry a handgun?
[Q35_1] In terms of your carrying habits: How often do you carry a concealed firearm on campus?
[Q35_2] In terms of your carrying habits: If you carry a concealed handgun on campus, do you ever stretch the rules and take it where it is not allowed?
[Q35_3] In terms of your carrying habits: Do you store your firearm in your vehicle if you need to go to a gun-free zone on campus?
[Q36_1] What is your opinion about the following matters: Death penalty
[Q36_2] What is your opinion about the following matters: Legal abortion in Texas
[Q36_3] What is your opinion about the following matters: Gender-neutral bathrooms
[Q36_4] What is your opinion about the following matters: The right of individuals to determine their legal gender
[Q36_5] What is your opinion about the following matters: The border wall proposed by President Trump
[Q37] What political party do you most identify with?
[Q38] How would you describe your political ideology?
[Q39] How religious do you consider yourself?
[Q40] What best approximates your religious affiliation?
[Q41] How often do you attend religious services?
[Q42] To what degree is your position on Campus Carry informed by your religious beliefs?
[Q44] What department does your primary area of study fall under? (Categorized at FSD)
[Q45] What year were you born? (WRITE BELOW) (Categorized at FSD)
[Q46] How many years have you lived in Texas? (WRITE BELOW) (Categorized at FSD)
[Q47] What is your ethnic/racial identification?
[Q48] What gender were you assigned at birth?
[Q49] What is your primary gender identity?
[Q50] What is your socioeconomic background?
[answerTime] Answer time