FSD3731 EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Spring 2022

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EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Spring 2022

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  • Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA)


The study charted Finnish people's values and attitudes. The themes of the Spring 2022 survey included national security and preparedness, international relations, Finland's application to join NATO, Finland's relationship with Russia, consumer behaviour, workers' rights, the impact of robotics and artificial intelligence on work and employment, and well-being.

First, the respondents were presented with a variety of attitudinal statements concerning, among other topics, Finland's international relations, foreign policy, military alliances, labour relations, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The respondents were also asked how concerned they were about certain security threats (e.g. a military attack on Finland, a global economic crisis, efforts to destabilise Finnish society by hybrid influencing, violence by political extremist groups).

Various questions examined the possibility of Finland joining the military alliance NATO, security, preparedness for emergency situations, and Finland's relationship with Russia. The respondents were asked when Finland should make the decision whether or not to join NATO, and the respondents' views on the impact that NATO membership would have on several issues in Finland (e.g. Finland's international influence, Finland's relationship with Russia, national self-determination) were charted. Opinions on the need to hold a referendum on Finland's membership of NATO were surveyed. The respondents were also asked to assess the current image of Russia in Finland and the threats posed by Vladimir Putin's current actions. Additionally, the respondents assessed their personal readiness to take various actions (e.g. defend Finland with arms, reduce their household energy consumption, give up foreign travel) in the event of a military threat on Finland. The actions (e.g. participate in protests to lower fuel prices, use public transport more, vote for politicians and parties that promise to lower fuel prices) the respondents would be ready to take in response to a rise in consumer prices were also examined.

Next, the respondents' attitudes towards the reformation of labour legislation were surveyed with questions on various measures that would limit workers' right to strike. The respondents were asked about their views on the impact of robots and AI on employment in Finland (e.g. whether they had ever performed a job that had since been transferred to a robot or AI, whether their job included collaboration with robots or AI). The anticipated impact of robots and AI on the respondents' work in the future was also investigated with a series of statements (e.g. it will make my work much easier and more efficient, I can focus solely on essential tasks because routine parts of my work will be automated, it will make my work compulsively fast-paced). Additionally, the respondents were asked about their attitudes towards Finland's EU membership and the euro as Finland's currency.

Everyday well-being and happiness were also surveyed. The respondents were asked how happy they were with their lives at present, how satisfied they were with their life, and whether they felt that their lives were improving or worsening. The respondents' trust in other people and their outlook on their own futures were also charted. The respondents' state of mind was examined with questions on various matters relating to emotional states, well-being, and their situation in life.

Background variables included gender, age group, size of the respondent's municipality of residence, region of residence, employer type, employment status, type of employment contract, occupational group, employment sector, trade union membership, political party preference (which party the respondent would vote for), self-perceived social class, mother tongue, and annual income of the respondent's household.


COVID-19; European integration; artificial intelligence; bacterial and virus diseases; consumer behaviour; defence; defence and state security policy; energy consumption; foreign policy; international relations; national security; well-being (health); workers' rights

Topic Classification


EVA Surveys on Finnish Values and Attitudes


Finnish Social Science Data Archive


The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Data Collector

  • Taloustutkimus

Time Period Covered


Collection Dates

2022-03-04 – 2022-03-15



Geographical Coverage


Analysis/Observation Unit Type



People aged 18 - 79 residing in Finland (excluding the Åland Islands)

Time Method

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Sampling Procedure

Probability: Multistage

A stratified random sample was drawn from among the internet panel of Taloustutkimus. 2,074 people responded to the survey. The final data were weighted at Taloustutkimus to be representative of the Finnish population with respect to age, gender, region of residence, education, occupation/occupational status, employment sector, and political party preference (which party R would vote for in national elections).

The internet panel of Taloustutkimus, randomly drawn from Finland's population register, consists of individuals aged 15-79 who have entered their demographic and sociographic information when registering to the panel and have given their consent to Taloustutkimus to invite them to participate in various surveys. Responding to any survey is voluntary and participants can leave the panel any time they want.

Collection Mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)

Self-administered questionnaire: Messaging (SMS/MMS)

Research Instrument

Structured questionnaire

Data File Language

Downloaded data package may contain different language versions of the same files.

The data files of this dataset are available in the following languages: Finnish.

FSD translates quantitative data into English on request, free of charge. More information on ordering data translation.

Data Version


Completeness of Data and Restrictions

To prevent identification of respondents, open-ended 'comment' responses were removed from the data during archiving. Additionally, municipalities with less than 4,000 inhabitants were removed from the municipality variable by FSD.


The data contain a weight variable [paino], which weights the data to be representative of the Finnish population aged 18-79 with respect to age, gender, region of residence, education, occupation/occupational status, occupational sector, and political party preference.

Citation Requirement

The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.

Bibliographical Citation

Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA): EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Spring 2022 [dataset]. Version 1.0 (2023-01-02). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3731

Deposit Requirement

Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.


The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.

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Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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