FSD3748 Finnish Values and Everyday Life 2005

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] Case ID, ID2 (name changed at FSD)

[Year] Year of data collection

[HarVastattu] Has the hobby page been answered

[Har101] The survey starts by asking how important do you think the following things are in your life? Being at home

[Har102] The survey starts by asking how important do you think the following things are in your life? Working

[Har103] The survey starts by asking how important do you think the following things are in your life? Hobbies

[Har104] The survey starts by asking how important do you think the following things are in your life? Friends

[Har105] The survey starts by asking how important do you think the following things are in your life? News

[Har106] The survey starts by asking how important do you think the following things are in your life? Vacationing

[Har201] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Reading magazines

[Har202] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Reading tabloids

[Har203] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Reading literature

[Har204] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Taking care of pets

[Har205] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Listening to music

[Har206] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Meeting friends outside the family

[Har207] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Meeting relatives

[Har208] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Reading newspapers

[Har209] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Cooking

[Har210] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Doing things with computer

[Har211] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Using the Internet

[Har212] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Watching television

[Har213] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Taking care of pets

[Har214] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Spending time together with family members

[Har215] Which of the following home-related activities do you do regularly? Being alone without much else to do

[Har301] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Aerobics

[Har302] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Shooting

[Har303] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Wilderness hiking

[Har304] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Golf

[Har305] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Football

[Har306] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Yoga

[Har307] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Ice hockey

[Har308] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Fishing with a rod or a lure

[Har309] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Fly fishing

[Har310] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Fishing with a net or a fish trap

[Har311] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Rock climbing

[Har312] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Canoeing in an Canadian canoe

[Har313] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Canoeing in an kayak

[Har314] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Going to the gym

[Har315] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Use of exercise bike, rowing machine etc. at home

[Har316] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Walking (without poles)

[Har317] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Downhill skiing

[Har318] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Jogging or walking

[Har319] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Snowboarding

[Har320] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Hunting

[Har321] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Motorcycling

[Har322] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Motor boating

[Har323] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Cross-country skiing (skating style)

[Har324] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Cross-country skiing (classic style)

[Har325] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Belly dance

[Har326] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Sailing

[Har327] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Finnish baseball

[Har328] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Cycling

[Har329] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Horse riding

[Har330] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Skateboarding

[Har331] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Roller skating

[Har332] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Tennis

[Har333] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Nordic walking

[Har334] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Indoor climbing

[Har335] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Squash

[Har336] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Badminton

[Har337] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Floorball

[Har338] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Swimming in a public indoor swimming pool

[Har339] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Gymnastics

[Har340] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Mountain climbing

[Har341] Which of the following sports and physical activities do you do regularly? Athletics

[Har401] Which of the following do you do regularly? Driving

[Har402] Which of the following do you do regularly? Car tuning

[Har403] Which of the following do you do regularly? Reading newly published books

[Har404] Which of the following do you do regularly? Going to movies

[Har405] Which of the following do you do regularly? Watching Formula 1 races on TV

[Har406] Which of the following do you do regularly? Following other motor sports

[Har407] Which of the following do you do regularly? Evening course

[Har408] Which of the following do you do regularly? Charity work

[Har409] Which of the following do you do regularly? Going to football or hockey matches

[Har410] Which of the following do you do regularly? Participation in youth sports clubs or junior activities

[Har411] Which of the following do you do regularly? Reading fictional books

[Har412] Which of the following do you do regularly? Transporting children to activities

[Har413] Which of the following do you do regularly? Hanging out in a pub or a bar that serves only mild alcoholic beverages

[Har414] Which of the following do you do regularly? Hanging out on the outdoor terraces of restaurants in summer

[Har415] Which of the following do you do regularly? Participation in parents' association, volunteering at camp school, etc. participation at school

[Har416] Which of the following do you do regularly? Choir singing

[Har417] Which of the following do you do regularly? Listening to classical music at home

[Har418] Which of the following do you do regularly? Going to classical music concerts

[Har419] Which of the following do you do regularly? Listening to rock or blues music

[Har420] Which of the following do you do regularly? Going to rock or blues music concerts

[Har421] Which of the following do you do regularly? Dancing (going to open-air dances or in a restaurant/club)

[Har422] Which of the following do you do regularly? Going to the theatre, traditional plays

[Har423] Which of the following do you do regularly? Going to the theatre, modern plays

[Har424] Which of the following do you do regularly? Going to the opera

[Har425] Which of the following do you do regularly? Association activities related to residential location

[Har426] Which of the following do you do regularly? Association activities related to occupation

[Har427] Which of the following do you do regularly? Other association activities

[Har428] Which of the following do you do regularly? Reading popular fiction

[Har429] Which of the following do you do regularly? Reading non-fiction

[Har430] Which of the following do you do regularly? Travelling abroad for leisure to southern beach destinations

[Har431] Which of the following do you do regularly? Travelling abroad for leisure to urban destinations

[Har432] Which of the following do you do regularly? Travelling abroad for leisure to outside Europe

[Har433] Which of the following do you do regularly? Going on a cruise to Sweden

[Har434] Which of the following do you do regularly? Going on a cruise to Tallinn

[Har435] Which of the following do you do regularly? Going to flea markets as a buyer

[Har436] Which of the following do you do regularly? Selling at flea markets

[Har437] Which of the following do you do regularly? Going to church apart from church holidays, weddings, funerals and christenings

[Har438] Which of the following do you do regularly? Participation in parish work

[Har439] Which of the following do you do regularly? Genealogy

[Har440] Which of the following do you do regularly? Voluntary work (fundraising, youth work, helping the elderly, etc.)

[Har441] Which of the following do you do regularly? Participation in political associations

[Har442] Which of the following do you do regularly? Photography

[Har443] Which of the following do you do regularly? Drawing or painting

[Har444] Which of the following do you do regularly? Watching rental videos / DVDs

[Har445] Which of the following do you do regularly? Dog or cat show activities

[Har446] Which of the following do you do regularly? Collecting (stamps, labels, items, etc.)

[Har447] Which of the following do you do regularly? Solving crossword puzzles

[Har448] Which of the following do you do regularly? Betting money (Veikkaus)

[Har449] Which of the following do you do regularly? Lotto (National Lottery)

[Har450] Which of the following do you do regularly? Other gambling games

[V01] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: EQUALITY UN (equal opportunities to all)

[V02] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: INNER HARMONY UN/SP (peace with myself)

[V03] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SOCIAL POWER PO (control of others, position of power)

[V04] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: PLEASURE HE (satisfying cravings)

[V05] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: FREEDOM SD (freedom of action and thought)

[V06] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: A SPIRITUAL LIFE BE/SP (emphasis on spiritual or mental, not material things)

[V07] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: BELONGING SE (feeling that others care about me)

[V08] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SOCIAL ORDER SE (stability of society)

[V09] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: EXCITING LIFE ST (uplifting experiences)

[V10] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: MEANING IN LIFE BE/SP (a purpose in life)

[V11] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: POLITENESS CO (benevolence, good manners)

[V12] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: WEALTH PO (material assets, money)

[V13] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: NATIONAL SECURITY SE (protecting my own people from enemies)

[V14] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SELF-RESPECT SD/AC (belief in your own worth)

[V15] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: RESIPROCATION OF FAVOURS SE (avoiding debts of gratitude)

[V16] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: CREATIVITY SE (originality, imagination)

[V17] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: WORLD PEACE UN (no wars or conflicts)

[V18] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: RESPECT FOR TRADITION TR (preserving time defied habits)

[V19] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: MATURE LOVE BE (deep emotional and spiritual intimacy)

[V20] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SELF-DISCIPLINE CO (self-control, resisting temptation)

[V21] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: PRIVACY (to be at peace)

[V22] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: FAMILY SECURITY SE (safety of loved ones)

[V23] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SOCIAL RECOGNITION PO (respect, approval of others)

[V24] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: UNITY WITH NATURE UN (adaptation to nature)

[V25] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: A VARIED LIFE ST (full of challenges, new things and change)

[V26] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: WISDOM UN (mature understanding of life)

[V27] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: AUTHORITY PO (the right to lead and command)

[V28] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: TRUE FRIENDSHIP BE (close, supportive friends)

[V29] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: WORLD OF BEAUTY UN (beauty of nature and art)

[V30] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SOCIAL JUSTICE UN (correcting injustice, caring for the weak)

[V31] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: INDEPENDENT SD (self-confident, self-reliant)

[V32] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: MODERATE TR (avoiding extremes of action and emotion)

[V33] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: LOYAL BE (loyal to friends, to group)

[V34] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: AMBITIOUS AC (hard-working, striven to proceed)

[V35] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: BROADMINDED UN (tolerant of different ideas and beliefs)

[V36] Value list 2: Mode of action. How important is this value to you: HUMBLE TR (modest, self-effacing)

[V37] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: DARING ST (adventurous, takes risks)

[V38] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT UN (protecting the nature)

[V39] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: INFLUENTIAL AC (influencing people and events)

[V40] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: HONOURING PARENTS AND ELDERS CO (show respect)

[V41] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: CHOOSING OWN GOALS SD (selecting one's own aspirations)

[V42] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: HEALTHY SE (not to be physically or mentally ill)

[V43] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: CAPABLE AC (competent, efficient, productive)

[V44] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: ACCEPTING MY PORTION IN LIFE TR (submitting to life's circumstances)

[V45] Value list 2: Mode of action. How important is this value to you: HONEST BE (genuine, sincere)

[V46] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: PRESERVING MY PUBLIC IMAGE PO (protecting one's 'face' / reputation)

[V47] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: OBEDIENT CO (responsible, dutiful)

[V48] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: INTELLLIGENT AC (consistent, thoughtful)

[V49] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: HELPFUL BE (working towards the well-being of others)

[V50] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: ENJOYING LIFE HE (enjoying food, sexuality, free time, etc.)

[V51] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: DEVOUT TR (pious, godly)

[V52] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: RESPONSIBLE BE (reliable)

[V53] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: CURIOUS SD (interested in everything, investigative)

[V54] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: FORGIVING BE (willing to forgive others)

[V55] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: SUCCESFUL AC (reaching the goals)

[V56] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: CLEAN SE (tidy)

[V57] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: SELF-INDULGENT HE (doing pleasant things)

[AK001] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Helping the hungry in Africa

[AK002] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Liberalization of alcohol imports

[AK003] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Lowering alcohol tax

[AK004] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Increase in the amount of aluminium cans in the trade of beverages

[AK005] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Atkins diet

[AK006] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Bisexuality

[AK007] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Cannabis products

[AK008] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: A diet including one glass of red wine daily

[AK009] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Digital television

[AK010] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Doping in high performance sport

[AK011] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Changing the retirement age flexible between the ages of 63 and 68 years

[AK012] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: The development of the EU into a federal state

[AK013] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: EU Civilian Rapid Reaction Force

[AK014] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: EU Rapid Reaction Force

[AK015] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: The European Constitution

[AK016] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: The European Union

[AK017] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Euthanasia

[AK018] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Formula 1 races

[AK019] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Genetically modified foods

[AK020] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Globalization

[AK021] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Homosexuality

[AK022] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Narcotics

[AK023] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: TV shows like Idols and Popstars

[AK024] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Age management

[AK025] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Ageing people in working life

[AK026] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Internet

[AK027] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Islam

[AK028] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Patriotism

[AK029] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Being admitted to an isolation room because of suspected hospital-acquired bacteria

[AK030] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Competitive tendering of public services

[AK031] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Internationality

[AK032] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Restoration of Karelia

[AK033] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Cosmetic surgery for appearance only

[AK034] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Commercialism

[AK035] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Concentration of trade in shopping malls

[AK036] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Liberalization of shop opening hours

[AK037] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: The China phenomenon

[AK038] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Sorting household waste at home

[AK039] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Tax deductibility of domestic cleaning services

[AK040] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: A DNA register covering the entire population

[AK041] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Christianity

[AK042] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Outsourcing of municipal services

[AK043] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Municipal consolidations

[AK044] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Mobile phone news

[AK045] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Dieting

[AK046] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Pharmaceutical industry

[AK047] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Immigrants

[AK048] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Advertising

[AK049] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Paid TV games that people including children can play on their mobile phones

[AK050] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Beauty contest

[AK051] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Muslims

[AK052] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Female priesthood

[AK053] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Limiting study time at universities

[AK054] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Receiving refugees in Finland

[AK055] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Deposit-based return system of beverage packages

[AK056] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Fast food

[AK057] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Increasing the jurisdiction of the police

[AK058] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Political appointments to office

[AK059] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: President George W. Bush

[AK060] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Emissions trading

[AK061] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: The increasing importance of money everywhere

[AK062] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Liberalization of gambling markets

[AK063] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Allowing the sale of non-prescription medicines in grocery stores

[AK064] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Parallel medicines

[AK065] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Talking about sexuality in public

[AK066] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: The changeover from conscript army to professional army

[AK067] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Gender quotas in filling posts

[AK068] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Finnish design

[AK069] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Discussing Finland's competitiveness

[AK070] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Finland's accession to NATO

[AK071] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Finland's efforts to get to the very core of the EU

[AK072] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Finland not being a part of any military alliances

[AK073] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Foreign nationals residing in Finland

[AK074] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Granting taxi licences to all those who meet the professional requirements

[AK075] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Equality

[AK076] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Talk shows on television

[AK077] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: The war against terrorism

[AK078] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Privatization of health care

[AK079] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Reality television programmes

[AK080] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Chechen aspirations for independence

[AK081] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Smoking prohibition in restaurants

[AK082] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Turkey's EU membership

[AK083] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Stricter security checks at airports and harbours

[AK084] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Television fee

[AK085] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Work

[AK086] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: The aspiration to extend working careers

[AK087] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Foreign employees in Finland

[AK088] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Religion

[AK089] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Voluntary pension savings

[AK090] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Military service

[AK091] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Vegans

[AK092] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Visa exemption for Russia

[AK093] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Russian tourists in Finland

[AK094] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Tax benefits for the most highly educated foreign employees

[AK095] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Sales of wine in food stores

[AK096] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Use of nuclear power

[AK097] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Private motoring

[AK098] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Universal vaccination programme

[AK099] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Discussing the ownership of companies

[AK100] For each item, mark how positive or negative is your view on it: Oil refining industry

[Tyo101] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) Opportunity to use your talents

[Tyo102] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) Being able to see the results of your work

[Tyo103] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) Pleasant colleagues

[Tyo104] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) Permanent job

[Tyo105] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) Smart supervisors

[Tyo106] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) The work activities form a meaningful whole

[Tyo107] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) Freedom to decide on matters related to your own work

[Tyo108] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) Good salary

[Tyo109] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) Independent work

[Tyo110] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) Inspiring work

[Tyo111] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) Comfortable working spaces

[Tyo112] Which of the following are essential for you to be able to work to the best of your ability and enjoy your job? (three most important) Commitment to the company's objectives

[Tyo2] How close is your current work situation to the ideal situation described above?

[Tyo301] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) A pioneer in their field

[Tyo302] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) A good creator of community spirit

[Tyo303] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Core values you can believe in

[Tyo304] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Offers rapid career development

[Tyo305] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Offers good financial benefits

[Tyo306] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Positive public image

[Tyo307] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Inspiring

[Tyo308] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Financially sound

[Tyo309] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Rapidly reacting

[Tyo310] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Large and well-known

[Tyo311] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Requires commitment

[Tyo312] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Understand the importance of leisure time

[Tyo313] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Operates in a growing field

[Tyo314] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) International

[Tyo315] At which kind of employer company would you prefer to work? (three most important) Humane operating principles

[Tyo4] How close is your current employer to the ideal situation described above?

[Tyo501] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? I feel I am involved in important work, which benefits many people

[Tyo502] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? My job would be much easier if my boss had time to listen to me

[Tyo503] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? I can develop in my job and constantly learn new things

[Tyo504] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? It is difficult to commit to a company that can dismiss its employees at any time

[Tyo505] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? It is great to work for a company that is doing well financially

[Tyo506] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? Nowadays, people want to retire early because their work is not valued

[Tyo507] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? My work is a great creative challenge for me

[Tyo508] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? I would be willing to work for a lower salary if I could have a job I really like

[Tyo509] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? Mutual trust is the most important precondition for efficient and competitive operations

[Tyo510] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? I will retire as soon as I can, because I want to do more with my life than just work

[Tyo511] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? The only reason for me to work is the salary

[Tyo512] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? The working life makes no sense nowadays

[Tyo513] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? I feel that my professionalism is trusted and that I can do my job properly

[Tyo514] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? The meaningfulness of the work no longer matters, because the only thing that matters is the profit the company makes

[Tyo515] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? Work feels most meaningful when you can trust that everyone is doing their part

[Tyo516] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? I feel exhausted by my workload

[Tyo517] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life? I want to continue in working life as long as possible because I like working

[KEVA1] Which alternative is closer to your opinion when you think about work, hobbies and age of retirement?

[KEVA201] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? Appreciation of my professional skills

[KEVA202] Choose three things, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? The desire to secure your economic circumstances in retirement

[KEVA203] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? The ease of balancing work and family life

[KEVA204] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? Well-functioning cooperation in the workplace

[KEVA205] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? Good colleagues

[KEVA206] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? Opportunity to develop in your job

[KEVA207] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? Possibility to take part-time pension

[KEVA208] Choose three things, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? Possibility of working time arrangements, shorter working week or day

[KEVA209] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? The opportunity to influence your own pace of work

[KEVA210] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? The opportunity to influence the content of the work

[KEVA211] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? I will earn a bigger pension

[KEVA212] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? I get extra personal days off when I continue to work

[KEVA213] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? A skillful and understanding supervisor

[KEVA214] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? A familiar and safe work community

[KEVA215] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? Encouragement from the employer

[KEVA216] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? Employer investment in well-being at work

[KEVA217] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? Employer-provided theatre and other events

[KEVA218] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? Appreciation of the results of my work

[KEVA219] Choose three things from the list below, that would entice you to stay in working life for as long as possible in the situation, where you could retire if you wished so? The importance of my work to other people

[KEVA3] How often do you want to receive personal information about your pension affairs?

[KEVA4] Which of the following do you think is the best way to get information from a pension institution about the amount of your pension?

[KEVA5] How interested are you in finding out how different factors (years worked, wage level, sabbatical years, etc.) affect the amount of your pension?

[KEVA601V] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. What do you think is the minimum age to be able to cope with different occupations? Municipal manager / minimum age

[KEVA601P] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age are people at their best in different professions? Municipal manager / the best age

[KEVA601E] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age should people retire from different professions? Municipal manager / retirement age

[KEVA602V] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. What do you think is the minimum age to be able to cope with different occupations? Firefighter / minimum age

[KEVA602P] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age are people at their best in different professions? Firefighter / the best age

[KEVA602E] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age should people retire from different professions? Firefighter / retirement age

[KEVA603V] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. What do you think is the minimum age to be able to cope with different occupations? Comprehensive school teacher / minimum age

[KEVA603P] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age are people at their best in different professions? Comprehensive school teacher / the best age

[KEVA603E] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age should people retire from different professions? Comprehensive school teacher / retirement age

[KEVA604V] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. What do you think is the minimum age to be able to cope with different occupations? A childcare nurse in a day-care centre / minimum age

[KEVA604P] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age are people at their best in different professions? A childcare nurse in a day-care centre / the best age

[KEVA604E] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age should people retire from different professions? A childcare nurse in a day-care centre / retirement age

[KEVA605V] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. What do you think is the minimum age to be able to cope with different occupations? A nurse / minimum age

[KEVA605P] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age are people at their best in different professions? A nurse / the best age

[KEVA605E] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age should people retire from different professions? A nurse / retirement age

[KEVA606V] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. What do you think is the minimum age to be able to cope with different occupations? A carer for the elderly / minimum age

[KEVA606P] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age are people at their best in different professions? A carer for the elderly / the best age

[KEVA606E] In your opinion, what are the age requirements for different occupations. At what age should people retire from different professions? A carer for the elderly / retirement age

[Tur1] How safe do you consider your life to be at the moment?

[Tur201] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? My spouse's infidelity

[Tur202] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Uncertainty about the adequacy of my retirement provision

[Tur203] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Uncertainty about my children's future

[Tur204] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? The deterioration of the welfare state

[Tur205] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Being dismissed from my job

[Tur206] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Being forced out of your home against your will

[Tur207] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Death

[Tur208] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Walking in the city centre at night

[Tur209] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Poverty

[Tur210] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? My child becoming severely addicted to drugs

[Tur211] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Being involved in a traffic accident

[Tur212] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Being a victim of a natural disaster

[Tur213] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Being a victim of domestic violence

[Tur214] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Speaking in public

[Tur215] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Getting robbed

[Tur216] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Catching an infectious disease spreading from abroad

[Tur217] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? incapacity for work due to illness

[Tur218] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Finland going to war

[Tur219] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Finland becoming a police state

[Tur220] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Economy's dominance in world politics

[Tur221] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? A terrorist attack in Finland

[Tur222] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Working life becoming unsustainable

[Tur223] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Responsibility to care for elderly parents

[Tur224] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Speaking a foreign language with foreigners

[Tur225] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Violent neighbours

[Tur226] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Nuclear war

[Tur227] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? The explosion of a nuclear power plant

[Tur228] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? ending up on one's own

[Tur229] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? Contamination of the environment

[Tur230] Which of the following matters are currently frightening you to the extent that you feel your well-being is negatively affected? The rise of extreme Islam in Europe

[Tur3] How happy do you consider your life to be at the moment?

[Tur401] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Equal distribution of well-being in Finland

[Tur402] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? A good supervisor at work

[Tur403] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Good state of health

[Tur404] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Increased international co-operation

[Tur405] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? The entry into force of the Kyoto climate agreement

[Tur406] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Relationships in good condition

[Tur407] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Trust in the helpfulness of good friends

[Tur408] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Confidence in getting by financially

[Tur409] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Confidence in the continuity of the Finnish way of life

[Tur410] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? The propagation of Western prosperity to other continents

[Tur411] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Opportunity for a relaxed leisure time

[Tur412] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? A pleasant local environment

[Tur413] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? The consideration of someone close to me

[Tur414] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Nice work environment

[Tur415] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Family member's success at school or work

[Tur416] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Finnish politicians doing well in the world

[Tur417] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Decisions by Finnish policy-makers

[Tur418] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Finland's prominent role in world politics

[Tur419] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Financially secure retirement days

[Tur420] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Continuous technological development

[Tur421] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Knowing that I can reside where I want to

[Tur422] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? I feel my life is going in a good direction

[Tur423] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? I feel that I am trusted

[Tur424] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? I feel I am doing important work

[Tur425] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? A safe and pleasant local environment

[Tur426] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? I dare to be myself around my loved ones

[Tur427] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? The certainty that I will not be left alone as I age

[Tur428] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? I can make someone close to me happy

[Tur429] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Pride in being a Finn

[Tur430] Which of the following matters do you currently enjoy to the extent that you feel your well-being is improving? Friendly service in stores

[Tur5] How do you perceive your own ability to influence the issues that are important in your life at the moment?

[Ilo1] Below are some delights of everyday life. How often do you brighten up your everyday life with these things? Eating out

[Ilo2] Below are some delights of everyday life. How often do you brighten up your everyday life with these things? Talking with friends

[Ilo3] Below are some delights of everyday life. How often do you brighten up your everyday life with these things? Going to the shops, 'shopping'

[Ilo4] Below are some delights of everyday life. How often do you brighten up your everyday life with these things? Focusing on my own hobby

[Ilo5] Below are some delights of everyday life. How often do you brighten up your everyday life with these things? Enjoying sweets or good food at home

[Ilo6] Below are some delights of everyday life. How often do you brighten up your everyday life with these things? Going to hairdresser or massage therapist

[Ilo7] Below are some delights of everyday life. How often do you brighten up your everyday life with these things? Family doing something fun together outside the home

[Haluaa01] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: More time for myself

[Haluaa02] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: More time together as a family

[Haluaa03] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: Starting a new hobby

[Haluaa04] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: Buying a home

[Haluaa05] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: Buying a holiday home

[Haluaa06] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: Home or holiday home decoration or renovation

[Haluaa07] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: Buying a new car

[Haluaa08] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: Improving physical fitness level or taking care of your health

[Haluaa09] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: Buying a boat or motorcycle

[Haluaa10] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: Holiday trip

[Haluaa11] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: Saving money

[Haluaa12] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I want: Investing money

[Pystyy01] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: More time for myself

[Pystyy02] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: More time together as a family

[Pystyy03] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: Starting a new hobby

[Pystyy04] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: Buying a home

[Pystyy05] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: Buying a holiday home

[Pystyy06] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: Home or holiday home decoration or renovation

[Pystyy07] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: Buying a new car

[Pystyy08] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: Improving physical fitness level or taking care of your health

[Pystyy09] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: Buying a boat or motorcycle

[Pystyy10] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: Holiday trip

[Pystyy11] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: Saving money

[Pystyy12] Which of the following do you want and what do you think you will be able to achieve in the next few years: I can achieve: Investing money

[Oper01] What is your relation with the following mobile operators, internet service providers and service providers? Cubio

[Oper02] What is your relation with the following mobile operators, internet service providers and service providers? Dna

[Oper03] What is your relation with the following mobile operators, internet service providers and service providers? Elisa

[Oper04] What is your relation with the following mobile operators, internet service providers and service providers? Kolumbus

[Oper05] What is your relation with the following mobile operators, internet service providers and service providers? Saunalahti

[Oper06] What is your relation with the following mobile operators, internet service providers and service providers? Sonera

[Oper07] What is your relation with the following mobile operators, internet service providers and service providers? Tele Finland

[Oper08] What is your relation with the following mobile operators, internet service providers and service providers? Tele2

[Oper09] What is your relation with the following mobile operators, internet service providers and service providers? Welho

[Oper10] What is your relation with the following mobile operators, internet service providers and service providers? Zeroforty

[MPOper1] How important are the following factors for you when choosing a mobile phone operator? Ease of use

[MPOper2] How important are the following factors for you when choosing a mobile phone operator? Price

[MPOper3] How important are the following factors for you when choosing a mobile phone operator? Reliability

[MPOper4] How important are the following factors for you when choosing a mobile phone operator? Diversity

[MPOper5] How important are the following factors for you when choosing a mobile phone operator? Speed

[MPOper6] How important are the following factors for you when choosing a mobile phone operator? Customizability of services

[IOper1] How important are the following factors for you when choosing an internet service provider? Ease of use

[IOper2] How important are the following factors for you when choosing an internet service provider? Price

[IOper3] How important are the following factors for you when choosing an internet service provider? Reliability

[IOper4] How important are the following factors for you when choosing an internet service provider? Diversity

[IOper5] How important are the following factors for you when choosing an internet service provider? Speed

[IOper6] How important are the following factors for you when choosing an internet service provider? Customizability of services

[VK1] What do you think about the following statements about retail stores: It would be good if more foreign grocery chains were operating in Finland

[VK2] What do you think about the following statements about retail stores: I am willing to pay more for Fairtrade and similar products

[VK3] What do you think about the following statements about retail stores: Store-brand products (Pirkka/Rainbow/Eldorado etc.) are just as good as other branded products

[VK4] What do you think about the following statements about retail stores: I am willing to pay more for products made in Finland

[VK5] What do you think about the following statements about retail stores: It is up to the shops to decide on opening hours

[VK6] What do you think about the following statements about retail stores: I try to concentrate all my purchases (food, clothes, household appliances, etc.) in one group of shops

[VK7] What do you think about the following statements about retail stores: It is important to me that the origin and ethical background of imported products is verified (e.g. child labour has not been used)

[VK8] What do you think about the following statements about retail stores: I prefer to buy clothes, household appliances and other consumer goods from specialist shops rather than department stores or large superstores

[Mor1Yht1] Moral dilemma: Basic services and elderly care. The manager's decision: In these times of austerity budgets, even such measures must be accepted

[Mor1Pyha] Moral dilemma: Basic services and elderly care. The manager's decision: Only God has the right to decide Emma's state of vitality

[Mor1Yht2] Moral dilemma: Basic services and elderly care. The manager's decision: The manager must have made their decision in order to preserve the peace of working at the nursing home

[Mor1Auto] Moral dilemma: Basic services and elderly care. The manager's decision: The manager's decision belittled Emma's human dignity in an unpleasant way

[Mor1Hyv] Moral dilemma: Basic services and elderly care. The manager's decision: Do you accept the manager's decision?

[Mor1Emot] Moral dilemma: Basic services and elderly care. The manager's decision: How did the manager's decision make you feel?

[Mor2Yht1] Moral dilemma: Respect for the religious beliefs of the deceased. Jyrki's decision: Good manners include inviting a minister to bless the deceased to rest in the peace

[Mor2Pyha] Moral dilemma: Respect for the religious beliefs of the deceased. Jyrki's decision: Jyrki's decision is against God's will

[Mor2Yht2] Moral dilemma: Respect for the religious beliefs of the deceased. Jyrki's decision: Jyrki's decision was understandable, as there were no religious funeral guests present

[Mor2Auto] Moral dilemma: Respect for the religious beliefs of the deceased. Jyrki's decision: Jyrki's decision seriously violated the human rights of his late mother

[Mor2Hyv] Moral dilemma: Respect for the religious beliefs of the deceased. Do you accept Jyrki's decision?

[Mor2Emot] Moral dilemma: Respect for the religious beliefs of the deceased. How did Jyrki's decision make you feel?

[Mor3Yht1] Moral dilemma: Freedom of expression and privacy policy. Esko's decision: Esko was working as a representative of the free press and therefore has a duty to report on matters of public interest

[Mor3Pyha] Moral dilemma: Freedom of expression and privacy policy. Esko's decision: Esko should not have acted as a judge, because apart from God, the only way to judge people is by a court of law

[Mor3Yht2] Moral dilemma: Freedom of expression and privacy policy. Esko's decision: Esko was able to concentrate on his work as a newspaper photographer, because the first responders no longer needed his help

[Mor3Auto] Moral dilemma: Freedom of expression and privacy policy. Esko's decision: Esko's decision seriously violated the privacy of the politician's spouse

[Mor3Hyv] Moral dilemma: Freedom of expression and privacy policy. Esko's decision: Do you accept Esko's decision?

[Mor3Emot] Moral dilemma: Freedom of expression and privacy policy. Esko's decision: How did Esko's decision make you feel?

[Mor4Yht1] Moral dilemma: Stealing and China phenomenon. Pekka's decision: Pekka's solution is easy to accept, as the factory's management also acted selfishly regarding the employment situation in Finland

[Mor4Pyha] Moral dilemma: Stealing and China phenomenon. Pekka's decision: Pekka should not have taken the money because God says in His Word 'Do not steal'

[Mor4Yht2] Moral dilemma: Stealing and China phenomenon. Pekka's decision: Responsibility for his family's well-being forced Pekka to make this decision

[Mor4Auto] Moral dilemma: Stealing and China phenomenon. Pekka's decision: In the current labour market, everyone is responsible of their own fortune, so the factory management can blame the loss of money on its own carelessness

[Mor4Hyv] Moral dilemma: Stealing and China phenomenon. Pekka's decision: Do you accept Pekka's decision?

[Mor4Emot] Moral dilemma: Stealing and China phenomenon. Pekka's decision: How did Pekka's decision make you feel?

[Muu101] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? Health care

[Muu102] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? Education

[Muu103] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? Communication

[Muu104] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? Security of person

[Muu105] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? National security

[Muu106] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? Television programmes

[Muu107] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? Finnish well-being

[Muu108] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? The action of politicians

[Muu109] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? Cultural offerings

[Muu110] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? Advertising

[Muu111] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? International security

[Muu112] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? Traffic safety

[Muu113] The changing world is widely talked about. Which of the following would you say has changed for the better and which for the worse? Coverage of basic services

[Muu201] Which of the following elements of internationalizationation would you say have changed for the better and which for the worse? Travel opportunities

[Muu202] Which of the following elements of internationalizationation would you say have changed for the better and which for the worse? Stores' assortment

[Muu203] Which of the following elements of internationalizationation would you say have changed for the better and which for the worse? Number of foreigners in our country

[Muu204] Which of the following elements of internationalizationation would you say have changed for the better and which for the worse? Employment opportunities

[Muu205] Which of the following elements of internationalizationation would you say have changed for the better and which for the worse? Learning from other nations

[Muu206] Which of the following elements of internationalizationation would you say have changed for the better and which for the worse? The price level of goods

[Muu207] Which of the following elements of internationalizationation would you say have changed for the better and which for the worse? The operations of large companies

[Muu208] Which of the following elements of internationalizationation would you say have changed for the better and which for the worse? Flow of information

[Muu209] Which of the following elements of internationalizationation would you say have changed for the better and which for the worse? Political stability

[Muu210] Which of the following elements of internationalizationation would you say have changed for the better and which for the worse? Individual freedom

[Muu301] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Hobby opportunities

[Muu302] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Learning opportunities

[Muu303] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Financial circumstances

[Muu304] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Personal safety

[Muu305] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Ability to participate in decision-making

[Muu306] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Opportunities to access information

[Muu307] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Personal spiritual growth

[Muu308] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Understanding other people

[Muu401] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Finland's right of self-determination

[Muu402] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Well-being of citizens

[Muu403] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... National security

[Muu404] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... The economy of our country

[Muu405] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Employment situation

[Muu406] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Achieving of equality

[Muu407] How do you believe your life will develop in the next few years regarding... Coverage of basic services

[Muu501] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? The increase in AIDS

[Muu502] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Alcohol consumption

[Muu503] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? The lowering of the retirement age

[Muu504] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? The use of illegal drugs

[Muu505] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Privatization of public services

[Muu506] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? High tax rate

[Muu507] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? The increase in workplace peace disturbances in schools

[Muu508] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? The lack of educated labour force

[Muu509] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Poverty

[Muu510] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Youth drinking

[Muu511] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Racism

[Muu512] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Driving under the influence

[Muu513] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Criminality

[Muu514] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Publishing contradictory information on health

[Muu515] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Lowering birth rates

[Muu516] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Terrorism

[Muu517] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? War against terrorism

[Muu518] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Unemployment

[Muu519] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Burn-out syndrome

[Muu520] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Staff shortage

[Muu521] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Deficiencies in care for the elderly

[Muu522] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Ageing of the population

[Muu523] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Risks related to nuclear power

[Muu524] Which would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? The division of society into groups, where others tend to be towards the top and others toward the bottom of the society

[Muu525] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Speeding in traffic

[Muu526] Which of the following would you consider to be the three most serious societal problems facing Finland at the moment? Polluting the environment

[Muu6] What is your opinion on the pace of societal change at the moment?

[Muu7] What is your opinion on the course of societal change at the moment?

[KtShop] I like to shop around and often buy things on impulse. I see shopping as a leisure activity and an important part of life. This kind of 'shopping' gives me real pleasure. (Shopper)

[KtArki] Shopping is a very ordinary, if often necessary, activity. I would be delighted if someone else could do the shopping for me. I rarely try anything special. That's why I usually get through my shopping quite quickly. (Everyday)

[KtHark] I am a careful and planned consumer. I have the patience to put off major purchases until the sales start. I don't like to buy second-hand and I avoid impulse purchases. (Considering)

[KtYmp] I am an environmentally conscious person, as a consumer I try to make environmentally friendly choices and avoid unnecessary consumption. If I a product is environmentally friendly, I am willing to pay more. (Environmentally aware)

[KtEdul] I try to buy everything as cheaply as possible. I think most people overpay for products and services. By keeping my eyes open and watching the prices in the stores, I am constantly saving money.(Bargain hunter)

[KtOsaas] Circumstances force me to live economically, because I barely have money for the essentials. I often have to compromise on my desires and be very careful to make sure I have enough money somehow. (Forced saver)

[KtVarm] I have confident taste and clear consumer habits. I often spend a lot of money to get the products and brands that I value. I am prepared to pay for prestigious brands, because good things rarely come cheap. (Self-confident)

[KtVaat] I am a modest person and I can easily save from my regular income. My consumption expenditure is low and I have no interest in increasing it, even if I had the opportunity to do so. (Modest)

[KtVaro] I like to see what others are doing and then make my buying decision. I often find myself buying familiar products. I don't like to buy things that differ from the tastes of my neighbours and friends. (Observer)

[KtKok] I'm more of an experimenter in my spending style. I often find that I'm aware of new products before my friends, which is why many people ask me for advice when buying something a little more special. (Experimenter)

[KtEet] As a consumer, I make ethical choices. When buying, I look at the origin of the product, the company, the materials it is made of and the working conditions in the factory. Based on this reflection, I then make my choice. (Ethical)

[KtMuo] When I buy products that are important to me, such as clothes or a new mobile phone, I always choose the most fashionable models possible. It's important for me to be up-to-date as a consumer. (Fashionable)

[SMKiin01] The areas that interest me: Hair care and treatment products

[SMKiin02] The areas that interest me: Skincare

[SMKiin03] The areas that interest me: Self-development and studying

[SMKiin04] The areas that interest me: Going to the shops, 'shopping'

[SMKiin05] The areas that interest me: Kitchen equipment (machines, tableware, furniture)

[SMKiin06] The areas that interest me: Information technology at home

[SMKiin07] The areas that interest me: Jewellery (gold, silver, etc.)

[SMKiin08] The areas that interest me: Fitness equipment, consumables and clothing

[SMKiin09] The areas that interest me: Travelling for leisure

[SMKiin10] The areas that interest me: Mobile phones and mobile phone services

[SMKiin11] The areas that interest me: Make-up products and make-up routine

[SMKiin12] The areas that interest me: Fashion

[SMKiin13] The areas that interest me: Clothing (clothes, footwear and accessories)

[SMKiin14] The areas that interest me: Gardening

[SMKiin15] The areas that interest me: Building and renovation

[SMKiin16] The areas that interest me: Wristwatches

[SMKiin17] The areas that interest me: Investing money

[SMKiin18] The areas that interest me: Glasses and sunglasses

[SMKiin19] The areas that interest me: Interior design

[SMKiin20] The areas that interest me: Healthy diet

[SMKiin21] The areas that interest me: New cars / car models

[SMKiin22] The areas that interest me: Trying out new recipes

[SMKiin23] The areas that interest me: Trying out new ready-made foods

[SMKiin24] The areas that interest me: Leisure-time housing

[SMKiin25] The areas that interest me: Entertainment electronics

[SMKiin26] The areas that interest me: Vitamins and natural products

[SMAika01] The areas that I spend time on: Hair care and treatment products

[SMAika02] The areas that I spend time on: Skincare

[SMAika03] The areas that I spend time on: Self-development and studying

[SMAika04] The areas that I spend time on: Going to the shops, 'shopping'

[SMAika05] The areas that I spend time on: Kitchen equipment (machines, tableware, furniture)

[SMAika06] The areas that I spend time on: Information technology at home

[SMAika07] The areas that I spend time on: Jewellery (gold, silver, etc.)

[SMAika08] The areas that I spend time on: Fitness equipment, consumables and clothing

[SMAika09] The areas that I spend time on: Travelling for leisure

[SMAika10] The areas that I spend time on: Mobile phones and mobile phone services

[SMAika11] The areas that I spend time on: Make-up products and make-up routine

[SMAika12] The areas that I spend time on: Fashion

[SMAika13] The areas that I spend time on: Clothing (clothes, footwear and accessories)

[SMAika14] The areas that I spend time on: Gardening

[SMAika15] The areas that I spend time on: Building and renovation

[SMAika16] The areas that I spend time on: Wristwatches

[SMAika17] The areas that I spend time on: Investing money

[SMAika18] The areas that I spend time on: Glasses and sunglasses

[SMAika19] The areas that I spend time on: Interior design

[SMAika20] The areas that I spend time on: Healthy diet

[SMAika21] The areas that I spend time on: New cars / car models

[SMAika22] The areas that I spend time on: Trying out new recipes

[SMAika23] The areas that I spend time on: Trying out new ready-made foods

[SMAika24] The areas that I spend time on: Leisure-time housing

[SMAika25] The areas that I spend time on: Entertainment electronics

[SMAika26] The areas that I spend time on: Vitamins and natural products

[SMRaha01] The areas that I spend money on: Hair care and treatment products

[SMRaha02] The areas that I spend money on: Skincare

[SMRaha03] The areas that I spend money on: Self-development and studying

[SMRaha04] The areas that I spend money on: Going to the shops, 'shopping'

[SMRaha05] The areas that I spend money on: Kitchen equipment (machines, tableware, furniture)

[SMRaha06] The areas that I spend money on: Information technology at home

[SMRaha07] The areas that I spend money on: Jewellery (gold, silver, etc.)

[SMRaha08] The areas that I spend money on: Fitness equipment, consumables and clothing

[SMRaha09] The areas that I spend money on: Travelling for leisure

[SMRaha10] The areas that I spend money on: Mobile phones and mobile phone services

[SMRaha11] The areas that I spend money on: Make-up products and make-up routine

[SMRaha12] The areas that I spend money on: Fashion

[SMRaha13] The areas that I spend money on: Clothing (clothes, footwear and accessories)

[SMRaha14] The areas that I spend money on: Gardening

[SMRaha15] The areas that I spend money on: Building and renovation

[SMRaha16] The areas that I spend money on: Wristwatches

[SMRaha17] The areas that I spend money on: Investing money

[SMRaha18] The areas that I spend money on: Glasses and sunglasses

[SMRaha19] The areas that I spend money on: Interior design

[SMRaha20] The areas that I spend money on: Healthy diet

[SMRaha21] The areas that I spend money on: New cars / car models

[SMRaha22] The areas that I spend money on: Trying out new recipes

[SMRaha23] The areas that I spend money on: Trying out new ready-made foods

[SMRaha24] The areas that I spend money on: Leisure-time housing

[SMRaha25] The areas that I spend money on: Entertainment electronics

[SMRaha26] The areas that I spend money on: Vitamins and natural products

[SMLahe] The area closest to me

[SMPaikka] If you think about shopping other than grocery and convenience shopping, which types of stores or shopping channels would you prefer to shop in?

[SMMielij] Do you ever buy products or services on a spur of the moment?

[SMSite01] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Cosmopolitan

[SMSite02] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Helsingin Sanomat online supplement

[SMSite03] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Iltalehti Online

[SMSite04] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Ilta-Sanomat

[SMSite05] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? MBNet

[SMSite06] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? ME Naiset

[SMSite07] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? MSN.fi

[SMSite08] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? MTV3 Internet

[SMSite09] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? MTV3 Internet - Helmi

[SMSite10] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Nelonen

[SMSite11] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Pelit.fi

[SMSite12] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Sonera Plaza

[SMSite13] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Sonera Plaza - Ellit

[SMSite14] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Tietokone.fi

[SMSite15] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Vauva

[SMSite16] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Yle

[Jvs0101] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? Aamulehti

[Jvs0102] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? City-magazine

[Jvs0103] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? Helsingin Sanomat

[Jvs0104] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? Iltalehti

[Jvs0105] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? Ilta-Sanomat

[Jvs0106] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? Kauppalehti

[Jvs0107] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? Metro

[Jvs0108] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? Taloussanomat

[Jvs0109] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? Turun Sanomat

[Jvs0110] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? Uutislehti 100

[Jvs0111] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? A local paid newspaper

[Jvs0112] Which of the following newspapers do you read regularly? A local free newspaper

[Jvs0201] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Donald Duck

[Jvs0202] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Alibi

[Jvs0203] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Anna

[Jvs0204] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Apu

[Jvs0205] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Auto Bild Finland

[Jvs0206] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Avotakka

[Jvs0207] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Blue Wings

[Jvs0208] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Cosmopolitan

[Jvs0209] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Deko

[Jvs0210] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Demi

[Jvs0211] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Eeva

[Jvs0212] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Erä

[Jvs0213] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? ET-lehti

[Jvs0214] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Finanssi

[Jvs0215] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Fitness

[Jvs0216] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Gloria

[Jvs0217] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Glorian Antiikki

[Jvs0218] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Glorian Koti

[Jvs0219] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Glorian ruoka ja viini

[Jvs0220] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? GTi-Magazine

[Jvs0221] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Monthly supplement of Helsingin Sanomat (Kuukausiliite)

[Jvs0222] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Weekly supplement of Helsingin Sanomat (Nyt-Viikkoliite)

[Jvs0223] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Hifi

[Jvs0224] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Hymy

[Jvs0225] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Hyvä Terveys

[Jvs0226] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Image

[Jvs0227] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? KaksPlus

[Jvs0228] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Kameralehti

[Jvs0229] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Katso

[Jvs0230] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Kauneus ja terveys

[Jvs0231] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Kauppalehti Optio

[Jvs0232] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Kippari

[Jvs0233] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Kodin Kuvalehti

[Jvs0234] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Kompuutteri Kaikille

[Jvs0235] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Koti ja Keittiö

[Jvs0236] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Kotiliesi

[Jvs0237] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Kotilääkäri

[Jvs0238] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? KotiMikro

[Jvs0239] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Kotipuutarha

[Jvs0240] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Kotivinkki

[Jvs0241] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Koululainen

[Jvs0242] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? KaksPlus

[Jvs0243] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Lento

[Jvs0244] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Madame

[Jvs0245] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Maku

[Jvs0246] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Marianna

[Jvs0247] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Matkalehti

[Jvs0248] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Matkaopas

[Jvs0249] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Me Naiset

[Jvs0250] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Meidän Mökki

[Jvs0251] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Meidän Perhe

[Jvs0252] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Meidän Talo

[Jvs0253] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Metsästys ja Kalastus

[Jvs0254] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Metsästäjä

[Jvs0255] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? MikroBitti

[Jvs0256] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Mix

[Jvs0257] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Moda

[Jvs0258] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Mondo

[Jvs0259] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Moottori

[Jvs0260] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? MPC (MikroPC)

[Jvs0261] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Muoto

[Jvs0262] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? National Geographic

[Jvs0263] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? OHO!

[Jvs0264] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Osaava Kodinrakentaja

[Jvs0265] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Painonvartijat

[Jvs0266] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Pelit

[Jvs0267] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? PSY-Arjen Psykologiaa

[Jvs0268] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? 7 Päivää

[Jvs0269] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Seura

[Jvs0270] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Skimbaaja

[Jvs0271] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Soundi

[Jvs0272] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Sport

[Jvs0273] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Suomen Kuvalehti

[Jvs0274] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Suomen Luonto

[Jvs0275] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Suosikki

[Jvs0276] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Suuri Käsityölehti

[Jvs0277] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Talo & Koti

[Jvs0278] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Talouselämä

[Jvs0279] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Taloustaito

[Jvs0280] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Tee itse

[Jvs0281] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Tekniikan Maailma

[Jvs0282] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Tekniikka & Talous

[Jvs0283] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Tiede

[Jvs0284] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Tieteen Kuvalehti

[Jvs0285] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Tietokone

[Jvs0286] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? TM Rakennusmaailma

[Jvs0287] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Trendi

[Jvs0288] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Turbo

[Jvs0289] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Tuulilasi

[Jvs0290] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Tv-maailma -supplement

[Jvs0291] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Urheilulehti

[Jvs0292] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? V8-Magazine

[Jvs0293] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Valitut Palat

[Jvs0294] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Vauhdin Maailma

[Jvs0295] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Vauva

[Jvs0296] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Vene

[Jvs0297] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Viherpiha

[Jvs0298] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Viini-lehti

[Jvs0299] Which of the following magazines do you read regularly? Voi hyvin

[Jvs03] Which of the magazines listed above do you prefer?

[Jvs0401] How often do you: Read newspapers?

[Jvs0402] How often do you: Read magazines?

[Jvs0403] How often do you: Watch television?

[Jvs0404] How often do you: Listen to the radio?

[Jvs05A] How many hours do you: Read newspapers on weekdays?

[Jvs05B] How many hours do you: Read newspapers on weekends?

[Jvs05C] How many hours do you: Read magazines on weekdays?

[Jvs05D] How many hours do you: Read magazines on weekends?

[Jvs05E] How many hours do you: Watch television on weekdays?

[Jvs05F] How many hours do you: Watch television on weekends?

[Jvs05G] How many hours do you: Listen to the radio on weekdays?

[Jvs05H] How many hours do you: Listen to the radio on weekends?

[Jvs06A01] I read newspapers: At home in the kitchen

[Jvs06A02] I read newspapers: At home in the bedroom or in my own room

[Jvs06A03] I read newspapers: At home in the living room

[Jvs06A04] I read newspapers: At the workplace

[Jvs06A05] I read newspapers: At a friend's or acquaintance's home

[Jvs06A06] I read newspapers: In public transport

[Jvs06A07] I read newspapers: As a passenger in a car

[Jvs06A08] I read newspapers: At a holiday home

[Jvs06A09] I read newspapers: Elsewhere

[Jvs06B01] I read magazines: At home in the kitchen

[Jvs06B02] I read magazines: At home in the bedroom or in my own room

[Jvs06B03] I read magazines: At home in the living room

[Jvs06B04] I read magazines: At the workplace

[Jvs06B05] I read magazines: At a friend's or acquaintance's home

[Jvs06B06] I read magazines: In public transport

[Jvs06B07] I read magazines: As a passenger in a car

[Jvs06B08] I read magazines: At a holiday home

[Jvs06B09] I read magazines: Elsewhere

[Jvs06C01] I watch television: At home in the kitchen

[Jvs06C02] I watch television: At home in the bedroom or in my own room

[Jvs06C03] I watch television: At home in the living room

[Jvs06C04] I watch television: At the workplace

[Jvs06C05] I watch television: At a friend's or acquaintance's home

[Jvs06C06] I watch television: In public tranport

[Jvs06C07] I watch television: As a passenger in a car

[Jvs06C08] I watch television: At a holiday home

[Jvs06C09] I watch television: Elsewhere

[Jvs06D01] I listen to the radio: At home in the kitchen

[Jvs06D02] I listen to the radio: At home in the bedroom or in my own room

[Jvs06D03] I listen to the radio: At home in the living room

[Jvs06D04] I listen to the radio: At the workplace

[Jvs06D05] I listen to the radio: At a friend's or acquitance's home

[Jvs06D06] I listen to the radio: In public transport

[Jvs06D07] I listen to the radio: As a passenger in a car

[Jvs06D08] I listen to the radio: At a holiday home

[Jvs06D09] I listen to the radio: Elsewhere

[Jvs06D10] I listen to the radio: When I am outside

[Jvs06D11] I listen to the radio: As a driver in a car

[Jvs0701] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. Please tick the option that best describes your opinion. There are too few domestic programmes on television nowadays

[Jvs0702] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. Please tick the option that best describes your opinion. The programmes on Finnish TV are too American these days

[Jvs0703] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. People may be humiliated on reality TV shows because the participants themselves have wanted to be on the show

[Jvs0704] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. Please tick the option that best describes your opinion. TV programmes are too violent nowadays

[Jvs0705] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. Please tick the option that best describes your opinion. There are too many reruns on TV

[Jvs0706] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. Please tick the option that best describes your opinion. TV should be a source of civic education and factual information

[Jvs0707] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. Please tick the option that best describes your opinion. For me, TV is primarily a relaxing way to spend my time

[Jvs0708] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. Please tick the option that best describes your opinion. Digital TV has focused too much on technology and forgotten the programmes

[Jvs0709] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. Please tick the option that best describes your opinion. Radio channels are too similar nowadays

[Jvs0710] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. Please tick the option that best describes your opinion. Radio channels are too similar nowadays

[Jvs0711] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. Please tick the option that best describes your opinion. Interesting talk shows have almost completely disappeared from radio

[Jvs0712] Here are some statements related to radio and television programmes. Please tick the option that best describes your opinion. Television and radio should better serve migrants and various minorities

[Jvs0801] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? The Finnish Broadcasting Company: YLE Radio 1

[Jvs0802] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? The Finnish Broadcasting Company: YLEX

[Jvs0803] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? The Finnish Broadcasting Company: YLEQ

[Jvs0804] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? The Finnish Broadcasting Company: YLE Radio Suomi and YLE's regional radios

[Jvs0805] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? The Finnish Broadcasting Company: YLE Radio Vega

[Jvs0806] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? The Finnish Broadcasting Company: YLE Radio Extrem

[Jvs0807] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? The Finnish Broadcasting Company: YLE Peili

[Jvs0808] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? The Finnish Broadcasting Company: YLE Klassinen

[Jvs0809] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? Commercial channels: Classic Radio

[Jvs0810] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? Commercial channels: Groove FM

[Jvs0811] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? Commercial channels: Iskelmä

[Jvs0812] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? Commercial channels: Kiss FM

[Jvs0813] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? Commercial channels: NRJ (Energy)

[Jvs0814] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? Commercial channels: Radio City

[Jvs0815] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? Commercial channels: Radio Dei

[Jvs0816] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? Commercial channels: Radio Nova

[Jvs0817] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? Commercial channels: Suomi Pop

[Jvs0818] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? Commercial channels: Sävelradio

[Jvs0819] Here is a list of different radio channels. To what extent do you listen to them? Commercial channels: Other local radio

[Jvs09] Of the radio channels mentioned in the previous question, which is your preferred channel?

[Jvs1001] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Current affairs programmes

[Jvs1002] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Matter-of-fact speech programmes

[Jvs1003] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Good music

[Jvs1004] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Programmes on culture

[Jvs1005] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Programmes on traffic

[Jvs1006] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Reliable news broadcasts

[Jvs1007] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Programmes that listeners can participate in

[Jvs1008] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Programmes with chatting and music

[Jvs1009] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Programmes about my local area

[Jvs1010] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Radio drama

[Jvs1011] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Directed speech programmes

[Jvs1012] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Programmes on sports

[Jvs1013] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Hosts with strong personalities

[Jvs1014] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Light entertainment programmes

[Jvs1015] Here are some features of radio channels. Which of them are the most important for you when choosing a radio channel? (three most important) Societal debate programmes

[Jvs1101] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? YLE TV1

[Jvs1102] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? YLE TV2

[Jvs1103] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? MTV 3

[Jvs1104] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? Nelonen

[Jvs1105] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? YLE Teema

[Jvs1106] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? Sub TV

[Jvs1107] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? MTV Nordic

[Jvs1108] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? Any movie channel

[Jvs1109] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? Any sports channel

[Jvs1110] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? Any cable channel

[Jvs1111] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? Any satellite channel

[Jvs1112] Here is a list of different television channels. To what extent do you watch them? Other digital channel

[Jvs12] Of the television channels mentioned in the previous question, which is your preferred channel?

[Jvs1301] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Programmes on morning television

[Jvs1302] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Current affairs programmes

[Jvs1303] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Documentaries

[Jvs1304] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Debate programmes

[Jvs1305] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Domestic films

[Jvs1306] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Domestic series

[Jvs1307] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Programmes on culture

[Jvs1308] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Children's programmes

[Jvs1309] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Programmes on music

[Jvs1310] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Educational programmes

[Jvs1311] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Quizzes

[Jvs1312] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Domestic reality TV

[Jvs1313] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Foreign reality TV

[Jvs1314] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Foreign films

[Jvs1315] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Foreign films

[Jvs1316] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Religious programmes

[Jvs1317] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? News programmes

[Jvs1318] What kind of programmes are your favourite on television? Entertainment programmes

[Jvs14A01] What kind of meaning does listening to the radio have for you? (two most important) Passing time

[Jvs14A02] What kind of meaning does listening to the radio have for you? (two most important) Good entertainment

[Jvs14A03] What kind of meaning does listening to the radio have for you? (two most important) Keeping up to date

[Jvs14A04] What kind of meaning does listening to the radio have for you? (two most important) Relaxing

[Jvs14A05] What kind of meaning does listening to the radio have for you? (two most important) Background music or sound

[Jvs14A06] What kind of meaning does listening to the radio have for you? (two most important) A hobby

[Jvs14A07] What kind of meaning does listening to the radio have for you? (two most important) Educating yourself

[Jvs14A08] What kind of meaning does listening to the radio have for you? (two most important) Broadening your own views

[Jvs14A09] What kind of meaning does listening to the radio have for you? (two most important) Learning something new

[Jvs14B01] What kind of meaning does watching television have for you? (two most important) Passing time

[Jvs14B02] What kind of meaning does watching television have for you? (two most important) Good entertainment

[Jvs14B03] What kind of meaning does watching television have for you? (two most important) Keeping up to date

[Jvs14B04] What kind of meaning does watching television have for you? (two most important) Relaxing

[Jvs14B05] What kind of meaning does watching television have for you? (two most important) Background music or sound

[Jvs14B06] What kind of meaning does watching television have for you? (two most important) A hobby

[Jvs14B07] What kind of meaning does watching television have for you? (two most important) Educating yourself

[Jvs14B08] What kind of meaning does watching television have for you? (two most important) Broadening your own views

[Jvs14B09] What kind of meaning does watching television have for you? (two most important) Learning something new

[Jvs1501] How interesting do you find the following mass media? Magazine

[Jvs1502] How interesting do you find the following mass media? Internet

[Jvs1503] How interesting do you find the following mass media? Radio

[Jvs1504] How interesting do you find the following mass media? Newspaper

[Jvs1505] How interesting do you find the following mass media? Television

[Jvs1506] How interesting do you find the following mass media? Teletext

[Jvs1507] How interesting do you find the following mass media? Mobile media

[Jvs1508] How interesting do you find the following mass media? Digital television

[Jvs1601] How necessary do you find the following mass media to you? Magazine

[Jvs1602] How necessary do you find the following mass media to you? Internet

[Jvs1603] How necessary do you find the following mass media to you? Radio

[Jvs1604] How necessary do you find the following mass media to you? Newspaper

[Jvs1605] How necessary do you find the following mass media to you? Television

[Jvs1606] How necessary do you find the following mass media to you? Teletext

[Jvs1607] How necessary do you find the following mass media to you? Mobile media

[Jvs1608] How necessary do you find the following mass media to you? Digital television

[Jvs1701] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? More culture

[Jvs1702] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? More programmes for youth

[Jvs1703] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? More local programmes

[Jvs1704] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? More television channels

[Jvs1705] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? More news programmes

[Jvs1706] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? More entertainment

[Jvs1707] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? A continuously updated digital programme guide

[Jvs1708] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? Better image quality

[Jvs1709] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? Possibility of introducing pay TV channels

[Jvs1710] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? Possibility to save programmes to hard drive (depending on the model)

[Jvs1711] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? Possibility to listen to digital radio channels

[Jvs1712] How important for your own TV viewing do you consider the following opportunities currently offered by digital TV? Possibility to pause programmes (depending on the model)

[Jvs18] Do you already own a digital set-top box or digital TV?

[Jvs19] If you do not currently own a set-top box or a digital TV, when do you plan to get one or not at all?

[Jvs20] (For current digital TV viewers) How well do you think you know how to use a set-top box or digital TV?

[Jvs21] (For respondents who do not currently have a set-top box or digital TV) How easily do you think you will learn to use a digital TV set in 2007, when there is no other alternative to watching TV?

[Jvs22001] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: Ajankohtainen kakkonen

[Jvs22002] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: A-piste

[Jvs22003] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: A-studio

[Jvs22004] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: A-talk

[Jvs22005] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: Huomenta Suomi

[Jvs22006] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: Inhimillinen tekijä

[Jvs22007] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: Kotimaan kasvot

[Jvs22008] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: Lauantaiseura

[Jvs22009] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: MOT

[Jvs22010] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: Punainen lanka

[Jvs22011] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: Silminnäkijä

[Jvs22012] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: Suomi puhuu

[Jvs22013] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: Ulkolinja

[Jvs22014] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: Voimala

[Jvs22015] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: Ykkösen aamu-tv

[Jvs22016] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Debate and current affairs programmes: 45 minuuttia

[Jvs22017] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Akuutti

[Jvs22018] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Antiikkia, antiikkia

[Jvs22019] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Avara luonto

[Jvs22020] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Erätulilla

[Jvs22021] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Dokumenttiprojekti

[Jvs22022] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Documents on history

[Jvs22023] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Karpolla on asiaa

[Jvs22024] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Kuningaskuluttaja

[Jvs22025] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Matkapassi

[Jvs22026] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Kodin kääntöpiiri

[Jvs22027] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Pallo hallussa

[Jvs22028] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Poliisi-tv

[Jvs22029] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Prisma

[Jvs22030] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Rikostarinoita Suomesta

[Jvs22031] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Runoraati

[Jvs22032] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Suuret suomalaiset

[Jvs22033] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: T.I.L.A

[Jvs22034] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Tositarina

[Jvs22035] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Vierivät kivet

[Jvs22036] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: Ykkösdokumentti

[Jvs22037] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Factual and documentary programmes: 4D

[Jvs22038] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Sports: Alpine Skiing World Cup

[Jvs22039] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Sports: Athens Olympic Games

[Jvs22040] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Sports: Elixir

[Jvs22041] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Sports: Football World Cup qualification

[Jvs22042] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Sports: Formula 1

[Jvs22043] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Sports: The FIS Cross-Country World Cup

[Jvs22044] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Sports: Football Champions League

[Jvs22045] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Sports: The FIS Ski Jumping World Cup

[Jvs22046] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Sports: World Rally Championship

[Jvs22047] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Sports: Ice Hockey World Championships

[Jvs22048] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Sports: Urheiluruutu

[Jvs22049] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Domestic series and drama: Kotikatsomo - Kivi ja Kilpi

[Jvs22050] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Domestic series and drama: Kotikatsomo - Tahdon asia

[Jvs22051] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Domestic series and drama: Kotikatu

[Jvs22052] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Domestic series and drama: Kumman kaa

[Jvs22053] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Domestic series and drama: Käenpesä

[Jvs22054] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Domestic series and drama: Maalaiskomedia

[Jvs22055] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Domestic series and drama: Salatut elämät

[Jvs22056] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Domestic series and drama: Yövuoro

[Jvs22057] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: 24

[Jvs22058] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Angels in America

[Jvs22059] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: C.S.I

[Jvs22060] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Emmerdale

[Jvs22061] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Everwood

[Jvs22062] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Frasier

[Jvs22063] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Friends

[Jvs22064] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Gilmore Girls

[Jvs22065] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Extreme Makeover

[Jvs22066] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: The Bold and the Beautiful

[Jvs22067] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: A Touch of Frost

[Jvs22068] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Law & Order

[Jvs22069] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Matlock

[Jvs22070] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: O.C.

[Jvs22071] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Justified

[Jvs22072] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Keeping Up Appearances

[Jvs22073] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Sabrina: The Teenage Witch

[Jvs22074] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: German documentaries

[Jvs22075] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Queer Eye

[Jvs22076] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: The Simpsons

[Jvs22077] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Sex and the City

[Jvs22078] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: Sopranos

[Jvs22079] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Foreign series: E.R.

[Jvs22080] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? News: MTV3 News

[Jvs22081] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? News: Nelonen News

[Jvs22082] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? News: YLE News

[Jvs22083] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Arto Nyberg

[Jvs22084] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: BumtsiBum!

[Jvs22085] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Diili

[Jvs22086] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Estradilla

[Jvs22087] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Eurovision

[Jvs22088] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Itsevaltiaat

[Jvs22089] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Krisse

[Jvs22090] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Haluatko miljonääriksi? (Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?)

[Jvs22091] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Heikoin lenkki (The Weakest Link)

[Jvs22092] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Leikin varjolla

[Jvs22093] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Levyraati

[Jvs22094] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Miljonääri-Jussi

[Jvs22095] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Naurunpaikka - Hukkaputki

[Jvs22096] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Idols / Popstars

[Jvs22097] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Ruben & Joonas

[Jvs22098] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Se on siinä

[Jvs22099] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: SF-Studio

[Jvs22100] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Top40

[Jvs22101] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Törkytorstai - Duudsoni-elämää

[Jvs22102] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Umpimähkä

[Jvs22103] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: The Block

[Jvs22104] How interesting do you find the following television programmes? Entertainment programmes: Uutisvuoto

[Jvs23] Which of the programmes in this section is your favourite programme that you wouldn't want to give up watching?

[Mus24] How important do you think listening to music is in your life?

[Mus25] How often do you listen to your favourite music from a record, CD, mp3 player or cassette?

[Mus2601] What types of music do you like? 1950's rock'n'roll

[Mus2602] What types of music do you like? 1960's pop and rock

[Mus2603] What types of music do you like? 1970's pop and rock

[Mus2604] What types of music do you like? 1980's pop and rock

[Mus2605] What types of music do you like? 1990's or more recent pop and rock

[Mus2606] What types of music do you like? New list hits

[Mus2607] What types of music do you like? Pop ballads

[Mus2608] What types of music do you like? Disco music

[Mus2609] What types of music do you like? 1970-1980's Finnish rock

[Mus2610] What types of music do you like? Heavy or hard rock

[Mus2611] What types of music do you like? Rockabilly

[Mus2612] What types of music do you like? New electronic music (techno, drum and bass, etc.)

[Mus2613] What types of music do you like? Hip-hop or rap

[Mus2614] What types of music do you like? Progressive rock / 'avant-garde rock'

[Mus2615] What types of music do you like? Punk or so-called indie bands

[Mus2616] What types of music do you like? Reggae

[Mus2617] What types of music do you like? Blues

[Mus2618] What types of music do you like? Soul

[Mus2619] What types of music do you like? Swing

[Mus2620] What types of music do you like? Dixieland

[Mus2621] What types of music do you like? Bebop-jazz

[Mus2622] What types of music do you like? Jazz ballads

[Mus2623] What types of music do you like? Modern jazz

[Mus2624] What types of music do you like? Salsa or 'Latin music'

[Mus2625] What types of music do you like? Traditional Finnish pop or dance music

[Mus2626] What types of music do you like? 1970-1980s Finnish pop music

[Mus2627] What types of music do you like? 1990's or more recent Finnish pop music

[Mus2628] What types of music do you like? Foreign popular or light music

[Mus2629] What types of music do you like? Music of the political song movement of the 1960-1970s

[Mus2630] What types of music do you like? Traditional folk music

[Mus2631] What types of music do you like? More recent folk music or 'world music'

[Mus2632] What types of music do you like? Operas or operettas

[Mus2633] What types of music do you like? Lied songs or other classical vocal music

[Mus2634] What types of music do you like? Classical orchestral music or symphonies

[Mus2635] What types of music do you like? Modern art music

[Mus2636] What types of music do you like? Country / folk

[Mus2637] What types of music do you like? Spiritual music

[Mus2638] What types of music do you like? Military music

[Mus2639] What types of music do you like? Wind instruments

[Mus2640] What types of music do you like? Musicals

[Mus2641] What types of music do you like? Classical chamber music

[Mus2642] What types of music do you like? Other music type

[Mus2643] What types of music do you like? I do not have any favourite music type

[MieliArtisti] Whose music do you prefer? (open-ended question)

[Kir28] How important do you think reading books is in your life?

[Kir29] How many books do you think you have read in the last year?

[Kir3001] What types of literature do you like? Poetry classics / aphorisms

[Kir3002] What types of literature do you like? Modern poetry / aphorisms

[Kir3003] What types of literature do you like? Short stories / plays

[Kir3004] What types of literature do you like? Classic novels

[Kir3005] What types of literature do you like? Modern novels

[Kir3006] What types of literature do you like? Award-winning works

[Kir3007] What types of literature do you like? Traditional detective books

[Kir3008] What types of literature do you like? Modern detective books

[Kir3009] What types of literature do you like? Action thrillers (e.g. Ilkka Remes)

[Kir3010] What types of literature do you like? Horror literature

[Kir3011] What types of literature do you like? Romance novels

[Kir3012] What types of literature do you like? Single entertainment stories (e.g. Bridget Jones or Kuutamolla)

[Kir3013] What types of literature do you like? Adventure entertainment

[Kir3014] What types of literature do you like? Science fiction

[Kir3015] What types of literature do you like? Fantasy, fairytales, myths

[Kir3016] What types of literature do you like? Comic books

[Kir3017] What types of literature do you like? Historical novels

[Kir3018] What types of literature do you like? Historical romance novels

[Kir3019] What types of literature do you like? War novels

[Kir3020] What types of literature do you like? Reveal or sensational books

[Kir3021] What types of literature do you like? Humour

[Kir3022] What types of literature do you like? Dark humour, satire

[Kir3023] What types of literature do you like? Religious literature

[Kir3024] What types of literature do you like? Philosophy, political/polemical literature

[Kir3025] What types of literature do you like? Psychology, art of living

[Kir3026] What types of literature do you like? Social sciences, politics

[Kir3027] What types of literature do you like? Self-help guides (exercise, health care, diets etc.)

[Kir3028] What types of literature do you like? Astrology, dream books, pseudoscience

[Kir3029] What types of literature do you like? Travel books

[Kir3030] What types of literature do you like? Foreign cultures

[Kir3031] What types of literature do you like? Nature, garden, animals

[Kir3032] What types of literature do you like? Environment and sustainable development

[Kir3033] What types of literature do you like? Fashion

[Kir3034] What types of literature do you like? Fishing, hunting, wilderness books

[Kir3035] What types of literature do you like? Natural sciences, technology

[Kir3036] What types of literature do you like? Hobby books (cookery, crafts, interior design, construction, etc.)

[Kir3037] What types of literature do you like? New technology, for example information technology

[Kir3038] What types of literature do you like? Cars / airplanes / ships / weapons etc.

[Kir3039] What types of literature do you like? Sports books

[Kir3040] What types of literature do you like? Art/music/literature

[Kir3041] What types of literature do you like? Biographies, diaries

[Kir3042] What types of literature do you like? History of Finland

[Kir3043] What types of literature do you like? World history

[Kir3044] What types of literature do you like? Other type of literature

[Kir3045] What types of literature do you like? I do not have any favourite literature type

[MieliKirjailija] Who is your favourite author? (open-ended question)

[Ki01] How interested are you in the following? Housing and interior design

[Ki02] How interested are you in the following? Change of residence

[Ki03] How interested are you in the following? Things to do with cars

[Ki04] How interested are you in the following? Decisions of the Parliament

[Ki05] How interested are you in the following? Film premieres

[Ki06] How interested are you in the following? Pensions

[Ki07] How interested are you in the following? Decisions of the European Union

[Ki08] How interested are you in the following? HEX General Index

[Ki09] How interested are you in the following? Humorous announcements in magazines

[Ki10] How interested are you in the following? Relationship matters

[Ki11] How interested are you in the following? Internet

[Ki12] How interested are you in the following? Life of celebrities

[Ki13] How interested are you in the following? Beauty care

[Ki14] How interested are you in the following? Sales advertising of stores

[Ki15] How interested are you in the following? Book reviews

[Ki16] How interested are you in the following? Domestic news

[Ki17] How interested are you in the following? Domestic politics

[Ki18] How interested are you in the following? Issues related to schools and schooling

[Ki19] How interested are you in the following? Relief work in crisis areas

[Ki20] How interested are you in the following? Culinarism

[Ki21] How interested are you in the following? Consumer protection issues

[Ki22] How interested are you in the following? Local politics

[Ki23] How interested are you in the following? News from the fitness sector

[Ki24] How interested are you in the following? Visual Arts

[Ki25] How interested are you in the following? Childcare and upbringing

[Ki26] How interested are you in the following? Pets

[Ki27] How interested are you in the following? Relief work in natural disaster areas

[Ki28] How interested are you in the following? Nature conservation

[Ki29] How interested are you in the following? Natural products

[Ki30] How interested are you in the following? Nature

[Ki31] How interested are you in the following? Medicines

[Ki32] How interested are you in the following? Agriculture

[Ki33] How interested are you in the following? Travelling

[Ki34] How interested are you in the following? Events in the fashion world

[Ki35] How interested are you in the following? Nasdaq

[Ki36] How interested are you in the following? Leisure activities of young people

[Ki37] How interested are you in the following? Events in my local area

[Ki38] How interested are you in the following? Opera premieres

[Ki39] How interested are you in the following? Gardening

[Ki40] How interested are you in the following? Radio programme information

[Ki41] How interested are you in the following? Love stories

[Ki42] How interested are you in the following? Cooking recipes

[Ki43] How interested are you in the following? War news

[Ki44] How interested are you in the following? Weather forecast

[Ki45] How interested are you in the following? Financial news

[Ki46] How interested are you in the following? Art

[Ki47] How interested are you in the following? Theatre premiers

[Ki48] How interested are you in the following? Health sector news

[Ki49] How interested are you in the following? Science

[Ki50] How interested are you in the following? Information technology news

[Ki51] How interested are you in the following? Television programme information

[Ki52] How interested are you in the following? Foreign news

[Ki53] How interested are you in the following? Sports news

[Ki54] How interested are you in the following? New car models

[Ki55] How interested are you in the following? Available jobs

[Ki56] How interested are you in the following? Social and public affairs

[Ki57] How interested are you in the following? Environmental issues

[ICT101] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Laptop computer

[ICT102] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Personal computer

[ICT103] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Personal digital assistant

[ICT104] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Mobile phone (personal or family connection)

[ICT105] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Mobile phone provided by workplace as a benefit

[ICT106] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? UMTS phone

[ICT107] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Paid WAP/text messaging services

[ICT108] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Internet via mobile phone GPRS connection

[ICT109] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Modem or ISDN connection to the Internet

[ICT110] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Broadband Internet access, speed less than 2 mega

[ICT111] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Broadband Internet access, speed more than 2 mega

[ICT112] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? WLAN connection to the Internet

[ICT113] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Home WLAN network without Internet connection

[ICT114] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Bluetooth connection for data transfer

[ICT115] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Phone answering service

[ICT116] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Text messages

[ICT117] Do you use, intend to buy or not intend to buy the following equipment and services? Multimedia messages

[ICT2] How well do you think you know how to use a computer?

[Mob3] How well do you think you know how to use a mobile phone and all of the services related to it?

[Mob401] Would you like to receive advertising via your mobile phone? Text message advertising

[Mob402] Would you like to receive advertising via your mobile phone? Multimedia advertising

[Mob403] Would you like to receive advertising via your mobile phone? Voice message advertising

[Mob501] If you want to receive advertising on your mobile phone, how do you feel about the following? Operator service advertising

[Mob502] If you want to receive advertising on your mobile phone, how do you feel about the following? General brand advertising

[Mob503] If you want to receive advertising on your mobile phone, how do you feel about the following? Advertising for services in the area where you are located

[Mob504] If you want to receive advertising on your mobile phone, how do you feel about the following? Promotional advertising for the product groups I prefer

[Mob601] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Making or answering a call

[Mob602] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Sending or receiving a text message

[Mob603] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Sending or receiving a multimedia message

[Mob604] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Phone calendar

[Mob605] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Playing games on the phone

[Mob606] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Name, address or phone number enquiry

[Mob607] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Change logo, background image or ringtone

[Mob608] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Driving directions or map service

[Mob609] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Photography, video recording

[Mob610] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? News programmes

[Mob611] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Weather forecast

[Mob612] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Banking via WAP

[Mob613] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Payment for purchases (e.g. car wash)

[Mob614] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Downloading games and other apps

[Mob615] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Browsing websites

[Mob616] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Voting in TV or radio programmes

[Mob617] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Listening to the radio

[Mob618] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Participating in a tv-chat

[Mob619] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Playing tv-games

[Mob620] How often do you use your mobile phone for the following purposes? Sending or receiving an email

[Net01] How often do you use the Internet?

[Net02A] How many hours a day do you use the Internet on a weekday?

[Net02B] How many hours a day do you use the Internet on a weekend?

[Net0301] Where do you usually use the Internet? At home

[Net0302] Where do you usually use the Internet? At the workplace

[Net0303] Where do you usually use the Internet? At the customer's premises or in a meeting

[Net0304] Where do you usually use the Internet? At an educational institution

[Net0305] Where do you usually use the Internet? At a library

[Net0306] Where do you usually use the Internet? In an online cafe or similar place

[Net0307] Where do you usually use the Internet? At a friend's or acquaintance's home

[Net0308] Where do you usually use the Internet? When I am outside (via mobile phone)

[Net0309] Where do you usually use the Internet? Elsewhere

[Net04] How many months have you used the Internet in total?

[Net0501] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Car products

[Net0502] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Travel tickets

[Net0503] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Movie or theatre tickets

[Net0504] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Books, magazines or magazine subscriptions

[Net0505] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Computer programs

[Net0506] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Information technology or equipment

[Net0507] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Food products

[Net0508] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Contributed to charity

[Net0509] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Home or interior design products

[Net0510] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Fashion products or clothes

[Net0511] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Beauty products

[Net0512] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Sports products or services

[Net0513] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Hotel or holiday services

[Net0514] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Tools

[Net0515] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Boating products

[Net0516] Which of the following products or services have you bought over the Internet? Other

[Net06A] How much money do you think you spent as a private person on Internet purchases in 2004?

[Net06B] And how much money do you expect to spend on shopping on the Internet in 2005?

[Net0701] How have you paid for your online purchases? From a bank account via the Internet

[Net0702] How have you paid for your online purchases? By credit card via the Internet

[Net0703] How have you paid for your online purchases? After receiving an invoice through the bank

[Net0801] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Following news or events

[Net0802] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Downloading music and films online

[Net0803] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Downloading computer programs or games from the web

[Net0804] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Buying from an online auction

[Net0805] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Buying products or services from online stores

[Net0806] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Gambling

[Net0807] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Playing other games

[Net0808] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Email messages with friends

[Net0809] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Taking care of work or study affairs by email

[Net0810] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Chat with people you know via instant messaging, chat or chat groups

[Net0811] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Chat with people you don't know via chat or chat groups

[Net0812] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Dating services

[Net0813] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Sex services

[Net0814] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Reading online diaries

[Net0815] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Writing an online diary

[Net0816] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Search for schedule, address and route information

[Net0817] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Searching for people and their contact details

[Net0818] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Searching for information on topics of interest to you

[Net0819] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Public authority procedures or financial affairs

[Net0820] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Dealing with businesses on billing, etc.

[Net0821] How often do you use the Internet for the following purposes? Browsing to pass the time

[Net09] Do you or your family have your own homepage?

[Net10A] How many emails do you estimate you receive and send on average per day? On average I receive... emails/day

[Net10B] How many emails do you estimate you receive and send on average per day? On average I send... emails/day

[Net1101] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Amazon.com

[Net1102] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Google.fi / Google.com

[Net1103] Which of the following websites do you visit regularly? Slashdot.org

[Va01] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I enjoy immensely being able to keep up with all the latest developments.

[Va02] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Today's busy rhythm of life is something I try to stay away from

[Va03] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I want to be constantly available

[Va04] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I have a good friend I can trust with everything

[Va05] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. For me, commercialism is only a positive thing

[Va06] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Today, commercialism has been brought into areas where I don't think it belongs

[Va07] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. The rise of a wasteful and disposable culture is depressing

[Va08] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Increasing foreign ownership of Finnish companies is a positive development

[Va09] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I follow shop sales promotions with interest and choose carefully where to buy different products

[Va10] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I only buy and use well-known branded products

[Va11] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I buy things second-hand, even if I can afford new ones

[Va12] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Chain retailing has made shopping boring

[Va13] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Advertising has no effect on me, I only buy well-known products

[Va14] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. It's a good thing that national borders are becoming less and less relevant

[Va15] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I enjoy talking with foreigners

[Va16] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I am not interested in internationalizationation in any way

[Va17] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I want to be up to date on world news events

[Va18] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Following the news has become much more important to me than before

[Va19] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. It doesn't matter to me who is providing the news; interesting news are always interesting

[Va20] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Money and ownership have become too dominant in media coverage

[Va21] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. People are now too easily judged by what they own

[Va22] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. New communication tools and methods have made it easier to deal with public authorities

[Va23] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. New communication tools and methods make it much easier to take care of relationships

[Va24] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. New communication tools and methods are no substitute for meeting friends

[Va25] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. The increasing use of mobile phones has reduced my friendships to text messages and short calls

[Va26] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Nowadays politicians talk about nothing but money

[Va27] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. For an ordinary citizen, political parties are too similar

[Va28] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Politicians are genuinely interested in the lives of ordinary people

[Va29] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I am proud to be Finnish

[Va30] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Being Finnish is a much more positive thing for me now than it used to be

[Va31] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Nowadays I don't know who I can trust with health matters

[Va32] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I think I am too fat

[Va33] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I always choose the most environmentally friendly solution

[Va34] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I am concerned about environmental problems

[Va35] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I am happy to volunteer to help others

[Va36] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I am more economical than most people I know

[Va37] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I am a better than average driver

[Va38] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I am more fashion-conscious than most people I know

[Va39] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I'm more interested in new things than most people I know

[Va40] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I would like to be a celebrity

[Va41] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. Foreigners moving here need to adapt to the Finnish way of life

[Va42] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I am really interested in using new technologies

[Va43] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. New technology is not useful to me

[Va44] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I am ready to learn how to use new technical equipment

[Va45] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I cannot afford new technical equipment

[Va46] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I don't see new technology necessary for me

[Va47] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I like books that are as truthful as possible

[Va48] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. There is too much talk about pensions nowadays, it would be more important to focus on solving the problems of young people

[Va49] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I wish someone could tell me what is right and wrong in this world

[Va50] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I am a religious person

[Va51] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I like to read books that make me think

[Va52] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I am currently living the best years of my life

[Va53] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. My current place of residence is a boring place to live

[Va54] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. For me, everyday is just a grind, life only begins at the weekend

[Va55] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I feel I live a balanced life and I try to get more out of everyday life also

[Va56] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. An upcoming holiday trip helps me to cope even with high pressures at work

[Va57] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I want to plan my life ahead and set myself clear goals

[Va58] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I'd rather live right here and now than plan my life too rigidly

[Va59] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I often dream of a better life without trying too hard to achieve it

[Va60] The following series of questions aims to find out what Finns think about some of the phenomena of modern life. I believe that my opinions are heard

[LT101] How acceptable do you think the following new ways of improving road safety are? Zero tolerance in speed enforcement, i.e. the police should intervene at all speeds above the limit

[LT102] How acceptable do you think the following new ways of improving road safety are? Crash barrier on all 2-lane main roads to prevent head-on collisions

[LT103] How acceptable do you think the following new ways of improving road safety are? Alcolock as standard equipment for all cars

[LT104] How acceptable do you think the following new ways of improving road safety are? Liability of the car owner for violations of the rules committed with the car and detected by the automatic checks

[LT105] How acceptable do you think the following new ways of improving road safety are? Automatically fastening seat belts for all cars

[LT106] How acceptable do you think the following new ways of improving road safety are? 70 km/h general limit instead of the current 80 km/h

[LT107] How acceptable do you think the following new ways of improving road safety are? Motorway speed limit of 130 km/h

[LT108] How acceptable do you think the following new ways of improving road safety are? Speed limiters for all cars

[LT109] How acceptable do you think the following new ways of improving road safety are? 40 km/h speed limit in urban settlements instead of the current 50 km/h

[LT110] How acceptable do you think the following new ways of improving road safety are? Alertness monitor for cars to prevent tired driving

[LT111] How acceptable do you think the following new ways of improving road safety are? The alcohol limit for drunk-driving reduced to 0.2 per mil instead of the current 0.5 per mil

[LT2] Have you been involved in a road accident in the last three years?

[LTVastattu] Have the rest of the questions from the Finnish Road Safety Council been answered?

[LT3] (For licence holders) Have you been caught committing a traffic offence in the last three years?

[LT401] (For licence holders) The following is a list of things that can happen in traffic. How often have the following things happened to you in traffic? Driving despite you have had two bottles of beer

[LT402] (For licence holders) The following is a list of things that can happen in traffic. How often have the following things happened to you in traffic? Exceeded the speed limit in an urban settlement

[LT403] (For licence holders) The following is a list of things that can happen in traffic. How often have the following things happened to you in traffic? Overtaking a slower vehicle from the wrong side

[LT404] (For licence holders) The following is a list of things that can happen in traffic. How often have the following things happened to you in traffic? Driving through traffic lights, even though the lights had already turned red

[LT405] (For licence holders) The following is a list of things that can happen in traffic. How often have the following things happened to you in traffic? Snoozing behind the wheel

[LT406] (For licence holders) The following is a list of things that can happen in traffic. How often have the following things happened to you in traffic? Exceeded the speed limit on the main road by at least 30km/h

[LT407] (For licence holders) The following is a list of things that can happen in traffic. How often have the following things happened to you in traffic? Driving while tired

[LT408] (For licence holders) The following is a list of things that can happen in traffic. How often have the following things happened to you in traffic? Driving too fast into a bend

[LT409] (For licence holders) The following is a list of things that can happen in traffic. How often have the following things happened to you in traffic? Driving in an urban settlement without wearing a seat belt

[LT501] (For licence holders) We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Assess what are your strengths and weaknesses in your driving? Driving behind a slower car without getting nervous

[LT502] (For licence holders) We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Assess what are your strengths and weaknesses in your driving? Controlling traffic situations

[LT503] (For licence holders) We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Assess what are your strengths and weaknesses in your driving? Smooth lane changes in rush hour traffic

[LT504] (For licence holders) We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Assess what are your strengths and weaknesses in your driving? Reacting quickly

[LT505] (For licence holders) We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Assess what are your strengths and weaknesses in your driving? Maintaining composure even in annoying situations

[LT506] (For licence holders) We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Assess what are your strengths and weaknesses in your driving? Handling the vehicle

[LT507] (For licence holders) We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Assess what are your strengths and weaknesses in your driving? Overtaking

[LT508] (For licence holders) We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Assess what are your strengths and weaknesses in your driving? Complying with speed limits

[LT509] (For licence holders) We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Assess what are your strengths and weaknesses in your driving? Avoiding unnecessary risks

[LT510] (For licence holders) We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Assess what are your strengths and weaknesses in your driving? Tolerating other drivers' mistakes without getting annoyed

[Ter1] How healthy a life would you say you lead?

[Ter201] Are you in the habit of doing the following things regularly or not? I follow a healthy diet

[Ter202] Are you in the habit of doing the following things regularly or not? I exercise briskly at least three times a week

[Ter203] Are you in the habit of doing the following things regularly or not? I drink alcohol to the point of drunkenness on a weekly basis

[Ter204] Are you in the habit of doing the following things regularly or not? I regularly go for a health check-up

[Ter205] Are you in the habit of doing the following things regularly or not? I smoke every day

[Ter206] Are you in the habit of doing the following things regularly or not? I go to the dentist at least once a year

[Ter301] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Exercise

[Ter302] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Naturalness

[Ter303] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Beauty

[Ter304] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Proper nutrition

[Ter305] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Enjoyment

[Ter306] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Long life

[Ter307] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Sobriety

[Ter308] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Adequate rest

[Ter309] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Balanced relationships

[Ter310] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Non-smoking

[Ter311] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Maintaining physical ability to work

[Ter312] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'health'? (three most important) Use of vitamin and micronutrient products

[Tasa01] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Majority decisions

[Tasa02] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Accepting people's diversity

[Tasa03] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Justice

[Tasa04] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Respect for other people

[Tasa05] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Similarity

[Tasa06] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Like-mindedness

[Tasa07] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Same pay for same work

[Tasa08] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Sociability

[Tasa09] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Uniformity

[Tasa10] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Narrowing income disparities

[Tasa11] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Freedom of self-actualization

[Tasa12] Which of the following do you consider most closely related to 'equality'? (three most important) Reciprocity

[ikanako] What age do you look like?

[ikakayt] What age are you, based on your behaviour?

[ikahalu] How old would you like to be?

[Yst1] How many friends do you have?

[Yst2] How often do you meet friends outside your family so that you can spend time talking about things that interest you both?

[Yst3] Do you see your friends more or less often than before?

[Perhe1] What kind of family would you prefer to live in if you were free to choose?

[Perhe2] Suppose your parents were currently in need of a place in an elderly care home, but no place could be found. How would you proceed?

[Usko1] Do you believe in... God

[Usko2] Do you believe in... Life after death

[Usko3] Do you believe in... God's miracles

[Usko4] Do you believe in... Existence of hell

[t_sex] Sex

[t_age] How old are you?

[T_Ika3] Age group (categorised: 3)

[T_Ika4] Age group (categorised: 4)

[T_Ika6] Age group (categorised: 6)

[t_age12] Age group (categorized: 12)

[t_ikatun] And what age do you feel like you are?

[T_IkaTunne4] And what age do you feel like you are? Age group (4)

[T_Siviilisaaty] The respondent's marital status

[T_TaloudenKoko] Number of persons in the household, including the respondent? (top-coded at FSD)

[T_TaloudenKoko6] Household size (categorized)

[T_Lapset] Total number of children aged under 18 living in the household? (top-coded at FSD)

[T_Lapset5] Number of children (categorised)

[T_Ammatti] The respondent's occupational group (categorized)

[T_Paaashuoltaja] Are you the main carer of the family?

[T_ToisenAmmatti] What is the occupational group of the main or second carer in the family? (categorized)

[t_edu8] The respondent's education

[T_Koulutus3] The respondent's education (categorized: 3)

[T_Koulutus5] The respondent's education (categorized: 5)

[T_Tyossakaynti] The respondent's employment. Are you currently...

[T_Tyonantaja] Is your employer...?

[T_Tyonantaja10] Employer (categorized: 10)

[T_Tyontekijamaara] How many employees work for your employer?

[T_Tuloluokka] What income category does your family belong to when the net income of all your family members, i.e. the wages and pensions after taxes, are added together?

[T_Asuinpaikka] Where do you live?

[T_Laani] In which province do you live in?

[T_Ajokortti] Do you have a driving licence?

[T_Auto] Does your family own a car?

[T_Ajaa] How many kilometres do you drive in a year?

[t_edu3] The respondent's education 2 (categorized: 3)

[WeightSAE] Weight variable (based on sex, age and education)

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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