FSD3809 Evaluation of Strategic Research Programmes 2015-2021: Survey for Stakeholders 2022

Select variable

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1] I agree to the collection of my data for the above use.

[q2_1] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SRC programme: A Climate-Neutral and Resource-Scarce Finland, PIHI (2015-2021)

[q2_2] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: EL-TRAN - Transition to a Resource Efficient and Climate Neutral Electrity System

[q2_3] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SmartSea - Gulf of Bothnia as Resource for Sustainable Growth

[q2_4] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: FORBIO - Sustainable, Climate-Neutral and Resource-Efficient Forest-Based Bioeconomy

[q2_5] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: ScenoProt - Novel Protein Sources for Food Security and Climate

[q2_6] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: CloseLoop - Closing the Loop for High-Added-Value Materials

[q2_7] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SRC programme: Equality in Society, EQUA (2015-2021)

[q2_8] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: CHILDCARE - Finnish Childcare Policies: In/Equality in Focus

[q2_9] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: WeAll - Social and Economic Sustainability of Future Worklife: Policies, Equalities and Intersectionalities in Finland

[q2_10] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: TITA - Tackling Inequalities in Time of Austerity

[q2_11] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: PSE (Oma linja) - My Path

[q2_12] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: WIP - Work, Inequality and Public Policy

[q2_13] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: ARTSEQUAL - Arts as Public Service: Strategic Steps towards Equality

[q2_14] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SRC programme: Disruptive Technologies and Changing Institutions, TECH (2015-2021)

[q2_15] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: COMBAT (PointCloud) - Competence-Based Growth Through Integrated Disruptive Technologies of 3D Digitalization, Robotics

[q2_16] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: ROSE - Robots and the Future of Welfare Services

[q2_17] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SET (Smart Energy Transition) - Smart Energy Transition - Realizing its Potential for Sustainable Growth for Finland's

[q2_18] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: DDI (Digital Disruption of Industry)

[q2_19] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: PVN - Platform Value Now: Value Capturing in the Fast Emerging Platform Ecosystem

[q2_20] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: BCDC Energia - Cloud Computing as an Enabler of Large Scale Variable Distributed Energy Solutions

[q2_21] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SRC programme: Changing Society and Active Citizenship, CITIZEN (2017-2021)

[q2_22] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: BIBU - Tackling Biases and Bubbles in Participation

[q2_23] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: CORE - Collaborative Remedies for Fragmented Societies

[q2_24] Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: PALO - Participation in Long-Term Decision-Making

[q3] To which of the following does your organisation/stakeholder primarily belong?

[q4] What (formal) role did you have in relation to the research programme or project?

[q5] Which of the following best describes your previous relationship with the researchers with whom you interacted within the programme or project?

[q5avo] Which of the following best describes your previous relationship with the researchers with whom you interacted within the programme or project? (Text answers)

[q6] What kind of cooperation or interaction has your organisation engaged in overall with researchers or research organisations before this programme?

[q7_1] What role did you play in relation to the research carried out in the research programme or project?: Supervisor, leader or adviser

[q7_2] What role did you play in relation to the research carried out in the research programme or project?: Supporter, participant or assistant

[q7_3] What role did you play in relation to the research carried out in the research programme or project?: Expert or information source

[q7_4] What role did you play in relation to the research carried out in the research programme or project?: Experimenter or tester

[q7_5] What role did you play in relation to the research carried out in the research programme or project?: End-user of research knowledge

[q7_6] What role did you play in relation to the research carried out in the research programme or project?: Knowledge broker

[q7_7] What role did you play in relation to the research carried out in the research programme or project?: Other role

[q8] If necessary, tell us more about your role in the research of the programme or project. (open-ended)

[q9] How often did you interact with or work on the research programme or project?

[q10_1a] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Participation in research

[q10_2a] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Research-related experiments

[q10_3a] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Stakeholder events

[q10_4a] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Expert consultations, expert work in working groups

[q10_5a] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): (Other) policy influence

[q10_6a] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Training, educational materials

[q10_7a] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): (Other) publishing actions

[q10_8a] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Media visibility, social media influence

[q10_9a] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Business collaboration

[q10_10a] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): International collaboration

[q10_11a] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Other actions

[q10_1b] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Participation in research

[q10_2b] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Research-related experiments

[q10_3b] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Stakeholder events

[q10_4b] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Expert consultations, expert work in working groups

[q10_5b] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): (Other) policy influence

[q10_6b] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Training, educational materials

[q10_7b] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): (Other) publishing actions

[q10_8b] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Media visibility, social media influence

[q10_9b] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Business collaboration

[q10_10b] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): International collaboration

[q10_11b] (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Other actions

[q10_1avo] Please specify if necessary. (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Participation in research (open-ended)

[q10_2avo] Please specify if necessary. (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Research-related experiments (open-ended)

[q10_3avo] Please specify if necessary. (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Stakeholder events (open-ended)

[q10_4avo] Please specify if necessary. (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Expert consultations, expert work in working groups (open

[q10_5avo] Please specify if necessary. (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): (Other) policy influence (open-ended)

[q10_6avo] Please specify if necessary. (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Training, educational materials (open-ended)

[q10_7avo] Please specify if necessary. (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): (Other) publishing actions (open-ended)

[q10_8avo] Please specify if necessary. (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Media visibility, social media influence (open-ended)

[q10_9avo] Please specify if necessary. (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Business collaboration (open-ended)

[q10_10avo] Please specify if necessary. (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): International collaboration (open-ended)

[q10_11avo] Please specify if necessary. (In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Other actions (open-ended)

[q11_1] (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction was goal-oriented.

[q11_2] (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The amount/intensity of interaction was appropriate.

[q11_3] (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction reached key target groups.

[q11_4] (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction reached a wide range of target groups.

[q11_5] (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction took into account the needs of different parties.

[q11_6] (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): It was easy to participate in the interaction.

[q11_7] (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): There were sufficient resources for interaction.

[q11_8] (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction was fruitful/relevant.

[q11_9] (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction was fair.

[q11_10] (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction was successful overall.

[q11_11] (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction with the researchers will continue.

[q11_1avo] Please justify your assessment if necessary. (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction was goal-oriented. (open-ended)

[q11_2avo] Please justify your assessment if necessary. (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The amount/intensity of interaction was appropriate. (open-ended)

[q11_3avo] Please justify your assessment if necessary. (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction reached key target groups. (open-ended)

[q11_4avo] Please justify your assessment if necessary. (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction reached a wide range of target groups. (open-ended)

[q11_5avo] Please justify your assessment if necessary. (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction took into account the needs of different parties. (open-ended)

[q11_6avo] Please justify your assessment if necessary. (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): It was easy to participate in the interaction. (open-ended)

[q11_7avo] Please justify your assessment if necessary. (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): There were sufficient resources for interaction. (open-ended)

[q11_8avo] Please justify your assessment if necessary. (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction was fruitful/relevant. (open-ended)

[q11_9avo] Please justify your assessment if necessary. (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction was fair. (open-ended)

[q11_10avo] Please justify your assessment if necessary. (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction was successful overall. (open-ended)

[q11_11avo] Please justify your assessment if necessary. (Assess the interaction with the research programme or project using the following statements.): The interaction with the researchers will continue. (open-ended)

[q12_1a] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Practical changes/reforms to the function of our organisation

[q12_2a] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Advancement of knowledge and know-how

[q12_3a] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Visibility, credibility or impact for our activities

[q12_4a] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Building or strengthening networks

[q12_5a] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Drawing attention to issues that are important to us

[q12_6a] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Improved decision-making

[q12_7a] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Innovations

[q12_8a] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Financial benefits

[q12_9a] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Other, what?

[q12_1b] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Practical changes/reforms to the function of our organisation

[q12_2b] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Advancement of knowledge and know-how

[q12_3b] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Visibility, credibility or impact for our activities

[q12_4b] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Building or strengthening networks

[q12_5b] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Drawing attention to issues that are important to us

[q12_6b] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Improved decision-making

[q12_7b] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Innovations

[q12_8b] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Financial benefits

[q12_9b] (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Other, what?

[q12_1avo] Please specify if necessary. (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Practical changes/reforms to the function of our organisation (open-ended)

[q12_2avo] Please specify if necessary. (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Advancement of knowledge and know-how (open-ended)

[q12_3avo] Please specify if necessary. (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Visibility, credibility or impact for our activities (open-ended)

[q12_4avo] Please specify if necessary. (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Building or strengthening networks (open-ended)

[q12_5avo] Please specify if necessary. (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Drawing attention to issues that are important to us (open-ended)

[q12_6avo] Please specify if necessary. (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Improved decision-making (open-ended)

[q12_7avo] Please specify if necessary. (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Innovations (open-ended)

[q12_8avo] Please specify if necessary. (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Financial benefits (open-ended)

[q12_9avo] Please specify if necessary. (What were your aims for the interaction with the research programme or project? Please also assess how well your objectives were achieved.): Other, what? (open-ended)

[q13] Please describe briefly one of the results, perspectives or solutions of the research programme or project that you consider significant. (open-ended)

[q14] What practical significance has the work of the research programme or research project had for you? To what change has the research led or contributed? Please provide concrete examples, if you can. (open-ended)

[q15] How do you think the research programme or project managed to influence society more generally, in other ways than from your own perspective or from the perspective of your organisation? Tell us why you think this. (open-ended)

[q16_1] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The objectives of the research are topical and appropriate.

[q16_2] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research responds well to changing needs in society.

[q16_3] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research is based on scientific networks and is of a high quality.

[q16_4] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research involves international networks and has a high standing.

[q16_5] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The multidisciplinary and broad-based scientific approach of the research brings added value in relation to other research activities.

[q16_6] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The stakeholder networks of the research bring added value in relation to other research activities.

[q16_7] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The results of the research are communicated in an easy-to-understand manner.

[q16_8] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The results of the research are easy to find and openly available.

[q16_9] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The results of the research are effectively utilised in society.

[q16_10] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The results of the research are effectively utilised in directing further studies.

[q16_11] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The solutions produced by the research are scalable and easily applicable.

[q16_12] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research produces innovations.

[q16_13] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research effectively supports decision-making.

[q16_14] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research gets good exposure and is widely known.

[q16_15] (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research transforms structures of society.

[q16_1avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The objectives of the research are topical and appropriate. (open-ended)

[q16_2avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research responds well to changing needs in society. (open-ended)

[q16_3avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research is based on scientific networks and is of a high quality. (open-ended)

[q16_4avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research involves international networks and has a high standing. (open-ended)

[q16_5avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The multidisciplinary and broad-based scientific approach of the research brings added value in relation

[q16_6avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The stakeholder networks of the research bring added value in relation to other research activities. (op

[q16_7avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The results of the research are communicated in an easy-to-understand manner. (open-ended)

[q16_8avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The results of the research are easy to find and openly available. (open-ended)

[q16_9avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The results of the research are effectively utilised in society. (open-ended)

[q16_10avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The results of the research are effectively utilised in directing further studies. (open-ended)

[q16_11avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The solutions produced by the research are scalable and easily applicable. (open-ended)

[q16_12avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research produces innovations. (open-ended)

[q16_13avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research effectively supports decision-making. (open-ended)

[q16_14avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research gets good exposure and is widely known. (open-ended)

[q16_15avo] Please justify your answer if necessary. (Please assess the below statements on strategic research based on your own experience and views.): The research transforms structures of society. (open-ended)

[q17] What do you think should be done to further strengthen the social relevance and impact of strategic research? (open-ended)

[q18] What could you do yourself to strengthen the social relevance and impact of strategic research? (open-ended)

[q19] Would you be willing to participate in the self-evaluation of the SRC programme in autumn 2022, if we arranged a consultation or a similar event for stakeholder representatives?

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