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[q1] I agree to the collection of my data for the above use.
[q2] Select the SRC programme you were part of.
[q3] Select the consortium you were part of.
[q5] In what kind of organisation did you work during the funding period?
[q6] Did you know the other partners of your consortium before this SRC programme?
[q7_1] Assess the effectiveness of your consortium in advancing the following goals of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions. Advancement of science in an important area
[q7_2] Assess the effectiveness of your consortium in advancing the following goals of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions. Advancement of multi-/interdisciplinary knowledge
[q7_3] Assess the effectiveness of your consortium in advancing the following goals of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions. High-quality research processes and outputs
[q7_4] Assess the effectiveness of your consortium in advancing the following goals of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions. Your personal or your team members' career development
[q7_5] Assess the effectiveness of your consortium in advancing the following goals of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions. Development of solutions to urgent societal problems
[q7_6] Assess the effectiveness of your consortium in advancing the following goals of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions. Partnerships and networking among key actors in Finland
[q7_7] Assess the effectiveness of your consortium in advancing the following goals of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions. (Other) organisational benefits for your site of research
[q7_8] Assess the effectiveness of your consortium in advancing the following goals of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions. Development of methods and practices for knowledge co-creation with societal stakeholders
[q8_open] Tell us more about the effectiveness of your consortium in advancing the goals of SRC funding. (open-ended)
[q9_1] Assess the added value of the following features of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions of the SRC programme you were part of. Large-scale research consortia with multiple partners involved
[q9_2] Assess the added value of the following features of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions of the SRC programme you were part of. Internally heterogeneous research consortia with different partners involved
[q9_3] Assess the added value of the following features of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions of the SRC programme you were part of. (Relatively) long-term funding for consortia
[q9_4] Assess the added value of the following features of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions of the SRC programme you were part of. 100 % funding share
[q9_5] Assess the added value of the following features of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions of the SRC programme you were part of. Problem-driven, or solution-oriented, focus of research
[q9_6] Assess the added value of the following features of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions of the SRC programme you were part of. Emphasis on societal relevance and impact in (Finnish) society
[q9_7] Assess the added value of the following features of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions of the SRC programme you were part of. Resources for interaction with societal stakeholders
[q9_8] Assess the added value of the following features of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions of the SRC programme you were part of. Coordinated programme activity facilitated by a programme director
[q9_9] Assess the added value of the following features of SRC funding, based on your own experiences and impressions of the SRC programme you were part of. Coordinated activity across SRC programmes
[q10_open] Tell us more about the most important added value of SRC funding. (open-ended)
[q11_1] Assess the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration within your consortium. As a consortium partner, how important was the collaboration for the following aspects of your work? Selection of research focus, definition of research problems
[q11_2] Assess the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration within your consortium. As a consortium partner, how important was the collaboration for the following aspects of your work? Understanding and advancing the state of the art
[q11_3] Assess the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration within your consortium. As a consortium partner, how important was the collaboration for the following aspects of your work? Research design, data gathering, methods, tools
[q11_4] Assess the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration within your consortium. As a consortium partner, how important was the collaboration for the following aspects of your work? Application or generalisation of results
[q11_5] Assess the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration within your consortium. As a consortium partner, how important was the collaboration for the following aspects of your work? Dissemination, outreach
[q11_6] Assess the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration within your consortium. As a consortium partner, how important was the collaboration for the following aspects of your work? Supervision, working practices
[q12_open] Tell us more about the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration in your consortium. (open-ended)
[q13_1] Did your consortium have research collaboration with other SRC consortia (within or beyond the SRC programme you were part of)? No, or I am not aware of it
[q13_2] Did your consortium have research collaboration with other SRC consortia (within or beyond the SRC programme you were part of)? Yes, within the SRC programme
[q13_3] Did your consortium have research collaboration with other SRC consortia (within or beyond the SRC programme you were part of)? Yes, across the SRC programme borders
[q14_open] Tell us more about the added value of your research collaboration with other SRC consortia. (open-ended)
[q15_1] Assess the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders (those you were involved in) using the following statements. The interactions were goal-oriented.
[q15_2] Assess the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders (those you were involved in) using the following statements. The amount/intensity of interactions was appropriate.
[q15_3] Assess the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders (those you were involved in) using the following statements. The interactions reached key target groups.
[q15_4] Assess the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders (those you were involved in) using the following statements. The interactions reached a wide range of target groups.
[q15_5] Assess the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders (those you were involved in) using the following statements. The interactions took into account the needs of different parties.
[q15_6] Assess the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders (those you were involved in) using the following statements. It was easy to participate in the interactions.
[q15_7] Assess the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders (those you were involved in) using the following statements. There were sufficient resources for interactions.
[q15_8] Assess the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders (those you were involved in) using the following statements. The interactions were fruitful/relevant.
[q15_9] Assess the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders (those you were involved in) using the following statements. The interactions were fair.
[q15_10] Assess the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders (those you were involved in) using the following statements. The interactions were successful overall.
[q15_11] Assess the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders (those you were involved in) using the following statements. The interactions with the stakeholders will continue.
[q16_open] Tell us more about the consortium's interactions with societal stakeholders. (open-ended)
[q17_open] In your view, what should be done to further strengthen the societal relevance and impact of strategic research programmes? (open-ended)
[q22] We plan to collect the impact stories from completed SRC programmes into an open archive available on the SRC website. Would you permit us to include your consortium's impact stories in the open archive?
[q22_open] We plan to collect the impact stories from completed SRC programmes into an open archive available on the SRC website. Would you permit us to include your consortium's impact stories in the open archive? Open text answers