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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[sample] Merged sample
[nonresident] Whether non-resident or resident sample
[rescntry] In which country do you currently live? (non-residents)
[continent] Continent of residence (non-residents) (created by the researcher)
[region] Region of residence (non-residents) (created by the researcher)
[nativelang] Native language
[citizenship] Are you a citizen of [country]?
[gender] What is your gender?
[education] Which of the following three categories would best describe your level of education?
[agecat13] Age categorized, 5 year intervals (created by the researcher)
[q1] How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the political rights of [country] citizens living outside the state? They should have the right to vote in [country] parliamentary elections
[q2] How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the political rights of [country] citizens living outside the state? They should be able to stand as candidates in [country] parliamentary elections
[q3] Do you agree or disagree with the statements about the political rights of [country] citizens living outside the state? There should be specific representatives in the parliamentary elected by [country] citizens living outside the state
[q4] Do you think a right to vote in [country] parliamentary elections by [country] citizens living outside the state should be affected by how long they have lived outside the state? Choose the option you think is best
[q5] Assuming that [country] citizens living outside the state have the right to vote in [country] parliamentary elections, how important is it that they can vote... in person in [country]
[q6] Assuming that [country] citizens living outside the state have the right to vote in [country] parliamentary elections, how important is it that they can vote... in person in the country of residence (embassy, consulate)
[q7] Assuming that [country] citizens living outside the state have the right to vote in [country] parliamentary elections, how important is it that they can vote... via mail (postal voting)
[q8] Assuming that [country] citizens living outside the state have the right to vote in [country] parliamentary elections, how important is it that they can vote... via Internet
[q9] Assuming that [country] citizens living outside the state have the right to vote in [country] parliamentary elections, how important is it that they can vote... by proxy
[q11] Which of the following should apply to people with dual citizenship, assuming that [country] citizens living outside the state have the right to vote in [country] parliamentary elections?
[q12] Do you agree or disagree with the statements about voting rights for [country] citizens living outside the state? They should be allowed to vote in [country] parliamentary elections, because it an essential democratic right of citizens
[q13] Do you agree/disagree with the statements about voting rights for [country] citizens living outside the state? They should be allowed to vote in [country] parliamentary elections, because it helps sustain their connection with [country]
[q14] Statements about voting rights for [country] citizens living outside the state: They should not be allowed to vote in [country] parliamentary elections, because they are not fully engaged in the economic and social life of [country]
[q15] Statements about voting rights for [country] citizens living outside the state: They should not be allowed to vote in [country] parliamentary elections, since political decisions made in [country] have limited impact on their lives
[q16] Statements about voting rights for [country] citizens living outside the state: They should not be allowed to vote in [country] parliamentary elections via post, because the secrecy of the vote cannot be monitored
[q17] Statements about voting rights for [country] citizens living outside the state: They should not be allowed to vote in [country] parliamentary elections, because it may increase the risk of hostile state actors trying to influence elections
[q18] Statements about voting rights for [country] citizens living outside the state: They should not be allowed to vote in [country] parliamentary elections, because non-resident citizen voters may have an impact on the outcome of the elections
[leftright] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 means furthest to the left and 7 means furthest to the right?
[conslib] In politics people sometimes talk of being socially conservative and socially liberal. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 means the most conservative and 7 means the most liberal?
[soctrust] Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people? Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7?
[polint] How interested would you say you are in politics?
[satorigin] On the whole, how satisfied are you with the way the political system works in [origin country]?
[satresid] On the whole, how satisfied are you with the way the political system works in the country you reside in these days?
[undorigin] Do you feel that you understand the most important political issues in [origin country]?
[conforigin] How confident are you in your own ability to participate in politics in [origin country]?
[undresid] Do you feel that you understand the most important political issues in the country you reside in these days?
[conresid] How confident are you in your own ability to participate in politics in the country you reside in these days?
[attorigin] How actively do you follow [origin country] politics?
[attresid] How actively do you follow politics in the country you reside in these days?
[trustparlorigin] How much do you personally trust the following institutions in [origin country]? The parliament
[trustgovorigin] How much do you personally trust the following institutions in [origin country]? The government
[trustpolitorigin] How much do you personally trust the following institutions in [origin country]? Politicians
[trustpartorigin] How much do you personally trust the following institutions in [origin country]? Political parties
[trustparlresid] How much you personally trust the following institutions in the country you reside in these days? The parliament
[trustgovresid] How much you personally trust the following institutions in the country you reside in these days? The government
[trustpolitresid] How much you personally trust the following institutions in the country you reside in these days? Politicians
[trustpartresid] How much you personally trust the following institutions in the country you reside in these days? Political parties
[votedorigin] Did you vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election?
[didnotvote_a] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I experienced voting from abroad too complicated
[didnotvote_b] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I did not know where or how to vote
[didnotvote_c] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I had problems with voter registration and/or voting card
[didnotvote_d] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I did not have information on the parties and/or candidates to vote for
[didnotvote_e] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I distrust politics in general
[didnotvote_f] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I think one vote makes no difference to the outcome of an election
[didnotvote_g] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I did not know there were elections
[didnotvote_h] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I am not interested in politics as such
[didnotvote_i] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I am not interested in [origin country] matters
[didnotvote_j] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I rarely or never vote
[didnotvote_k] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I was too busy / I had no time
[didnotvote_l] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I was on a holiday / away from home
[didnotvote_m] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. I was sick / had a health problem at the time
[didnotvote_other] What are the main reasons why you did NOT vote in the last [origin country] parliamentary election? You can choose several options. Other reason, what?
[votedresid_parl] During the last 10 years, have you voted in the following elections of the country you reside in these days? Parliamentary elections
[votedresid_pres] During the last 10 years, have you voted in the following elections of the country you reside in these days? Presidential elections
[votedresid_reg] During the last 10 years, have you voted in the following elections of the country you reside in these days? Regional elections
[votedresid_loc] During the last 10 years, have you voted in the following elections of the country you reside in these days? Local elections
[votedresid_ref] During the last 10 years, have you voted in the following elections of the country you reside in these days? Referendums
[brncntr] Were you born in [origin country]?
[mocntr] Was your mother born in [origin country]?
[facntr] Was your father born in [origin country]?
[livedabroad] In total, for how long have you lived abroad?
[cntrysum] In how many countries have you lived?
[occasions] Have you lived abroad on several occasions?
[livedresid] For how long have you lived in the country you reside in these days?
[reason] What was the main reason you came to live in this country?
[athome] Do you feel at home in this country?
[visits] How often do you visit [origin country]?
[return] Do you at some point intend to move back to [origin country]?
[livedabr] Whether has lived abroad (residents)