FSD3875 Finnish National Election Study 2023

Select variable

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[survey] Indicate which questionnaire [1-3] the respondent has been asked to complete

[vastaustapa] Collection mode

[muistutustapa] Survey reminder mode

[lahetyskieli] Language of the questionnaire sent

[vastauskieli] Language of the questionnaire responded

[paperilomake_palautus] Date of return of the questionnaire responded (arrival at the post office)

[weblomake_vastaus] Date of response

[weblomake_kesto] Duration of responding web questionnaire (in seconds)

[POLINT] How interested are you in politics?

[POLCON] Generally, that is, not only during elections, how often do you discuss political and social issues with people?

[INTEFFI1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I feel I understand the most important political issues in Finland

[Q3_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Democracy is always and under all circumstances preferable to any other kind of government

[Q3_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Having a strong leader in government is good for Finland even if the leader bends the rules to get things done

[Q3_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Parties should announce clearly during the election campaign which parties they are willing to form a coalition government with

[Q3_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Policies to increase the representation of women in politics have gone too far

[Q3_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Things would be better in Finland if successful corporate managers made the decisions

[Q3_7] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Things would be better in Finland if independent experts made the decisions

[Q3_8] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Things would be better in Finland if citizens made the decisions in referendums

[Q3_9] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? To complement representative democracy, public debates on policy issues should be organised for ordinary citizens

[Q3_10] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The state-level citizens' initiative has promoted the performance of democracy in Finland

[Q3_11] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The option to vote online should be implemented.

[Q3_12] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The voting age should be lowered to 16

[Q4_1] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Election debates and party leader interviews

[Q4_2] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: News broadcasts

[Q4_3] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Entertainment programmes featuring politicians

[Q4_4] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Radio programmes or podcasts

[Q4_5] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Newspaper articles, columns or letters to the editor

[Q4_6] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Television, radio, newspaper and Internet advertising

[Q4_7] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Websites of the candidates and political parties

[Q4_8] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Social media, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram or TikTok

[Q4_9] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Candidate selectors on the Internet

[Q5] How often you spend time on the Internet and/or social media, e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok or YouTube?

[Q6] On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means Finland is not at all democratic, and 10 means Finland is completely democratic, what position would you choose?

[TRUST_PRES] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? The President

[TRUST_PARL] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? The Parliament

[TRUST_GOV] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? The Government

[TRUST_JUST] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? The judicial system

[TRUST_UNI] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? Universities and research institutes

[TRUST_PARTY] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? Political parties

[TRUST_POL] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? Politicians

[TRUST_MEDIA] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? The media

[Q7_9] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? Social media, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or WhatsApp

[Q8] How good or bad a job do you think the Government led by Prime Minister Marin did over the past four years?

[Q9] How good or bad a job do you think the Government led by Prime Minister Marin did over the past four years in handling the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic?

[Q10] Would you say that over the past twelve months, the state of the economy in Finland has gotten better, stayed the same, or gotten worse?

[Q11] What about your own financial situation?

[Q12] How would you expect the state of economy in Finland will change over the next 12 months?

[Q13] What about your own financial situation?

[Q14] Do you believe that the recent parliamentary elections were conducted fairly?

[VOTE2023] Did you vote in the parliamentary elections held recently?

[PCHOICE2023] The candidate of which party or group did you vote for in these parliamentary elections?

[PCHOICE2023_OTHER] Some other party or group, please specify (open-ended)

[VOTE2019] Did you vote four years ago, in the 2019 parliamentary elections?

[PCHOICE2019] The candidate of which political party or group did you vote for in the 2019 parliamentary elections?

[PCHOICE2019_OTHER] Some other party or group, please specify (open-ended)

[Q17] Some people say that no matter who people vote for, it won't make any difference to what happens. Others say that who people vote for can make a big difference to what happens. Using the scale presented, what would you say?

[Q18_1] What do you think about the following (political) parties on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[Q18_2] What do you think about the following (political) parties on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Finns Party (PS)

[Q18_3] What do you think about the following (political) parties on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? National Coalition Party (KOK)

[Q18_4] What do you think about the following (political) parties on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[Q18_5] What do you think about the following (political) parties on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Green League (VIHR)

[Q18_6] What do you think about the following (political) parties on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Left Alliance (VAS)

[Q18_7] What do you think about the following (political) parties on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[Q18_8] What do you think about the following (political) parties on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Christian Democrats in Finland (KD)

[Q18_9] What do you think about the following (political) parties on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Movement Now (LIIK)

[Q18_10] What do you think about the following (political) parties on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Power Belongs to the People (VKK)

[Q19_1] What do you think of the party leaders on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Sanna Marin (SDP)

[Q19_2] What do you think of the party leaders on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Riikka Purra (PS)

[Q19_3] What do you think of the party leaders on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Petteri Orpo (KOK)

[Q19_4] What do you think of the party leaders on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Annika Saarikko (KESK)

[Q19_5] What do you think of the party leaders on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Maria Ohisalo (VIHR)

[Q19_6] What do you think of the party leaders on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Li Andersson (VAS)

[Q19_7] What do you think of the party leaders on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Anna-Maja Henriksson (RKP)

[Q19_8] What do you think of the party leaders on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Sari Essayah (KD)

[Q19_9] What do you think of the party leaders on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Harry Harkimo (LIIK)

[Q19_10] What do you think of the party leaders on a scale 0-10, where 0 means 'strongly dislike' and 10 means 'strongly like'? Ano Turtiainen (VKK)

[Q20_1] In politics people talk of left and right. Where would you place the following parties on a scale 0-10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[Q20_2] In politics people talk of left and right. Where would you place the following parties on a scale 0-10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? Finns Party (PS)

[Q20_3] In politics people talk of left and right. Where would you place the following parties on a scale 0-10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? National Coalition Party (KOK)

[Q20_4] In politics people talk of left and right. Where would you place the following parties on a scale 0-10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[Q20_5] In politics people talk of left and right. Where would you place the following parties on a scale 0-10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? Green League (VIHR)

[Q20_6] In politics people talk of left and right. Where would you place the following parties on a scale 0-10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? Left Alliance (VAS)

[Q20_7] In politics people talk of left and right. Where would you place the following parties on a scale 0-10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[Q20_8] In politics people talk of left and right. Where would you place the following parties on a scale 0-10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? Christian Democrats in Finland (KD)

[Q20_9] In politics people talk of left and right. Where would you place the following parties on a scale 0-10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? Movement Now (LIIK)

[Q20_10] In politics people talk of left and right. Where would you place the following parties on a scale 0-10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? Power Belongs to the People (VKK)

[LEFTRIGHT_SELF] In politics people talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right?

[LIBCONS_SELF] In politics people talk of liberal and conservative values. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is most liberal and 10 is most conservative?

[DEMSATISF] How satisfied are you with the way democracy works in Finland?

[PIDENTIF] Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular party?

[PIDENTIF_PARTY] Which party? Choose only one party.

[PIDENTIF_PARTY_OTHER] Some other party or group, please specify (open-ended)

[PIDENTIF_PARTY_CLOSE] Do you feel very close to this party, somewhat close, or not very close?

[Q25A] Who are better suited to lead the country during a public health crisis?

[Q25B] Who are better suited to lead the country during an economic crisis?

[Q26] How well do you think that Finnish society guarantees adequate healthcare for all citizens?

[Q27A] How did the coronavirus pandemic affect how united society is in Finland?

[Q27B] How did the coronavirus pandemic affect the functioning of democracy here in Finland?

[Q27C] How has the coronavirus pandemic affected your personal economic situation?

[Q28] To the best of your knowledge, have you or anyone living with you been infected with the coronavirus?

[BYEAR] Your year of birth

[GENDER] Gender

[EDU] What is the highest level of education or degree you have completed?

[MARSTAT] Marital status

[UNIONMEMB_ACTI] Do you belong to any trade union or professional association and if yes, how actively do you participate in its activities?

[UNIONMEMB_ORG] Which of the following central organisations does your trade union or professional association belong to?

[UNIONMEMB_COUNT] How many other than work- or profession-related associations do you belong to as a paying member?

[PARTYMEMB] Are you a member of any political party?

[UNEMPLOY] Have you been unemployed in the past 12 months?

[UNEMPLOY_TIME] Have you been unemployed in the past 12 months? Yes, for a total of approximately X months

[PROF_OPEN_ISCO08] Main occupation (ISCO-08 two-digit code)

[PROF_OPEN_ISCO08_LABEL] Main occupation (ISCO-08 two-digit title)

[PROF_CAT] The occupational group you feel you mainly belong to?

[PROF_SECTOR] In which sector do you work?

[PARTNER_PROF_CAT] What is your spouse's occupational group?

[HH_INCOME] What is the average total annual income of your household before tax (= gross income), including taxable social security benefits? EUR (top-coded at FSD)

[CHURCH_MEMB] Do you belong to a church or other religious community?

[CHURCH_ATTEND] Apart from weddings, funerals etc., how often do you attend a church service or other similar religious event?

[BPLACE] The respondent's country of birth

[MOM_BPLACE] What country was your mother born in?

[DAD_BPLACE] What country was your father born in?

[HOMELANG] Which language or languages are usually spoken at your home?

[MUNSIZE] Do you live...

[DIST_SAME2019] Did you live in your present electoral district at the time of the previous parliamentary elections of 2019?

[HH_SIZE_TOTAL] How many people live in your household? In total: (top-coded at FSD)

[HH_SIZE_TEEN] How many people live in your household? Out of them, how many are children/young people aged 7-17? (top-coded at FSD)

[HH_SIZE_CHILD] How many people live in your household? Out of them, how many are children aged 6 or younger (top-coded at FSD)

[CLASS] Which social class would you say you belong to?

[POLKNOW_SELF] How much would you say you know about politics and public affairs?

[K4_1] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from the following sources? Family members, parents or relatives

[K4_2] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from the following sources? Friends or acquaintances

[K4_3] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from the following sources? Colleagues or fellow students

[K4_4] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from the following sources? Newspapers (including online) or content produced by journalists

[K4_5] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from the following sources? Television (also online) or content produced by TV journalists

[K4_6] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from the following sources? Radio (also online) or content produced by radio journalists

[K4_7] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from the following sources? Candidate selector(s)

[K4_8] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from the following sources? Elsewhere online or social media

[K4_9] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from the following sources? Websites or social media of parties or candidates

[K4_10] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from the following sources? Election programmes of parties

[K4_11] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from the following sources? Social media influencers

[INTEFFI2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Sometimes politics seems so complicated that I cannot quite understand what is going on

[INTEFFI3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I trust in my ability to participate in politics

[EXTEFFI1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I have no say in what the Government and Parliament decide

[EXTEFFI2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? It doesn't really matter which parties form the coalition government, policy decisions will be the same

[EXTEFFI3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Those elected to Parliament soon lose touch with the problems of ordinary people

[EXTEFFI4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Political parties are only interested in people's votes, not in their opinions

[VOTE_DUTY] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I think voting is a civic duty

[K6_1] Which of these have you done in the past four years or, if you felt an issue was important, which of these might you do? Contact political decision-makers on an issue

[K6_2] Which of these have you done in the past four years or, if you felt an issue was important, which of these might you do? Sign a petition

[K6_3] Which of these have you done in the past four years or, if you felt an issue was important, which of these might you do? Participate in the activities of a political party

[K6_4] Which of these have you done in the past four years or, if you felt an issue was important, which of these might you do? Participate in the activities of some other voluntary/civic organisation

[K6_5] Which of these have you done in the past four years or, if you felt an issue was important, which of these might you do? Share or produce political or social texts, photos and/or other similar content on social media.

[K6_6] Which of these have you done in the past four years or, if you felt an issue was important, which of these might you do? Try to influence political or social issues through my consumer choices

[K6_7] Which of these have you done in the past four years or, if you felt an issue was important, which of these might you do? Donate money to a candidate or political party

[K6_8] Which of these have you done in the past four years or, if you felt an issue was important, which of these might you do? Participate in peaceful demonstrations

[K6_9] Which of these have you done in the past four years or, if you felt an issue was important, which of these might you do? Demonstrate civil disobedience by participating in illegal, non-violent activities

[K7] Have you signed any state-level citizens' initiatives?

[TRUST_EU] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? The European Union

[TRUST_OFFICIALS] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? Public officials

[TRUST_PEOPLE] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = can't be too careful, 10 = most people can be trusted), can people be trusted or is it so that you can never be too careful with them?

[K10] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? One can never trust the pre-election promises of any party

[K11] In your opinion, to what extent did the parties in PM Marin's Government keep their election promises during the parliamentary term 2019-2023? Respond on a scale 0-10 where 0 means 'not at all' and 10 means 'completely'.

[K14] When did you decide the party whose candidate you voted for?

[K15] How self-evident was it for you not to vote?

[K16_1] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? It was difficult for me to find a suitable party

[K16_2] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? It was difficult for me to find a suitable candidate

[K16_3] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? Job or travel prevented me from voting

[K16_4] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? Could not vote because of illness or disability

[K16_5] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? I didn't remember to vote

[K16_6] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? I simply couldn't be bothered to vote

[K16_7] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? I didn't see how voting would benefit me in any way

[K16_8] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? I think one vote wouldn't have made a difference to the outcome of the election

[K16_9] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? I distrust politicians and politics in general

[K16_10] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? I wanted to protest against politics and politicians

[K16_11] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? I'm not interested in politics and don't care whether I vote or not

[K16_12] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? I didn't have enough information to support my voting decision

[K16_13] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? There were no meaningful differences between parties

[K16_14] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? The party I would have voted for in these elections had different views than myself on important issues

[K16_15] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? Other reason

[K16_MUU] What was the main reason for not voting in this election? Other reason: Please specify (open-ended)

[VOTE_CAND_AGREE] Here is the list of candidates from your electoral district. Would you be willing to tell who you voted for in the parliamentary elections? Responding is completely voluntary and confidential.

[VOTE_CAND_DIST] In which electoral district did you vote?

[VOTE_CAND] Which candidate did you vote for? Candidate number of the candidate you voted for

[K19] Did you vote for a candidate who is of the same gender as you?

[K20] How old was the candidate you voted for?

[K21_1] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate?The candidate's gender

[K21_2] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's age

[K21_3] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's education

[K21_4] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's prior experience in politics

[K21_5] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's appearance and style

[K21_6] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate is a well-known public figure

[K21_7] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's views on different issues

[K21_8] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's party affiliation

[K21_9] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's election campaign and election advertising

[K21_10] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's place of residence

[K21_11] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's reliability

[K21_12] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's ability to manage things

[K21_13] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's chances of winning a seat in the election

[K21_14] To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate? The candidate's answers in candidate selectors on the Internet

[PARTYORCAND] For your voting choice, which was ultimately the more important, the party or the candidate?

[K23_1] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? Performance of the party's representatives in election programmes on television

[K23_2] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? The party looks after the interests of the occupational group I belong to

[K23_3] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? The party has a good leader

[K23_4] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? Values of the party

[K23_5] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? Desire to influence which parties will be in the coalition government

[K23_6] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? The party has good policy on many current issues

[K23_7] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? The party has competent people to conduct Finnish politics

[K23_8] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? Performance of the party during the past parliamentary term

[K23_9] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? The party's successful election campaign

[K23_10] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? In my opinion, the leader of the party was the best candidate to become prime minister

[K23_11] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? My family member(s) and/or friend(s) voted for the party

[K23_12] To what extent did the following influence your choice of party in these parliamentary elections? Recommendations provided by candidate selector(s)

[PARTYAFF_STABLE] How stable is your political party identification?

[POLKNOW_NOTCHEAT] Next, we'll ask you a few factual questions. Please do not check the correct answers... Do you promise to answer the following questions without using outside sources?

[POLKNOW_1] What do you think is meant by a parliamentary system of government?

[POLKNOW_2] Who was the Finnish Minister of Finance right before the recent parliamentary elections?

[POLKNOW_3] Who is the current President of the European Commission?

[POLKNOW_4] What was the unemployment rate in Finland in January 2023 according to Statistics Finland?

[POLKNOW_TIME] Time spent responding factual questions (online)

[FINVALUES1] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Multicultural Finland where foreigners with different religions and lifestyles are tolerated

[FINVALUES2] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland where Christian values have a greater role

[FINVALUES3] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland where a larger share of the population lives in cities

[FINVALUES4] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland where women's equality is promoted more strongly than before

[FINVALUES5] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland that has a smaller public sector

[FINVALUES6] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland where the rights of gender and sexual minorities are strengthened

[FINVALUES7] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland that has a lower taxation level, even if it weakens public services.

[FINVALUES8] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland with stronger state regulation of the free market

[FINVALUES9] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland with more law and order

[FINVALUES10] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland that has more immigration

[FINVALUES11] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland that is less committed/attached to the European Union

[FINVALUES12] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland which invests significantly more in the fight against climate change

[FINVALUES13] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? More eco-friendly Finland, even if it meant low economic growth or no growth at all

[FINVALUES14] In the following, some propositions relating to the future direction of Finland are listed. What is your opinion on these propositions? Finland, where the welfare state is maintained, if necessary, with debt money

[S6_11] To what extent do you trust or mistrust the following? The police

[S20_1] Mention up to three most important social problems that politicians should solve (most important first) 1 (open-ended)

[S20_2] Mention up to three most important social problems that politicians should solve (most important first) 2 (open-ended)

[S20_3] Mention up to three most important social problems that politicians should solve (most important first) 3 (open-ended)

[S21_1] To what extent do you agree with the following statements about current political issues? Finland should leave the EU

[S21_2] To what extent do you agree with the following statements about current political issues? Russia poses a political and security threat to Finland

[S21_3] To what extent do you agree with the following statements about current political issues? Wages and terms of employment should be agreed on locally without central organisations

[S21_4] To what extent do you agree with the following statements about current political issues? The government should primarily look after the welfare of native Finns

[S21_5] To what extent do you agree with the following statements about current political issues? Cuts to public services are needed to balance the Finnish economy

[S21_6] To what extent do you agree with the following statements about current political issues? Efforts should be made to keep all of Finland populated, regardless of the costs

[S21_7] To what extent do you agree with the following statements about current political issues? The duration of earnings-related unemployment benefit must be shortened

[S21_8] To what extent do you agree with the following statements about current political issues? Cannabis use should be legalised

[S21_9] To what extent do you agree with the following statements about current political issues? Studying Swedish should be voluntary at all levels of the education system

[S21_10] To what extent do you agree with the following statements about current political issues? More referendums are needed to increase citizens' direct participation in decision-making

[S21_11] To what extent do you agree with the following statements about current political issues? Forest logging should be reduced to increase carbon sinks that remove climate emissions

[S42A] Do you know which party your mother supported when you were young?

[S42B] Which party?

[S43A] Do you know which party your father supported when you were young?

[S43B] Which party?

[S50] Which of the following alternatives best describes your childhood home?

[vaalipiiri] Respondent's electoral district based on register data and some corrections

[kieli.dvv] Respondent's mother tongue (register data) (categorised in three groups)

[ika.dvv] Respondent's age (register data)

[ikaryhma.dvv] Respondent's age (register data) (categorised in age groups)

[koulutus] Respondent's level of education (classification of Statistics Finland)

[puoluekannatus] Party voted by the respondent or information on non-voting

[rake_weights123] Weighting coefficients for respondents to combinations of questionnaires 1, 2 and 3

[rake_weights1] Weighting coefficients for respondents to questionnaire 1

[rake_weights2] Weighting coefficients for respondents to questionnaire 2

[rake_weights3] Weighting coefficients for respondents to questionnaire 3

[rake_weights12] Weighting coefficients for respondents to combinations of questionnaires 1 and 2

[rake_weights13] Weighting coefficients for respondents to combinations of questionnaires 1 and 3

[rake_weights23] Weighting coefficients for respondents to combinations of questionnaires 2 and 3

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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Metadata record is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.