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Upcoming data releases

FSD3134 Child Barometer 2016 A Tooltip Quantitative 2017-05-02
FSD3632 Joint Statistics of Finnish Scientific Libraries 2009 A Tooltip Quantitative 2023-06-20
FSD2183 Women's Representation in National Parliaments 1970-2010 A Tooltip Quantitative 2006-08-29
FSD2636 Public Procurement Notices 2009 A Tooltip Quantitative 2011-09-30
FSD3638 Joint Statistics of Finnish Scientific Libraries 2015 A Tooltip Quantitative 2023-06-20
FSD3197 Barometer for Swedish-speaking Finns 2005 A Tooltip Quantitative 2018-02-23
FSD3668 Decision-Making in a Common Pool Resource Game Experiment 2020 A Tooltip Quantitative 2023-10-17
FSD3283 Peer-reviewed research and doctoral dissertations related to Russia's security policy conducted in Finland between 2011-2015 A Tooltip Quantitative 2021-07-07
FSD2140 Gender-Weighted Index of Democratization 1995-2010 A Tooltip Quantitative 2006-08-28
FSD3063 Finnish Attitudes to Immigration: Iltalehti Survey 2015 A Tooltip Quantitative 2016-01-25
FSD3105 Weather and Climate Risk Management in Finnish Organisations 2015 A Tooltip Quantitative 2016-06-15
FSD3062 Finnish Attitudes to Immigration: Suomen Kuvalehti Survey 2015 A Tooltip Quantitative 2016-01-05
FSD3524 Anonymous Questions and Expert Responses in the Sinuiksi Online Question and Answer Service 2014-2015 A Tooltip Qualitative 2023-06-14
FSD3193 Barometer for Swedish-speaking Finns, Spring 2002 A Tooltip Quantitative 2018-02-09
FSD2588 Ethnic heterogeneity and ethnic conflicts 2003-2010 A Tooltip Quantitative 2010-11-29
FSD3627 Joint Statistics of Finnish Scientific Libraries 2004 A Tooltip Quantitative 2023-06-30
FSD3161 Forest Owners' Views on Forest Biodiversity Programme METSO and Forest Use 2014 A Tooltip Quantitative 2018-05-22
FSD3719 Public Procurement Notices 2020 A Tooltip Quantitative 2023-06-06
FSD2937 Limited Liability Housing Companies Act's Functionality and Impact 2013: Shareholders A Tooltip Quantitative 2014-07-15
FSD1249 Decision on Final Disposal of Nuclear Waste 2001 A Tooltip Qualitative 2007-06-19
FSD3484 Vocational School Student Survey 2019 A Tooltip Quantitative 2021-06-10
FSD3069 Children's Media Barometer 2010 A Tooltip Quantitative 2017-01-04
FSD3201 Barometer for Swedish-speaking Finns 2009 A Tooltip Quantitative 2018-03-02
FSD3026 Finland's Foreign Trade: Value of Imports 1840-2000 A Tooltip Quantitative 2017-07-03
FSD2979 Opinions on the State of the Finnish Language 2013 A Tooltip Quantitative 2015-07-14
FSD3633 Joint Statistics of Finnish Scientific Libraries 2010 A Tooltip Quantitative 2023-06-20
FSD2925 Members of Municipal Councils and Municipal Boards 2009 A Tooltip Quantitative 2016-07-01
FSD3027 Finland's Foreign Trade: Value of Exports 1840-2000 A Tooltip Quantitative 2017-07-03
FSD3095 New Students in Universities 2015: First Impressions A Tooltip Quantitative 2017-01-20
FSD2634 Public Procurement Notices 2007 A Tooltip Quantitative 2011-09-27
FSD2420 Index of Power Resources (IPR) 2007 A Tooltip Quantitative 2009-07-09
FSD2817 Ethnic Conflicts and Ethnic Nepotism 2003-2011 A Tooltip Quantitative 2014-10-06
FSD3626 Joint Statistics of Finnish Scientific Libraries 2003 A Tooltip Quantitative 2023-06-30
FSD3208 Gustaf Alfred af Hällström: library and purchases of printed works 1845-1861 A Tooltip Qualitative 2018-09-05
FSD2939 Limited Liability Housing Companies Act's Functionality and Impact 2013: Property Managers A Tooltip Quantitative 2014-07-22
FSD2760 International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) in Finland 2009: Students A Tooltip Quantitative 2012-11-07
FSD2982 Public Procurement Notices 2014 A Tooltip Quantitative 2015-02-11
FSD3371 Finnish Views on Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2008 A Tooltip Quantitative 2020-10-01
FSD3355 Public Procurement Notices 2018 A Tooltip Quantitative 2019-04-29
FSD3195 Barometer for Swedish-speaking Finns 2003 A Tooltip Quantitative 2018-02-16
FSD2828 Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change and Eutrophication 1990-2010 A Tooltip Quantitative 2014-10-17
FSD3077 Cross-national Survey on the Future of the Welfare State 2015 A Tooltip Quantitative 2016-01-19
FSD3413 Public Procurement Notices 2019 A Tooltip Quantitative 2020-03-30
FSD3629 Joint Statistics of Finnish Scientific Libraries 2006 A Tooltip Quantitative 2023-06-28
FSD1049 Society in the Newspaper 1987 A Tooltip Quantitative 2002-03-22
FSD1211 Media Education in Finnish Primary Education 1998 A Tooltip Quantitative 2003-01-24
FSD3238 Public Procurement Notices 2017 A Tooltip Quantitative 2018-05-09
FSD3158 Forest Professionals' Experiences and Views on Voluntary Forest Conservation and Forest Management Planning 2014 A Tooltip Quantitative 2018-04-13
FSD2981 Cultural Heritage of Finland 2014 A Tooltip Qualitative 2015-07-16
FSD3643 Joint Statistics of Finnish Scientific Libraries 2020 A Tooltip Quantitative 2023-06-20