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In total 2029 datasets.

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(A) openly available for all users without registration (CC BY 4.0),
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FSD3407 100 Minutes of Art 2019: Communities B Tooltip Qualitative 2021-03-17
FSD3410 100 Minutes of Art 2019: Entries in the Taidepassi Participation Diary B Tooltip Qualitative 2021-03-17
FSD3406 100 Minutes of Art 2019: Individuals B Tooltip Qualitative 2021-03-17
FSD3563 18-25-Year-Olds' Experiences of Wearing Face Masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Finland 2020-2021 C Tooltip Qualitative 2023-07-18
FSD3778 A Year of COVID-19: Finnish Experiences of Everyday Life during the Pandemic 2021 B Tooltip Qualitative 2024-03-04
FSD3515 Aalto University Student Union Member Survey 2020 B Tooltip Quantitative 2022-05-30
FSD3128 Aalto University Teacher Views on Entrepreneurship 2012 C Tooltip Qualitative 2017-05-15
FSD2360 Acceptability of Genetically Manipulated Potato Resistant to Blight 2006: Focus Group Discussion B Tooltip Qualitative 2008-12-02
FSD3495 Accessibility in Basic Education in the Arts 2018 B Tooltip Quantitative 2022-08-24
FSD2540 Active Sick Leave 2003 B Tooltip Quantitative 2010-09-06
FSD1112 Adults as Receivers of Help 1996 B Tooltip Quantitative 2002-03-22
FSD2408 Aged Canadian Finns 2004 B Tooltip Quantitative 2009-06-29
FSD1358 Alcohol Problems and Policy 1995: Group Interviews B Tooltip Qualitative 2007-06-20
FSD1257 Alcohol Use 2002 B Tooltip Quantitative 2003-11-07
FSD3181 Alcohol and Drug Survey 2014 D Tooltip Quantitative 2018-01-02
FSD3512 Alcohol and Drug Survey 2018 D Tooltip Quantitative 2021-11-30
FSD2956 Amateur Naturalism and Activities of Nature and Wildlife Organizations: Interviews 2002-2011 C Tooltip Qualitative 2015-07-14
FSD2957 Amateur Naturalism and Activities of Nature and Wildlife Organizations: Observation Notes 2006-2011 C Tooltip Qualitative 2015-07-14
FSD3088 Amateur Naturalism and Activities of Nature and Wildlife Organizations: Printed Media Data 1972-2011 C Tooltip Qualitative 2017-08-02
FSD3504 Amateur Naturalism and Technology 2020-2021 B Tooltip Qualitative 2022-02-15
FSD3215 Ananda Magazine Yoga Survey 2013 B Tooltip Quantitative 2018-11-23
FSD3524 Anonymous Questions and Expert Responses in the Sinuiksi Online Question and Answer Service 2014-2015 A Tooltip Qualitative 2023-06-14
FSD2142 Appearance of Mobile Phones in Schools 1997-2000: Teacher Interviews B Tooltip Qualitative 2007-06-25
FSD3587 Argument Quality Evaluation Study 2018 A Tooltip Quantitative 2022-06-17
FSD3404 Arts and Culture Barometer: Mobility of Art and Artists: Artist Survey 2018 B Tooltip Quantitative 2021-06-04
FSD2485 Assessing Cumulative Chemical Risks and Uncertainties - International Expert Survey 2006 B Tooltip Quantitative 2010-05-07
FSD2332 Association of Kindergarten Teachers Membership Survey 1999 B Tooltip Quantitative 2008-08-01
FSD2832 Attitudes of Finnish Clergy and Church Musicians 2006 B Tooltip Quantitative 2014-01-02
FSD1357 Attitudes to Economy and Social Security 1994 B Tooltip Quantitative 2005-02-16
FSD2026 Attitudes to Finnish Broadcasting 2003 B Tooltip Quantitative 2005-02-25
FSD2764 Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment of Children in Finland 2004 B Tooltip Quantitative 2012-09-17
FSD2766 Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment of Children in Finland 2007 B Tooltip Quantitative 2012-09-17
FSD2767 Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment of Children in Finland 2007: Trend B Tooltip Quantitative 2012-10-18
FSD2763 Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment of Children in Finland 2012 B Tooltip Quantitative 2012-10-10
FSD3150 Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment of Children in Finland 2014 B Tooltip Quantitative 2017-04-03
FSD3383 Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment of Children in Finland 2017 B Tooltip Quantitative 2020-10-14
FSD3600 Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment of Children in Finland 2021 B Tooltip Quantitative 2023-07-31
FSD2769 Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment of Children in Finland, Autumn 2008: Trend B Tooltip Quantitative 2012-10-18
FSD2768 Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment of Children in Finland, Spring 2008: Trend B Tooltip Quantitative 2012-10-18
FSD2765 Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment of Children in Finland: Autumn 2006 B Tooltip Quantitative 2012-09-17
FSD3154 Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment of Children in Finland: Summer 2006 B Tooltip Quantitative 2017-06-27
FSD1221 Attitudes towards Internationalization in Oulu 1996 B Tooltip Quantitative 2003-08-15
FSD3458 Attractiveness of Teacher Education: Focus Group Interviews 2020 B Tooltip Qualitative 2021-08-18
FSD3459 Attractiveness of Teacher Education: Surveys 2020 B Tooltip Quantitative 2021-08-18
FSD2042 Auditing Committees and Finnish Municipal Democracy 2003 B Tooltip Quantitative 2005-05-17
FSD3017 Back Pain, Sickness Absences and Leg Length Discrepancy 2008 B Tooltip Quantitative 2017-05-02
FSD3025 Back pain, Sickness Absences and Leg Length Discrepancy: Intervention 2008-2009 B Tooltip Quantitative 2019-05-21
FSD3292 Baptism and Godparenting 2018 B Tooltip Quantitative 2022-03-22
FSD3195 Barometer for Swedish-speaking Finns 2003 A Tooltip Quantitative 2018-02-16
FSD3196 Barometer for Swedish-speaking Finns 2004 A Tooltip Quantitative 2018-02-16