Finnish Values and Everyday Life


The Finnish Values and Everyday Life data series is a decades-long time series examining changes in Finnish values. The first data in the series were collected for the dissertation of Martti Puohiniemi in 1990-1995. The series is based on Shalom H. Schwartz's value theory, and the Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) was used to measure values.

In addition to measuring values, the surveys have charted varying topical themes, such as Finnish consumer behaviour, media use, hobbies, leisure time, work motivation, attitudes towards advertising, eating habits, environmental issues, progress of digitalisation, internationalism, and the use of entertainment electronics, internet, and mobile phones. The comprehensive surveys enable the examination of connections between Finnish values and social trends, everyday phenomena, and consumer behaviour. Between 1999 and 2005, the research project had seven client companies: Finnish Road Safety Council, Local Government Pensions Institution, Sanoma Media Finland, Sinebrychoff, Finnish Red Cross, Veho, and Finnish Broadcasting Company. The studies have been funded by, among others, the Academy of Finland, Kone Foundation, and Limor Oy. Most of the data were collected by TNS Gallup (currently Kantar TNS). The data have been archived at FSD from the 1991 study onwards.