FSD1303 European Social Survey 2002: Finnish Data

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Study title

European Social Survey 2002: Finnish Data

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  • Jowell, Roger (City University. Centre for Comparative Social Surveys)
  • ESS Central Coordinating Team
  • Ervasti, Heikki (University of Turku. Department of Social Policy)

Other Identification/Acknowledgements

  • Nieminen, Tarja
  • Kiianmaa, Nelli


The survey studied several themes, including the use of media, social trust, political participation and interest, political trust, political orientation and commitment, satisfaction with own circumstances and certain public services, perceptions of own well-being, religious views, experiences of discrimination, and national and ethnic identity. These themes are recurring in different ESS rounds.

Themes for the rotating modules in this first collection round included attitudes towards and knowledge of immigration, asylum seekers and immigration policy as well as participation in voluntary organisations, social relationships and networks, and working life.

The self-administered follow-up questionnaire included the Schwartz Human Values Scale as well as test questions controlling the main questionnaire. Questions about income disparity and wages were also asked.

The respondents' socio-demographics were widely charted, including, among others, household composition, gender, age, type of neighbourhood, education, occupation, background information on spouse and parents, trade union membership and marital status.


immigration; political behaviour; political participation; public services; social networks; trust; values; well-being (society)

Topic Classification


ESS (European Social Survey)


Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Original Archive

Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research. Data Archive and distributor of ESS data for ESS ERIC.


The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Data Collector

  • Statistics Finland

Time Period Covered


Collection Dates

2002-09-09 – 2002-12-10



Geographical Coverage


Analysis/Observation Unit Type



People aged 15 years and older

Time Method

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Sampling Procedure

Probability: Simple random

2,766 people aged 15 or older living in Finland were selected for the sample from the Statistics Finland population database. The sample did not include people living in institutions or abroad. The sample was sorted by place of residence, gender and age. People in the sample were sent a letter and a brochure about the study, and they were contacted by phone. A less-comprehensive data were collected with follow-up questionnaires. 2,000 interviews were conducted, resulting in a response rate of 76%. The largest group of non-respondents were the people who refused to participate. Out of the interviewed respondents, 1,779 participated in the follow-up survey. The response rate for the follow-up survey was 89%.

Collection Mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper

Face-to-face interview: Computer-assisted (CAPI/CAMI)

Research Instrument

Structured questionnaire

Response Rate



Data File Language

Downloaded data package may contain different language versions of the same files.

The data files of this dataset are available in the following languages: Finnish.

FSD translates quantitative data into English on request, free of charge. More information on ordering data translation.

Data Version


Completeness of Data and Restrictions

There were some errors in the questionnaires. A filtering error in the interview questionnaire resulted in question F27 (whether the respondent had periods of unemployment in the previous five years) being asked only from those respondents who had responded "Yes" to the previous question (F26=1). It should have been asked from all respondents. In addition, two lowest income groups were missing from the Finnish card 56 (question F30, monthly net income of the household). Because of this, the group "under 500 euros" includes all respondents with income lower than 500. When reporting results by region, Åland Islands should be combined with Southern Finland to ensure the sample is representative.

Three Finnish and three Swedish questionnaires were used to collect the data. The dataset first lists variables A1-F65 based on the face-to-face interviews (questionnaire quF1303_1). The statements of the Human Values Scale beginning with GS and the questions only asked in Finland beginning with L were the same in both follow-up questionnaires (quF1303_2 and quF1303_3). The follow-up questionnaires also included test questions with similar content but different wording (quF1303_2: HS1A-HS18 and quF1303_3: HS19-HS36).


There is a weight variable in the data that weights the sample to match the general population characteristics (gender-age distributions, mother tongue, major region, statistical grouping of municipalities). The weights were computed by using Deville and Särndal's calibration method (JASA, 1992). The following distributions were used in weighting: 1) gender by age group: 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-79, 80 and over, (2*13=26 categories), 2) respondent's mother tongue: Finnish and Sami; Swedish, Norwegian and Danish; others (3 categories), 3) modified major region classification (NUTS2): capital area, Uusimaa (not including the capital area), Southern Finland and Åland Islands, Eastern Finland, Middle Finland (Central and Western Finland), Oulu and Lapland (7 categories) and 4) statistical grouping of municipalities: urban municipalities, densely populated municipalities, rural municipalities (3 categories). The original weight was calculated as follows: the sampling weight divided by the probability of responding at the level of population. Thus, the weight was the same for each person selected for the sample. The final weights were computed by using the the population distributions mentioned above. The calibration was done using a logit distance function and the bounds for the so-called g-weights were 0.45 and 1.5. The coefficient of variation for the final weights was 18.2 percent. The data were weighted using the CALMAR SAS macro (see Sautory, 1993). The final weights were scaled so that their mean equals 1 and their sum equals the net sample size.

Citation Requirement

The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.

Bibliographical Citation

Jowell, Roger (City University) & ESS Central Coordinating Team & Ervasti, Heikki (University of Turku): European Social Survey 2002: Finnish Data [dataset]. Version 2.0 (2018-07-13). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD1303

Deposit Requirement

Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.

Special Terms and Conditions for Access

European Social Survey data is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/).


The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.

Other Material

See downloadable files at the top of the page.

ESS Round 1: European Social Survey Round 1 Data, Documentation, Data alerts and Data updates are available on ESS data website. Registration is required to use the service.

Related Materials

The classification of occupations used in the dataset: ISCO-88 (COM) - the European Union variant of ISCO-88

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