FSD2416 Child Victim Survey 2008

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Study title

Child Victim Survey 2008

Dataset ID Number


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  • Ellonen, Noora (Police University College)
  • Kääriäinen, Juha (Police University College)
  • Salmi, Venla (National Research Institute of Legal Policy (Optula))
  • Sariola, Heikki (Central Union for Child Welfare)

Other Identification/Acknowledgements

  • Sanna-Mari Humppi (Police University College)


The survey focused on violence against children and adolescents in Finland, surveying different forms and manifestations of violence. The respondents were sixth grade (12-13 year olds) and ninth grade (15-16 year olds) pupils in schools. There were over 13,000 respondents. The main themes were experiences of crime, sibling and peer victimization, witnessing domestic violence, corporal punishment or other violence perpetrated by a parent, sexual abuse, harassment and threats via the internet and mobile phone (cyber-bullying), and school bullying. The questions on domestic violence, sexual relationships and sexual abuse were the same as presented in the FSD2406 Child Victim Survey 1988.

First, the respondents were asked about their home, financial situation of the family, hobbies, friends, illnesses and disabilities, self-perceived health, smoking, drug use, taking exercise, how they spent their free-time, and their own and parents' alcohol use. Parent-child or guardian-child relationships were surveyed by asking, for example, how parents/guardians solve disputes. Next questions, adapted from the Finnish version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ, SDQ-Fin), measured emotional and behavioural problems (conduct problems, emotional symptoms, hyperactivity-inattention, peer problems and prosocial behaviour), containing both positive and negative behavioural traits.

So-called conventional crime was charted by asking whether the respondents had been subjected to robbery, theft, vandalism, assault or attempted assault, unlawful threats, how often, whether they had told anyone, and whether they had suffered any injuries. Further questions dealt with the scene of the crime and the perpetrator's identity. Sibling and peer violence was studied with questions about assault, and physical and emotional bullying. Questions on these themes were based on the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ) created by Finkelhor, Hamby, Ormrod and Turner.

Regarding witnessing domestic violence, the respondents were asked whether they had witnessed any bullying or assault at home on mother, father or sibling, who had been the perpetrator, and whether the violence had had any consequences. The respondents' subjection to corporal punishment or other violence perpetrated by a parent was investigated by asking whether the parents had sulked, used verbal abuse, threatened the respondent with violence, pushed or shook them, pulled their hair, slapped, hit, whipped, kicked, or threatened them with a weapon during disputes and arguments.

The respondents' experiences of sexual intimacies or intercourse with persons at least five years older than them were explored with the help of several questions. They were asked what had happened (proposing, caressing, showing or touching genitals, imitating sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse, etc.), who had done it (stranger, friend, cousin, uncle, aunt, father, mother, brother, sister, etc.), and at what age. Further questions investigated who initiated the sexual activity, whether the person had forced, bribed, or used violence against the respondent in order to get him/her to do what they wanted to, and whether the parties had been under the influence of alcohol. The feelings of the respondents who had experienced sexual harassment, both at the time of the incident and afterwards, were covered. Further question asked whether the respondent had told anyone.

The survey also studied the ninth grade pupils' sexual experiences with their peers (first kiss, dating, touching, other sexual acts etc).

Cyberbullying was explored by asking the respondents whether they had received offensive, harassing or threatening text messages, whether someone had posted something offensive about them online, and whether someone had published photos of them naked. Further questions explored whether the respondents themselves had sent offensive or harassing text messages, posted something offensive about others online or published photos of themselves naked. One theme pertained to internet-based acquaintances, the kind of information the respondents had given about themselves over the Internet, how the Internet acquaintances had behaved online (used offensive language, asked for revealing photos, proposed sex etc.), whether the respondent had met the person offline, and whether the meeting had led to sex.

School bullying between pupils and by teachers were explored with a few questions. Finally, the respondents were asked whether they themselves had committed offences such as making graffiti, vandalism, theft, fighting, assaulting someone, sexual harassment or abuse.

Background variables included the respondent's gender, age, household composition, country of birth, class grade, mother tongue as well as their parents' age group, country of birth, employment situation and education.


assault; child neglect; child sexual abuse; children; corporal punishment; crime; crime victims; cyberbullying; domestic violence; family environment; internet; parental role; parents; peer-group relationships; robbery; school bullying; sexual behaviour; siblings; theft

Topic Classification


Child Victim Surveys


Finnish Social Science Data Archive


The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Data Collector

  • Police University College

Data Producers

  • Ministry of the Interior. Police Department
  • Police University College
  • National Research Institute of Legal Policy (Optula)
  • Central Union for Child Welfare

Time Period Covered


Collection Dates

2008-01-14 – 2008-02-06



Geographical Coverage


Analysis/Observation Unit Type



Pupils at fifth grade (approximately 11-12 years old) and eighth grade (approximately 14-15 years old) in Finnish-speaking and Swedish-speaking schools in Finland in 2006 (excluding the Åland Islands)

Time Method

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Sampling Procedure

Probability: Cluster: Stratified random

The sampling unit was school class. Statistics Finland drew up samples of school classes in the autumn of 2007 for both Swedish- and Finnish-speaking schools separately. The samples were based on information of fifth and eighth grade classes the year before (2006). These four samples were stratified according to province, municipality type and school size. Schools were asked to provide responses from 1-3 classes depending on school size. The original sample included 680 schools, 984 classes and 20,334 pupils. All sampled schools were contacted, and 592 schools with altogether 856 classes and 17,882 pupils said they would participate. However, some schools did not provide opportunities for the pupils to participate in the survey. Responses were received from 13,459 pupils. Compared to the expected participation, 88% of the sixth grade pupils and 64% of the ninth grade pupils responded. There is no non-response bias. Data collection was carried out during a class held in the computer lab with the teacher present. The questionnaire was published on the research project website. The website also contained instructions for respondents and some additional information.

Collection Mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)

Research Instrument

Structured questionnaire

Data File Language

Downloaded data package may contain different language versions of the same files.

The data files of this dataset are available in the following languages: English and Finnish.

FSD translates quantitative data into English on request, free of charge. More information on ordering data translation.

Number of Cases and Variables

1132 variables and 13459 cases.

Data Version


Completeness of Data and Restrictions

Identification information for the schools was lost at data entry due to an IT error. Therefore, it is not possible to make exact calculations of the non-response rate for schools or pupils. The research team managed to retrieve one third of the school and area identification information. There were 697 responses to the teacher survey evaluating the class during which the survey was conducted.

The data contain categorised variables recoded by the researchers based on the open-ended variables charting how many times the respondents had been victims of crimes and other acts in the previous 12 months. These categorised variables are indicated in the data with "(categorised open-ended)". Value of -2 in these variables indicate ambiguous open-ended responses, such as "a few", "many times", "a lot", "sometimes", "rarely", "not very many", "can't remember" etc. Value of 999 is a so-called forced maximum, into which all values exceeding 999 were recoded. The Data Archive has no information on what the value of -3 signifies in these variables.

Variable q233 (During how long a period did these incidents occur?) has been removed from the data due to unclear coding.


The data file contains two weight variables (weight6 and weight9) which weight to school size, municipality size and degree of urbanisation of the municipality. The two weight variables were constructed by Statistics Finland, based on the school and area information that the research team had managed to retrieve.

Citation Requirement

The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.

Bibliographical Citation

Ellonen, Noora (Police University College) & Kääriäinen, Juha (Police University College) & Salmi, Venla (National Research Institute of Legal Policy (Optula)) & Sariola, Heikki (Central Union for Child Welfare): Child Victim Survey 2008 [dataset]. Version 4.0 (2018-08-09). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2416

Deposit Requirement

Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.


The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.

Related Materials

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