FSD2783 Energy Attitudes of the Finns 2011

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Study title

Energy Attitudes of the Finns 2011

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  • Kiljunen, Pentti (Yhdyskuntatutkimus)
  • ÅF-Consult


The survey charted Finnish attitudes to energy production and energy strategy. The data are part of an extensive survey series launched in 1983.

The respondents' conceptions, opinions, beliefs, assessments, attitudes, and knowledge about energy issues were studied by presenting them with numerous statements relating to energy production. They were also asked whether Finland should increase or decrease the use of certain energy sources (e.g. coal, peat, natural gas, nuclear power, hydropower, wind power, renewable energy) in electricity generation.

Opinions on the Finnish Parliament's decision to grant licences for two new nuclear power plants were charted as well as views on the preferred number of licences. Trust in various institutions and organisations as sources of information (e.g. different ministries, the government, energy companies, STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Greenpeace, WWF, the EU and various energy sector organisations) was surveyed.

Background variables included the respondent's gender, age group, size of R's municipality of residence, region (NUTS3) of residence, basic and vocational education, occupational status and economic activity, and the political party R would have voted for if the parliamentary elections had been held at the time of the survey.


energy; energy consumption; energy efficiency; energy generation; energy policy; energy prices; energy supply; environment; environmental degradation; fossil fuels; hydropower; information sources; non-renewable energy; nuclear energy; nuclear power stations; radioactive wastes; renewable energy; wind energy

Topic Classification


Energy Attitudes of the Finns 1983-2011


Finnish Social Science Data Archive


The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Data Collector

  • Kiljunen, Pentti (Yhdyskuntatutkimus)
  • ÅF-Consult

Data Producers

  • Finnish Energy Industries
  • Fortum
  • Teollisuuden Voima Oyj

Time Period Covered


Collection Dates

2011-03-14 – 2011-04-20



Geographical Coverage


Analysis/Observation Unit Type



People aged 18-70 living in Finland (excluding the Åland Islands)

Time Method

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Sampling Procedure

Probability: Stratified

The questionnaire was sent to approximately 10,500 persons aged 18-70, randomly sampled from Finland's population register. As with the previous studies, three samples representing the Finnish population, the inhabitants of Loviisa and the inhabitants of Eurajoki were drawn. There were also four additional samples for the 2011 study representing the inhabitants of Rauma, Eura, Luvia and Nakkila. The entire Finnish population, including both Swedish-speaking and Finnish-speaking persons but excluding the Åland Islands residents, was represented by a sample of 6,000 persons. The sizes of the samples representing the inhabitants of Loviisa and Eurajoki were 1,000 persons for each. The sizes of the additional samples for the 2011 study were 1,000 for Rauma and 500 for Eura, Luvia and Nakkila, each.

No reminder letters were sent but the sample size was increased to reach the target number of responses. The number of adequately completed questionnaires was 2,091 and the total response rate was 19.9%. Response rates varied somewhat between the samples: for the sample representing the entire Finnish population it was 19.4%, for Loviisa 20.6% % and for Eurajoki 17.3%. The response rates for the municipalities in the additional samples were: 20.6% for Rauma, 17.6% for Eura, 25.4% for Luvia and 23.2% for Nakkila. In 10 responses (which are included in the total response rate), the municipality of residence had not been disclosed.

Collection Mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper

Research Instrument

Structured questionnaire

Response Rate


Data File Language

Downloaded data package may contain different language versions of the same files.

The data files of this dataset are available in the following languages: English and Finnish.

FSD translates quantitative data into English on request, free of charge. More information on ordering data translation.

Number of Cases and Variables

90 variables and 2091 cases.

Data Version


Completeness of Data and Restrictions

Test statistics included in the questionnaire (q4_5 - q4_8) have been removed from the archived data.


There are no weight variables in the data.

Citation Requirement

The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.

Bibliographical Citation

Kiljunen, Pentti (Yhdyskuntatutkimus) & ÅF-Consult: Energy Attitudes of the Finns 2011 [dataset]. Version 2.0 (2018-08-20). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2783

Deposit Requirement

Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.


The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.

Related Materials

Kiljunen, Pentti (2011). Energia-asenteet 2011. Seurantatutkimustietoa suomalaisten suhtautumisesta energiapoliittisiin kysymyksiin 1983-2011. [verkkodokumentti]. http://www.yhdyskuntatutkimus.fi/eas_11/eas-tied_11.htm [viitattu 5.9.2023].

Related Publications Tooltip

Taivalantti, Kirsi (2016) Sähkömarkkinat suomalaisten silmin. Energiaa, energiayhtiöitä ja sähkön kilpailuttamista koskevat asenteet ja niiden muutos. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. Yhteiskunta- ja kulttuuritieteiden yksikkö. Pro gradu -tutkielma. http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:uta-201606031788

Kiljunen, Pentti (2011). Energia-asenteet 2011. Seurantatutkimustietoa suomalaisten suhtautumisesta energiapoliittisiin kysymyksiin 1983-2011. [verkkodokumentti]. http://www.yhdyskuntatutkimus.fi/eas_11/eas-tied_11.htm [viitattu 6.9.2023].

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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Metadata record is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.