Select variable
[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[time] Date of response
[q1] The respondent's organization
[q2] Gender
[q3] Primary field of study
[q4_1] Does your organisation (at the university/institute-level) have rules or guidelines that govern the preservation of digital research data?
[q4_2] Does your organisation (at the university/institute-level) have rules or guidelines that govern sharing digital research data with users other than the original researcher/research group?
[q5_1] Had you, before this questionnaire, heard about guidelines, recommendations or requirements to provide open access to digital research data for the scientific community for scientific use? EU guidelines?
[q5_2] Had you, before this questionnaire, heard about guidelines, recommendations or requirements to provide open access to digital research data for the scientific community for scientific use? Guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Culture?
[q5_3] Had you, before this questionnaire, heard about guidelines, recommendations or requirements to provide open access to digital research data for scientific community for scientific use? Recommendations of funders (e.g. Academy of Finland or TEKES)?
[q5_4] Had you, before this questionnaire, heard about guidelines, recommendations or requirements to provide open access to digital research data for the scientific community for scientific use? Recommendations and requirements of publishers?
[q5_5] Had you, before this questionnaire, heard about guidelines, recommendations or requirements to provide open access to digital research data for the scientific community for scientific use? Recommendations of universities?
[q6] Did you know about the services provided by the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) before this survey?
[q7_1] Have you used the services of the FSD or do you think you might use them in the future? You can select more than one alternative: I have searched for information on the FSD website
[q7_2] Have you used the services of the FSD or do you think you might use them in the future? You can select more than one alternative: I have used data archived at the FSD
[q7_3] Have you used the services of the FSD or do you think you might use them in the future? You can select more than one alternative: I have deposited data at the FSD
[q7_4] Have you used the services of the FSD or do you think you might use them in the future? You can select more than one alternative: I have not used the services, but it is likely I will use them in the future
[q7_5] Have you used the services of the FSD or do you think you might use them in the future? You can select more than one alternative: I have not used the services and it is unlikely I will use them in the future
[q8_1] After research is complete: digital research data remain in the care of researchers who originally created them
[q8_2] After research is complete: digital research data are destroyed
[q8_3] After research is complete: digital research data are deposited/archived in your department/school/unit
[q8_4] After research is complete: digital research data are deposited/archived in your university/institute in a centralised manner
[q8_5] After research is complete: digital research data are deposited in a separate organisation that specialises in research data archiving.
[q8_6] No new digital research data are collected for the research we do. (E.g. theoretical research or reuse of data and satistics collected by others)
[q9_1] After research is complete: researchers who colleceted the data use them in further research.
[q9_2] After research is complete: if requested, the data are shared with researchers who study the same topic
[q9_3] After research is complete: the data are available for students of the department /school/unit to be used in seminar papers and theses.
[q9_4] After research is complete: the data remain practically unused.
[q10] Is it normal practice in your field to create a data management plan when a research plan is being developed?
[q11_1] Data cannot be archived for reuse because the intellectual property rights of data belong to someone else than the researchers
[q11_2] Data cannot be archived for reuse because the person/organisation who delivered the data requires that the data be destroyed after research is complete.
[q11_3] Data cannot be archived for reuse because the data are personal property of the researcher/research group.
[q11_4] Data cannot be archived for reuse because outsiders might not be able to interpret the data correctly.
[q11_5] Data cannot be archived for reuse because the data contain several distinct, separate parts that are difficult to combine.
[q11_6] Data cannot be archived for reuse because during data collection, no agreements on the archiving of data are made with the research participants.
[q12_1] Removing personal identifiers from data does not substantially restrict the opportunities to conduct analyses on them.
[q12_2] Removing personal identifiers from data substantially restricts the opportunities to use data in a new research setting.
[q12_3] Reuse of research data with personal identifiers could be accomplished through a secure remote access service.
[q13_1] Reuse of data: Data cannot be used to answer present-day research questions.
[q13_2] Reuse of data: Privacy issues: identifiers and originally defined purpose of use prevent reuse.
[q13_3] Reuse of data: Other issues related to legislation, for example, intellectual property rights.
[q13_4] Reuse of data: Ownership and usage rights of data have not been agreed on during data collection.
[q13_5] Reuse of data: IT issues: data are corrupted or file formats / software have become outdated.
[q13_6] Reuse of data: Issues related to data use: the content of data and files are inadequately documented and organised.
[q13_7] Reuse of data: Research ethical issues (please specify in the field below).
[q13_8] Reuse of data: Other, which? (Please specify in the field below).
[q13_8a] Please specify, which research ethical issues or other factors have influence on the reuse of research data or prevent it: (open-ended)
[q14] Would you be prepared to deposit your own research data for archiving, to be reused by other researchers?
[q14a] If you answered yes or maybe, what kind of data would you consider depositing? (open-ended)
[q15_1] Terms of data reuse: Data archive delivers the data to the person requesting access to it according to the terms set in the deposit agreement. (For example, only for research purposes or also for study and teaching purposes).
[q15_2] Terms of data reuse: The researcher who originally created the data reviews applications him/herself and decides who can access the data.
[q15_3] Terms of data reuse: The researcher who originally created the data reviews applications him/herself and decides on a case-by-case basis whether all or only parts of the data will be delivered for reuse. (For example, only certain variables).
[q15_4] Terms of data reuse: Reuse of data is temporarily prevented (embargo) and afterwards the data archive can deliver the data for the purposes stated in the deposit agreement.
[q16_1] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Reduces duplicate dat a collection.
[q16_2] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Research funding is used more efficiently, as data can be used in several research projects.
[q16_3] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Data archiving enables more varied research designs (e.g. longitudinal comparison).
[q16_4] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Increases interaction and networking within the scientific community.
[q16_5] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Facilitates verification (and repeatability) of research results.
[q16_6] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Facilitates development of research methods.
[q16_7] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Improves the quality of teaching.
[q16_8] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Researchers who have created the data obtain academic credentials for data sharing, for example, through citations to data or merits added to a curriculum vitae.
[q16_9] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Makes data more equally available for different research groups.
[q16_10] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Increases the social impact of research.
[q16_11] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Archiving research data for reuse promotes long- term preservation and use of cultural heritage.
[q16_12] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other advantage, which
[q16_12a] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other advantage, which(open-ended)
[q16_13] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other advantage, which
[q16_13a] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other advantage, which(open-ended)
[q16_14] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other advantage, which
[q16_14a] Advantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other advantage, which(open-ended)
[q17_1] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Incompetence in data reuse and the resulting errors.
[q17_2] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Researchers have to spend time on making data suitable for reuse (conversion, sorting, documentation).
[q17_3] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Researchers have to spend time on advising reusers of data.
[q17_4] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Data reuse increases disclosure risks and research ethical risks
[q17_5] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Loss of competitive advantage when researchers share data they have collected themselves with the scientific community
[q17_6] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: Research participants have not been told that the information collected from them will be archived for reuse by the scientific community.
[q17_7] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other disadvantage, which
[q17_7a] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other disadvantage, which(open-ended)
[q17_8] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other disadvantage, which
[q17_8a] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other disadvantage, which(open-ended)
[q17_9] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other disadvantage, which
[q17_9a] Disadvantages of increasing reuse of digital research data: other disadvantage, which(open-ended)
[q18_1] Benefits of reusing data: Better visibility for own research.
[q18_2] Benefits of reusing data: Improved opportunities to receive funding for own research.
[q18_3] Benefits of reusing data: Added merit to curriculum vitae.
[q18_4] Benefits of reusing data: A merit comparable to a publication in a researchers list of publications
[q18_5] Benefits of reusing data: Data reuse numbers as part of a researchers list of publications - the larger the number of citations/reusers the greater the merit.
[q18_6] Benefits of reusing data: In some other way, how?(open-ended)
[q18_6a] Benefits of reusing data: In some other way
[q19_1] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: National resource centres/organisations (CSC, FSD, biobanks etc.)
[q19_2] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Own research organisation in a centralised manner (e.g. research administration at organisation level)
[q19_3] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Own research organisation in a decentralised manner (e.g. research unit level)
[q19_4] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: University libraries and research institute libraries
[q19_5] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Undergraduate education in universities
[q19_6] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Postgraduate education in universities
[q19_7] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Staff training in universities/research institutes
[q19_8] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Own research unit
[q19_9] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Funders (e.g. Academy of Finland, Finnish Work Environment Fund, TEKES)
[q19_10] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Research ethics boards
[q19_11] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Learned societies / Academic associations
[q19_12] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Professional associations of researchers
[q19_13] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Scientific journals and publishers
[q19_14] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Guidebooks and textbooks
[q19_15] What would be a good channel for sharing information about research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Research seminars, meetings and conferences
[q20_1] Which of the following do you think are functional for receiving information on research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Information package on a website
[q20_2] Which of the following do you think are functional for receiving information on research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Short training session or seminar
[q20_3] Which of the following do you think are functional for receiving information on research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: 1- 2 -day training
[q20_4] Which of the following do you think are functional for receiving information on research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Printed guide or textbook
[q20_5] Which of the following do you think are functional for receiving information on research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Tailored article in a journal of own field of study
[q20_6] Which of the following do you think are functional for receiving information on research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Information sent through an email list
[q20_7] Which of the following do you think are functional for receiving information on research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Other, which
[q20_7a] Which of the following do you think are functional for receiving information on research data management and open access? You can select more than one alternative: Other, which(open-ended)
[q21_1] Thinking about your own field of study, how suitable do you think the following actors would be for carrying out the archiving and delivery of digital research data for reuse? International data archive (e.g. PubMed)
[q21_2] Thinking about your own field of study, how suitable do you think the following actors would be for carrying out the archiving and delivery of digital research data for reuse? National data archive
[q21_3] Thinking about your own field of study, how suitable do you think the following actors would be for carrying out the archiving and delivery of digital research data for reuse? University or research institute locally
[q21_4] Thinking about your own field of study, how suitable do you think the following actors would be for carrying out the archiving and delivery of digital research data for reuse? Original researcher or research group
[q22] Finally, we would like to ask for your feedback, experiences and thoughts related to reuse of digital research data. We welcome any opinions you may have!(open-ended)