FSD3286 Yhteiskunnalliset erot nyky-Venäjällä 1998
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[fsd_no] Aineistonumero (lisätty FSD:ssä)
[fsd_vr] Aineistoversio (lisätty FSD:ssä)
[fsd_id] Havaintotunnus (lisätty FSD:ssä)
[q4] What was the first breadwinner's occupation?
[q5] What industry was the first breadwinner employed in?
[q6] Please, name the second breadwinner in your family.
[q7] What was his or her employment in the period? Be as detailed as possible.
[q8] What industry was he employed in?
[q12] What is now your highest education level now?
[q18] What industry were you employed in?
[q31] What is your main occupation now? What is the name of the job?
[q33] What industry are you currently employed in on your main job?
[q32A_1] Do you work in an organization, on a family enterprise or independently?
[q32A_2] How did you get this job?
[q32B] Do you have a permanent or fixed-term contract with your employer?
[q33A] Is it the same occupation as five years ago?
[q33B] What was you occupation five years ago?
[q33G_1] How has your work changed over the past five years? Possibility to use skills and knowledge
[q33G_2] How has your work changed over the past five years? Wage
[q33G_3] How has your work changed over the past five years? Relation between employers and managers
[q33G_4] How has your work changed over the past five years? Social benefits
[q33G_5] How has your work changed over the past five years? Technological sophistication
[q33G_6] How has your work changed over the past five years? Promotion possibilities
[q35B] How many hours do you work weekly on the major job?
[q35C_1] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Typewriter/calculator
[q35C_2] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Telephone
[q35C_3] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? LAN workstation
[q35C_4] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Computer
[q35C_5] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Computer mainframe
[q35C_6] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Programmed lathe
[q35C_7] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Programmed work control equipment
[q35C_8] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Other programmed equipment
[q35C_11] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Chemical processing
[q35C_12] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Simple hand tools
[q35C_13] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Transportation
[q35C_14] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Agricultural equipment
[q35C_15] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Internet accesss
[q35C_16] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Mobile phone
[q35C_17] What kind of equipment do you regurlarly use on your job? Other
[q36] What type of organization do you work in?
[q37] Today many russians have a second job or moonlight? Do you have a second job?
[q42] How often is your main job physically tiring?
[q43] How often does you main job incur mental strain?
[q44_1] On your main job who makes the following decisions? When to come to the job
[q44_2] On your main job who makes the following decisions? When to leave
[q44_4] On your main job who makes the following decisions? What task to do
[q44_5] On your main job who makes the following decisions? When to slow the pace of work down
[q44_6] On your main job who makes the following decisions? When to take a leave
[q46] Which of the options is the best description of your main job?
[q47] How many personnel is under you supervision?
[q48] Please imagine a hierarchy of six levels. What level are you on?
[q48A] As part of you job, do you supervise the work of others or assign them tasks to do?
[q48C_1] Can you influence the following matters? Granting a wage increase or promotion to others
[q48C_2] Can you influence the following matters? Prevent a wage increase or promotion
[q48C_3] Can you influence the following matters? Firing or laying off subordinates
[q48C_4] Can you influence the following matters? Giving official warning to subordinates
[q49A_1] During the last 12 months have you been any of the following? Unemployed
[q49A_2] During the last 12 months have you been any of the following? Laid off
[q49A_3] During the last 12 months have you been any of the following? Worked part-time
[q49B_1] How have you managed economically then? Received compensation or benefit from the employer
[q49B_3] How have you managed economically then? Casual work
[q49B_4] How have you managed economically then? Selling of self-produced goods
[q49B_5] How have you managed economically then? Support from friends or relatives
[q49B_6] How have you managed economically then? Own savings or some other income source
[q49B_7] How have you managed economically then? Lived by food produced at a land plot
[q49B_8] How have you managed economically then? Other
[q49C] Are you currently a member of a trade union?
[q50] What is your marital status?
[q51] How many children do you have?
[q54] How many family members live with you under one roof?
[q55] What is your spouse's employment?
[q56A] Is you spouse working in the private or public sector?
[q56B] Is you spouse in a managerial position?
[q59A_1] How often do you do the following things? Going to concerts
[q59A_2] How often do you do the following things? Going to theaters
[q59A_3] How often do you do the following things? Visiting cafes
[q59A_4] How often do you do the following things? Going to the movies
[q59A_5] How often do you do the following things? Going to restaurants
[q59A_6] How often do you do the following things? Taking up exercises
[q59A_7] How often do you do the following things? Drink alcohol
[q60_1] What newspapers do you read regurlarly?
[q60_2] What newspapers do you read regurlarly?
[q60_3] What newspapers do you read regurlarly?
[q60_4] What newspapers do you read regurlarly?
[q60_5] What newspapers do you read regurlarly?
[q60_6] What newspapers do you read regurlarly?
[q60_7] What newspapers do you read regurlarly?
[q61_1] What magazines do you read regurlarly?
[q61_2] What magazines do you read regurlarly?
[q61_3] What magazines do you read regurlarly?
[q61_4] What magazines do you read regurlarly?
[q61_5] What magazines do you read regurlarly?
[q61_6] What magazines do you read regurlarly?
[q61_7] What magazines do you read regurlarly?
[q62_1] How important are the following sources of income for your family? Salary on the main job
[q62_2] How important are the following sources of income for your family? Salary on the second job
[q62_3] How important are the following sources of income for your family? Assistance from relatives
[q62_5] How important are the following sources of income for your family? Pensions, social benefits
[q62_6] How important are the following sources of income for your family? Rent
[q62_8] How important are the following sources of income for your family? Savings
[q62_9] How important are the following sources of income for your family? Charity
[q62_10] How important are the following sources of income for your family? Other
[q62A] What is your own gross monthly income in rubles?
[q62B] What is your family's gross income including all sources? (rubles)
[q62C] Have there been delays in your salary payments in 1998?
[q62D] For how long have your salary been delayed at the maximum? (months)
[q63_1] What state benefits do you get? Unemployment benefit
[q63_2] What state benefits do you get? Children assistance
[q63_3] What state benefits do you get? Communal payment benefits
[q63_4] What state benefits do you get? Health-related pension
[q63_5] What state benefits do you get? Other
[q63A_1] Which of the following benefits were provided by your workplace ten years ago? Accomodation
[q63A_2] Which of the following benefits were provided by your workplace ten years ago? Kindergarten
[q63A_3] Which of the following benefits were provided by your workplace ten years ago? Vacations
[q63A_5] Which of the following benefits were provided by your workplace ten years ago? Work clothes
[q63A_7] Which of the following benefits were provided by your workplace ten years ago? Food stuffs
[q63B_1] And which of the following benefits are provided by your workplace now? Accomodation
[q63B_2] And which of the following benefits are provided by your workplace now? Kindergarten
[q63B_3] And which of the following benefits are provided by your workplace now? Vacations
[q63B_4] And which of the following benefits are provided by your workplace now? Meals at workplace
[q63B_5] And which of the following benefits are provided by your workplace now? Work clothes
[q63B_7] And which of the following benefits are provided by your workplace now? Food stuffs
[q63B_8] And which of the following benefits are provided by your workplace now? Consumption goods
[q65] How has your financial status changed since 1988? It has become...
[q65B_1] How has your spending changed on the following matters in 1998? Health care
[q65B_3] How has your spending changed on the following matters in 1998? Meals and food
[q65B_4] How has your spending changed on the following matters in 1998? Hobbies
[q65B_5] How has your spending changed on the following matters in 1998? Holiday trips
[q65B_7] How has your spending changed on the following matters in 1998? Minor investment (clothes)
[q65B_8] How has your spending changed on the following matters in 1998? Children's education
[q65B_9] How has your spending changed on the following matters in 1998? Communal payments
[q65B_10] How has your spending changed on the following matters in 1998? Taxes
[q68] What are your living conditions?
[q69_1] Which of the modern conveniences does your apartment have? Central heating
[q69_2] Which of the modern conveniences does your apartment have? Kitchen gas
[q69_3] Which of the modern conveniences does your apartment have? Electricity
[q69_4] Which of the modern conveniences does your apartment have? Cold water tap
[q69_5] Which of the modern conveniences does your apartment have? Hot water tap
[q69_6] Which of the modern conveniences does your apartment have? Telephone
[q69_7] Which of the modern conveniences does your apartment have? Elevator
[q69_8] Which of the modern conveniences does your apartment have? Garbage collector
[q70_1] Which items of the following do you have? Car
[q70_2] Which items of the following do you have? TV set
[q70_3] Which items of the following do you have? VCR
[q70_4] Which items of the following do you have? Hi-Fi
[q70_5] Which items of the following do you have? Furniture
[q70_6] Which items of the following do you have? Summer cottage
[q70_7] Which items of the following do you have? Apartment
[q70_8] Which items of the following do you have? Microwave
[q70_9] Which items of the following do you have? Computer
[q70_10] Which items of the following do you have? Camcorder
[q70_11] Which items of the following do you have? Washer
[q70_12] Which items of the following do you have? Vacuum cleaner
[q70_13] Which items of the following do you have? Electric dishwasher
[q70_14] Which items of the following do you have? Pager, cellular phone
[q70_15] Which items of the following do you have? Refrigerator
[q70_16] Which items of the following do you have? Satellite TV
[q71_1] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Car
[q71_2] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? TV set
[q71_3] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? VCR
[q71_4] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Hi-Fi
[q71_5] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Furniture
[q71_6] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Summer cottage
[q71_7] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Apartment
[q71_8] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Microwave
[q71_9] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Computer
[q71_10] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Camcorder
[q71_11] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Washer
[q71_12] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Vacuum cleaner
[q71_13] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Electric dish washer
[q71_14] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Pager, cellular phone
[q71_15] Which of the items did you buy in the last five years? Refrigerator
[q72_2] In which of the following events did you take part in 1997-98? Participated in congresses
[q72_3] In which of the following events did you take part in 1997-98? Took part in a strike
[q72_5] In which of the following events did you take part in 1997-98? Wrote a letter to a newspaper
[q73] Are you a member of a political organization - a political party, a social movement?
[q74] What political organization are you a member of?
[q76] Do you approve of the present economic policy pursued by the government and the president?
[q77] Do you approve of the external policy of the Russian government and the president?
[q78] Do you consider yourself a religious person?
[q79] What is your religious faith?
[q82A_1] Who should be primarily responsible for the following services? Child care
[q82A_2] Who should be primarily responsible for the following services? Elderly
[q82A_3] Who should be primarily responsible for the following services? Housing
[q82A_4] Who should be primarily responsible for the following services? Recreational services
[q82A_5] Who should be primarily responsible for the following services? Medical care
[q85] What year were you born in?
[q86] To what nationality do you refer yourself?
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