FSD1009 Finnish Voter Barometer March 1982

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_pro] FSD processing level

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1a_1] What are you most worried about at present: Nothing particular

[q1a_2] What are you most worried about at present: Own employment situation

[q1a_3] What are you most worried about at present: Employment situation in Finland on the whole

[q1a_4] What are you most worried about at present: Own or family's livelihood

[q1a_5] What are you most worried about at present: General standard of living and livelihood in Finland

[q1a_6] What are you most worried about at present: Threat of war, world peace

[q1a_7] What are you most worried about at present: Own health, health of another family member

[q1a_8] What are you most worried about at present: Children's education and future

[q1a_9] What are you most worried about at present: Environmental pollution

[q1a_10] What are you most worried about at present: Famine in the world

[q1a_11] What are you most worried about at present: Strikes and labour disputes in Finland

[q1a_12] What are you most worried about at present: Own security and safety

[q1a_13] What are you most worried about at present: Finland's political security

[q1a_14] What are you most worried about at present: Inequality in Finland

[q1a_15] What are you most worried about at present: Housing situation

[q1a_16] What are you most worried about at present: Energy issues

[q1a_17] What are you most worried about at present: Conditions for the elderly

[q1a_18] What are you most worried about at present: Something else

[q1b_1] What other things worry you (1.): Nothing particular

[q1b_2] What other things worry you (1.): Own employment situation

[q1b_3] What other things worry you (1.): Employment situation in Finland on the whole

[q1b_4] What other things worry you (1.): Own or family's livelihood

[q1b_5] What other things worry you (1.): General standard of living and livelihood in Finland

[q1b_6] What other things worry you (1.): Threat of war, world peace

[q1b_7] What other things worry you (1.): Own health, health of another family member

[q1b_8] What other things worry you (1.): Children's education and future

[q1b_9] What other things worry you (1.): Environmental pollution

[q1b_10] What other things worry you (1.): Famine in the world

[q1b_11] What other things worry you (1.): Strikes and labour disputes in Finland

[q1b_12] What other things worry you (1.): Own security and safety

[q1b_13] What other things worry you (1.): Finland's political security

[q1b_14] What other things worry you (1.): Inequality in Finland

[q1b_15] What other things worry you (1.): Housing situation

[q1b_16] What other things worry you (1.): Energy issues

[q1b_17] What other things worry you (1.): Conditions for the elderly

[q1b_18] What other things worry you (1.): Something else

[q1c_1] What other things worry you (2.): Nothing particular

[q1c_2] What other things worry you (2.): Own employment situation

[q1c_3] What other things worry you (2.): Employment situation in Finland on the whole

[q1c_4] What other things worry you (2.): Own or family's livelihood

[q1c_5] What other things worry you (2.): General standard of living and livelihood in Finland

[q1c_6] What other things worry you (2.): Threat of war, world peace

[q1c_7] What other things worry you (2.): Own health, health of another family member

[q1c_8] What other things worry you (2.): Children's education and future

[q1c_9] What other things worry you (2.): Environmental pollution

[q1c_10] What other things worry you (2.): Famine in the world

[q1c_11] What other things worry you (2.): Strikes and labour disputes in Finland

[q1c_12] What other things worry you (2.): Own security and safety

[q1c_13] What other things worry you (2.): Finland's political security

[q1c_14] What other things worry you (2.): Inequality in Finland

[q1c_15] What other things worry you (2.): Housing situation

[q1c_16] What other things worry you (2.): Energy issues

[q1c_17] What other things worry you (2.): Conditions for the elderly

[q1c_18] What other things worry you (2.):

[q1d_1] What other things worry you (3.): Nothing particular

[q1d_2] What other things worry you (3.): Own employment situation

[q1d_3] What other things worry you (3.): Employment situation in Finland on the whole

[q1d_4] What other things worry you (3.): Own or family's livelihood

[q1d_5] What other things worry you (3.): General standard of living and livelihood in Finland

[q1d_6] What other things worry you (3.): Threat of war, world peace

[q1d_7] What other things worry you (3.): Own health, health of another family member

[q1d_8] What other things worry you (3.): Children's education and future

[q1d_9] What other things worry you (3.): Environmental pollution

[q1d_10] What other things worry you (3.): Famine in the world

[q1d_11] What other things worry you (3.): Strikes and labour disputes in Finland

[q1d_12] What other things worry you (3.): Own security and safety

[q1d_13] What other things worry you (3.): Finland's political security

[q1d_14] What other things worry you (3.): Inequality in Finland

[q1d_15] What other things worry you (3.): Housing situation

[q1d_16] What other things worry you (3.): Energy issues

[q1d_17] What other things worry you (3.): Conditions for the elderly

[q1d_18] What other things worry you (3.): Something else

[q2] Did you vote in the presidential election in January 1981, when the electoral college was chosen?

[q3] Did you find it difficult to choose the presidential candidate, whose elector you voted for

[q4a] The main reason underlying your decision which presidential candidate to vote for

[q4b_1] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Political party preference

[q4b_2] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Personal issues

[q4b_3] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Candidate's abilities

[q4b_4] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: candidate's character

[q4b_5] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: candidate's experience

[q4b_6] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Foreign policy

[q4b_7] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Continuity

[q4b_8] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Is the best for Finland

[q4b_9] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Promotes interests

[q4b_10] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Believed in his/her success

[q4b_11] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Outside influence

[q4b_12] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Some special issue

[q4b_13] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Similar way of thinking

[q4b_14] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: No other option

[q4b_15] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Competence in economic issues

[q4b_16] Other reason for your choice of presidential candidate: Other reason

[q5a] Considering the above mentioned election, which information source provided the most relevant information for your voting choice?

[q5b] Which information source came second in providing relevant information for your voting choice?

[q6] When did you decide which presidential candidate to vote for?

[q7_1] During the election campaign (after October 1981), how often did you discuss the presidential election with your friends?

[q7_2] During the election campaign (after October 1981), how often did you discuss the presidential election with your family?

[q7_3] During the election campaign (after October 1981), how often did you discuss the presidential election at your work place?

[q7_4] During the election campaign (after October 1981), how often did you discuss the presidential election with strangers?

[q8] Did you strive to influence other people's voting decision during these discussions?

[q9] Did other people strive to influence your voting decision during these discussions?

[q11] Electors are not bound to presidential candidates nominated by the political parties, but can choose anyone. Do you think electors should choose the president only from among the officially nominated candidates?

[q12] Respondent's own interest in politics

[q13_1] People like me have no say in what the government does

[q13_2] Sometimes politics is so complex that people like me do not understand what's going on

[q13_3] Those elected to parliament soon lose touch with voters

[q13_4] Political parties are only interested in people's votes, not in their opinions

[q13_5] Even if someone disagreed with the content of a law, everyone should obey laws passed by Parliament

[q13_6] One can generally trust the government to make the right decisions

[q13_7] Political parties are indispensable for the functioning of democracy in our country

[q14_1] Where would you place on a left-right axis: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q14_2] Where would you place on a left-right axis: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q14_3] Where would you place on a left-right axis: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q14_4] Where would you place on a left-right axis: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q14_5] Where would you place on a left-right axis: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q14_6] Where would you place on a left-right axis: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q14_7] Where would you place on a left-right axis: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q14_8] Where would you place on a left-right axis: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q15_1] Where would you place on a left-right axis: Presidential candidate Mauno Koivisto

[q15_2] Where would you place on a left-right axis: Presidential candidate Harri Holkeri

[q15_3] Where would you place on a left-right axis: Presidential candidate Johannes Virolainen

[q15_4] Where would you place on a left-right axis: Presidential candidate Kalevi Kivistö

[q15_5] Where would you place on a left-right axis: Presidential candidate Jan-Magnus Jansson

[q15_6] Where would you place on a left-right axis: Presidential candidate Veikko Vennamo

[q15_7] Where would you place on a left-right axis: Presidential candidate Helvi Sipilä

[q15_8] Where would you place on a left-right axis: Presidential candidate Raino Westerholm

[q16] Where would you place on a left-right axis: Yourself, according to your own political orientation

[q17a_1] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a politician: Mauno Koivisto

[q17a_2] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a politician: Harri Holkeri

[q17a_3] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a politician: Johannes Virolainen

[q17a_4] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a politician: Kalevi Kivistö

[q17a_5] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a politician: Jan-Magnus Jansson

[q17a_6] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a politician: Veikko Vennamo

[q17a_7] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a politician: Helvi Sipilä

[q17a_8] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a politician: Raino Westerholm

[q17a_9] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a politician: Can't say

[q17b_1] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a statesman: Mauno Koivisto

[q17b_2] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a statesman: Harri Holkeri

[q17b_3] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a statesman: Johannes Virolainen

[q17b_4] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a statesman: Kalevi Kivistö

[q17b_5] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a statesman: Jan-Magnus Jansson

[q17b_6] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a statesman: Veikko Vennamo

[q17b_7] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a statesman: Helvi Sipilä

[q17b_8] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a statesman: Raino Westerholm

[q17b_9] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a statesman: Can't say

[q17c_1] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a mediator: Mauno Koivisto

[q17c_2] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a mediator: Harri Holkeri

[q17c_3] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a mediator: Johannes Virolainen

[q17c_4] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a mediator: Kalevi Kivistö

[q17c_5] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a mediator: Jan-Magnus Jansson

[q17c_6] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a mediator: Veikko Vennamo

[q17c_7] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a mediator: Helvi Sipilä

[q17c_8] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a mediator: Raino Westerholm

[q17c_9] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a mediator: Can't say

[q17d_1] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a leader of the people: Mauno Koivisto

[q17d_2] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a leader of the people: Harri Holkeri

[q17d_3] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a leader of the people: Johannes Virolainen

[q17d_4] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a leader of the people: Kalevi Kivistö

[q17d_5] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a leader of the people: Jan-Magnus Jansson

[q17d_6] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a leader of the people: Veikko Vennamo

[q17d_7] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a leader of the people: Helvi Sipilä

[q17d_8] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a leader of the people: Raino Westerholm

[q17d_9] Which presidential candidate would you best describe as a leader of the people: Can't say

[q18a] The most important goal of politics

[q18b] The second most important goal of politics

[q18c] The third most important goal of politics

[q19a_1] Promotes sensible agricultural policy: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q19a_2] Promotes sensible agricultural policy: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q19a_3] Promotes sensible agricultural policy: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q19a_4] Promotes sensible agricultural policy: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q19a_5] Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q19a_6] Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q19a_7] Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q19a_8] Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q19a_9] Promotes sensible agricultural policy: Can't say

[q19b_1] Its policies make inflation higher: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q19b_2] Its policies make inflation higher: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q19b_3] Its policies make inflation higher: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q19b_4] Its policies make inflation higher: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q19b_5] Its policies make inflation higher: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q19b_6] Its policies make inflation higher: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q19b_7] Its policies make inflation higher: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q19b_8] Its policies make inflation higher: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q19b_9] Its policies make inflation higher: Can't say

[q19c_1] Effective employment policy: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q19c_2] Effective employment policy: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q19c_3] Effective employment policy: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q19c_4] Effective employment policy: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q19c_5] Effective employment policy: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q19c_6] Effective employment policy: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q19c_7] Effective employment policy: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q19c_8] Effective employment policy: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q19c_9] Effective employment policy: Can't say

[q19d_1] Does not promote equality and democracy: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q19d_2] Does not promote equality and democracy: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q19d_3] Does not promote equality and democracy: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q19d_4] Does not promote equality and democracy: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q19d_5] Does not promote equality and democracy: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q19d_6] Does not promote equality and democracy: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q19d_7] Does not promote equality and democracy: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q19d_8] Does not promote equality and democracy: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q19d_9] Does not promote equality and democracy: Can't say

[q19e_1] Improves citizens' safety and security: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q19e_2] Improves citizens' safety and security: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q19e_3] Improves citizens' safety and security: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q19e_4] Improves citizens' safety and security: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q19e_5] Improves citizens' safety and security: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q19e_6] Improves citizens' safety and security: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q19e_7] Improves citizens' safety and security: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q19e_8] Improves citizens' safety and security: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q19e_9] Improves citizens' safety and security: Can't say

[q19f_1] Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q19f_2] Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q19f_3] Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q19f_4] Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q19f_5] Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q19f_6] Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q19f_7] Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q19f_8] Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q19f_9] Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: Can't say

[q19g_1] Promotes sensible environmental policy: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q19g_2] Promotes sensible environmental policy: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q19g_3] Promotes sensible environmental policy: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q19g_4] Promotes sensible environmental policy: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q19g_5] Promotes sensible environmental policy: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q19g_6] Promotes sensible environmental policy: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q19g_7] Promotes sensible environmental policy: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q19g_8] Promotes sensible environmental policy: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q19g_9] Promotes sensible environmental policy: Can't say

[q19h_1] Opposes reforms in social policy: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q19h_2] Opposes reforms in social policy: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q19h_3] Opposes reforms in social policy: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q19h_4] Opposes reforms in social policy: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q19h_5] Opposes reforms in social policy: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q19h_6] Opposes reforms in social policy: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q19h_7] Opposes reforms in social policy: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q19h_8] Opposes reforms in social policy: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q19h_9] Opposes reforms in social policy: Can't say

[q19i_1] Promotes culture: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q19i_2] Promotes culture: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q19i_3] Promotes culture: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q19i_4] Promotes culture: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q19i_5] Promotes culture: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q19i_6] Promotes culture: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q19i_7] Promotes culture: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q19i_8] Promotes culture: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q19i_9] Promotes culture: Can't say

[q19j_1] Promotes sensible housing policy: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q19j_2] Promotes sensible housing policy: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q19j_3] Promotes sensible housing policy: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q19j_4] Promotes sensible housing policy: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q19j_5] Promotes sensible housing policy: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q19j_6] Promotes sensible housing policy: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q19j_7] Promotes sensible housing policy: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q19j_8] Promotes sensible housing policy: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q19j_9] Promotes sensible housing policy: Can't say

[q19k_1] Supports foreign policy that promotes Finnish interests: KOK (National Coalition Party)

[q19k_2] Supports foreign policy that promotes Finnish interests: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)

[q19k_3] Supports foreign policy that promotes Finnish interests: LKP (Liberal Party)

[q19k_4] Supports foreign policy that promotes Finnish interests: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)

[q19k_5] Supports foreign policy that promotes Finnish interests: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)

[q19k_6] Supports foreign policy that promotes Finnish interests: SKL (Christian League of Finland)

[q19k_7] Supports foreign policy that promotes Finnish interests: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)

[q19k_8] Supports foreign policy that promotes Finnish interests: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)

[q19k_9] Supports foreign policy that promotes Finnish interests: Can't say

[q20a_1] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political right: Economic issues

[q20a_2] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political right: Social activities

[q20a_3] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political right: Ideology

[q20a_4] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political right: Social and political issues

[q20a_5] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political right: Social group

[q20a_6] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political right: Political party

[q20a_7] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political right: Person

[q20a_8] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political right: Characteristics

[q20a_9] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political right: Something else

[q20a_10] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political right: Not defined

[q20b_1] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political centre: Economic issues

[q20b_2] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political centre: Social activities

[q20b_3] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political centre: Ideology

[q20b_4] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political centre: Social and political issues

[q20b_5] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political centre: Social group

[q20b_6] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political centre: Political party

[q20b_7] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political centre: Person

[q20b_8] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political centre: Characteristics

[q20b_9] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political centre: Something else

[q20b_10] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political centre: Not defined

[q20c_1] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political left: Economic issues

[q20c_2] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political left: Social activities

[q20c_3] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political left: Ideology

[q20c_4] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political left: Social and political issues

[q20c_5] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political left: Social group

[q20c_6] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political left: Political party

[q20c_7] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political left: Person

[q20c_8] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political left: Characteristics

[q20c_9] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political left: Something else

[q20c_10] What do you consider the most important in the concept of the political left: Not defined

[q21_1] How conflicting are the interests of the following groups: Farmers - consumers

[q21_2] How conflicting are the interests of the following groups: Rich - poor

[q21_3] How conflicting are the interests of the following groups: Manual workers - people doing intellectual work

[q21_4] How conflicting are the interests of the following groups: Employers - employees

[q21_5] How conflicting are the interests of the following groups: Politicians - citizens

[q21_6] How conflicting are the interests of the following groups: Capitalists - working class

[q22a] Are there any privileged groups in Finland?

[q22b_1] The privileged groups are: Politicians

[q22b_2] The privileged groups are: Office-holders, public employees, civil servants

[q22b_3] The privileged groups are: The economic elite

[q22b_4] The privileged groups are: Persons in managerial position

[q22b_5] The privileged groups are: The middle class

[q22b_6] The privileged groups are: Workers, employees

[q22b_7] The privileged groups are: Idlers, lazybones, responsibility-shirkers

[q22b_8] The privileged groups are: Some other groups

[q22b_9] The privileged groups are: Can't say

[q23] Do you think your own or your family's economic situation will improve over the next 12 months?

[q24a] Using a 4-10 scale, where 4 signifies extreme dissatisfaction and 10 extreme satisfaction, how satisfied are you with your present economic situation?

[q24b] Using a 4-10 scale, where 4 signifies extreme dissatisfaction and 10 extreme satisfaction, how satisfied are you with your life on the whole?

[q25_1] There are different classifications of people. Which one of the following classes do you feel you primarily belong to: Working class?

[q25_2] There are different classifications of people. Which one of the following classes do you feel you primarily belong to: Lower middle class

[q25_3] There are different classifications of people. Which one of the following classes do you feel you primarily belong to: Upper middle class

[q25_4] There are different classifications of people. Which one of the following classes do you feel you primarily belong to: Upper class

[q25_5] There are different classifications of people. Which one of the following classes do you feel you primarily belong to: Employers

[q25_6] There are different classifications of people. Which one of the following classes do you feel you primarily belong to: Employees

[q25_7] There are different classifications of people. Which one of the following classes do you feel you primarily belong to: Entrepreneurs, self-employed

[q25_8] There are different classifications of people. Which one of the following classes do you feel you primarily belong to: Low-income earners

[q25_9] There are different classifications of people. Which one of the following classes do you feel you primarily belong to: Middle-income earners

[q25_10] There are different classifications of people. Which one of the following classes do you feel you primarily belong to: High-income earners

[q26] What is your relationship to religion?

[q27_1] Are you a member of any of the following trade unions or occupational organizations: STK (Conferation of Finnish Employers)

[q27_2] Are you a member of any of the following trade unions or occupational organizations: LKT (Employers' Confederation of Service Industries)

[q27_3] Are you a member of any of the following trade unions or occupational organizations: SAK (Central Organization of Finnish Trade Unions)

[q27_4] Are you a member of any of the following trade unions or occupational organizations: TVK (Confederation of Salaried Employees in Finland)

[q27_5] Are you a member of any of the following trade unions or occupational organizations: Akava (Confederation of Unions for Academic Professionals)

[q27_6] Are you a member of any of the following trade unions or occupational organizations: STTK (The Finnish Confederation of Salaried Employees)

[q27_7] Are you a member of any of the following trade unions or occupational organizations: MTK (Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners)

[q27_8] Are you a member of any of the following trade unions or occupational organizations: Can't say

[q28] At present, are you a member of any political party, or a member of womens'/youth organisation of any party?

[q29a] Have you recently considered resigning from the party?

[q29b] Have you recently considered joining any political party?

[q30] Respondent's occupational status (if retired, former occupation)

[q31] Occupational status of the head of the household (if retired, former occupation)

[q32] Employment sector of the household head

[q33_1] Have you or any other family member been unemployed for more than 2 months: No

[q33_2] ] Have you or any other family member been unemployed for more than 2 months: Yes, myself

[q33_3] ] Have you or any other family member been unemployed for more than 2 months: Yes, another family member

[q33_4] ] Have you or any other family member been unemployed for more than 2 months: Can't say

[q34] Respondent's marital status

[q35] Respondent's basic education

[q36] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months)

[q37] Respondent's mother tongue

[q38] Respondent's gender

[q39a] Monthly gross income of the household

[q39b] Annual gross income of the household

[q39c] Income response choice

[q40a] Respondent's age

[q40b] Respondent's year of birth

[q41] Respondent's place of residence

[q1p12] Which party did you vote for in the 1980 municipal elections

[q2p12] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for?

[q3p12] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for (second preference)?

[q4p12] How closely do your own political views match with those of the party you indicated you would have voted for

[q5ap12_1] Did you ever consider voting: Mauno Koivisto

[q5ap12_2] Did you ever consider voting: Harri Holkeri

[q5ap12_3] Did you ever consider voting: Johannes Virolainen

[q5ap12_4] Did you ever consider voting: Kalevi Kivistö

[q5ap12_5] Did you ever consider voting: Jan-Magnus Jansson

[q5ap12_6] Did you ever consider voting: Veikko Vennamo

[q5ap12_7] Did you ever consider voting: Helvi Sipilä

[q5ap12_8] Did you ever consider voting: Raino Westerholm

[q5bp12] Which presidential candidate did you vote for?

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