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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_pro] FSD processing level
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[q1_1] What are you most worried about at present: Own employment situation
[q1_2] What are you most worried about at present: General unemployment situation in Finland
[q1_3] What are you most worried about at present: Livelihood
[q1_4] What are you most worried about at present: Conditions for the children
[q1_5] What are you most worried about at present: War, Libya
[q1_6] What are you most worried about at present: Health
[q1_7] What are you most worried about at present: Rural problems
[q1_8] What are you most worried about at present: Famine
[q1_9] What are you most worried about at present: Situation in the world on the whole
[q1_10] What are you most worried about at present: Studying, school, education
[q1_11] What are you most worried about at present: Veteran, pension
[q1_12] What are you most worried about at present: Finnish politics
[q1_13] What are you most worried about at present: Social problems
[q1_14] What are you most worried about at present: Housing problems
[q1_15] What are you most worried about at present: Problems of the elderly
[q1_16] What are you most worried about at present: Tax burden
[q1_17] What are you most worried about at present: Economical situation of Finland
[q1_18] What are you most worried about at present: Human relationships
[q1_19] What are you most worried about at present: Strikes
[q1_20] What are you most worried about at present: Terrorism
[q1_21] What are you most worried about at present: Environment, pollution
[q1_22] What are you most worried about at present: Nuclear power
[q1_23] What are you most worried about at present: Something else
[q1_24] What are you most worried about at present: None
[q1_25] What are you most worried about at present: Can't say
[q2] Do you think your own or your family's financial situation will change over the next 12 months?
[q3] How satisfied are you with the performance of the present government (prime minister Kalevi Sorsa)?
[q4_1] Opinion on the comprehensive incomes policy settlement: Under these circumstances, the final result of the negotiations on the comprehensive settlement was satisfactory for all participants
[q4_2] Opinion on the comprehensive incomes policy settlement: The settlement reached means that the living standard of employees will decrease under the settlement period
[q4_3] Opinion on the comprehensive incomes policy settlement: The comprehensive settlement will increase income disparity between people with low and high income
[q4_4] Opinion on the comprehensive incomes policy settlement: The settlement on working time was satisfactory
[q4_5] Opinion on the comprehensive incomes policy settlement: The collective strike by SAK (Central organisation of Finnish Trade Unions) was useless, because the same result would have been reached by negotiations
[q4_6] Opinion on the comprehensive incomes policy settlement: Decisions on the price level of agricultural products and the agricultural incomes policy settlement should be kept separate from the employee negotiations
[q4_7] Opinion on the comprehensive incomes policy settlement: It's good that legislative issues can be negotiated in connection with the incomes policy settlement
[q4_8] Opinion on the comprehensive incomes policy settlement: The best way to promote the interests of different population groups is for every central labour organisation to have a separate working conditions settlement
[q4_9] Opinion on the comprehensive incomes policy settlement: The state should not participate in incomes policy negotiations which should be left to the employee and employer organisations
[q4_10] Opinion on the comprehensive incomes policy settlement: Labour market organisations have gained too dominant a position in our society
[q5] How interested are you in politics?
[q6_1] Sometimes politics is so complicated that people like me do not understand what's going on
[q6_2] Political parties are only interested in people's votes, not in their opinions
[q6_3] There is at least one party which always tries to promote the interests of people like me
[q6_4] By voting people can really have a say in how things are run in this country
[q6_5] The opinions of the citizens will be taken into consideration through the political parties
[q6_6] So-called alternative movements often represent public opinion better than the parties
[q6_7] The parties in Finland generally do not hold on to their political principles and ideology but change their point of view too much to accommodate momentary needs
[q6_8] The party I support should highlight its political principles and ideology better than it does now
[q7] Thinking about the party you currently support, which of the alternatives listed below best describes your opinion of the party?
[q8] In its recent activities, has the party you support emphasized solving current problems rather than facing future challenges?
[q9_1] To which extent would increase your willingness to vote the party: Before the election, the party would announce an election agenda which aims at promoting the welfare and safety of people like you
[q9_2] To which extent would increase your willingness to vote the party: The party would try to detach itself from current problems and focus on the future
[q9_3] To which extent would increase your willingness to vote the party: The party would emphasize the importance of ideology and refrain from making election promises
[q9_4] To which extent would increase your willingness to vote the party: The party would support ordinary people by fighting officialism and bureaucracy
[q10] How important would it be for you that the parties decide their presidential candidate prior to the parliamentary elections next year?
[q11] (If q10=1 or q10=2) Which of the following alternatives would you prefer?
[q12] Has the appearance of new parties (like the Green League) and new electoral alliances been an advantage or disadvantage to the running of things in this country?
[q13] In your opinion, would it be good for the running of things in this country if there were three socialist parties instead of two?
[q14_1a] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will increase: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q14_2a] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will increase: National Coalition Party
[q14_3a] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will increase: Electoral alliance of the Centre Party of Finland
[q14_4a] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will increase: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q14_5a] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will increase: Finnish Rural Party
[q14_6a] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will increase: The Green League
[q14_7a] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will increase: Can't say
[q14_1b] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will decrease: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q14_2b] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will decrease: National Coalition Party
[q14_3b] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will decrease: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q14_4b] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will decrease: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q14_5b] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will decrease: Finnish Rural Party
[q14_6b] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will decrease: The Green League
[q14_7b] In the next parliamentary elections the support of the party will decrease: Can't say
[q15a1_1] The support of the party will increase because its goals and principles are attractive to people: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q15a1_2] The support of the party will increase because its performance has been efficient: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q15a1_3] The support of the party will increase because it acts for eliminating corruption in politics: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q15a1_4] The support of the party will increase because it has first-class representatives: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q15a1_5] The support of the party will increase but the respondent can't say why: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q15a2_1] The support of the party will increase because its goals and principles are attractive to people: National Coalition Party
[q15a2_2] The support of the party will increase because its performance has been efficient: National Coalition Party
[q15a2_3] The support of the party will increase because it acts for eliminating corruption in politics: National Coalition Party
[q15a2_4] The support of the party will increase because it has first-class representatives: National Coalition Party
[q15a2_5] The support of the party will increase but the respondent can't say why: National Coalition Party
[q15a3_1] The support of the party will increase because its goals and principles are attractive to people: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q15a3_2] The support of the party will increase because its performance has been efficient: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q15a3_3] The support of the party will increase because it acts for eliminating corruption in politics: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q15a3_4] The support of the party will increase because it has first-class representatives: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q15a3_5] The support of the party will increase but the respondent can't say why: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q15a4_1] The support of the party will increase because its goals and principles are attractive to people: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q15a4_2] The support of the party will increase because its performance has been efficient: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q15a4_3] The support of the party will increase because it acts for eliminating corruption in politics: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q15a4_4] The support of the party will increase because it has first-class representatives: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q15a4_5] The support of the party will increase but the respondent can't say why: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q15a5_1] The support of the party will increase because its goals and principles are attractive to people: Finnish Rural Party
[q15a5_2] The support of the party will increase because its performance has been efficient: Finnish Rural Party
[q15a5_3] The support of the party will increase because it acts for eliminating corruption in politics: Finnish Rural Party
[q15a5_4] The support of the party will increase because it has first-class representatives: Finnish Rural Party
[q15a5_5] The support of the party will increase but the respondent can't say why: Finnish Rural Party
[q15a6_1] The support of the party will increase because its goals and principles are attractive to people: The Green League
[q15a6_2] The support of the party will increase because its performance has been efficient: The Green League
[q15a6_3] The support of the party will increase because it acts for eliminating corruption in politics: The Green League
[q15a6_4] The support of the party will increase because it has first-class representatives: The Green League
[q15a6_5] The support of the party will increase but the respondent can't say why: The Green League
[q15b1_1] The support of the party will decrease because its goals and principles are outdated: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q15b1_2] The support of the party will decrease because its perfomance has been inefficient: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q15b1_3] The support of the party will decrease because it has focused on pursuing power and has forgotten its voters: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q15b1_4] The support of the party will decrease because it has not quickly and clearly enough denounced its corrupted representatives: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q15b1_5] The support of the party will decrease but the respondent can't say why: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q15b2_1] The support will decrease because its goals and principles are outdated: National Coalition Party
[q15b2_2] The support of the party will decrease because its perfomance has been inefficient: National Coalition Party
[q15b2_3] The support of the party will decrease because it has focused on pursuing power and has forgotten its voters: National Coalition Party
[q15b2_4] The support of the party will decrease because it has not quickly and clearly enough denounced its corrupted representatives: National Coalition Party
[q15b2_5] The support of the party will decrease but the respondent can't say why: National Coalition Party
[q15b3_1] The support will decrease because its goals and principles are outdated: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q15b3_2] The support of the party will decrease because its perfomance has been inefficient: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q15b3_3] The support of the party will decrease because it has focused on pursuing power and has forgotten its voters: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q15b3_4] The support of the party will decrease because it has not quickly and clearly enough denounced its corrupted representatives: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q15b3_5] The support of the party will decrease but the respondent can't say why: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q15b4_1] The support will decrease because its goals and principles are outdated: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q15b4_2] The support of the party will decrease because its perfomance has been inefficient: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q15b4_3] The support of the party will decrease because it has focused on pursuing power and has forgotten its voters: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q15b4_4] The support of the party will decrease because it has not quickly and clearly enough denounced its corrupted representatives: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q15b4_5] The support of the party will decrease but the respondent can't say why: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q15b5_1] The support will decrease because its goals and principles are outdated: Finnish Rural Party
[q15b5_2] The support of the party will decrease because its perfomance has been inefficient: Finnish Rural Party
[q15b5_3] The support of the party will decrease because it has focused on pursuing power and has forgotten its voters: Finnish Rural Party
[q15b5_4] The support of the party will decrease because it has not quickly and clearly enough denounced its corrupted representatives: Finnish Rural Party
[q15b5_5] The support of the party will decrease but the respondent can't say why: Finnish Rural Party
[q15b6_1] The support will decrease because its goals and principles are outdated: The Green League
[q15b6_2] The support of the party will decrease because its perfomance has been inefficient: The Green League
[q15b6_3] The support of the party will decrease because it has focused on pursuing power and has forgotten its voters: The Green League
[q15b6_4] The support of the party will decrease because it has not quickly and clearly enough denounced its corrupted representatives: The Green League
[q15b6_5] The support of the party will decrease but the respondent can't say why: The Green League
[q16a_1] The parties which should absolutely be included in the coalition government after the elections: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q16a_2] The parties which should absolutely be included in the coalition government after the elections: National Coalition Party
[q16a_3] The parties which should absolutely be included in the coalition government after the elections: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q16a_4] The parties which should absolutely be included in the coalition government after the elections: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q16a_5] The parties which should absolutely be included in the coalition government after the elections: Finnish Rural Party
[q16a_6] The parties which should absolutely be included in the coalition government after the elections: The Green League
[q16a_7] The parties which should absolutely be included in the coalition government after the elections: Can't say
[q16b_1] Which parties could participate in the government with the parties mentioned above: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q16b_2] Which parties could participate in the government with the parties mentioned above: National Coalition Party
[q16b_3] Which parties could participate in the government with the parties mentioned above: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q16b_4] Which parties could participate in the government with the parties mentioned above: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q16b_5] Which parties could participate in the government with the parties mentioned above: Finnish Rural Party
[q16b_6] Which parties could participate in the government with the parties mentioned above: The Green League
[q16b_7] Which parties could participate in the government with the parties mentioned above: Can't say
[q16c_1] Which party should have the leading role in the new government: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q16c_2] Which party should have the leading role in the new government: National Coalition Party
[q16c_3] Which party should have the leading role in the new government: Electoral alliance of Centre Party of Finland
[q16c_4] Which party should have the leading role in the new government: Democratic League of the People of Finland
[q16c_5] Which party should have the leading role in the new government: Finnish Rural Party
[q16c_6] Which party should have the leading role in the new government: The Green League
[q16c_7] Which party should have the leading role in the new government: Can't say
[q17_1] What is your perception of the performance of ministers in the present government: The ministers of Social Democratic Party of Finland
[q17_2] What is your perception of the performance of ministers in the present government: The ministers of Centre Party of Finland
[q17_3] What is your perception of the performance of ministers in the present government: The ministers of Finnish Rural Party
[q17_4] What is your perception of the performance of ministers in the present government: The ministers of Swedish People's Party in Finland
[q18] In your opinion, how necessary is the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Finland?
[q19_1] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: KOK (National Coalition Party)
[q19_2] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: KESK (Centre Party of Finland)
[q19_3] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: LKP (Liberal Party)
[q19_4] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: POP (Constitutional Party of Finland)
[q19_5] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: RKP (Swedish People's Party in Finland)
[q19_6] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: SKDL (Democratic League of the People of Finland)
[q19_7] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: SKL (Christian League of Finland)
[q19_8] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: SMP (Finnish Rural Party)
[q19_9] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: SDP (Social Democratic Party of Finland)
[q19_10] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: VIHREÄT (The Green League)
[q19_11] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: SEP (Finnish Pensioners' Party)
[q19_12] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: DEVA (Democratic Alternative)
[q20] On a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: Yourself
[q21] If you think about your political party preference, which one of the following alternatives is closest to your opinion?
[q22] If the elections were held now, how certain are you which party's candidate you would vote for?
[q23] If we think about the present, how many parties or political groups would you take into serious consideration?
[q24] If you could not find a suitable candidate from the party you prefer, what would you do?
[q25] The last general elections in Finland were the municipal elections in 1994. Do you remember which party you voted for?
[q26] How satisified are you with the performance of the party which you voted for in the last municipal elections?
[q27] If the Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, would you vote for a candidate of the same party again?
[q28_1] How important for your confidence in a party: The party advocates policies which protect the living standard of hardworking people who have succeeded on their own efforts
[q28_2] How important for your confidence in a party: The party increases its efforts to protect and treasure nature
[q28_3] How important for your confidence in a party: The party advocates sensible economic policy, which will secure Finland's position in the tightening international competition
[q28_4] How important for your confidence in a party: The party promotes the interests of the weak and of those in trouble
[q28_5] How important for your confidence in a party: The party condemns all bribery and corruption
[q28_6] How important for your confidence in a party: The party supports the actions of the president Mauno Koivisto
[q29_1] Which three of the previously listed (q28) reasons are the most important: The party advocates policies which protect the living standard of hardworking people who have succeeded on their own efforts
[q29_2] Which three of the previously listed (q28) reasons are the most important: The party increases its efforts to protect and treasure nature
[q29_3] Which three of the previously listed (q28) reasons are the most important: The party advocates sensible economic policy, which will secure Finland's position in the tightening international competition
[q29_4] Which three of the previously listed (q28) reasons are the most important: The party promotes the interests of the weak and of those in trouble
[q29_5] Which three of the previously listed (q28) reasons are the most important: The party condemns strongly all bribery and corruption
[q29_6] Which three of the previously listed (q28) reasons are the most important: The party supports the activities of the president Mauno Koivisto
[q29_7] Which three of the previously listed (q28) reasons are the most important: Can't say
[q30] Are you at present a member of a trade union or any other professional association that is itself a member of any organization listed below?
[q31] Are you at present a member of any political party or a member of women's/youth organisation of any party?
[q32] Respondent's occupational status (if retired, former occupational status)
[q33] Occupational status of the head of the household (if retired, former occupational status)
[q34] Employment sector of the household head
[q35] Respondent's marital status
[q36a] Respondent's basic education
[q36b_1] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months): Vocational course
[q36b_2] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months): Vocational school or equivalent (upper secondary level)
[q36b_3] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months): Vocational school plus vocational courses
[q36b_4] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months): College level vocational education
[q36b_5] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months): Technical college
[q36b_6] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months): University or polytechnic education
[q36b_7] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months): Incomplete university studies
[q36b_8] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months): Studying
[q37] Respondent's mother tongue
[q38] Respondent's gender
[q39] Monthly gross income of the household
[q40_1] Respondent's age
[q40_2] Respondent's year of birth
[q41] Respondent's place of residence
[q42] Respondent's electoral district
[q44] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how likely is it that you would vote?
[q45] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for?
[q46] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference?
[q47_1] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: National Coalition Party (KOK)
[q47_2] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: Center Party of Finland (KESK)
[q47_3] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: Liberal Party (LKP)
[q47_4] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: Constitutional Party of Finland (POP)
[q47_5] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)
[q47_6] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: Democratic League of the People of Finland (SKDL)
[q47_7] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: Christian League of Finland (SKL)
[q47_8] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: Finnish Rural Party (SMP)
[q47_9] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)
[q47_10] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: The Green League (VIHREÄT)
[q47_11] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: Finnish Pensioners' Party (SEP)
[q47_12] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: Tiedonantajaryhmä
[q47_13] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: No such party
[q47_14] Which party you would not vote for under any circumstances: Can't say
[q48] Which party did you vote for in the 1983 parliamentary elections?
[q49] Which party did you vote for in the 1984 municipal (local) elections?