FSD1020 Polling in Finnish Presidential Elections 1994, Part 2

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_pro] FSD processing level

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1] Sex of the respondent

[q2_1] Respondent's age.

[q2_2] Age group

[q3] Should Finland join the European Union or stay outside?

[q4_1] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Gallup-surveys

[q4_2] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Opinion polls

[q4_3] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Exit polls

[q4_4] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Allegations of the media's manipulative actions

[q4_5] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Jesus-week/hypocritical religious remarks

[q4_6] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Rehn getting elected to the second round

[q4_7] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Intense campaigning for Martti Ahtisaari just prior to the election

[q4_8] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: The candidates' performances on TV

[q4_9] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: The victory of non-politicians/the winners came from outside of politics

[q4_10] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Defeat of Väyrynen

[q4_11] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Rehn's/Uma Aaltonen's dogs/hugs

[q4_12] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Economy and unemployment policy

[q4_13] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Opposing the government's policy

[q4_14] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Defending the government's policy

[q4_15] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: A woman candidate was not elected president/women's defeat

[q4_16] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Election promises

[q4_17] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Belittling of women

[q4_18] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Something else

[q4_19] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Nothing

[q4_20] Apart from the actual election results, what else do you remember about the recently held presidential elections: Cannot say

[q5] Did you vote in the first round of the presidential elections?

[q6] In the first round of the presidential elections, there were in altoghether 11 candidates running. For whom did you vote?

[q7] In the first round of the elections, did you vote especially against some of the candidates?

[q8_1] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Martti Ahtisaari

[q8_2] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Sulo Aittoniemi

[q8_3] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Claes Andersson

[q8_4] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Raimo Ilaskivi

[q8_5] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Toimi Kankaanniemi

[q8_6] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Keijo Korhonen

[q8_7] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Eeva Kuuskoski

[q8_8] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Elisabeth Rehn

[q8_9] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Pekka Tiainen

[q8_10] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Pertti 'Veltto' Virtanen

[q8_11] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Paavo Väyrynen

[q8_12] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Against all of them, except for my own candidate

[q8_13] Against whom did you vote in the first round: Doesn't want to say

[q9] In the second round of the elections when Martti Ahtisaari was running against Elisabeth Rehn, did you vote in advance, on the actual election day - or did you vote at all?

[q10] Who did you vote for in the second round, Martti Ahtisaari or Elisabeth Rehn?

[q11] In the last days of the second round, a couple of Gallup surveys were published according to which Martti Ahtisaari had passed Elisabeth Rehn in popularity. How much did these results affect your own choice of candidate?

[q12] What was the effect of these surveys: did your own stand strengthen, did it weaken, or did you think it best to switch your candidate because of the last minute results?

[q13] The results of Gallup surveys always contain slight margins of error. Do you think information on the margin of error should be included in the publication of the results, or not, or is the issue indifferent to you?

[q14] Do you think that in the future, the media can be responsible for publishing Gallup survey results without special guidelines or do you think that authorities ought to intervene in the ways the media publishes the results?

[q15] If you think about the influence of Gallup survey results in general, which of the following best corresponds your views on how the publishing of these different types of information affects the voters?

[q16] Could also the number of days for advance voting in the parliamentary elections be cut down to the level of presidential elections, that is, to about 7 days?

[q17] There has been public discussion about a ban on publishing gallup survey results just before elections. If some kind of a ban were implemented, what do you think would be the suitable length for this ban?

[q18] If there would be restrictions to publishing of gallup survey results, which of the following alternatives best corresponds your own views on the issue?

[q19] What view should one take, in your view, on publishing the pre-election results of telephone voting, schoolchildren's voting and the like which may deviate a lot from the final election results?

[bv1] Respondent's basic education

[bv2] Respondent's vocational education

[bv3] Respondent's economic activity and occupational group

[bv4] Province of residence

[bv5] Type of municipality

[bv6] If parliamentary elections were held now, for which party or group would you vote

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