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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_pro] FSD processing level
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[suku] Respondent's gender
[k1] How interested are you in matters related to the presidential elections?
[k3a_1] During the election campaign of the first round, to what extent do you think issues unrelated to presidential powers or tasks were raised?
[k3a_2] During the election campaign of the first round, was there public criticism of the candidates' political activities?
[k3a_3] During the election campaign of the first round, were any unfavourable aspects of the candidates' private lives brought to public attention?
[k3a_4] During the election campaign of the first round, did the spouses/partners of the candidates participate in the campaign?
[k3b_1] How beneficial do you feel it is that candidates comment on issues unrelated to presidential powers or tasks?
[k3b_2] How beneficial do you find public criticism of the candidates' political activities?
[k3b_3] How beneficial do you find that unfavourable aspects of the candidates' private lives are exposed
[k3b_4] How beneficial do you find that the candidates' spouses/partners participate in the election campaign
[k4a] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision during the first round: Work colleagues or fellow students
[k4b] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision during the first round: Home, parents or relatives
[k4c] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision during the first round: Other friends
[k4d] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision during the first round: News and current affairs articles in newspapers
[k4e] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision during the first round: News and current affairs programmes on the radio
[k4f] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision during the first round: News and current affairs programmes on TV
[k4g] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision during the first round: Books, magazines and other written sources
[k4h] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision during the first round: Internet
[k4i] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision during the first round: Election campaigns in general
[k4j] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision during the first round: Candidates' advertisements in newspapers
[k4k] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision during the first round: Candidates' advertisements on television and the radio
[k5] If you think about times when there are no elections, how often do you discuss politics with other people?
[k6] How often did you discuss issues related to the first round of the recent presidential elections during the election campaign?
[k7a] Voting in presidential elections is a civic duty
[k7b] The decisions and actions of the president have no influence on my life
[k7c] During the first round, there was at least one candidate who I liked
[k7d] You can influence things by voting in presidential elections
[k7e] Voting in presidential elections is more interesting than voting in parliamentary elections
[k7f] Basically, I think that the president should be a man
[k7g] The recently elected president should have more powers in domestic affairs than the previous president had
[k8] Many voters chose not to vote in the first round. What did you do?
[k9] (IF VOTED) How self-evident was it for you to vote?
[k10] When did you decide on the candidate you voted for in the first round?
[k11] Which of the following candidates did you vote for in the first round?
[k12a] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's political party
[k12b] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's gender
[k12c] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's age
[k12d] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's educational background
[k12e] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's expertise in foreign affairs
[k12f] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate had experience of acting and working in the international sphere
[k12g] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's good language skills
[k12h] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate is empathetic
[k12i] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate is a good public performer
[k12j] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's stylishness and elegance
[k12k] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's determination and assertiveness
[k12l] To what extent did the following characteristics influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's irreproachable private life
[k13a] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on Finland's Nato membership
[k13b] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on Finland's EU policy
[k13c] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on Finland's relations to non-EU countries
[k13d] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on the reduction of unemployment
[k13e] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on the economic policy of Finland
[k13f] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on the security and defence policy of Finland
[k13g] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on and actions in gender equality issues
[k13h] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on the reduction of poverty and social exclusion
[k13i] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on moral and ethical issues
[k13j] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on crime reduction
[k13k] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on regional policy
[k13l] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's public image in terms of the image of Finland
[k13m] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on environmental issues
[k13n] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's good election campaign
[k13o] To what extent did the following things influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's good rating in opinion polls
[k14a] I wanted to vote for a candidate who had a good chance of winning the second round of the elections
[k14b] The candidate I voted for was not my first choice. Instead, I voted for a candidate who had a good chance of being elected to the second round
[k14c] I wanted to vote for the candidate, because opinion polls did not promise him/her a good rating in the first round
[k15] (IF DID NOT VOTE) How self-evident was it for you not to vote in the first round?
[k16a] Importance of various factors in not voting: You could not find a suitable candidate
[k16b] Importance of various factors in not voting: You could not vote due to a trip, an illness, work obligations etc.
[k16c] Importance of various factors in not voting: You could not be bothered to vote
[k16d] Importance of various factors in not voting: You did not think voting would benefit you in any way
[k16e] Importance of various factors in not voting: You thought one vote would not make a difference to the final outcome of the elections
[k16f] Importance of various factors in not voting: You do not trust politicians and politics in general
[k16g] Importance of various factors in not voting: You wanted to protest against politics and politicians
[k16h] Importance of various factors in not voting: You did not have enough information about candidates
[k16i] Importance of various factors in not voting: Politics does not interest you
[k16j] Importance of various factors in not voting: Presidential elections do not interest you
[k16k] Importance of various factors in not voting: You had other things to do
[k16l] Importance of various factors in not voting: The decisions and actions of the president have no influence on your life
[k16m] Importance of various factors in not voting: The candidate you preferred had no chance of getting elected to the second round
[k16n] Importance of various factors in not voting: Because of miserable weather, you just could not manage to drag yourself to the polling station
[k17] Will you vote in the second round or not?
[k18] Which one will you vote for in the second round: Esko Aho (KESK, male) or Tarja Halonen (SDP, female)
[k20] Which of the following political parties do you like the most? (If respondent has no preferred party, which party does (s)he dislike the least)
[k21] Which of the following political parties do you like the second most? (If respondent has no preferred party, which does (s)he dislike the second least)
[k22a] Importance in respondent's life: Spending time with friends
[k22b] Importance in respondent's life: Having good manners and following traditions in own life
[k22c] Importance in respondent's life: Leading enjoyable and exciting life
[k22d] Importance in respondent's life: Spending time with family
[k22e] Importance in respondent's life: Having plenty of leisure activities
[k22f] Importance in respondent's life: Resting, relaxing, doing nothing
[k22g] Importance in respondent's life: Succeeding in life better than other people
[k22h] Importance in respondent's life: Doing sport, taking exercise
[k22i] Importance in respondent's life: Being efficient and productive both in working and private life
[k22j] Importance in respondent's life: Gaining new experiences
[k22k] Importance in respondent's life: Environmentally friendly lifestyle
[k22l] Importance in respondent's life: Having influence both in working life and outside it
[k22m] Importance in respondent's life: Healthy lifestyle
[k22n] Importance in respondent's life: Trying to make the world a better place to live in
[k22o] Importance in respondent's life: Good income
[k22p] Importance in respondent's life: Life-long education and self-development also during free time
[t3] Respondent's vocational education
[t4] Respondent's present economic activity
[t5] Respondent's occupational group
[t6] Household composition
[t7] Housing tenure
[t8] Have you been unemployed in the past 12 months?
[t9] If yes, how many months in total?
[t10] Have you been unemployed for at least six months in the past three years?
[t11] Do you have...
[t12c1] Do you use the Internet: At home
[t12c2] Do you use the Internet: At workplace
[t12c3] Do you use the Internet: At an educational facility
[t12c4] Do you use the Internet: In the library
[t12c5] Do you use the Internet: Somewhere else
[t12c6] Do you use the Internet: Nowhere
[t12c7] Do you use the Internet: Can't say
[t13] How often do you use the Internet?
[t14] Next general election will be the municipal elections. How certain are you that you will vote in them?
[bv1] Respondent's year of birth
[bv3] Language