FSD1084 EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes 1994
Aineisto on käytettävissä (B) tutkimukseen, opetukseen ja opiskeluun.
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EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes 1994
Aineiston rinnakkainen nimi
Former title: Finnish National Attitudes 1994
Pysyvät tunnisteet
Aineiston laatu
Kvantitatiivinen aineisto
- Centre for Finnish Business and Policy Studies (EVA)
- Yhdyskuntatutkimus
Sisällön kuvaus
The survey studied Finnish values and attitudes. The respondents were asked to what extent they agreed with a number of statements relating to political parties, science and technology, EU membership referendum, equality between men and women, the media, national economy, unemployment, income disparity, entrepreneurship, workers' participation, trade unions, decision-making, economic depression, Finnish culture, people's happiness, democracy, immigration, environmental protection, public services, national and European identity, attitudes towards foreigners, presidential powers, etc. Views on welfare society were charted. One theme focused on which political party was the most able to deal with certain issues (e.g. improve national economy, pilot Finland through the economic recession, handle social security or taxation, or promote national consensus). Views on what are the characteristic features of the Finns were studied. The respondents were also asked how likely it was that certain things would happen in working life and employment in the next few years (e.g. decision-making will become more democratic in workplaces). Views on what issues Finland should promote as an EU member were charted.
Background variables included the respondent's gender, age group, size of municipality of residence, province of residence, main economic activity, basic and vocational education, trade union membership, industry of employment, self-perceived social class, which party the respondent would vote if the parliamentary elections were held at that time, and whether R had voted for or against Finland's EU membership in the referendum.
European Union; Finland; attitudes; economic and social development; environment; national economy; national identity; occupational life; political parties; social welfare
- Social sciences (OKM:n tieteenalaluokitus)
- Government, political systems and organisations (CESSDAn aihepiiriluokitus)
- Political behaviour and attitudes (CESSDAn aihepiiriluokitus)
- Economic systems and development (CESSDAn aihepiiriluokitus)
EVA Surveys on Finnish Values and AttitudesJakelija
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.
- Yhdyskuntatutkimus
- Centre for Finnish Business and Policy Studies
Ajallinen kattavuus
1994-11-21 – 1995-01-24
Aineistonkeruun ajankohta
1994-11-21 – 1995-01-24
Finns aged 18 - 70 (poislukien the Åland Islands)
Tutkimuksen aikaulottuvuus
Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section
Probability: Simple random
The original target group of the survey was 4,500 persons out of the whole population of the country, the Åland islands excluded. The respondents received a questionnaire in their mother tongue, either in Finnish or in Swedish. 2,267 persons answered in the survey. In essence, the material equals the population structure of the country in it's central demographic, social, political, and regional factors.
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Keruuväline tai –ohje
Structured questionnaire
Datatiedostojen kieli
Aineistopaketti voi sisältää samoja tiedostoja eri kielisinä.
Aineisto sisältää datatiedostoja seuraavilla kielillä: englanti ja suomi.
Tietoarkisto kääntää kvantitatiivisia datatiedostoja englanniksi. Lisätietoja käännöspyynnön jättämisestä.
Havaintojen ja muuttujien lukumäärä
273 muuttujaa ja 2266 havaintoa.
Datan versio
There are no weight variables in the data.
The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.
Centre for Finnish Business and Policy Studies (EVA) & Yhdyskuntatutkimus: EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes 1994 [dataset]. Version 1.0 (2001-01-18). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD1084
Julkaisusta tiedottaminen
Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.
The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.
Julkaisut aineistosta
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Paloheimo, Heikki (2007). Kansalaisten johtajuusodotukset. Teoksessa: Presidentinvaalit 2006 (toim. Pekka Isotalus & Sami Borg), 207-226. Helsinki: WSOY.
Paloheimo, Heikki (2009). Puoluejärjestelmän lohkeamat ja ristiriitaulottuvuudet. Teoksessa: Puolueiden tulevaisuus (toim. Rauli Mickelsson), 15-61. Helsinki: Oikeusministeriö. - (Oikeusministeriön julkaisuja 2009: 6)
Mattila, Mikko & Sänkiaho, Risto (2005). Luottamus poliittiseen järjestelmään. Teoksessa: Vaalit ja demokratia Suomessa (toim. Heikki Paloheimo), 73-87. Helsinki: WSOY.
Kilpi, Elina (2006). Change in Finnish attitudes towards immigrants 1986-2004. Oxford: University of Oxford. MSc Thesis in Sociology.
Haikonen, Jyrki & Kiljunen, Pentti (2003). Mitä mieltä, suomalainen? EVAn asennetutkimuksien kertomaa vuosilta 1984-2003. Helsinki: Taloustieto. EVA-raportti.
Grönlund, Kimmo & Paloheimo, Heikki & Wass, Hanna (2005). Äänestysosallistuminen. Teoksessa: Vaalit ja demokratia Suomessa (toim. Heikki Paloheimo), 119-146. Helsinki: WSOY.
Kilpi, Elina (2008). Prejudice as a response to changes in competitive threat. Finnish attitudes towards immigrants 1986-2006 [online]. Working paper number 2008-01, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford, March. http://www.sociology.ox.ac.uk/documents/workingpapers/2008/2008-01.pdf [cited 3.9.2012].
Kilpi-Jakonen, E. (2015). Explaining temporal trends and regional variation in attitudes towards foreign workers: group conflict theory and Finland 19902013. Research on Finnish Society, 8, 1932.
Penttilä, Katariina (2017). Ympäristöhuolen muutos ja sukupuolittuneisuus Suomessa 1986 - 2013. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. Sosiologian kandidaatin tutkielma.
Erola, Marko & Haavisto, Ilkka & Hokkanen, Eveliina & Kauhanen, Antti & Koskinen, Seppo & Malm Lindberg, Henrik & Makkula, Janne & Vihriälä, Vesa (2018). Työn uudet ehdot raportti. Miten avaamme työmarkkinoiden umpisolmut? [verkkodokumentti]. Helsinki: Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta. EVA Raportti. https://www.eva.fi/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/eva_raportti_tyon_uudet_ehdot.pdf [viitattu 29.6.2018].
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