FSD1088 Finnish National Election Study 1991

Valitse muuttuja


What was surprising in the election outcome?


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
Centre Party (KESK) winning the election/clear win of KESK 1 314
KESK wining and defeat of the government parties 2 118
Defeat of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) 3 28
Defeat of the National Coalition Party (KOK) 4 22
Defeat of the parties currently in coalition government 5 31
Green League (VIHREÄT) win 6 12
Christian League (SKL) win 7 5
Defeat of the parties of the left 8 11
Defeat of the Left Alliance (VAS) 9 2
Success of the Finnish Rural Party (SMP) 10 2
Lower turnout than previously 12 6
Number of votes of a particular candidate 13 5
Success of women in the election 14 5
Good outcome 16 5
Bad outcome 17 5
Surprising outcome 18 6
Accuracy of election forecasts 19 2
Finnish Rural Party (SMP) win 20 2
That many MPs did not get re-elected to Parliament 21 5
Other 38 11
Can't say 39 3
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 600
maksimi 39
minimi 1
keskiarvo 3.85
keskihajonta 6.659

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