FSD1088 Finnish National Election Study 1991

Valitse muuttuja


(IF VOTED) What was the main reason you voted in these elections? (Open-ended)


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
Principle/civic duty 1 390
Right to vote, democracy 2 85
Have always voted 3 134
Only way to influence 4 74
Desire to influence in general 5 154
Desire to vote for a particular party 6 52
Voting gives the right to criticise 7 40
Desire to vote for a particular candidate 8 47
First time voting 9 14
Own interest or interest of own group 10 9
Wanted a change/change in who has power 11 43
Duty and right to criticise 12 19
Was persuaded to vote 13 8
Wanted to have an influence on a specific issue 14 29
Being involved in the survey had an impact 16 0
Can't say 18 27
Other 19 17
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 1142
maksimi 19
minimi 1
keskiarvo 4.58
keskihajonta 4.364

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