FSD1088 Finnish National Election Study 1991

Valitse muuttuja


(IF VOTED) What was the main reason why you chose the party you voted for? (Open-ended) 1st reason mentioned


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
General reason (party ideology or political issue) 1 173
Good performance of party in handling issues 2 24
Own interest or interest of own group 3 191
Reason related to the party system 4 56
Specific political issue 5 39
Respondent used an adjective with positive connotations 6 42
Good candidates 7 198
Language issues are important to the party 8 37
Environmental issues are important to the party 9 30
Habit of supporting a specific party 10 214
Protest, alternative 11 14
No specific reason 12 16
Other reason 13 37
Can't or dont' want to say 14 61
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 1132
maksimi 14
minimi 1
keskiarvo 6.39
keskihajonta 3.900

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