FSD1163 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 1994: Autumn

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1] Respondent's occupational status at the moment

[q2] How many paid employees the respondent has?

[q5] Respondent's present or former industry of employment

[q6] Type of organisation respondent works for

[q7] Respondent's marital status

[q9] Respondent's membership in a trade union

[q66_1] The fact that EU citizens can travel freely in all EU member states

[q66_2] The fact that EU citizens can choose freely in which EU member state they want to live in

[q66_3] Increased opportunities for EU citizens to study in other EU member states

[q66_4] Improved export opportunities for Finnish industry

[q66_5] EU's impact on Finnish agriculture

[q66_6] Quality and price of food, food trade in general

[q66_7] Quality and price of household appliances and motor vehicles, consumer durables trade in general

[q66_8] Employment situation in Finland

[q66_9] Internal security, law and order in Finland

[q66_10] Finland's external security

[q66_11] EU's common foreign and security policy

[q66_12] EU's aim to achieve common European security and defence policy, which would eventually lead to a common defence

[q66_13] Membership enables Finland to participate in the EU decision-making and the drafting of directives

[q66_14] Impact of EU decisions and directives on Finland

[q79] Considering the present state of the world, do you think that over the next five years Finland and Finns will live in a more secure or insecure world?

[q80_1] Impact on security: European integration

[q80_2] Impact on security: Nuclear weapons of the former Soviet Union

[q80_3] Impact on security: Use of nuclear energy in Finland

[q80_4] Impact on security: Increased presence of Russian forces near the Finnish border as Russia transferred forces from Central Europe and the Baltic countries

[q80_5] Impact on security: Unemployment situation in Finland

[q81] In your opinion, how well Finland has managed its foreign policy over the past few years

[q82] In your opinion, has neutrality become more or less important to Finland lately?

[q83_1] The best defence strategy for Finland is...

[q83_2] The second best defence strategy for Finland is...

[q83_3] The worst defence strategy for Finland is...

[q83_4] The second worst defence strategy for Finland is...

[q84] If Finland were attacked, should Finns take up arms in defence of the country in all circumstances?

[q85] Your opinion on the defence forces funding

[q88] Respondent's mother tongue

[q90] Total pre-tax income of the respondent and spouse in Finnish marks

[q91] Respondent's basic education

[q92] Respondent's vocational education

[q93] Type of family respondent lived in when (s)he was 10-18 years old

[q94] Respondent's year of birth

[q95] Respondent's gender

[q96] Respondent's province of residence

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