FSD1228 Welfare Survey 1996
Valitse muuttuja
[q1] Respondent's year of birth
[q3] Respondent's marital status
[q4] Respondent's household composition
[q5_1] Number of household members
[q5_2] Number of children aged 0-6 in the household
[q5_3] Number of children aged 7-17 in the household
[q5_4] Number of children aged over 17 in the household
[q6_2] Respondent's region of residence
[q7] Respondent's highest level of education
[q8] Respondent's present economic activity
[q9] Respondent's employment status
[q10_1] Respondent's occupation (open question)
[q10_2] Respondent's socio-economic status (open question)
[q10_3] Respondent's occupational group (open question)
[q11] What is your spouse's/partner's present economic activity?
[q12] Spouse's/partner's employment status?
[q13_1] Spouse's/partner's occupation (open question)
[q13_2] Spouse's/partner's socio-economic status (open question)
[q13_3] Spouse's/partner's occupational group (open question)
[q14] For how long will your spouse's/partner's present employment contract be valid?
[q15] Has your spouse/partner been unempolyed or laid off in the past three years?
[q16] Does your spouse's/partner's income play a significant role in the household's income?
[q17] Respondent's employment sector
[q18] Respondent's workplace (open question)
[q19] How long have you been working with your present job contract (years)?
[q20] Weekly working hours (excluding overtime)
[q21] How many hours would you prefer to work, if wages were paid by the hour?
[q22] For how long will your present employment contract be valid?
[q23] How much is your average net income (Finnish Marks/month)
[q24] If you suddenly became unemployed, would you receive:
[q25] Have you been unemployed or laid off in the past three years?
[q26_1] Has the your workload or stressfulness of work tasks increased considerably in recent years?
[q26_2] Have you been obliged to work overtime for which you have not received compensation?
[q26_3] Is your wage fair compared to the demands of the work?
[q26_5] Are your current working hours your own choice, suiting your present life situation best?
[q26_6] Have you thought about getting further education/trainig?
[q26_7] Are you planning or willing to change jobs?
[q26_8] Do you have enough time for leisure activites after work and daily routines?
[q27_3] Which of the following have you considered or could consider: Part-time work permanently?
[q27_4] Which of the following have you considered or could consider: Full-time work
[q27_5] Which of the following have you considered or could consider: Setting up your own business
[q27_7] Which of the following have you considered or could consider: Part-time retirement
[q28] Length of present unemployment or lay-off period
[q29] Have you been unemployed or laid off during the past three years?
[q30] Primary reason for present unemployment
[q32] Amount of unemployment benefit after taxes (Finnish Marks/month)
[q33_1] Have you thought about getting further education/training to improve your job opportunities?
[q33_4] Do you believe you will eventuallyt get a job that corresponds to your qualifications?
[q33_6] Has unemployment been entirely a negative experience for you?
[q34_1] Would you be willing to: Work full-time?
[q34_2] Would you be willing to: Work part-time?
[q34_3] Would you be willing to: Do temporary work
[q34_5] Would you be willing to: Set up your own business?
[q34_7] Would you be willing to: Participate in rehabilitation?
[q34_8] Would you be willing to: Take unemployment retirement?
[q34_9] Would you be willing to: Remain unemployed provided that your income level stays the same?
[q34_10] Which one the alternatives mentioned in q34 would be the best choice for you?
[q35_4] How important are the following to you when accepting a job offer: Location of the workplace
[q36] How would you rate your present state of health?
[q38] Do you receive continuous medical treatment or rehabilitation for a chronic disease?
[q39] Do you regularly use prescribed medication for a chronic disease?
[q40_1] Have you recently suffered from: Over-stress
[q40_2] Have you recently suffered from: Melancholy or depression
[q40_3] Have you recently suffered from: Nervousness or tension
[q40_4] Have you recently suffered from: Exhaustion or tiredness
[q40_5] Have you recently suffered from: Insomnia
[q40_6] Have you recently suffered from: Forgetfulness
[q41] Is there a person with whom you can discusss difficult matters confidentially?
[q42_1] Do you sometimes feel that you do not know what is going to happen to you?
[q42_2] How often do feel that your daily tasks have no meaning?
[q42_3] When you think about possible difficulties one encounters in life, do you feel that you:
[q43_1] Satisfaction with the following things: Ability to control your own life
[q43_2] Satisfaction with the following things: Respect shown by other people towards you
[q43_4] Satisfaction with the following things: Ability to influence social issues
[q43_5] Satisfaction with the following things: Possibility to create new relationships
[q43_6] Satisfaction with the following things: Present standard of living
[q43_7] Satisfaction with the following things: Possibility to lead the kind of life you want
[q44_1] Which party did you vote for in the 1995 parliamentary elections?
[q44_2] Which party would you vote for now?
[q45_2] Nowadays, social security does not respond to people's needs, because it is too bureaucratic
[q45_5] Free social and health services should discontinued
[q45_6] Income disparities between citizens are too large in Finland
[q45_7] Tax rates should be lowered, even if it led to cuts in social security
[q45_8] The government should subsidise the costs of job creation in the private sector
[q45_11] Unemployment benefit is paid to people who do not even want to work
[q45_12] Social services offices give out money too easily
[q45_13] The unemployed and income support clients have themselves to blame for their situation
[q46_1_1] Household's net income per month (mk): Net wages
[q46_1_2] Household's net income per month (mk): Net entrepreneurial income
[q46_1_3] Household's net income per month (mk): Pensions (basic, earnings-related, etc.)
[q46_1_4] Household's net income per month (mk): Basic unemployment benefit
[q46_1_5] Household's net income per month (mk): Earnings-related unemployment benefit
[q46_1_6] Household's net income per month (mk): Sick pay
[q46_1_7] Household's net income per month (mk): Income support
[q46_1_8] Household's net income per month (mk): Student grant
[q46_1_9] Household's net income per month (mk): Housing benefit
[q46_1_10] Household's net income per month (mk): Child benefits
[q46_1_11] Household's net income per month (mk): Child home care allowance
[q46_1_12] Household's net income per month (mk): Parental pay (maternity/paternity pay)
[q46_1_13] Household's net income per month (mk): Interest and rental income
[q46_1_14] Household's net income per month (mk): Other income
[q46_2_1] Net income your household has received in the past year, but not at the moment: Net wages
[q46_2_6] Net income your household has received in the past year, but not at the moment: Sick pay
[q47_1] Household's loans in Finnish Marks (approximately): Business loan
[q47_2] Household's loans in Finnish Marks (approximately): House loan
[q47_3] Household's loans in Finnish Marks (approximately): Student loan
[q47_4] Household's loans in Finnish Marks (approximately): Secured loan
[q47_5] Household's loans in Finnish Marks (approximately): Other loan
[q48] Household's average loan payments (Finnish Marks/month)?
[q49] Household's average housing costs excluding loan payments (Finnish Marks(month)
[q52] What do you think the standard of living will be in five years?
[q53] How easy/difficult is it for your household to manage on its current income?
[q54_2] Consequences of financial difficulties for the household: Rescheduling loan repayments
[q54_5] Consequences of financial difficulties for the household: Borrowing money from friends
[q54_6] Consequences of financial difficulties for the household: Own business going bankrupt
[q54_9] Consequences of financial difficulties for the household: None of the above
[q55_1] Has your household had to go short of something in the past year: Food
[q55_3] Has your household had to go short of something in the past year: Visits to the doctor
[q55_4] Has your household had to go short of something in the past year: Medicine purchases
[q55_5] Has your household had to go short of something in the past year: Daily hygiene
[q55_6] Has your household had to go short of something in the past year: New domestic appliances
[q55_8] Has your household had to go short of something in the past year: Newspapers, the media
[q55_9] Has your household had to go short of something in the past year: Holiday trips
[q59_1] Considering your present situation, do you feel you live in poverty?
[q59_2] Considering your income and loan payments, do you feel you are over-indebted?
[q60] What kind of feelings does the present trend in social security policies arise in you?
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