FSD1245 St. Petersburg Sex Survey 1996

Valitse muuttuja


In what kind of dwelling do you live?


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
No permanent dwelling 0 7
In my own or spouse's house (owner-occupied) 1 8
In my own or spouse's flat/apartment (owner-occupied) 2 444
In a dwelling owned by relatives 3 106
In a dwelling rented from the state 4 892
In a dwelling rented privately 5 34
In a dwelling provided by the employer 6 18
In a dwelling owned by a cooperative 7 242
In a communal dwelling (with other people) 8 291
In a hall of residence 9 33
Somewhere else 10 5
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 2080
maksimi 10
minimi 0
keskiarvo 4.53
keskihajonta 2.129

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