FSD1247 Youth and Parliamentary Elections 2003

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[v1] Respondent's location of residence - Major region

[v2] Respondent's location of residence - Municipality type

[v3] Respondent's gender

[v4] Respondent's age

[q1] How interested are you in politics?

[q2_1] Views on politics: Politics is about discussing social issues, participating in elections and standing for elected positions

[q2_2] Views on politics: Politics is a necessary way to take care of common issues

[q2_3] Views on politics: Politics is part of your or your group's/network's activities

[q2_4] Views on politics: Politics is about creating a better and ecologically sustainable world

[q2_5] Views on politics: Personal decisions are political

[q2_6] Views on politics: Politics is a fight between different social classes or groups

[q2_7] Views on politics: Politics is a necessary way to solve problems and conflicts

[q2_8] Views on politics: Politics is an attempt to solve international and global problems

[q2_9] Views on politics: Politics is mumbo-jumbo which one cannot understand

[q2_10] Views on politics: Politics is about dishonest and empty promises

[q2_11] Views on politics: Politics is a playground for influential veteran politicians

[q2_12] Views on politics: Politics is repulsive, dirty game

[q2_13] Views on politics: None of the above

[q2_14] Views on politics: Can't say

[q3_1] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision: Work colleagues or fellow students

[q3_2] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision: Home, parents or relatives

[q3_3] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision: Other friends

[q3_4] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision: News and current affairs articles in newspapers

[q3_5] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision: News and current affairs radio programmes

[q3_6] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision: News and current affairs television programmes

[q3_7] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision: Entertainment programmes on television

[q3_8] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision: Books, magazines and other written sources

[q3_9] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision: Internet

[q3_10] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision: Election campaigns of political parties or candidates

[q3_11] Importance of information sources in relation to voting decision: Voting campaigns of voluntary organisations (e.g. trade union)

[q4] How often did you discuss the recent parliamentray elections with other people?

[q5] Did you use a candidate selector on the Internet to find a suitable candidate?

[q6_1] Anyone can influence political decisions, if they want to

[q6_2] One can influence decisions by voting

[q6_3] Decisions made by politicans have no influence on my life

[q6_4] There is at least one political party which tries to pursue my interests

[q6_5] Political parties are only interested in people's votes, not their opinions

[q6_6] Voting is a civic duty

[q6_7] I think I understand political issues quite well

[q6_8] There was at least one candidate in the parliamentary elections whom I liked

[q6_9] I have no say in what the government and the Parliament decide

[q7_1] Degree of influence when forming opinions about political parties and politicans: Ideas received from primary and secondary education

[q7_2] Degree of influence when forming opinions about political parties and politicans: Ideas received from vocational education

[q7_3] Degree of influence when forming opinions about political parties and politicans: Opinions of fellow employees

[q7_4] Degree of influence when forming opinions about political parties and politicans: Opinions of own parents

[q7_5] Degree of influence when forming opinions about political parties and politicans: Opinions of friends

[q7_6] Degree of influence when forming opinions about political parties and politicans: The media

[q7_7] Degree of influence when forming opinions about political parties and politicans: Actions of political parties and politicans

[q7_8] Degree of influence when forming opinions about political parties and politicans: Self-acquired knowledge of politics

[q7_9] Degree of influence when forming opinions about political parties and politicans: Comments expressed by voluntary organisations

[q8] How satisfied are you with the performance of PM Paavo Lipponen's government?

[q9] Did you vote in the previous parliamentary elections?

[q10] How well did you know the candidate you voted for?

[q11] When did you decide which candidate to vote for?

[q12] When did you decide the candidate of which political party to vote for?

[q13] To which political party did your candidate of choice belong?

[q14] Did you vote for a candidate who is approximately the same age as you?

[q15] Did you vote for a candidate who is of the same gender as you

[q16_1] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's gender

[q16_2] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's age

[q16_3] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's educational background

[q16_4] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's previous experience of politics

[q16_5] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's appearance and style

[q16_6] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Candidate was well known outside political circles

[q16_7] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's opinions and publicly expressed views

[q16_8] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Candidate represented the political party you support

[q16_9] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's election campaign and pre-election publicity

[q16_10] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Candidate was well known among young people (e.g. through sports or entertainment)

[q16_11] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Friend or relative recommended the candidate

[q16_12] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of candidate: Voluntary organisations supported the candidate

[q17_1] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of political party: Party ideology

[q17_2] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of political party: Party has a good chairperson

[q17_3] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of political party: Party has many capable decision-makers

[q17_4] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of political party: Party's performance during the last parliamentray term

[q17_5] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of political party: Party's successful election campaign

[q17_6] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of political party: Desire to support present decision-makers in the governement

[q17_7] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of political party: Desire to change present decision-makers in the government

[q17_8] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of political party: Desire to influence the future government composition

[q17_9] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of political party: Desire to influence the choice of the next Prime Minister

[q17_10] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of political party: Party had good young candidates

[q17_11] To what extent did the following factors influence your choice of political party: Comments from voluntary organisations

[q18_1] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Economic growth

[q18_2] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Finland's economic situation and national debt

[q18_3] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Unemployment

[q18_4] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Status and benefits of employees

[q18_5] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Gender equality

[q18_6] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Poverty and social exclusion

[q18_7] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Taxation

[q18_8] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Educational opportunities

[q18_9] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Social support for families with children

[q18_10] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Social support for young people

[q18_11] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Regional disparities

[q18_12] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Care for the elderly

[q18_13] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Care for the sick

[q18_14] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Crime and police resources

[q18_15] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Drug abuse and drug-related crime

[q18_16] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Prostitution

[q18_17] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Development aid

[q18_18] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Number of immigrants in Finland

[q18_19] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Environmental protection

[q18_20] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Choice of Prime Minister

[q18_21] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Government composition

[q18_22] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Racism and xenophobia

[q18_23] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Finland's Nato membership

[q18_24] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Privatisation of public services

[q18_25] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Quality of public services

[q18_26] Importance of various matters and goals in relation to voting decision: Status and situation of minorities

[q19] How self-evident was it for you not to vote?

[q20_1] Importance of various factors for not voting: You could not find a suitable candidate

[q20_2] Importance of various factors for not voting: You could not find a suitable political party

[q20_3] Importance of various factors for not voting: You could not vote due to a trip, an illness, etc

[q20_4] Importance of various factors for not voting: You could not be bothered to vote

[q20_5] Importance of various factors for not voting: You did not think voting would benefit you in any way

[q20_6] Importance of various factors for not voting: You thought one vote would not make a difference to the outcome of the elections

[q20_7] Importance of various factors for not voting: You do not trust politicians and politics in general

[q20_8] Importance of various factors for not voting: You wanted to protest against politics and politicians

[q20_9] Importance of various factors for not voting: You did not have enough information about candidates

[q20_10] Importance of various factors for not voting: Politics does not interest you

[q20_11] Importance of various factors for not voting: Things are taken care of reasonably well anyway

[q20_12] Importance of various factors for not voting: Did not vote on principle

[q20_13] Importance of various factors for not voting: Elections lacked action and entertainment

[q20_14] Importance of various factors for not voting: There is too much unemployment and inequality in Finland, and voting will not change that

[q20_15] Importance of various factors for not voting: Direct action and civic activism are a better way to influence things

[q20_16] Importance of various factors for not voting: Could not find a good reason to vote

[q21_1] Which would have been a good reason to vote? (open-ended question)

[q21_2] Which would have been a good reason to vote? Can't say

[q22_1] Which of the following parties could you have voted for: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)

[q22_2] Which of the following parties could you have voted for: Center Party of Finland (KESK)

[q22_3] Which of the following parties could you have voted for: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[q22_4] Which of the following parties could you have voted for: Left Alliance (VAS)

[q22_5] Which of the following parties could you have voted for: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[q22_6] Which of the following parties could you have voted for: Green League (VIHR)

[q22_7] Which of the following parties could you have voted for: Christian Democrats in Finland (KD)

[q22_8] Which of the following parties could you have voted for: True Finns (PS)

[q22_9] Which of the following parties could you have voted for: Some other party, please specify

[q22_10] Which of the following parties could you have voted for: No party

[q22_11] Which of the following parties could you have voted for: Can't say

[q23] Have your parents offered you advise or models for voting?

[q24] How satisfied are you with your present financial situation?

[q25_1] Is a member or otherwise involved in: Student union/body or other student association

[q25_2] Is a member or otherwise involved in: Sports club

[q25_3] Is a member or otherwise involved in: Environmental or animal protection organisation/group

[q25_4] Is a member or otherwise involved in: Charitable, humanitarian or disability organisation

[q25_5] Is a member or otherwise involved in: National defence or reservists' organisation

[q25_6] Is a member or otherwise involved in: Political party, or a youth organisation of a political party

[q25_7] Is a member or otherwise involved in: Human rights or peace organisation

[q25_8] Is a member or otherwise involved in: Hobby-related club (e.g. music, photographing)

[q25_9] Is a member or otherwise involved in: Trade union

[q25_10] Is a member or otherwise involved in: Some other organisation

[q25_11] Is a member or otherwise involved in: None of the above

[q25_12] Is a member or otherwise involved in: Can't say

[q26_1] Would you be interested in participating in: Student union/body or other student association

[q26_2] Would you be interested in participating in: Sports club

[q26_3] Would you be interested in participating in: Hobby-related club (e.g. music, photographing)

[q26_4] Would you be interested in participating in: Environmental or animal protection organisation/group

[q26_5] Would you be interested in participating in: Charitable, humanitarian or disability organisation

[q26_6] Would you be interested in participating in: National defence or reservists' organisation

[q26_7] Would you be interested in participating in: Political party, or a youth organisation of a political party

[q26_8] Would you be interested in participating in: Human rights or peace organisation

[q26_9] Would you be interested in participating in: Animal rights organisation/movement

[q26_10] Would you be interested in participating in: Movement opposing globalisation and free trade

[q26_11] Would you be interested in participating in: Movement promoting globalisation and free trade

[q26_12] Would you be interested in participating in: Fair trade organisation or shop

[q26_13] Would you be interested in participating in: Movement opposing immigration to Finland

[q26_14] Would you be interested in participating in: Movement defending the rights of immigrants

[q26_15] Would you be interested in participating in: Some other organisation

[q26_16] Would you be interested in participating in: None of the above

[q26_17] Would you be interested in participating in: Can't say

[q27_1] Form of social participation which you have done/could do: Write to 'letters to the editor'

[q27_2] Form of social participation which you have done/could do: Participate in community association

[q27_3] Form of social participation which you have done/could do: Contact political decision-makers regarding some important issue

[q27_4] Form of social participation which you have done/could do: Sign petitions

[q27_5] Form of social participation which you have done/could do: Join a boycott, avoid purchasing or paying for certain products/services

[q27_6] Form of social participation which you have done/could do: Participate in peaceful demonstrations

[q27_7] Form of social participation which you have done/could do: Take direct action which includes civil disobedience

[q27_8] Form of social participation which you have done/could do: Participate in demonstrations where violence has occurred earlier

[bv1] Respondent's basic education

[bv2] Respondent's vocational education

[bv3] Respondent's present economic activity

[bv4] Respondent's occupational group

[bv5] Household composition

[bv6] Have you been unemployed in the past 12 months?

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