FSD1269 Foreign Students in Finland's Higher Education Institutions 2002
Aineisto on käytettävissä (B) tutkimukseen, opetukseen ja opiskeluun.
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Foreign Students in Finland's Higher Education Institutions 2002
Pysyvät tunnisteet
Aineiston laatu
Kvantitatiivinen aineisto
- Kinnunen, Taina (Student Research Foundation (Otus))
Sisällön kuvaus
The survey charted foreign students' experiences when studying in higher education institutions in Finland and their integration into Finnish society. Respondents were asked whether they had visited Finland before starting their studies and the reason for choosing Finland and their university/polytechnic. Satisfaction with the teaching, guidance, services, progression of their studies and housing were canvassed. Respondents were asked to name the most positive and negative things in their institution and in Finnish society. Some questions focused on credits earned, degree aimed at and future study plans. Respondents were also asked whether they would prefer to study in some other country and would they continue their studies in Finland if tuition fees were introduced.
Funding of the studies was examined. Working respondents were asked whether the work corresponded with their education and prior work experience, how they had learned about the job, what languages they used at work, and what their employment history in Finland was. Satisfaction with the nature of the job, salary and social atmosphere was charted.
Respondents were asked how long they had been in the country, whether their motivation and plans for studying had changed during their stay and what were the advantages or disadvantages of being a foreigner in Finland. Further questions surveyed in which situations respondents felt conscious of their own cultural background, what they missed most about their home country and how would they advise a friend planning to move to Finland. Future plans about studies and staying in Finland were charted. One theme pertained to students' social life (e.g. satisfaction with it, contacts). Values were studied by asking whether career, high income, children, relationships, religion etc. were important to the respondent.
Background variables included respondents' age, sex, citizenship, marital status, mother tongue, children, length of stay in Finland, study institution, previous degrees and language skills.
cultural integration; employment; foreign students; higher education institutions; immigration; social adjustment; social integration; social interaction; tertiary education
- Social sciences (OKM:n tieteenalaluokitus)
- Humanities (OKM:n tieteenalaluokitus)
- Cultural and national identity (CESSDAn aihepiiriluokitus)
- Minorities (CESSDAn aihepiiriluokitus)
Individual datasetsJakelija
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.
- Kinnunen, Taina (Student Research Foundation)
- Student Research Foundation
Ajallinen kattavuus
Aineistonkeruun ajankohta
2002-06-01 – 2002-11-30
Foreign students studying in Finnish higher education institutions (poislukien Helsinki University students)
Tutkimuksen aikaulottuvuus
Probability: Systematic random
The sample was formed by selecting every other foreign student, in alphabetical order, from the student registers of all higher education institutions in Finland (except the University of Helsinki).
The questionnaire was sent to ever other foreign student studying for a degree in any polytechnic or university in Finland, except the University of Helsinki. Polytechnics and universities were asked to produce postal and e-mail addresses of every other foreign student in their registers (in alphabetical order). Some institutions provided only postal addresses. The majority provided all addresses, but some institutions left out the addresses of those student who had specifically forbidden the institution to give out their contact information. The study aimed at a 50% sample of all foreign students, so the sample from some institutions was bigger to cover for missing addresses. The questionnaire was sent both by post and e-mail to those students whose postal and e-mail addresses were known.
Self-administered questionnaire: E-mail
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Keruuväline tai –ohje
Semi-structured questionnaire
Datatiedostojen kieli
Aineistopaketti voi sisältää samoja tiedostoja eri kielisinä.
Aineisto sisältää datatiedostoja seuraavilla kielillä: englanti ja suomi.
Tietoarkisto kääntää kvantitatiivisia datatiedostoja englanniksi. Lisätietoja käännöspyynnön jättämisestä.
Havaintojen ja muuttujien lukumäärä
412 muuttujaa ja 873 havaintoa.
Datan versio
Katso myös
FSD2318 Interviews of Foreign Students in Finland's Higher Education Institutions 2002
FSD2354 International Students in Finnish Universities 2007
Aineiston käytössä huomioitavaa
Data about the main and secondary subjects of respondents (question 9) are missing.
There are no weight variables in the data.
The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.
Kinnunen, Taina (Student Research Foundation (Otus)): Foreign Students in Finland's Higher Education Institutions 2002 [dataset]. Version 2.0 (2018-07-12). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD1269
Julkaisusta tiedottaminen
Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.
The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.
Julkaisut aineistosta
Kinnunen, Taina (2003). If I can find a good job after graduation, I may stay. Ulkomaalaisten tutkinto-opiskelijoiden integroituminen Suomeen. Helsinki: Kansainvälisen henkilövaihdon keskus CIMO & Opiskelijajärjestöjen tutkimussäätiö Otus rs. Occasional Paper 2B/2003.
Pajunen, Pauliina (2016) Vieraalla maalla. Kansainvälisten työntekijöiden haasteet työyhteisöön sovittautumisessa Helsingin yliopiston matemaattis-luonnontieteellisessä tiedekunnassa. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Kasvatustieteiden ja psykologian osasto, Itä-Suomen yliopisto.
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Aineiston kuvailu on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssin mukaisesti.