FSD1284 Sport Survey 2001-2002: Adult Population

Valitse muuttuja


Who organises these activities, with whom do you do figure skating: 2nd mention


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
Only the ones mentioned above 0 2
Sports club/association/organisation 1 0
Other sports club/association 2 0
Adult education institution or centre 3 0
Organised otherwise by the municipality 4 0
Organised or paid by the workplace 5 0
Organised by the school/educational institution 6 0
Private sports centre/facility, commercial venue 7 0
Special group sports club (e.g. for the disabled) 8 0
Organised by the parish 9 0
National health organisation 10 0
Social work organisation 11 0
Pensioner/retired association 12 0
On my own 13 0
With a group of friends 14 2
Some other way 98 0
Can't say 99 0
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 4
maksimi 14
minimi 0
keskiarvo 7.00
keskihajonta 8.083

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