FSD2046 Politics and Young People 1988

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_pro] FSD processing level

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1] How interested would you say you are in politics?

[q2] How important do you thinks politics is in society, that is, to what extent politics influences how things go on?

[q3] To what extent do you trust that politicians and other decision-makers can solve the biggest problems facing young people, such as getting a job, education or housing?

[q4] To what extent would you say politics and political decision-making affect your own life?

[q5] How stable would you say your political views are?

[q6] And have you formed a clear viewpoint on different political doctrines such as conservatism, liberalism and socialism?

[q7] How stable is your political party identification?

[q8_1] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[q8_2] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[q8_3] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: Liberal Party (LKP)

[q8_4] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: Constitutional Party of Finland (POP)

[q8_5] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[q8_6] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: Democratic League of the People of Finland (SKDL)

[q8_7] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: Democratic Alternative (DEVA)

[q8_8] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: Christian League of Finland (SKL)

[q8_9] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: Finnish Rural Party (SMP)

[q8_10] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[q8_11] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: Green League (VIHR)

[q8_12] On a scale from 1 to 9 where 1 means extreme left and 9 extreme right, where would you place this political party: Finnish Pensioners' Party (SEP)

[q8_13] Where would you place yourself on the same left-right political scale?

[q9] How easy it is for you to choose between different political parties or groups?

[q10_a] Differences in people's social position are acceptable because it indicates whether they have made use of their life chances

[q10_b] Voting is the only way that people like me can have any say about how the Government and Parliament run things

[q10_c] There is incitement for private enterprise only if differences in income and social position are large enough

[q10_d] People like me have no say in what the Government and Parliament do

[q10_e] On the whole, I would say social differences in Finland are justified

[q10_f] Sometimes politics and government seem so complicated that a person like me can't really understand what is going on

[q10_g] It doesn't really matter which parties form the Government, in the end things go on much the same

[q10_h] Political parties are only interested in people's votes, not in their opinions

[q11_a] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[q11_b] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[q11_c] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: Liberal Party (LKP)

[q11_d] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: Constitutional Party of Finland (POP)

[q11_e] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[q11_f] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: Democratic League of the People of Finland (SKDL)

[q11_g] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: Democratic Alternative (DEVA)

[q11_h] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: Christian League of Finland (SKL)

[q11_i] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: Finnish Rural Party (SMP)

[q11_j] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[q11_k] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: Green League (VIHR)

[q11_l] What is your attitude to the following political party or group: Finnish Pensioners' Party (SEP)

[q12_1] Which of the following reasons is the most important for your political party or group choice?

[q12_2] Which of the following reasons is the second most important for your political party or group choice?

[q13_1] Which of the following is the most important for your candidate choice in elections?

[q13_2] Which of the following is the second most important for your candidate choice in elections?

[q14] How should citizens view elections and voting?

[q15] What kind of voters are/were your parents?

[q16] Have you used your right to vote?

[q17] And do you plan to use your right to vote in the future?

[q18_1] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Sign a petition

[q18_2] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Take part in a demonstration

[q18_3] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Write a statement in my own words

[q18_4] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Participate in the activities of a political party

[q18_5] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Participate in the activities of a voluntary/civic organisation

[q18_6] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Contact a politician

[q18_7] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Contact a civil servant/public official

[q18_8] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Write a Letter to the Editor

[q18_9] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Make a complaint

[q18_10] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Vote for another party

[q18_11] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Some other way

[q18_12] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: It would be no use to do anything

[q18_13] Suppose a law were being considered by Parliament that you considered unjust or harmful. What would you be willing do to try to prevent it: Can't say/No answer

[q19] On the whole, would you say the political system in Finland works well or not?

[q20_a] Which of the following makes you proud of Finland: Its scientific achievements

[q20_b] Which of the following makes you proud of Finland: Its achievements in sports

[q20_c] Which of the following makes you proud of Finland: Its Parliament and political system

[q20_d] Which of the following makes you proud of Finland: Its achievements in the arts and literature

[q20_e] Which of the following makes you proud of Finland: Its economic achievements and success in economic markets

[q20_f] Which of the following makes you proud of Finland: Its social security and health care systems

[q21_a] Members of Parliament and ministers make decisions following guidelines given by the party leaders, not following their conscience

[q21_b] Politicians do not give a real picture of themselves in public, only the idealised image created by advertising agencies

[q21_c] Politicians do not pay attention to sensible viewpoints if supporting these viewpoints does not earn them secure votes

[q21_d] Politicians waste money and go travelling on the taxpayer's expense

[q21_e] Politicians protect each other even when they have broken the law

[q21_f] Most people who become politicians are unscrupulous and hungry for publicity

[q21_g] Politicians are more interested in meeting photographers and journalists working for the press, TV and radio than meeting ordinary citizens

[q22_a] Finland should join the European Community (EC)

[q22_b] Finland should adopt universal basic income (UBI)

[q22_c] Finnish women should be paid for giving birth

[q22_d] It should be possible to buy wine from grocery shops

[q22_e] The powers of the President should be limited

[q22_f] The period of service of conscientious objectors whould be shortened back to be the same as the military service period

[q22_g] Defence costs should be cut

[q22_h] Marginal tax ratio should be lowered

[q22_i] Finland should stop using nuclear power

[q22_j] Working hours should be reduced

[q22_k] Development aid should be increased

[q22_l] Private health care services should be increased

[q22_m] Finland should accept more refugees than it does at present

[q23_a] The state and municipalities should redistribute income from the better-off to those who are less well off

[q23_b] Owners of big businesses get rich at the expense of workers

[q23_c] Nowadays, too many people want to rely on support from Government

[q23_d] Ordinary taxpayers do not get their fair share of the nation's wealth

[q23_e] Most people who get social security don't really deserve any help

[q23_f] Cause for unemployment most often lies with the person him/herself

[q23_g] There is one law for the rich and one for the poor

[q23_h] These days, the welfare state makes people less willing to look after themselves

[q23_i] If social security benefits were not so generous, people would learn to stand on their own feet

[q23_j] Cooperation between workers and management in enterprises is impossible because they are on opposite sides

[q23_k] Young people today do not have enough respect for traditional Finnish values

[q23_l] People who break the law should be given stiffer sentences

[q23_m] Management will always try to get better of employees if it gets the chance

[q23_n] For some crimes, death penalty is the most appropriate sentence

[q23_o] Schools should teach children to obey authority

[q23_p] The law should always be obeyed, even if a particular law is wrong

[q23_q] Censorship of films and magazines is necessary to uphold moral standards

[q24] How would you define politics?

[q25_1] How often do you follow political events from this source: Newspapers

[q25_2] How often do you follow political events from this source: Magazines

[q25_3] How often do you follow political events from this source: YLE television news

[q25_4] How often do you follow political events from this source: MTV television news

[q25_5] How often do you follow political events from this source: News and current affairs programs on the radio

[q25_6] How often do you follow political events from this source: Current affairs programs on TV

[q25_7] How often do you follow political events from this source: News and current affairs programmes broadcasted via cable television (e.g. Super Channel or CNN)

[q25_8] How often do you follow political events from this source: News or current affairs programs in Swedish

[q25_9] How often do you follow political events from this source: Other sources

[q26_1] And how often do you discuss politics with: Your parents

[q26_2] And how often do you discuss politics with: Spouse, live-in or other steady partner

[q26_3] And how often do you discuss politics with: Co-workers

[q26_4] And how often do you discuss politics with: Fellow students

[q26_5] And how often do you discuss politics with: Siblings or other relatives

[q26_6] And how often do you discuss politics with: Casual acquaintances

[q27] Respondent's gender

[q28] Respondent's place of residence

[q30_1] Respondent's year of birth

[q30_2] Respondent's age group

[q31] Respondent's marital status

[q32] Do you have children?

[q33] Number of children

[q34] Respondent's housing tenure and living arrangements

[q35] Which of the following best describes your current situation?

[q36] Respondent's occupational status

[q37] Respondent's field of study

[q38] Respondent's occupational status (currently or before unemployment)

[q39] Respondent's education

[q40] Respondent's mother tongue

[q41] Occupational status and economic activity of the respondent's father

[q42] Education of the respondent's father

[q43] Occupational status and economic activity of the respondent's mother

[q44] Education of the respondent's mother

[q45] Occupational status and economic activity of the respondent's spouse

[q46] Education of the respondent's spouse

[q47_1] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Sport club

[q47_2] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Youth organisation

[q47_3] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Human rights or development aid organisation, charity (e.g. Red Cross, Amnesty International)

[q47_4] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Religious organisation

[q47_5] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Political party or other political organisation

[q47_6] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Culture, art or science association/organisation

[q47_7] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Environmental protection organisation

[q47_8] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Friendship society (e.g. Finland-Vietnam-Society etc)

[q47_9] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Inhabitant or neighbourhood association/organisation

[q47_10] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Peace organisation

[q47_11] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Women's organisation

[q47_12] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Student organisation

[q47_13] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Trade union

[q47_14] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Study group, folk high school or other adult education centre

[q47_15] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: National defence organisation

[q47_16] Are you a member of any of the following groups, associations or organisations: Some other voluntary/civic organisation

[q48] If you think about your future, would you like your life to resemble the life of your parents? Would you like your life to be mainly similar, partly similar or totally different?

[q49] Were you born in Helsinki, Espoo or Vantaa?

[q50] (IF NOT BORN IN HELSINKI, ESPOO OR VANTAA) In which municipality were you born?

[q51] In which year did you move to the capital area?

[q52] From which municipality did you move to the capital area

[q53] Can you assess what your personal annual gross income is, or alternatively your monthly gross income (before taxes)?

[q54] Can you assess what the annual gross or monthly gross income of your household is (before taxes)?

[q55] Have you been unemployed during the past two years?

[q56] (FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN UNEMPLOYED) How long have you been unemployed altogether during the past two years?

[q57] How important hard work and doing well through hard work are to you?

[q58_1] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Technology

[q58_2] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Public figures, famous people

[q58_3] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Science

[q58_4] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Nature and animals

[q58_5] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Arts and architecture

[q58_6] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Economical issues

[q58_7] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Literature

[q58_8] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Sports

[q58_9] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Politics

[q58_10] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Fashion, beauty, interior decoration

[q58_11] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Computers

[q58_12] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Social issues

[q58_13] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Health

[q58_14] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Music

[q58_15] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: International events

[q58_16] How much attention do you pay to newspaper, television or radio coverage of: Handicraft, DIY (do-it-yourself)

[q59_1] How much do you think you spend on an average month on: Records, CDs, cassettes (Finnish marks/month)?

[q59_2] How much do you think you spend on an average month on: Movies (Finnish marks/month)?

[q59_3] How much do you think you spend on an average month on: Going to pubs or discos (Finnish marks/month)?

[q59_4] How much do you think you spend on an average month on: Food (Finnish marks/month)?

[q59_5] How much do you think you spend on an average month on: Motor vehicles such as cars or motorcycles etc (Finnish marks/month)?

[q59_6] How much do you think you spend on an average month on: Sport and exercise (Finnish marks/month)?

[q59_7] How much do you think you spend on an average month on: Other hobbies (Finnish marks/month)?

[q59_8] How much do you think you spend on an average month on: Clothes (Finnish marks/month)?

[q59_9] How much do you think you spend on an average month on: Saving to buy a home or paying home loan (Finnish marks/month)?

[q60] Do you take any regular sport or exercise?

[q61] (IF YES) What sport/exercise do you undertake?

[q62_1] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: TV1, TV2

[q62_2] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: TV3

[q62_3] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: Radio-City

[q62_4] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: Radio Ykkönen

[q62_5] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: HTV-Viihdekanava

[q62_6] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: Elokuvakanava (movie channel)

[q62_7] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: Screensport

[q62_8] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: Arts Channel

[q62_9] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: Sky Channel

[q62_10] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: Super Channel

[q62_11] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: Tallinn

[q62_12] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: TV5

[q62_13] Which radio and/or television channel do regularly listen to/watch at home: MTV Music Channel

[q63a_1] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Meet friends

[q63a_2] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Go to the library

[q63a_3] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Go shopping for clothes

[q63a_4] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Watch TV

[q63a_5] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Do sports, take exercise

[q63a_6] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Eat in a restaurant

[q63a_7] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Listen to music

[q63a_8] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Go out to have a drink

[q63a_9] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Read literature

[q63a_10] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Visit a solarium

[q63a_11] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Cook a meal at home

[q63a_12] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Visit relatives

[q63a_13] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Wash laundry

[q63a_14] How often do you do the following after work or study activities on a weekday: Go to the movies

[q63b_1] And how often do you: Go to a disco

[q63b_2] And how often do you: Go to theatre

[q63b_3] And how often do you: Go to a concert

[q63b_4] And how often do you: Do lotto (lottery) or the pools

[q63b_5] And how often do you: Do activities connected to an elected office or participate in the activities of a voluntary organisation

[q63b_6] And how often do you: Study independently

[q63b_7] And how often do you: Go to a rock club

[q63b_8] And how often do you: Visit an arts or photographic exhibition

[q64] How many times have you travelled outside the Nordic countries during the past two years?

[q65] If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you particularly want to travel?

[q66] Your favourite band, singer or musician at present is...

[qv1] If the parliamentary elections were held now, the candidate of which political party or group would you vote for?

[qv2] And the candidate of which party or group did you vote for in the year 1987 parliamentary elections?

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