FSD2133 ISSP 2005: Work Orientations III: Finnish Data
Julkaisut aineistosta
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Ingrid Esser & Arvid Lindh. 2018. "Job Preferences in Comparative Perspective 1989-2015: A Multidimensional Evaluation of Individual and Contextual Influences", International Journal of Sociology." International Journal of Sociology 48(2): 27.
Leah Ruppanner, Rennie Lee & Matt Huffman 2018. Do Mothers Benefit from Flexible Work? Cross-National Evidence for Work Time, Job Quality, and Satisfaction. International Journal of Sociology 48(2): 17.
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Tyrowicz, Joanna, and Magdalena Smyk. 2019. Wage Inequality and Structural Change. Social Indicators Research 141(2): 503-538.
Shoss, Mindy K., Bradley J. Brummel, Tahira M. Probst, and Lixin Jiang. 2019. The Joint Importance of Secure and Satisfying Work: Insights from Three Studies. Journal of Business and Psychology Online first.
Bullock, Justin B.; Hansen, Jesper Rosenberg and Houston, David J. . 2018. Sector Differences in Employee's Perceived Importance of Income and Job Security: Can These be Found Across the Contexts of Countries, Cultures, and Occupations? International Public Management Journal 21(2): 28.
Laffranchini, Giacomo, Si Hyun Kim, and Richard A. Posthuma. 2018. A metacultural approach to predicting self-employment across the globe. International Business Review 27: 481-500.
Jiang, Lixin, and Tahira Probst. 2017. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer: Country- and state-level income inequality moderates the job insecurity-burnout relationship. Journal of Applied Psychology 102(4): 672-81.
Probst, Tahira A, and Lixin Jiang. 2017. European flexicurity policies: Multilevel effects on employee psychosocial reactions to job insecurity. Safety Science Online first.
Dixon, Jeffrey C., Destinee B. Mccollum, and Andrew S. Fullerton. 2018. Who Is a Part-Time Worker Around the World and Why Does It Matter? Examining the Quality of Employment Measures and Workers' Perceived Job Quality. Sociological Spectrum 38(1): 1-23.
Hajdu, Gábor, and Endre Sik. 2018. Do People Have Different Views on Work by Age, Period and Birth Cohort? International Journal of Sociology 48(2): 17.
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