FSD2133 ISSP 2005: Work Orientations III: Finnish Data

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[k1] Respondent's sex

[k2] Respondent's year of birth

[k3] Respondent's marital status

[k4] Are you at the moment cohabiting with a spouse or steady partner?

[k4b] I have been living with him/her since...

[k5] How many people live in your household?

[k6] Number of adults aged 18 and over in the household

[k7] Number of children/young people aged 7-17 in the household

[k8] Number of children aged under 7 in the household

[k9_1] Year of birth for children/young people aged under 18 living in the household

[k9_2] Year of birth for children/young people aged under 18 living in the household

[k9_3] Year of birth for children/young people aged under 18 living in the household

[k9_4] Year of birth for children/young people aged under 18 living in the household

[k9_5] Year of birth for children/young people aged under 18 living in the household

[k9_6] Year of birth for children/young people aged under 18 living in the household

[k9_7] Year of birth for children/young people aged under 18 living in the household

[k9_8] Year of birth for children/young people aged under 18 living in the household

[k10a] What is your education?

[k10b] What is the education of your spouse?

[k11] How many years have you gone to school or studied altogether?

[k11b] Still studying...

[k12a] Which of the following alternatives best describes your current situation?

[k12b] Which of the following alternatives best describes the current situation of your spouse?

[k13a] What is your current or latest occupation or the occupation you are currently studying for?

[k13b] What is your spouse's current or latest occupation or the occupation he/she is currently studying for?

[k14a] Respondent's current or latest employment sector

[k14b] Spouse's current or latest employment sector

[k15] How many hours do you usually work in an average week?

[k16] How many hours does your spouse usually work in an average week?

[k17] Respondent's employment type

[k17b] Do you employ people? If so, how many employees?

[k18] In your current work, do you supervise any other employees, i.e., are there people who are directly responsible to you?

[k19a] At your work, are you directly responsible for any of the following matters: Assigning specific tasks to your subordinates

[k19b] At your work, are you directly responsible for any of the following matters: Deciding on the work methods, tools or materials your subordinates use when working

[k19c] At your work, are you directly responsible for any of the following matters: Deciding on the pace of work, the length of the working day, or the workload of your subordinates

[k20a] Is your employer the state, a municipality, a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise?

[k20b] Is the employer of your spouse the state, a municipality, a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise?

[k21] Are you a member of a trade union?

[k22] Did you vote in the last parliamentary elections in 2003?

[k23] If the parliamentary elections were held right now, the candidate of which political party or group would you vote for?

[k24] Do you belong to a church or other religious denomination?

[k25] How often do you attend worship services or other religious services, ceremonies or events?

[k26] What is the average total monthly income of your household before tax (= gross income), including taxable social security benefits?

[k27] What is your own average monthly income before tax (= gross income)?

[k28] There are different classes in our society. Some social classes are higher and some lower. On the following scale, where would you place yourself?

[k29] Do you live...

[k30a] Which of the things on the following list would you like to spend more time on, which would you like to spend less time on and which would you like to spend the same amount of time on as now: Time in a paid job

[k30b] Which of the things on the following list would you like to spend more time on, which would you like to spend less time on and which would you like to spend the same amount of time on as now: Time doing household work

[k30c] Which of the things on the following list would you like to spend more time on, which would you like to spend less time on and which would you like to spend the same amount of time on as now: Time with your family

[k30d] Which of the things on the following list would you like to spend more time on, which would you like to spend less time on and which would you like to spend the same amount of time on as now: Time with your friends

[k30e] Which of the things on the following list would you like to spend more time on, which would you like to spend less time on and which would you like to spend the same amount of time on as now: Time in leisure activities

[k31a] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: A job is just a way of earning money - no more

[k31b] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: I would enjoy having a paid job even if I did not need the money

[k32a] How important do you personally think is: Job security

[k32b] How important do you personally think is: High income

[k32c] How important do you personally think is: Good opportunities for advancement

[k32d] How important do you personally think is: An interesting job

[k32e] How important do you personally think is: A job that allows someone to work independently

[k32f] How important do you personally think is: A job that allows someone to help other people

[k32g] How important do you personally think is: A job that is useful to society

[k32h] How important do you personally think is: A job that allows someone to decide their times or days of work

[k33a] Suppose you were working and could choose between different kinds of jobs. Which of the following would you personally choose?

[k33b] Suppose you were working and could choose between different kinds of jobs. Which of the following would you personally choose?

[k33c] Suppose you were working and could choose between different kinds of jobs. Which of the following would you personally choose?

[k34a] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Employees have more job security than the self-employed

[k34b] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Being an employee interferes more with family life than self-employment

[k35a] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Trade unions are very important for the job security of employees

[k35b] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Without trade unions the working conditions of employees would be much worse than they are

[k36] Suppose you could decide on your work situation at present. Which of the following would you prefer?

[k37] Are you currently working for pay?

[k38] Think of the number of hours you work, and the money you earn in your main job, including any regular overtime. If you had only one of these three choices, which of the following would you prefer?

[k39a] For each of these statements, how much you agree or disagree that it applies to your job: My job is secure

[k39b] For each of these statements, how much you agree or disagree that it applies to your job: My income is high

[k39c] For each of these statements, how much you agree or disagree that it applies to your job: My opportunities for advancement are high

[k39d] For each of these statements, how much you agree or disagree that it applies to your job: My job is interesting

[k39e] For each of these statements, how much you agree or disagree that it applies to your job: I can work independently

[k39f] For each of these statements, how much you agree or disagree that it applies to your job: In my job I can help other people

[k39g] For each of these statements, how much you agree or disagree that it applies to your job: My job is useful to society

[k39h] For each of these statements, how much you agree or disagree that it applies to your job: My job gives me a chance to improve my skills

[k40a] How often: Do you come home from work exhausted

[k40b] How often: Do you have to do hard physical work

[k40c] How often: Do you find your work stressful

[k40d] How often: Do you work in dangerous conditions

[k41] Which of the following statements best describes how your working hours are decided?

[k42] Which of the following statements best describes how your daily work is organised?

[k43] How difficult would it be for you to take an hour or two off during working hours, to take care of personal or family matters?

[k44a] How often do you feel that: The demands of your job interfere with your family life

[k44b] How often do you feel that: The demands of your family life interfere with your job

[k45] How much of your past work experience and/or job skills can you make use of in your present job?

[k46] If you were to look for a new job, how helpful would your present work experience and/or job skills be?

[k47] Over the past 12 months, have you had any training to improve your job skills, either at the workplace or somewhere else?

[k48a] In general, how would you describe relations at your workplace: Between management and employees

[k48b] In general, how would you describe relations at your workplace: Between workmates/colleagues

[k49] How satisfied are you in your (main) job?

[k50a] To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: I am willing to work harder than I have to in order to help the firm or organisation I work for succeed

[k50b] To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: I am proud to be working for my firm or organisation

[k50c] To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: I would turn down another job that offered quite a bit more pay in order to stay with this organisation

[k51] How difficult or easy do you think it would be for you to find a job at least as good as your current one?

[k52] How difficult or easy do you think it would be for your firm or organisation to replace you if you left?

[k53] All in all, how likely is it that you will try to find a job with another firm or organisation within the next 12 months?

[k54] To what extent, if at all, do you worry about the possibility of losing your job?

[k55a] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: In order to avoid unemployment I would be willing to accept a job that requires new skills

[k55b] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: In order to avoid unemployment I would be willing to accept a position with lower pay

[k55c] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: In order to avoid unemployment I would be willing to accept temporary employment

[k55d] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: In order to avoid unemployment I would be willing to travel longer to get to work

[k56] In addition to your main job, do you do any other work for additional income?

[k57] How much of your working time do you spend using a computer?

[k58] Is your work of that kind that it is necessary for you to plan your work tasks and implement your own ideas in it?

[k59a] Does your position enable you to decide on the following matters or to make suggestions or proposals concerning them: Increasing or decreasing the number of permanent jobs

[k59b] Does your position enable you to decide on the following matters or to make suggestions or proposals concerning them: Changing the daily pace of work or workload at your workplace

[k59c] Does your position enable you to decide on the following matters or to make suggestions or proposals concerning them: Decisions concerning the budget

[k59d] Does your position enable you to decide on the following matters or to make suggestions or proposals concerning them: Investing in new machines and equipment

[k59e] Does your position enable you to decide on the following matters or to make suggestions or proposals concerning them: Deciding on the division of labour and assignment of tasks

[k60] Have you ever had a paid job for one year or more?

[k61] When did your last paid job end?

[k62] What was the main reason that your job ended?

[k63] Would you like to have a paid job, either now or in the future?

[k64] How likely do you think it is that you would find a job?

[k65] Are you currently looking for a job?

[k66a] Thinking about the last 12 months, have you done any of the following in order to find a job: Registered at a public employment agency

[k66b] Thinking about the last 12 months, have you done any of the following in order to find a job: Registered at a private employment agency

[k66c] Thinking about the last 12 months, have you done any of the following in order to find a job: Answered advertisements for jobs

[k66d] Thinking about the last 12 months, have you done any of the following in order to find a job: Advertised for a job in newspaper or journals

[k66e] Thinking about the last 12 months, have you done any of the following in order to find a job: Applied directly to employers

[k66f] Thinking about the last 12 months, have you done any of the following in order to find a job: Asked relatives, friends, or colleagues to help you find a job

[k67] Over the past 12 months, have you had any training to improve your job skills?

[k68] What is your main source of economic support?

[bv1] Region of residence (NUTS 3)

[bv2] Type of municipality

[paino_1] Weight variable 1

[paino_2] Weight variable 2

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