FSD2274 Finnish Voter Barometers 1992-2005: Combined Data

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_pro] FSD procesesing level

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[v1] Household size

[v1b] Living arrangements

[v2] Number of children aged under 20 in the household

[v2b] Number of children aged under 21 in the household

[v3_1] Age of the children: No children

[v3_2] Age of the children: Under 1 year

[v3_3] Age of the children: 1 year

[v3_4] Age of the children: 2-3 years

[v3_5] Age of the children: 4-6 years

[v3_6] Age of the children: 7-11 years

[v3_7] Age of the children: 12-15 years

[v3_8] Age of the children: 16-20 years

[v3b_1] Age of the children: No children

[v3b_2] Age of the children: Under 1 year

[v3b_3] Age of the children: 1 year

[v3b_4] Age of the children: 2-3 years

[v3b_5] Age of the children: 4-6 years

[v3b_6] Age of the children: 7-9 years

[v3b_7] Age of the children: 10-11 years

[v3b_8] Age of the children: 12-13 years

[v3b_9] Age of the children: 14-15 years

[v3b_10] Age of the children: 16-18 years

[v3b_11] Age of the children: 19-20 years

[v3c_1] Age of the oldest child living in the household

[v3c_2] Age of the second oldest child living in the household

[v3c_3] Age of the third oldest child living in the household

[v3c_4] Age of the fourth oldest child living in the household

[v3c_5] Age of the fifth oldest child living in the household

[v3c_6] Age of the sixth oldest child living in the household

[v3c_7] Age of the seventh oldest child living in the household

[v3c_8] Age of the eighth oldest child living in the household

[v3c_9] Age of the ninth oldest child living in the household

[v4] Annual gross income in Finnish marks

[v4b] Annual gross income in Finnish marks

[v4c] Average combined monthly net income of the household members (in Finnish marks)

[v4d] Other average combined monthly income of the household (in Finnish marks)

[v4e] How would you describe your and your household's financial circumstances at the moment?

[v4f] Respondent's type of accommodation

[v4g] Respondent's housing tenure

[v4h] Annual gross income

[v4i] Annual gross income (in euros)

[v4j] Average combined monthly net income of the household members (in euros)

[v4k] Other average combined monthly income of the household (in euros)

[v5] Type of location

[v5b] Number of inhabitants in the municipality

[v5c] Municipality of residence

[v5d] Type of municipality

[v6] Province of residence

[v7] Econimic activity and occupational status the head of household

[v8] Respondent's gender

[v9] Respondent's year of birth

[v10] Is the respondent the person with the highest income in the household?

[v11] Respondent's marital status

[v12] At what age ended full-time education

[v12b] At what age ended full-time education

[v13] Respondent's basic education

[v13b] Respondent's basic education

[v14] Respondent's vocational or other education

[v15] Respondent's economic activity and occupational status

[v16] How many hours per week the respondent normally works

[v17] Respondent's industry of employment

[v18] Respondent's employer

[v19] Respondent's membership in a trade union

[v20] Which political party or group did you vote for in the last parliamentary elections <in xxxx>?

[v20b] Which political party or group did you vote for in the last municipal elections <in xxxx>?

[v20c] Which political party or group did you vote for in the last European Parliament elections <in xxxx>?

[v21_1] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party or group would you vote for?

[v21_2] If you could not vote for the candidate of the party you chose in the previous question, the candidate of which party would be your next choice?

[v21_2b] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference?

[v22] Respondent's age

[v23_1] How positive or negative is your attitude towards the Centre Party of Finland (KESK)?

[v23_2] How positive or negative is your attitude towards the Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)?

[v23_3] How positive or negative is your attitude towards the National Coalition Party (KOK)?

[v23_4] How positive or negative is your attitude towards the Left Alliance (VAS)?

[v23_5] How positive or negative is your attitude towards the Green League (VIHR)?

[v24a] How well the government formed after the last parliamentary elections has succeeded in its tasks so far?

[v24b] How well have the opposition parties succeeded in their opposition politics?

[v24c] How would you assess the performance of the Government considering the circumstances in which it has had to operate?

[v24a_1] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of children

[v24a_2] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of young people

[v24a_3] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of families with children

[v24a_4] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of the elderly and the retired

[v24a_5] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of workers

[v24a_6] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of farmers

[v24a_7] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of enterprises

[v24a_8] How well the Government has succeeded in: Environmental protection

[v24a_9] How well the Government has succeeded in: Organising energy production

[v24a_10] How well the Government has succeeded in: Promoting energy saving

[v24a_11] How well the Government has succeeded in: Promoting public transport

[v24a_12] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of private motor vehicle transport (private motoring)

[v24a_13] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of city dwellers

[v24a_14] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of rural dwellers

[v24a_15] How well the Government has succeeded in: Finland's participation in the European integration

[v24a_16] How well the Government has succeeded in: Improving national economy

[v24a_17] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of your family and yourself

[v24a_18] How well the Government has succeeded in: Lowering prices

[v24a_19] How well the Government has succeeded in: Housing

[v24a_20] How well the Government has succeeded in: Taxation

[v24a_21] How well the Government has succeeded in: EU policy

[v24a_22] How well the Government has succeeded in: Preventing price rises

[v24a_23] How well the Government has succeeded in: Issues relating to European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)

[v24a_24] How well the Government has succeeded in: Security and defence policy

[v24a_25] How well the Government has succeeded in: Employment policy

[v24a_26] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of the unemployed and the laid-off

[v24a_27] How well the Government has succeeded in: Reducing Finland's foreign debt

[v24a_28] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of export companies

[v24a_29] How well the Government has succeeded in: Environmental protection

[v24a_30] How well the Government has succeeded in: Health care

[v24a_31] How well the Government has succeeded in: Social security

[v24a_32] How well the Government has succeeded in: Education and culture

[v24a_33] How well the Government has succeeded in: Responding to the needs of employees

[v24a_34] How well the Government has succeeded in: Cooperation with voluntary/civic organisations and NGOs

[v24a_35] How well the Government has succeeded in: Citizen's safety and security (e.g. preventing crime)

[v24a_36] How well the Government has succeeded in: Cooperation with labour market organisations, voluntary/civic organisations and NGOs

[v24a_37] How well the Government has succeeded in: Municipal economy and services

[v24a_38] How well the Government has succeeded in: Achieving its own goals

[v25_1a] Responds to the needs of ordinary people: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_1b] Responds to the needs of ordinary people: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_1c] Responds to the needs of ordinary people: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_1d] Responds to the needs of ordinary people: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_1k] Responds to the needs of ordinary people: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_1y] Responds to the needs of ordinary people: None of these parties

[v25_1z] Responds to the needs of ordinary people: Can't say

[v25_2a] Reforms society: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_2b] Reforms society: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_2c] Reforms society: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_2d] Reforms society: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_2k] Reforms society: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_2y] Reforms society: None of these parties

[v25_2z] Reforms society: Can't say

[v25_3a] Incompetent Leaders: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_3b] Incompetent Leaders: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_3c] Incompetent Leaders: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_3d] Incompetent Leaders: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_3k] Incompetent Leaders: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_3y] Incompetent Leaders: None of these parties

[v25_3z] Incompetent Leaders: Can't say

[v25_4a] Acts contrary to my own interests: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_4b] Acts contrary to my own interests: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_4c] Acts contrary to my own interests: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_4d] Acts contrary to my own interests: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_4k] Acts contrary to my own interests: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_4y] Acts contrary to my own interests: None of these parties

[v25_4z] Acts contrary to my own interests: Can't say

[v25_5a] Active and successful in looking after the interests of its supporters: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_5b] Active and successful in looking after the interests of its supporters: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_5c] Active and successful in looking after the interests of its supporters: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_5d] Active and successful in looking after the interests of its supporters: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_5k] Active and successful in looking after the interests of its supporters: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_5y] Active and successful in looking after the interests of its supporters: None of these parties

[v25_5z] Active and successful in looking after the interests of its supporters: Can't say

[v25_6a] Suppresses (conceals) information: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_6b] Suppresses (conceals) information: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_6c] Suppresses (conceals) information: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_6d] Suppresses (conceals) information: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_6k] Suppresses (conceals) information: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_6y] Suppresses (conceals) information: None of these parties

[v25_6z] Suppresses (conceals) information: Can't say

[v25_7a] Acts arrogantly: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_7b] Acts arrogantly: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_7c] Acts arrogantly: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_7d] Acts arrogantly: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_7k] Acts arrogantly: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_7y] Acts arrogantly: None of these parties

[v25_7z] Acts arrogantly: Can't say

[v25_8a] My trust in this party has increased: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_8b] My trust in this party has increased: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_8c] My trust in this party has increased: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_8d] My trust in this party has increased: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_8k] My trust in this party has increased: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_8y] My trust in this party has increased: None of these parties

[v25_8z] My trust in this party has increased: Can't say

[v25_9a] Has promoted issues important to all Finns and Finland: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_9b] Has promoted issues important to all Finns and Finland: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_9c] Has promoted issues important to all Finns and Finland: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_9d] Has promoted issues important to all Finns and Finland: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_9k] Has promoted issues important to all Finns and Finland: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_9y] Has promoted issues important to all Finns and Finland: None of these parties

[v25_9z] Has promoted issues important to all Finns and Finland: Can't say

[v25_10a] My trust in this party has decreased: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_10b] My trust in this party has decreased: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_10c] My trust in this party has decreased: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_10d] My trust in this party has decreased: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_10k] My trust in this party has decreased: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_10y] My trust in this party has decreased: None of these parties

[v25_10z] My trust in this party has decreased: Can't say

[v25_11a] Able and competent to handle EU issues: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_11b] Able and competent to handle EU issues: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_11c] Able and competent to handle EU issues: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_11d] Able and competent to handle EU issues: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_11k] Able and competent to handle EU issues: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_11y] Able and competent to handle EU issues: None of these parties

[v25_11z] Able and competent to handle EU issues: Can't say

[v25_12a] Honest and frank about its goals: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_12b] Honest and frank about its goals: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_12c] Honest and frank about its goals: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_12d] Honest and frank about its goals: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_12k] Honest and frank about its goals: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_12y] Honest and frank about its goals: None of these parties

[v25_12z] Honest and frank about its goals: Can't say

[v25_13a] I am/might be a member of: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_13b] I am/might be a member of: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_13c] I am/might be a member of: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_13d] I am/might be a member of: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_13k] I am/might be a member of: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_13y] I am/might be a member of: None of these parties

[v25_13z] I am/might be a member of: Can't say

[v25_14a] Capable and effective: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_14b] Capable and effective: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_14c] Capable and effective: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_14d] Capable and effective: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_14k] Capable and effective: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_14y] Capable and effective: None of these parties

[v25_14z] Capable and effective: Can't say

[v25_15a] Increases the feeling of safety among citizens: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_15b] Increases the feeling of safety among citizens: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_15c] Increases the feeling of safety among citizens: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_15d] Increases the feeling of safety among citizens: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_15k] Increases the feeling of safety among citizens: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_15y] Increases the feeling of safety among citizens: None of these parties

[v25_15z] Increases the feeling of safety among citizens: Can't say

[v25_16a] Presents realistic and feasible proposals for the development of Finnish society: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v25_16b] Presents realistic and feasible proposals for the development of Finnish society: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v25_16c] Presents realistic and feasible proposals for the development of Finnish society: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v25_16d] Presents realistic and feasible proposals for the development of Finnish society: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v25_16k] Presents realistic and feasible proposals for the development of Finnish society: Green League (VIHR)

[v25_16y] Presents realistic and feasible proposals for the development of Finnish society: None of these parties

[v25_16z] Presents realistic and feasible proposals for the development of Finnish society: Can't say

[v26a_1] Chairman Esko Aho's significance to the Centre Party of Finland

[v26a_2] Paavo Väyrynen's significance to the Centre Party of Finland

[v26a_3] Eeva Kuuskoski's significance to the Centre Party of Finland

[v26a_4] Chairwoman Anneli Jäätteenmäki's significance to the Centre Party of Finland

[v26b_1] Chairman Ulf Sundqvist's significance to the Social Democratic Party of Finland

[v26b_2] Kalevi Sorsa's significance to the Social Democratic Party of Finland

[v26b_3] Markku Hyvärinen's significance to the Social Democratic Party of Finland

[v26b_4] Chairman Paavo Lipponen's significance to the Social Democratic Party of Finland

[v26c_1] Chairman Pertti Salolainen's significance to the National Coalition Party

[v26c_2] Iiro Viinanen's significance to the National Coalition Party

[v26c_3] Sirpa Pietikäinen's significance to the National Coalition Party

[v26c_4] Chairman Sauli Niinistö's significance to the National Coalition Party

[v26d_1] Chairman Claes Andersson's significance to the Left Alliance

[v26d_2] Kalevi Kivistö's significance to the Left Alliance

[v26d_3] Matti Viialainen's significance to the Left Alliance

[v26d_4] Chairwoman Suvi-Anne Siimes' significance to the Left Alliance

[v26e_1] Chairman Pekka Sauri's significance to the Green League

[v26e_2] Heidi Hautala's significance to the Green League

[v27_1] If the local government elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v27_2] If the local government elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v27_3] If the local government elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v27_4] If the local government elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v27_5] If the local government elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[v27_6] If the local government elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Green League (VIHR)

[v27_7] If the local government elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Christian League of Finland (SKL)

[v27_8] If the local government elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Finnish Rural Party (SMP)

[v27_9] If the local government elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Liberal Party (LKP)

[v27_10] If the local government elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: True Finns (PS)

[v27_11] If the local government elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Reform Group (REM)

[v27b_1] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v27b_2] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v27b_3] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v27b_4] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v27b_5] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[v27b_6] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Green League (VIHR)

[v27b_7] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Christian League of Finland (SKL)

[v27b_8] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Finnish Rural Party (SMP)

[v27b_9] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Liberal Party (LKP)

[v27b_10] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Alliance for Free Finland (VSL)

[v27b_11] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Finnish Pensioners' Party (SEP)

[v27b_12] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Progressive Finnish Party (NUSU)

[v27b_13] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: True Finns (PS)

[v27b_14] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Reform Group (REM)

[v27b_15] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how tempted would you feel to vote for: Christian Democrats in Finland (KD)

[v28_1] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v28_2] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[v28_3] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v28_4] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v28_5] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[v28_6] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Green League (VIHR)

[v28_7] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Christian League of Finland (SKL)

[v28_8] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Finnish Rural Party (SMP)

[v28_9] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Liberal Party (LKP)

[v28_96] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Other party/group

[v28_97] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Wouldn't vote

[v28_98] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Can't say

[v28_99] Which parties do you think you could vote for in the parliamentary elections: Don't want to say

[v29] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party or group would you vote for?

[v29_2] If you could not vote for the candidate of the party you chose in the previous question, which party would be your second choice?

[v29b] If the local government elections were held now, which party or group would you vote for?

[v29c] If the European Parliament elections were held now, which party or group would you vote for?

[v29d] If the parliamentary elections were held now and you had the right to vote, which party or group would you vote for? (15-17-year-olds)

[v30] Respondent's age group

[v30b] Respondent's age group

[v31] Type of location

[v31b] Type of municipality

[v31c] Type of municipality

[v31d] Type of municipality of residence

[v31e] Type of location

[v32] Province of residence

[v32b] Region of residence

[v32c] Province of residence

[v32d] Major region (NUTS2) of residence

[v32e] Region of residence

[v33] Respondent's mother tongue

[v34] Respondent's political orientation on a left-right axis

[v35] Respondent's self-perceived social class

[v36] Respondent's employment status

[v37] How firmly do you support the political party you support nowadays?

[v37b] On the following scale, how firm is your support for the party you support?

[v38_1] Unemployment benefits should be cut to make working more tempting

[v38_2] Parliament, the Government, central organisations of trade unions and employers' federations should work together to achieve moderate collective agreements

[v38_3] I think Finland can increase its national debt if it will improve employment

[v38_4] Social services should be directed mainly to those who really need them

[v38_5] Social services and benefits should be cut and working should be made more rewarding financially

[v38_6] In the next collective agreements, employees should be given considerable wage increases at last

[v38_7] We have to cut down expenditure, even if this were painful, in order to reduce our national debt

[v38_8] To tell the truth, economic depression did not make Finnish employees to suffer too much

[v38_9] If I were unemployed, I would not accept cuts in earnings-related unemployment benefits

[v38_10] To be honest, I'm satisfied with my present standard of living

[v38_11] Parties should concentrate more on promoting the interests of their supporters

[v38_12] Employees should start demanding wage increases because Finnish employers can afford them

[v38_13] Decision-makers who talk about values and long-term objectives appeal to me

[v38_14] The competitiveness of Finnish enterprises should be ensured even if it meant giving up wage increases

[v38_15] There is no need for new political parties/groups since the parties already in Parliament offer enough choice

[v38_16] The Centre Party of Finland and the National Coalition Party should form the Government after the parliamentary elections, if the parties currently in the Government get... (word missing)

[v38_17] Government composition has to be changed even if the parties currently in the Government get as many MPs as they did... (word missing)

[v38_18] The Social Democratic Party of Finland should be in the Government after the parliamentary elections

[v38_19] It would be good if the Centre Party of Finland and the Social Democratic Party of Finland formed the next Government

[v38_20] It would be good if the National Coalition Party and the Social Democratic Party of Finland formed the next Government

[v38_21] It would be desirable that also the Green League participated in the new Government

[v38_22] It would be desirable that also the Left Alliance participated in the new Government

[v38_23] I don't care which parties are in the Government

[v38_24] In the next parliamentary elections I will vote for a candidate, not for a party

[v38_25] In the next parliamentary elections I will vote for some new party or political movement

[v38_26] The party which I support should promote downsizing of the public sector

[v38_27] The party which I support should promote the interests of less developed areas in Finland

[v38_28] In the next parliamentary elections I will vote for an able and competent candidate no matter which party he/she represents

[v38_29] The party which I support should promote reducing income tax rate even if it led to less social security

[v38_30] Decision-makers who talk about concrete issues (e.g. wage level, social and unemployment benefits) appeal to me

[v38_31] Capital income taxation should be at the same level as income taxation

[v38_32] Finnish parliament's position as the highest organ of government should be strenghtened

[v38_33] President's role as the country's political leader should be strenghtened

[v38_34] The decision of the Finnish parliament regarding Finland's EU membership should comply with the results of the referendum

[v38_35] EU membership policy of the party I normally support has been a disappointment to me

[v38_36] I always vote in parliamentary elections

[v38_37] I might consider not voting in the next parliamentary elections

[v38_38] Things are managed well enough in Finland even without my vote

[v38_39] The importance of the European Parliament elections has increased due to changes in the EU and elsewhere in the world

[v38_40] So much has happened in the EU in recent years that my interest in voting in the European Parliament elections has increased

[v38_41] It makes no difference to me or to Finland even if I do not vote in the next European Parliament elections

[v38_42] I would participate in the election campaign of a good candidate if I were asked

[v39] When making your voting decision in the next municipal elections, which will be more important to you, the party or the candidate?

[v39b] When making your voting decision in the next parliamentary elections, which will be more important to you, the party or the candidate?

[v40] Which party or group did you vote for in the last parliamentary elections <in xxxx>?

[v40b] Which party or group did you vote for in the last municipal elections <in xxxx>?

[v40c] Which party would you vote for, if you were obliged to vote for one?

[v41_1] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Ideology of the party

[v41_2] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Family tradition

[v41_3] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Has voted for/supported this party before

[v41_4] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Party has the best candidate(s)

[v41_5] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Capable party chairman

[v41_6] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Party promotes the interests of people like me

[v41_7] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Party leaders are competent

[v41_8] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Performance of party leaders in public

[v41_9] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to protest against the current Government

[v41_10] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to support the current Government

[v41_11] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Party policy concerning Finland's membership in the EU

[v41_12] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to get the economy going

[v41_13] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to cut down public expenditure

[v41_14] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to prevent cuts in social security and unemployment benefits

[v41_15] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to clamp down on national debt

[v41_16] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to protect the nature and environment

[v41_17] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to reduce unemployment

[v41_18] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to lower income taxation

[v41_19] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to see something change in politics

[v41_20] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to make society more competitive and market-oriented

[v41_21] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to make society more equal

[v41_22] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to promote equality between men and women

[v41_23] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to strenghten individualism in Finland

[v41_24] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to increase religiousness and spritituality in Finland

[v41_25] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to oppose the influence of market forces in our society

[v41_26] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to lessen abuse/misuse/corruption in society

[v41_27] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Policies on EU and EMU issues

[v41_28] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to make society more equal

[v41_29] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Party has competent decision-makers in state politics

[v41_30] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Party has competent decision-makers in municipal politics

[v41_31] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Party promotes issues important to my home municipality

[v41_32] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Spur-of-the-moment impulse

[v41_33] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Desire to punish the party I voted for in the previous parliamentary elections

[v41_99] To what extent was your choice of party in question v29 influenced by: Other reason

[v42] How close are your political views to the party or group you chose in question v29?

[v43] How constant is your party support?

[v44] Are you going to vote in the next parliamentary elections?

[v44b] Are you going to vote in the next municipal elections?

[v44c] Are you going to vote in the next European Parliament elections?

[v44d] How certain are you that you will vote in the next European Parliament elections?

[v44e] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how certain are you that you would vote?

[v45] Do you think you will vote in advance or on the election day in the next parliamentary elections?

[v45b] Do you think you will vote in advance or on the election day in the next municipal and European Parliament elections?

[v46] When do you think you will make the final decision about the candidate of which party/group you will vote for?

[v46b] When will you decide who to vote for in the municipal elections?

[v46c] When will you decide who to vote for in the European Parliament elections?

[v47] Have you already chosen your candidate or will you do so only on the election day?

[v48] Respondent's phase of life

[v48b] Respondent's household composition

[v49] What is your attitude towards political advertising on television?

[v50] Have you seen political advertisements on municipal or European Parliament elections on TV during the past week?

[v51_1] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)

[v51_2] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v51_3] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v51_4] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v51_5] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[v51_6] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: Green League (VIHR)

[v51_7] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: Christian League of Finland (SKL)

[v51_8] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: Progressive Finnish Party (NUSU)

[v51_9] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: True Finns (PS)

[v51_10] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: Alternative to EU list (VEU)

[v51_11] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: Other

[v51_12] Has seen advertisements of the following political parties/candidates: Can't say

[v52] Has political advertising concentrated more on issues or on image?

[v53] To what extent have you followed media reporting of the launch of election campaigns of parties/groups?

[v54_1] Has followed election campaign launches: Mostly on TV

[v54_2] Has followed election campaign launches: Mostly in the newspapers

[v54_3] Has followed election campaign launches: Mostly on the radio

[v54_4] Has followed election campaign launches: Somewhere else

[v54_5] Has followed election campaign launches: Can't say

[v55_1] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)

[v55_2] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v55_3] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v55_4] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v55_5] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[v55_6] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: Green League (VIHR)

[v55_7] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: Christian League of Finland (SKL)

[v55_8] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: Progressive Finnish Party (NUSU)

[v55_9] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: True Finns (PS)

[v55_10] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: Alternative to EU list (VEU)

[v55_11] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: Other

[v55_12] Has followed the launch of the election campaign: Can't say

[v56] Let us assume that you are voting in the European Parliament elections. How would you choose your candidate?

[v57] How would you choose your candidate if both the municipal and European Parliament elections were held now?

[v58_1] In the European Parliament elections, my party preference would guide my choice of candidate

[v58_2] In the European Parliament elections, I would punish the party/group I voted for in the last year's parliamentary elections

[v58_3] In the European parliament elections, I would merely choose a good candidate, regardless of which party he/she represents

[v58_4] In the municipal elections I would vote according to my party preference but would not do so in the European Parliament elections

[v59_1] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Aalto Hilkka

[v59_2] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Aaltonen Sami

[v59_3] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Almgren Esko

[v59_4] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Anttila Sirkka-Liisa

[v59_5] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Donner Jörn

[v59_6] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Haaramäki Ossi

[v59_7] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Hakalehto Ilkka

[v59_8] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Hautala Heidi

[v59_9] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Homen Carl-Olof

[v59_10] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Hurskainen Sinikka

[v59_11] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Ilaskivi Raimo

[v59_12] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Ilivitzky Anna

[v59_13] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Iloniemi Jaakko

[v59_14] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Julkunen Petri

[v59_15] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Järvenpää Heikki

[v59_16] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Kaakkuriniemi Tapani

[v59_17] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Kankaanniemi Toimi

[v59_18] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Katajamäki Hannu

[v59_19] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Keskitalo Petri

[v59_20] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Kunnas Tarmo

[v59_21] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Lahesmaa Petri

[v59_22] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Laitalainen Tuulia

[v59_23] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Laurila Ritva

[v59_24] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Leppänen Urpo

[v59_25] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Luukkainen Hannele

[v59_26] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Mannermaa Mika

[v59_27] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Melin Ingvar

[v59_28] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Myller Riitta

[v59_29] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Norrman Ralf

[v59_30] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Ojala Outi

[v59_31] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Paasilinna Reino

[v59_32] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Paasio Pertti

[v59_33] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Piikivi Leena

[v59_34] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Piha Kirsi

[v59_35] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Pohjamo Samuli

[v59_36] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Puska Pekka

[v59_37] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Pykäläinen Tuija-Maaret

[v59_38] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Matikainen-Kallström Marjo

[v59_39] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Rehn Olli

[v59_40] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Rusanen Pirjo

[v59_41] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Ryynänen Mirja

[v59_42] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Rönkä-Nieminen Maija

[v59_43] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Saijonmaa Arja

[v59_44] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Santavuori Ritva

[v59_45] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Sauri Pekka

[v59_46] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Seppänen Esko

[v59_47] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Sirkiä Paavo

[v59_48] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Siuvatti Asser

[v59_49] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Sänkiaho Risto

[v59_50] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Tarkka Jukka

[v59_51] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Toivonen Kyösti

[v59_52] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Turunen Pekka

[v59_53] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Wahlgren Thomas

[v59_54] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Vistbacka Raimo

[v59_55] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Virrankoski Kyösti

[v59_56] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Wuori Matti

[v59_57] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Väyrynen Paavo

[v59_58] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Someone else

[v59_59] Which candidate would you vote for, if the European parliament elections were held now: Can't say/haven't decided

[v60] Did you vote for or against Finland's EU membership in the 1994 referendum?

[v61] Will the upcoming municipal elections have any impact on the next parliamentary elections and therefore on the future government composition?

[v62] In your opinion, Finland's EU membership is...

[v63] Are you for or against Finland's participation in the monetary union, which would mean transferring to a single European currency?

[v64_1] I wish this party would win the parliamentary elections: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v64_2] I wish this party would win the parliamentary elections: Progressive Finnish Party (NUSU)

[v64_3] I wish this party would win the parliamentary elections: True Finns (PS)

[v64_4] I wish this party would win the parliamentary elections: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[v64_5] I wish this party would win the parliamentary elections: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v64_6] I wish this party would win the parliamentary elections: Christian League of Finland (SKP)

[v64_7] I wish this party would win the parliamentary elections: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)

[v64_8] I wish this party would win the parliamentary elections: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v64_9] I wish this party would win the parliamentary elections: Green League (VIHR)

[v65_1] Which of the following is true in your case: You always vote in parliamentary elections

[v65_2] Which of the following is true in your case: You vote in parliamentary elections in case your own interests are at risk

[v65_3] Which of the following is true in your case: You vote in parliamentary elections if the international situation is threatening and insecure

[v65_4] Which of the following is true in your case: You might support a MP candidate financially

[v65_5] Which of the following is true in your case: You might deliver/hand out election campaign brochures of a MP candidate

[v65_6] Which of the following is true in your case: You might participate in the work of a MP candidate support group

[v65_7] Which of the following is true in your case: You might be interested in becoming a candidate in municipal elections, if you found a suitable party

[v65_8] Which of the following is true in your case: You might be interested in becoming a candidate in parliamentary elections, if you found a suitable party

[v65_9] Which of the following is true in your case: None of these

[v65_10] Which of the following is true in your case: Can't say

[v66_1] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If Finland's economy were in bad shape

[v66_2] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If the international situation were insecure and threatening

[v66_3] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If you felt that your own interests (e.g. social security) were threatened

[v66_4] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If parties sent you information about their goals

[v66_5] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If candidates contacted you personally and provided information about their goals and activities

[v66_6] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If it were a close race between the main parties who would win the most votes

[v66_7] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If there were clearly stated alternatives for post-election government composition

[v66_8] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If prime minister candidates were announced prior to the elections

[v66_9] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If compulsory voting were introduced

[v66_10] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If friends and colleagues strongly urged you to vote for an important issue

[v66_11] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If you felt that the interests of employees are threatened

[v66_12] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: If most voluntary/civic organisations urged people to vote

[v66_13] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: Something else

[v66_14] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: None of these

[v66_15] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in parliamentary elections: Can't say

[v66b_1] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: If I got more information on candidates

[v66b_2] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: If I got more information about party goals regarding the election

[v66b_3] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: If I were offered more information on the issues I could influence by voting

[v66b_4] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: If candidates contacted you personally and provided information about their goals and activities

[v66b_5] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: If parties had good candidates

[v66b_6] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: If parties campaigned vigorously and enthuastically

[v66b_7] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: If candidates campaigned enthuastically

[v66b_8] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: If the media provided plenty of background information related to the election

[v66b_9] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: If friends and acquaintances said they were going to vote

[v66b_10] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: If voluntary/civic organisations urged people to vote

[v66b_11] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: If you were asked to participate in the election campaign of a candidate

[v66b_12] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: Something else

[v66b_13] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: None of the above

[v66b_14] Which of the following would increase your willingness to vote in European Parliament elections: Can't say

[v67_1] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Residents' or community association

[v67_2] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Trade union

[v67_3] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Pensioners' organisation

[v67_4] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Charity or aid organisation

[v67_5] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Human rights or peace organisation

[v67_6] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Region or district organisation

[v67_7] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Culture organisation

[v67_8] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Environmental protection/nature/animal protection organisation

[v67_9] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Youth or student organisation

[v67_10] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Region or district association

[v67_11] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Voluntary national defence/reservist organisation

[v67_12] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Cooperative organisation

[v67_13] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Local party organisation

[v67_14] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Temperance organisation

[v67_15] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Social and health care organisation

[v67_16] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Producer or business organisation

[v67_17] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Sport organisation/club

[v67_18] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Other hobby organisation/club

[v67_19] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Parish

[v67_20] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Other religious group or community

[v67_21] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Holds municipal elective office

[v67_22] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: Something else

[v67_23] Respondent's participation in voluntary/civic organisations: None

[v68] How many voluntary/civiv organisations are you a member of?

[v69] Which of the following politicians has worked hardest to make Finland's economy start growing again?

[v70_1] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Fighting racism and zenophopia

[v70_2] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Preventing crime and violence

[v70_3] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Reducing proverty and exclusion

[v70_4] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Protecting the nature and environment

[v70_5] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Protecting social security and job security of employees

[v70_6] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Reducing employment costs of enterprises

[v70_7] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Cutting public expenditure

[v70_8] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Cutting social security and unemployment benefits

[v70_9] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Maintaining the welfare state

[v70_10] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Reducing national debt

[v70_11] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Lowering income taxes

[v70_12] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Boosting employment

[v70_13] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Maintaining credible national defence

[v70_14] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: EU enlargement and changing the modus operandi of the EU

[v70_15] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Reducing regional disparity in Finland

[v70_16] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Ensuring the provision of municipal services (local government services)

[v70_17] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Enhancing the competitive edge of Finnish enterprises

[v70_18] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Reducing urban social problems

[v70_19] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Fighting inflation, preventing price rises

[v70_20] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Securing energy supply

[v70_21] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Privatisation and competitive tendering of public services

[v70_22] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Promoting gender equality

[v70_23] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Reducing unemployment

[v70_24] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Reducing income disparity

[v70_25] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Preventing social security benefit misuse

[v70_26] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Improving Finland's economic situation

[v70_27] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Promoting educational equality

[v70_28] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Increasing affordable housing supply

[v70_29] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Decreasing internal migration

[v70_30] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Preventing employee burn-out

[v70_31] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Improving social and health care services

[v70_32] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Promoting the general wellbeing and adaptation of immigrants and other foreigners

[v70_33] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Increasing the supply of foreign labour

[v70_34] Which of the following goals receive too much and which too little attention in politics: Preparing for population aging (e.g. how to finance pensions and services for the elderly, ensure sufficient labour force supply

[v71] Did you read the booklet, posted to every home, on the constitution reform in Finland?

[v72_1] Have you received information on the new constitution of Finland from some other source: Newspapers

[v72_2] Have you received information on the new constitution of Finland from some other source: Television debates and/or factual programmes

[v72_3] Have you received information on the new constitution of Finland from some other source: Educational institute

[v72_4] Have you received information on the new constitution of Finland from some other source: Some other source

[v72_5] Have you received information on the new constitution of Finland from some other source: Nowhere

[v72_6] Have you received information on the new constitution of Finland from some other source: Can't say

[v73] Did the material delivered to your home encourage you to follow the debate on the new constitution?

[v74] Did the material delivered to your home help you to understand the debate on the new constitution?

[v75] What is your opinion on the importance of the constitution reform?

[v76_1] What is your opinion on the importance of the following main amendments in the constitution: Reducing the powers of the President

[v76_2] What is your opinion on the importance of the following main amendments in the constitution: Improving the basic rights of Finnish citizens

[v77] Do you support any particular political party at the moment?

[v78_1] In your opinion, which parties should participate in the new government after the parliamentary elections: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)

[v78_2] In your opinion, which parties should participate in the new government after the parliamentary elections: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[v78_3] In your opinion, which parties should participate in the new government after the parliamentary elections: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[v78_4] In your opinion, which parties should participate in the new government after the parliamentary elections: Green League (VIHR)

[v78_5] In your opinion, which parties should participate in the new government after the parliamentary elections: Left Alliance (VAS)

[v78_6] In your opinion, which parties should participate in the new government after the parliamentary elections: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[v78_7] In your opinion, which parties should participate in the new government after the parliamentary elections: Christian League of Finland (SKL)

[v78_8] In your opinion, which parties should participate in the new government after the parliamentary elections: True Finns (PS)

[v78_9] In your opinion, which parties should participate in the new government after the parliamentary elections: Can't say

[v79a_1] Tarja Filatov: A capable and competent politician

[v79a_2] Tarja Filatov: Just

[v79a_3] Tarja Filatov: Magnetic and charismatic

[v79a_4] Tarja Filatov: Trustworthy

[v79a_5] Tarja Filatov: A people person/humane

[v79a_6] Tarja Filatov: Pleasant

[v79a_7] Tarja Filatov: Irreproachable and worthy of respect

[v79a_8] Tarja Filatov: Responsible

[v79a_9] Tarja Filatov: Efficient and effective

[v79a_10] Tarja Filatov: Understands the needs of ordinary citizens

[v79a_11] Tarja Filatov: Strong and assertive

[v79a_12] Tarja Filatov: Capable of creating faith in a better tomorrow

[v79a_13] Tarja Filatov: Cooperative and flexible when necessary

[v79a_14] Tarja Filatov: Would make a good Prime Minister

[v79a_15] Tarja Filatov: Able to act in crisis

[v79a_16] Tarja Filatov: Colourful and exuberant

[v79a_17] Tarja Filatov: Persistent and determined

[v79a_18] Tarja Filatov: Safe and stable

[v79a_19] Tarja Filatov: Can make the party more popular

[v79a_20] Tarja Filatov: Modern

[v79a_21] Tarja Filatov: Aloof and distant

[v79a_22] Tarja Filatov: Arrogant

[v79a_23] Tarja Filatov: Cold and unfeeling

[v79a_24] Tarja Filatov: Too flexible and compliant

[v79a_25] Tarja Filatov: Too inconspicious and unmemorable

[v79a_26] Tarja Filatov: Too unknown

[v79a_27] Tarja Filatov: None of the above

[v79a_28] Tarja Filatov: Can't say

[v79b_1] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: A capable and competent politician

[v79b_2] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Just

[v79b_3] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Magnetic and charismatic

[v79b_4] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Trustworthy

[v79b_5] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: A people person/humane

[v79b_6] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Pleasant

[v79b_7] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Irreproachable and worthy of respect

[v79b_8] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Responsible

[v79b_9] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Efficient and effective

[v79b_10] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Understands the needs of ordinary citizens

[v79b_11] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Strong and assertive

[v79b_12] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Capable of creating faith in a better tomorrow

[v79b_13] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Cooperative and flexible when necessary

[v79b_14] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Would make a good Prime Minister

[v79b_15] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Able to act in crisis

[v79b_16] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Colourful and exuberant

[v79b_17] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Persistent and determined

[v79b_18] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Safe and stable

[v79b_19] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Can make the party more popular

[v79b_20] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Modern

[v79b_21] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Aloof and distant

[v79b_22] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Arrogant

[v79b_23] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Cold and unfeeling

[v79b_24] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Too flexible and compliant

[v79b_25] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Too inconspicious and unmemorable

[v79b_26] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Too unknown

[v79b_27] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: None of the above

[v79b_28] Anneli Jäätteenmäki: Can't say

[v79c_1] Eero Heinäluoma: A capable and competent politician

[v79c_2] Eero Heinäluoma: Just

[v79c_3] Eero Heinäluoma: Magnetic and charismatic

[v79c_4] Eero Heinäluoma: Trustworthy

[v79c_5] Eero Heinäluoma: A people person/humane

[v79c_6] Eero Heinäluoma: Pleasant

[v79c_7] Eero Heinäluoma: Irreproachable and worthy of respect

[v79c_8] Eero Heinäluoma: Responsible

[v79c_9] Eero Heinäluoma: Efficient and effective

[v79c_10] Eero Heinäluoma: Understands the needs of ordinary citizens

[v79c_11] Eero Heinäluoma: Strong and assertive

[v79c_12] Eero Heinäluoma: Capable of creating faith in a better tomorrow

[v79c_13] Eero Heinäluoma: Cooperative and flexible when necessary

[v79c_14] Eero Heinäluoma: Would make a good Prime Minister

[v79c_15] Eero Heinäluoma: Able to act in crisis

[v79c_16] Eero Heinäluoma: Colourful and exuberant

[v79c_17] Eero Heinäluoma: Persistent and determined

[v79c_18] Eero Heinäluoma: Safe and stable

[v79c_19] Eero Heinäluoma: Can make the party more popular

[v79c_20] Eero Heinäluoma: Modern

[v79c_21] Eero Heinäluoma: Aloof and distant

[v79c_22] Eero Heinäluoma: Arrogant

[v79c_23] Eero Heinäluoma: Cold and unfeeling

[v79c_24] Eero Heinäluoma: Too flexible and compliant

[v79c_25] Eero Heinäluoma: Too inconspicious and unmemorable

[v79c_26] Eero Heinäluoma: Too unknown

[v79c_27] Eero Heinäluoma: None of the above

[v79c_28] Eero Heinäluoma: Can't say

[v79d_1] Ville Itälä: A capable and competent politician

[v79d_2] Ville Itälä: Just

[v79d_3] Ville Itälä: Magnetic and charismatic

[v79d_4] Ville Itälä: Trustworthy

[v79d_5] Ville Itälä: A people person/humane

[v79d_6] Ville Itälä: Pleasant

[v79d_7] Ville Itälä: Irreproachable and worthy of respect

[v79d_8] Ville Itälä: Responsible

[v79d_9] Ville Itälä: Efficient and effective

[v79d_10] Ville Itälä: Understands the needs of ordinary citizens

[v79d_11] Ville Itälä: Strong and assertive

[v79d_12] Ville Itälä: Capable of creating faith in a better tomorrow

[v79d_13] Ville Itälä: Cooperative and flexible when necessary

[v79d_14] Ville Itälä: Would make a good Prime Minister

[v79d_15] Ville Itälä: Able to act in crisis

[v79d_16] Ville Itälä: Colourful and exuberant

[v79d_17] Ville Itälä: Persistent and determined

[v79d_18] Ville Itälä: Safe and stable

[v79d_19] Ville Itälä: Can make the party more popular

[v79d_20] Ville Itälä: Modern

[v79d_21] Ville Itälä: Aloof and distant

[v79d_22] Ville Itälä: Arrogant

[v79d_23] Ville Itälä: Cold and unfeeling

[v79d_24] Ville Itälä: Too flexible and compliant

[v79d_25] Ville Itälä: Too inconspicious and unmemorable

[v79d_26] Ville Itälä: Too unknown

[v79d_27] Ville Itälä: None of the above

[v79d_28] Ville Itälä: Can't say

[v79e_1] Paavo Lipponen: A capable and competent politician

[v79e_2] Paavo Lipponen: Just

[v79e_3] Paavo Lipponen: Magnetic and charismatic

[v79e_4] Paavo Lipponen: Trustworthy

[v79e_5] Paavo Lipponen: A people person/humane

[v79e_6] Paavo Lipponen: Pleasant

[v79e_7] Paavo Lipponen: Irreproachable and worthy of respect

[v79e_8] Paavo Lipponen: Responsible

[v79e_9] Paavo Lipponen: Efficient and effective

[v79e_10] Paavo Lipponen: Understands the needs of ordinary citizens

[v79e_11] Paavo Lipponen: Strong and assertive

[v79e_12] Paavo Lipponen: Capable of creating faith in a better tomorrow

[v79e_13] Paavo Lipponen: Cooperative and flexible when necessary

[v79e_14] Paavo Lipponen: Would make a good Prime Minister

[v79e_15] Paavo Lipponen: Able to act in crisis

[v79e_16] Paavo Lipponen: Colourful and exuberant

[v79e_17] Paavo Lipponen: Persistent and determined

[v79e_18] Paavo Lipponen: Safe and stable

[v79e_19] Paavo Lipponen: Can make the party more popular

[v79e_20] Paavo Lipponen: Modern

[v79e_21] Paavo Lipponen: Aloof and distant

[v79e_22] Paavo Lipponen: Arrogant

[v79e_23] Paavo Lipponen: Cold and unfeeling

[v79e_24] Paavo Lipponen: Too flexible and compliant

[v79e_25] Paavo Lipponen: Too inconspicious and unmemorable

[v79e_26] Paavo Lipponen: Too unknown

[v79e_27] Paavo Lipponen: None of the above

[v79e_28] Paavo Lipponen: Can't say

[v79f_1] Sinikka Mönkäre: A capable and competent politician

[v79f_2] Sinikka Mönkäre: Just

[v79f_3] Sinikka Mönkäre: Magnetic and charismatic

[v79f_4] Sinikka Mönkäre: Trustworthy

[v79f_5] Sinikka Mönkäre: A people person/humane

[v79f_6] Sinikka Mönkäre: Pleasant

[v79f_7] Sinikka Mönkäre: Irreproachable and worthy of respect

[v79f_8] Sinikka Mönkäre: Responsible

[v79f_9] Sinikka Mönkäre: Efficient and effective

[v79f_10] Sinikka Mönkäre: Understands the needs of ordinary citizens

[v79f_11] Sinikka Mönkäre: Strong and assertive

[v79f_12] Sinikka Mönkäre: Capable of creating faith in a better tomorrow

[v79f_13] Sinikka Mönkäre: Cooperative and flexible when necessary

[v79f_14] Sinikka Mönkäre: Would make a good Prime Minister

[v79f_15] Sinikka Mönkäre: Able to act in crisis

[v79f_16] Sinikka Mönkäre: Colourful and exuberant

[v79f_17] Sinikka Mönkäre: Persistent and determined

[v79f_18] Sinikka Mönkäre: Safe and stable

[v79f_19] Sinikka Mönkäre: Can make the party more popular

[v79f_20] Sinikka Mönkäre: Modern

[v79f_21] Sinikka Mönkäre: Aloof and distant

[v79f_22] Sinikka Mönkäre: Arrogant

[v79f_23] Sinikka Mönkäre: Cold and unfeeling

[v79f_24] Sinikka Mönkäre: Too flexible and compliant

[v79f_25] Sinikka Mönkäre: Too inconspicious and unmemorable

[v79f_26] Sinikka Mönkäre: Too unknown

[v79f_27] Sinikka Mönkäre: None of the above

[v79f_28] Sinikka Mönkäre: Can't say

[v79g_1] Erkki Tuomioja: A capable and competent politician

[v79g_2] Erkki Tuomioja: Just

[v79g_3] Erkki Tuomioja: Magnetic and charismatic

[v79g_4] Erkki Tuomioja: Trustworthy

[v79g_5] Erkki Tuomioja: A people person/humane

[v79g_6] Erkki Tuomioja: Pleasant

[v79g_7] Erkki Tuomioja: Irreproachable and worthy of respect

[v79g_8] Erkki Tuomioja: Responsible

[v79g_9] Erkki Tuomioja: Efficient and effective

[v79g_10] Erkki Tuomioja: Understands the needs of ordinary citizens

[v79g_11] Erkki Tuomioja: Strong and assertive

[v79g_12] Erkki Tuomioja: Capable of creating faith in a better tomorrow

[v79g_13] Erkki Tuomioja: Cooperative and flexible when necessary

[v79g_14] Erkki Tuomioja: Would make a good Prime Minister

[v79g_15] Erkki Tuomioja: Able to act in crisis

[v79g_16] Erkki Tuomioja: Colourful and exuberant

[v79g_17] Erkki Tuomioja: Persistent and determined

[v79g_18] Erkki Tuomioja: Safe and stable

[v79g_19] Erkki Tuomioja: Can make the party more popular

[v79g_20] Erkki Tuomioja: Modern

[v79g_21] Erkki Tuomioja: Aloof and distant

[v79g_22] Erkki Tuomioja: Arrogant

[v79g_23] Erkki Tuomioja: Cold and unfeeling

[v79g_24] Erkki Tuomioja: Too flexible and compliant

[v79g_25] Erkki Tuomioja: Too inconspicious and unmemorable

[v79g_26] Erkki Tuomioja: Too unknown

[v79g_27] Erkki Tuomioja: None of the above

[v79g_28] Erkki Tuomioja: Can't say

[v80_1] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: General competence and capability in political issues

[v80_2] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Fairness

[v80_3] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Magnetism, charisma

[v80_4] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Trustworthiness

[v80_5] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Humanity

[v80_6] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Pleasantness

[v80_7] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Irreproachability

[v80_8] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Sense of responsibility

[v80_9] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Efficiency and effectiveness

[v80_10] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Ability to understand citizen needs

[v80_11] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Strength and assertiveness

[v80_12] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Ability to create faith in a better tomorrow

[v80_13] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Ability to cooperate and be flexible when needed

[v80_14] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Must be well-known

[v80_15] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Ability to act in crisis

[v80_16] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Colourfulness and exuberance

[v80_17] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Persistence and determination

[v80_18] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Safety and stability

[v80_19] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Modernity and smoothness

[v80_20] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: None of the above

[v80_21] What characteristics do you think policy-makers should definitely have: Can't say

[v81] How easy is it for you to find motivation to vote in elections?

[v82_1] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Openness, lack of inhibitions

[v82_2] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Helpfulness, self-sacrifice

[v82_3] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Happiness, lightheartedness

[v82_4] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Enthusiasm, spontaneity

[v82_5] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Self-discipline, systematicness

[v82_6] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Self-assurance, self-esteem

[v82_7] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Logic, rationality

[v82_8] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Excitement-seeking, sense of adventure

[v82_9] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Politeness, good manners

[v82_10] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Desire to experiment, to seek new experiences

[v82_11] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Ambitiousness, goal-oriented

[v82_12] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Obedience, sense of duty

[v82_13] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Critical and questioning attitude

[v82_14] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Enjoyment, seizing the moment

[v82_15] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Perseverance

[v82_16] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Contemplation, profundity

[v82_17] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Independence, self-sufficiency

[v82_18] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Courage, audacity

[v82_19] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Tolerance, broadmindness

[v82_20] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Equality, egalitarianism

[v82_21] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Efficiency, effectiveness

[v82_22] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Emotionality, expressiveness

[v82_23] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Security, stability

[v82_24] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Loyalty, trustworthiness

[v82_25] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: None of the above

[v82_26] Which of the following characteristics guide your life: Can't say

[v83_1] What is your attitude to: Cooperation between non-socialist parties during the second round of presidential elections

[v83_2] What is your attitude to: Lowering the voting age from 18 to 16 in municipal (local government) elections

[v83_3] What is your attitude to: Providing basic services in regional cooperation, and not by each municipality separately

[v83_4] What is your attitude to: Regionalisation of the tasks of government agencies and public bodies, to other regions than the capital area

[v83_5] What is your attitude to: Candidacy of Matti Vanhanen in the presidential elections

[vuosi] Study year

[kuukausi] Study month

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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Aineiston kuvailu on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssin mukaisesti.