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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[q1] The respondent's gender
[q2] The respondent's age
[q4] Number of consecutive years lived in Tampere
[q5] The respondent's household composition/living arrangements
[q6_1] How many children under the age of 17 live in your household?
[q6_2] Year of birth of the respondent's youngest child
[q7] The respondent's education
[q8] The respondent's economic activity and employment status
[q9] If you are unemployed, for how many months have you been continuously unemployed?
[q10] Type of contract
[q11_1] Do you have access to a computer with internet connection? At home
[q11_2] Do you have access to a computer with internet connection? At work or school/educational institution
[q11_3] Do you have access to a computer with internet connection? Somewhere else
[q12] In general, would you say your health is now...
[q13] Do you have any long-standing illness, a chronic condition or disability?
[q14] Does your illness or disability limit your work or daily activities?
[q15_1] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: Coronary artery disease?
[q15_2] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: High blood pressure?
[q15_3] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: High cholestrol level?
[q15_4] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: Overweight or obesity?
[q15_5] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: Asthma?
[q15_6] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: Type 1 diabetes?
[q15_7] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: Type 2 diabetes?
[q15_8] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: Arthrosis in lower extremities?
[q15_9] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: Rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory joint disease?
[q15_10] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: Chronic or recurring back pain?
[q15_11] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: Chronic or recurring neck-shoulder problems?
[q15_12] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: Osteoporosis, possibly with fractures?
[q15_13] Has a doctor diagnosed that you have any of the following: Depression?
[q16_1] Have you had any of the following problems or symptoms recently: Overstrain?
[q16_2] Have you had any of the following problems or symptoms recently: Depression, feeling low?
[q16_3] Have you had any of the following problems or symptoms recently: Tension, anxiety?
[q16_4] Have you had any of the following problems or symptoms recently: Overall fatigue?
[q16_5] Have you had any of the following problems or symptoms recently: Insomnia?
[q16_6] Have you had any of the following problems or symptoms recently: Feeling of loneliness?
[q16_7] Have you had any of the following problems or symptoms recently: Irritability?
[q16_8] Have you had any of the following problems or symptoms recently: Problems with memory?
[q17] Does any of the problems or symptoms you mentioned (question 16) limit your everyday activities?
[q18_1] These days, how well are you able to: Do heavy housework (e.g. spring cleaning)?
[q18_2] These days, how well are you able to: Climb 2-3 flights of stairs without stopping?
[q18_3] These days, how well are you able to: Walk 2 km on a road or street without stopping and without carrying anything?
[q18_4] These days, how well are you able to: Walk 2 km on a road or street without stopping while carrying a 5 kg bag?
[q18_5] These days, how well are you able to: Run a short distance (about 100 m)?
[q18_6] These days, how well are you able to: Run or jog 2 km?
[q18_7] These days, how well are you able to: Kneel or bend?
[q19] How often, on average, do you do physical activities/exercise in your leisure time?
[q20] In your leisure time, how often do you take physical exercise that lasts at least 30 minutes and makes you breathe more heavily and sweat at least a little?
[q21] On average, how many minutes a day do you walk or cycle to get from one place to another (e.g. to go to work or shopping)?
[q22] During the past 12 months, have you discussed the importance of exercise with a doctor or public health nurse or received recommendations to exercise more?
[q23_1] During the past 12 months, have you participated in organised sports activities (e.g. gymnastics or ball game classes, water gymnastics or dance classes)?
[q23_2] What type of organised sports activites have you participated in: Anaerobic exercise/activities (to increase muscle strength)
[q23_3] What type of organised sports activites have you participated in: Aerobic exercise/activities (to increase stamina, endurance)
[q23_4] What type of organised sports activites have you participated in: Team sport
[q24_1] In the last three months: Have you had trouble falling asleep?
[q24_2] In the last three months: How often have you woken up at night and had trouble falling asleep again?
[q24_3] In the last three months: How often have you woken up too early in the morning, unable to fall asleep again?
[q24_4] In the last three months: Have you felt sleepy during the day?
[q25] On average, how many minutes do you sleep in a day (24 hours)?
[q26] On average, how many minutes do you have to sleep in order to feel attentive and active?
[q27_1] During the past 12 months, have you changed or tried to change the following habits for health reasons: Eaten less fat?
[q27_2] During the past 12 months, have you changed or tried to change the following habits for health reasons: Changed the type of fat you eat?
[q27_3] During the past 12 months, have you changed or tried to change the following habits for health reasons: Eaten less salt?
[q27_4] During the past 12 months, have you changed or tried to change the following habits for health reasons: Taken more exercise?
[q27_5] During the past 12 months, have you changed or tried to change the following habits for health reasons: Drunk less alcohol?
[q27_6] During the past 12 months, have you changed or tried to change the following habits for health reasons: Given up smoking?
[q27_7] During the past 12 months, have you changed or tried to change the following habits for health reasons: Dieted (lost weight)?
[q27_8] During the past 12 months, have you changed or tried to change the following habits for health reasons: Eaten more fruit and vegetables?
[q28_1] How tall are you (cm)?
[q28_2] How much do you weigh (kg)?
[q29_1] Did you receive outside help or assistance for the following last year (2004): Household work?
[q29_2] Did you receive outside help or assistance for the following last year (2004): Child care at home?
[q29_3] Did you receive outside help or assistance for the following last year (2004): Shopping or other errands?
[q29_4] Did you receive outside help or assistance for the following last year (2004): Personal care and support at home (e.g. eating, taking medicine)?
[q29_5] Did you receive outside help or assistance for the following last year (2004): When needing transport?
[q30_1] From whom did you receive outside help last year: Family members not living in your household?
[q30_2] From whom did you receive outside help last year: Other relatives?
[q30_3] From whom did you receive outside last year: Friends, acquaintances or neighbours?
[q30_4] From whom did you receive outside help last year: Home services unit of the municipality?
[q30_5] From whom did you receive outside help last year: Parish or voluntary/civic organisation?
[q30_6] From whom did you receive outside help last year: Private home care service provider?
[q31_1] Do you have in your family or close network an aged, disabled or long-term sick person whom you help regularly?
[q31_2] (IF Q31_1=YES) Is the person you help: A family member?
[q31_3] (IF Q31_1=YES) Is the person you help: Other relative?
[q31_4] (IF Q31_1=YES) Is the person you help: A neighbour?
[q31_5] (IF Q31_1=YES) Is the person you help: A friend or acquaintance?
[q31_6] (IF Q31_1=YES) Is the person you help: Someone else?
[q32_1] Did you receive inpatient care in a hospital ward last year (2004)? (Translator note: i.e. admitted to hospital and required to stay overnight or longer)?
[q32_2] (IF Q32_1=YES) For how many days did you stay in hospital as an inpatient?
[q33_1] Did you visit a doctor for an illness last year?
[q33_2] (IF Q33_1=YES) How many times did you visit a doctor?
[q34_1] Did you visit last year: Family doctor (general practitioner, GP) in a municipal health centre
[q34_2] Did you visit last year: Other GP in a health centre
[q34_3] Did you visit last year: Doctor in an occupational health care facility
[q34_4] Did you visit last year: Doctor in a mental health care clinic
[q34_5] Did you visit last year: Doctor in a school or other educational institution
[q34_6] Did you visit last year: Doctor in the Hatanpää emergency health care facility
[q34_7] Did you visit last year: Doctor in the emergency department of the Tampere University Hospital
[q34_8] Did you visit last year: Doctor in a private health care facility
[q34_9] Did you visit last year: Doctor in a specialist clinic in hospital
[q34_10] Did you visit last year: Other doctor
[q34_10a] Did you visit last year: Other doctor, which?
[q35_1] Did you visit a dentist last year?
[q35_2] (IF Q35_1=YES) How many times did you visit a dentist?
[q36_1] Did you visit last year: Dentist in a health centre
[q36_2] Did you visit last year: Dentist in a private dental care facility
[q36_3] Did you visit last year: Other dentist (e.g. in a student health care facility)
[q37_1] Did you visit a nurse or public health nurse for an illness last year?
[q37_2] (IF Q37_1=YES) How many times did you visit a nurse or public health nurse?
[q38_1] Did you visit last year: Nurse/public health nurse in a general practice facility
[q38_2] Did you visit last year: Nurse/public health nurse in a maternity or child health clinic
[q38_3] Did you visit last year: Nurse/public health nurse in an occupational health care facility
[q38_4] Did you visit last year: Nurse/public health nurse in a school or the nurse of other educational institute
[q38_5] Did you visit last year: Nurse/public health nurse in an adult health care clinic
[q38_6] Did you visit last year: Nurse/public health nurse in a mental health care clinic
[q38_7] Did you visit last year: Nurse/public health nurse elsewhere (e.g. diabetes clinic)
[q39] Did you use the telephone counselling (part of health care services) provided by the city of Tampere last year?
[q40] Did you use the Internet counselling (part of health care services) provided by the city of Tampere last year?
[q41_1] (IF USED) How satisfied are you with the services they provided on a scale of 4-10 (where 4 is the lowest)? Telephone counselling
[q41_2] (IF USED) How satisfied are you with the services they provided on a scale of 4-10 (where 4 is the lowest)? Internet counselling
[q42] Did you receive sufficient help or treatment from the health services provided by the city of Tampere last year?
[q43_1] How satisfied are you with the health services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Family doctor in health care centre
[q43_2] How satisfied are you with the health services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Nurse practice in health care centre
[q43_3] How satisfied are you with the health services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Hatanpää emergency health care
[q43_4] How satisfied are you with the health services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Hatanpää special clinic
[q43_5] How satisfied are you with the health services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Mental health care clinic
[q43_6] How satisfied are you with the health services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Maternity clinic
[q43_7] How satisfied are you with the health services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Child care clinic
[q44_1] Did you use the following social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Child day care services
[q44_2] Did you use the following social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Home services for families with children
[q44_3] Did you use the following social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Services for the elderly (home care services, home nursing)
[q44_4] Did you use the following social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Social worker services at social welfare offices
[q44_5] Did you use the following social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Social assistance (minimum income) issues
[q44_6] Did you use the following social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Services for the disabled and developmentally disabled
[q44_7] Did you use the following social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Daytime activities for the elderly (service centres, day centres, clubs)
[q45_1] How satisfied are you with the social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Child day care services
[q45_2] How satisfied are you with the social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Home services for families with children?
[q45_3] How satisfied are you with the social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Services for the elderly (home care services, home nursing)
[q45_4] How satisfied are you with the social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Social worker services at social welfare offices
[q45_5] How satisfied are you with the social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Social assistance (minimum income) issues
[q45_6] How satisfied are you with the social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Services for the disabled
[q45_7] How satisfied are you with the social services provided by the city of Tampere last year: Daytime activities for the elderly (service centres, day centres, clubs)
[q46_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The state and municipalities should be the ones to provide health and social services that citizens need
[q46_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Health and social services provided by private companies should be increased and public services decreased
[q46_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Civic/voluntary organisations and groups should, more than previously, take responsibility for people's well-being
[q46_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Every individual should take responsibility for their own and their relatives' coping and well-being
[q47_1] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements concerning the provision and financing of health and social services provided by Tampere? Health and social services should be put out to tender more than previously
[q47_2] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements concerning the provision and financing of health and social services provided by Tampere? User fees could be increased to ensure the provision of services
[q47_3] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements concerning the provision and financing of health and social services provided by Tampere? Taxes could be increased to ensure the provision of services
[q47_4] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements concerning the provision and financing of health and social services provided by Tampere? Services currently provided by the city ensure that people can grow old safely
[q48_1] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Your personal health
[q48_2] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Personal finances, having enough money to cope
[q48_3] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Fear of violence
[q48_4] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Unemployment or threat of unemployment
[q48_5] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Insecure accommodation, housing conditions
[q48_6] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Substance abuse by a person/persons close to you
[q48_7] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Increased use of alcohol in general
[q48_8] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Indifference of people towards each other
[q48_9] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Illness, health problem or disability of a person close to you
[q48_10] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Workload, stress at work
[q48_11] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Availability of health care services
[q48_12] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Availability of social services
[q48_13] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Loneliness, fear of ending up on your own
[q48_14] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Concern about how you will manage on your own
[q48_15] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: The future of your children or grandchildren
[q48_16] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Finding your place in society
[q48_17] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Something else
[q48_17a] How much do the following cause you concern or feelings of insecurity: Something else, what?
[q49] If you compare your personal safety three years ago to what it is now, has it...
[q50_1] Thinking about your local area, to what extent do you agree or disagree: It is clean and pleasant
[q50_2] Thinking about your local area, to what extent do you agree or disagree: It is unsafe to use roads as a pedestrian
[q50_3] Thinking about your local area, to what extent do you agree or disagree: It is a good environment for children to grow up in
[q50_4] Thinking about your local area, to what extent do you agree or disagree: Everyday services are poor
[q50_5] Thinking about your local area, to what extent do you agree or disagree: There are enough green spaces in the area
[q50_6] Thinking about your local area, to what extent do you agree or disagree: There is too much stench or air pollution in the area
[q50_7] Thinking about your local area, to what extent do you agree or disagree: Inhabitants cooperate actively and have good neighbour relations
[q50_8] Thinking about your local area, to what extent do you agree or disagree: There is too much traffic noise in the area
[q50_9] Thinking about your local area, to what extent do you agree or disagree: Public transport connections are good
[q51] Are you afraid to walk or move about in your local area alone in the evening?
[q52] Were you subjected to violence or frightening threats in your own local area last year (2004)?
[alue] The location of the respondent's place of residence in Tampere
[response] Response to the survey
[netti] Questionnaire used for responding
[piiri] The service area in which the respondent lives