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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[q1_1] The citizens' opinions have not been sufficiently heard in energy decisions
[q1_2] The exceptional weather conditions in the last couple of years (rains, storms, floods, etc.) are a proof of climate change, that is, of the fact that pollution has upset the balance of nature
[q1_3] In Finland, electricity should be an ordinary commodity, and its production, pricing and sales should be freely determined by the market
[q1_4] A large-scale nuclear disaster is so unlikely that there is no need to feel concerned about it
[q1_5] Although solar radiation offers a pollution-free and inexhaustible source of energy, its significant exploitation as solar energy will not be possible for decades
[q1_6] Although free competition is good in business, it is unsuitable for the energy sector which should be governed and controlled by society
[q1_7] Nuclear power produces cheap electricity
[q1_8] Finland does not need any more big power plants
[q1_9] In order to stop the global warming, the use of coal and other fossil fuels should be substantially limited
[q1_10] I am willing to accept a lower standard of living to reduce environmental harm and risks caused by energy production
[q1_11] Fine particles caused by traffic and the use of fuels in industry and power plants pose the greatest health threat in our environment these days
[q1_12] Although wind power is pollution-free, increasing its use would lead to severe environmental harm as windmills would spoil the landscape in large areas
[q1_13] The state and municipalities are better owners for energy companies than profit-seeking investors
[q1_14] Final disposal of nuclear waste in Finnish bedrock is safe
[q1_15] Energy problems cannot be solved just by saving energy
[q1_16] Cheap electricity is a bad thing because it makes saving energy unreasonable and thus causes more strain on the environment
[q1_17] Hydropower should be used as much as possible in electricity production because it is a domestic and renewable energy source
[q1_18] Finland has had good experiences with nuclear power
[q1_19] The amount of electricity needed will be much higher in the future than at present
[q1_20] There is a great risk of getting cancer in the areas surrounding nuclear power plants
[q1_21] The remaining free rapids should not be built due to the changes in the landscape and harmful effects on fishing industry and the environment
[q1_22] If there was a nuclear accident, it would inevitably cause irreversible damage to large areas and a large number of people
[q1_23] These days, there is a sufficient amount of reliable information on energy issues available to everybody
[q1_24] Alternative sources of energy, such as wind and solar power, could be widely utilised in Finland quite soon, if only there was funding for research and development activities related to them
[q1_25] Finnish energy companies act responsibly in environmental issues nowadays
[q1_26] Nuclear waste poses a continuous threat to the future generations
[q1_27] In order to guarantee the sufficiency and safety of energy, the state should retain a sufficiently large ownership and voting rights in energy companies
[q1_28] Our industry must absolutely get cheap electricity in order for it to retain its international competitiveness
[q1_29] Finland's involvement in the common Nordic electricity market guarantees that there will not be a shortage of electricity in Finland
[q1_30] Too many restrictions are imposed on economic and industrial activities on the grounds of nature conservation
[q1_31] Use of nuclear power entails far too many unknown risk factors
[q1_32] Use of nuclear power is justifiable because it reduces the world's dependency on oil and other fossil fuels
[q1_33] Decisions about regulations concerning the safety of nuclear power and nuclear waste should be made jointly at the EU level, not in each member country separately
[q1_34] If the EU were to issue common safety standards on nuclear power, they would promote the safe use of nuclear power also in Finland
[q1_35] Instead of building new power plants, we should promote energy saving
[q1_36] It would be better to keep nuclear waste in intermediate storages and wait for new solutions rather than permanently deposit it in Finnish bedrock
[q1_37] As a consequence of market competition, electricity suppliers strive to better their price competitiveness only by cutting costs, not by developing new methods of producing electricity
[q1_38] The decision not to build the Vuotos reservoir was the right one
[q1_39] A fifth nuclear power plant should be built in Finland
[q1_40] Nuclear power is an environmentally friendly way to produce electricity
[q1_41] The cogeneration of electricity and heat is such an efficient way of making use of energy that using coal and other fossil fuels should also be accepted in the cogeneration process
[q1_42] Using electricity is dangerous because electromagnetic radiation causes cancer
[q1_43] Energy companies should be allowed to decide for themselves which energy sources they use for generating electricity
[q1_44] Increasing the use of wood, peat and other domestic fuels would substantially improve employment
[q1_45] Increasing the use of natural gas would be risky because there are significant uncertainties about its availability and price development
[q1_46] When the fifth nuclear power plant is completed, it will be even safer than the existing plants, which have also proved to be safe as such
[q1_47] New hydroelectric power plants could be built if the dams were equipped with so-called fish ladders to enable fish migration
[q1_48] A sixth power plant should be built in Finland in addition to building a fifth one
[q1_49] Finland should be self-sufficient in its electricity production, without dependency on the economic trends of the global electricity market
[q1_50] Competition in the electricity market has reduced the price of electricity used by my own household
[q1_51] I would be willing to buy clean electricity produced by wind power, even if I had to pay a fifth (20 percent) more compared to the electricity I'm currently using
[q1_52] The authorities have taken good care of the safety control of nuclear power plants in Finland
[q1_53] Now that there have been a few years of experience with the deregulation of the electricity market, the decision can be said to have been successful
[q1_54] As a consequence of stricter emission standards resulting from the Kyoto Protocol, emissionless nuclear electricity will become a good export for Finland
[q2_1] Do you think the production of the following energy alternatives should be increased or decreased: Coal
[q2_2] Do you think the production of the following energy alternatives should be increased or decreased: Peat
[q2_3] Do you think the production of the following energy alternatives should be increased or decreased: Natural gas
[q2_4] Do you think the production of the following energy alternatives should be increased or decreased: Nuclear power
[q2_5] Do you think the production of the following energy alternatives should be increased or decreased: Hydropower
[q2_6] Do you think the production of the following energy alternatives should be increased or decreased: Wood and other bioenergy
[q2_7] Do you think the production of the following energy alternatives should be increased or decreased: Wind power
[q2_8] Do you think the production of the following energy alternatives should be increased or decreased: Oil
[q3_1] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? Ministry of the Environment
[q3_2] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? Ministry of Trade and Industry of Finland/MTI's Energy Department
[q3_3] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? The Finnish Government/top politicians
[q3_4] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? Electric companies
[q3_5] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? Power companies in general
[q3_6] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? Nuclear power companies
[q3_7] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? The Energy Market Authority
[q3_8] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? Associations and organisations in the energy industry (Finergy, Sener etc.)
[q3_9] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? Forest industry, export industry
[q3_10] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation
[q3_11] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? Greenpeace
[q3_12] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? Associations and organisations for environmental protection and nature conservation in general
[q3_13] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? EU environmental officials and agencies
[q3_14] Reliability of information sources regarding the environmental impact, costs and risks of electricity generation options? Researchers and research institutions in the field of energy
[q4_1] How do the following statements correspond to your views? The talk about climate change is not true/the threat has been exaggerated
[q4_2] How do the following statements correspond to your views? Climate change is a real and serious threat that calls for effective measures
[q4_3] How do the following statements correspond to your views? Russia and the USA should soon commit to the Kyoto Protocol
[q4_4] How do the following statements correspond to your views? The EU should not start reducing emissions unilaterally, if the others will not do it
[q4_5] How do the following statements correspond to your views? Finland has good opportunities of benefiting from emissions trading
[q4_6] How do the following statements correspond to your views? Emissions trading causes big problems for Finland
[q4_7] How do the following statements correspond to your views? Emissions trading leads to unfair treatment of Finland
[q4_8] How do the following statements correspond to your views? Beginning emissions trading will increase the price of electricity and costs of living in Finland
[q4_9] How do the following statements correspond to your views? Emissions trading efficiently supports the efforts against climate change
[q4_10] How do the following statements correspond to your views? Emissions trading is nothing but economic tricks that will not reduce emissions at all
[q4_11] How do the following statements correspond to your views? Once emissions trading begins, taxes on energy should be lowered in order to keep the costs of living down
[q4_12] How do the following statements correspond to your views? Emissions trading makes nuclear power an especially profitable way of producing electricity
[q4_13] How do the following statements correspond to your views? Beginning emissions trading should be postponed
[q4_14] How do the following statements correspond to your views? The citizens have not been properly informed about the effects of emissions trading
[bv1] The respondent's gender
[bv2] The respondent's age group
[bv3] Number of inhabitants in the respondent's municipality of residence
[bv4] The respondent's region of residence (NUTS3)
[bv5] The respondent's basic education
[bv6] The respondent's vocational education
[bv7] The respondent's economic activity and occupational status
[bv8] If the parliamentary elections were held now, the candidate of which political party would you vote for?
[bv9] Sample
[bv10] Language of the questionnaire