FSD2502 Public Safety Survey 2009
Valitse muuttuja
Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Bicycle theft
selite/vastausvaihtoehto | arvo | n |
Haven't experienced | 0 | 39499 |
In the neighbourhood | 1 | 3109 |
In the municipality of residence | 2 | 1544 |
Somewhere else | 3 | 388 |
SYSMISS | 1599 | |
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia |
kelvollisten havaintojen lkm | 44540 |
maksimi | 3 |
minimi | 0 |
keskiarvo | .17 |
keskihajonta | .509 |
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