FSD2556 Finnish National Election Studies 2003-2019: combined data

Valitse muuttuja


Kaikki muuttujat

Do you feel you might do or have you done any of the following in the past four years on the Internet or social media? Participate in the activities of some other association online and/or social media


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
I have done this in the past four years 1 209
I have not done this, but I might do 2 604
I would not do this under any circumstances 3 413
Can't say 9 174
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 1400
maksimi 9
minimi 1
keskiarvo 3.02
keskihajonta 2.347

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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