FSD2556 Finnish National Election Studies 2003-2019: combined data
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Kaikki muuttujat
Which of these have you done in the past four years on the Internet or which of these might you do? Discuss politics with family or acquaintances through electronic means of communication (e.g. WhatsApp)
selite/vastausvaihtoehto | arvo | n |
Have done over the past four years | 1 | 234 |
Have not done but might do | 2 | 206 |
Would not do under any circumstances | 3 | 205 |
4 | 85 | |
Can't say | 9 | 0 |
SYSMISS | 6445 | |
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia |
kelvollisten havaintojen lkm | 730 |
maksimi | 4 |
minimi | 1 |
keskiarvo | 2.19 |
keskihajonta | 1.015 |
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