FSD2556 Finnish National Election Studies 2003-2019: combined data

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Kaikki muuttujat

Some people say that no matter who people vote for, it won't make any difference to what happens. Others say that who people vote for can make a big difference to what happens. What would you say?


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
Who people vote for won't make any difference 1 268
2 505
3 1438
4 2203
Who people vote for can make a big difference 5 2659
Don't want to say (spontaneous) 98 19
Can't say (spontaneous) 99 83
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 7175
maksimi 99
minimi 1
keskiarvo 5.27
keskihajonta 11.287

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